Heart Song (The Erotic Rockstar Series) (18 page)

BOOK: Heart Song (The Erotic Rockstar Series)
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“How about you come naked and the girls wear nun outfits.” Chief suggests.

We all burst into a fit of laughter and I shake my head.

“You are a strange man

, what did I say about calling me Father?” He warns, giving me a grin.

“I can’t remember…

“Careful there girl.”

“Or what?” I say putting my hands on my hips.

“You ain’t too old to go over my knee.”

I snort a laugh.

“I am going hom
e before I get myself put over Grandpa’s knee.”

.” He laughs.

guys love you all.”

They all give me a hug, and then Trav drives me back
to my apartment. When we get in he backs me up against the wall and kisses me.

“Best night of my life.”

I smile. “Mine too.”

“Hey, what’s that?”

He lets me go and walks over to the door, where an envelope is lying on the carpet just near the door. He picks it up and opens it, and his face goes slightly pale.

“What is it?” I ask, taking it from his hands.

I read over the writing and my heart comes to an abrupt halt. Shivers break out over my skin and my hand covers my mouth. It is another note from Trav’s crazy obsessed stalker.

I told you, I warned you but you didn’t listen. I won’t ask again. Watch your back Violet, because you may just find a knife in it.



“Mischief, do you remember when you used to sneak over to my place because you couldn’t sleep?” Travis asks, kissing my cheeks as we lay in bed at his house; rain patters down on the roof.

“Hmmmm, yeah, you used to make me feel better. I remember the last time I crawled into your bed, I was fifteen.”

“God yeah, I remember that.”

I slide the window up, and climb through. I can hear Travis lightly
snoring; I swipe away my tears and climb into his bed. He rolls and grips me; he always knows who it is. It feels a little different now though, Travis is a man and I am still just a girl.

“What’s wrong Mischief?”

“I couldn’t sleep.”


“No…I just…well…”

“Spit it out.”

His voice is sleepy and husky, and it sends shivers down my spine.

“Well, I saw you tonight…on the front lawn.”


“You kissed that girl?”

“I kiss girls, you know that.”

“But…you said I would be your first?”

“Is that what this is about? Mischief, you know it means nothing.”



“Will we ever be more than…this?”

“I don’t know, I don’t…”

“Do you want that?”

“You are young Mischief…”

“I know.” I sigh.

“Hey now, don’t go getting all sad on me. You came and woke me up, it better be worth it.”

I grin and leap onto him, beaming down at him.

“I could sing to you?”

He grins. “Nah, I need more.”

“Tickle you?”

“That’s just mean.”

“Oh Trav, don’t make me do it…”

“Mischief, you shit head, don’t.”

I lean down and tickle his chest; he snorts a laugh and throws me off. He rolls over and begins tickling me. I squeal and laugh, kicking out at him.

“Stop it, ok…truce…truce!!”

He lays back down laughing and pulls me into his arms.

“You and I
may never be more than what we are, but I can tell you something…you are the only person on the face of this earth that knows how to make me smile.”

I smile and roll
stroking his hair back.

“Am I still the only person who knows how to make you smile?”

He grins “You and my daughter.”

“Well, fair enough.”

“And…my bean.”

I laugh. “Bean, poor bean.”

He grins. “Bean is going to be one cute kid, you know that right?”

“Of course, if he or she takes after me that is.”

He snorts and rolls over, pinning me to the bed.

“Is that so?”

“It’s so, Mr. Phoenix.”

He leans down and drags me into a deep, hot kiss.
I roll over and straddle him, leaning down to take his lips again. He growls and grips my hips and jerks them over his cock, making me moan. He slides his tongue out and licks my bottom lip, and looks up at me with those fiery grey eyes. I grip his hard length and lift my hips, slowly sliding down onto him.

“Oh fuck.” He moans, his fingers digging into my sides.

I slide up and down, moaning his name quietly. Oh, he feels so amazing. I rock and slide until my body is shuddering with an explosive orgasm. Trav flips me over and positions my legs over his shoulders, then he drives into me so slow and deep; I whimper.


“You feel so fucking good.”

He slides out and slips back in; being careful and making sure he is gentle. His hips rock and his mouth opens slightly; his head is thrown back with ecstasy and I watch as he comes undone above me, murmuring my name while he shoots his release deep inside me. When he stops moving, he slumps down over me and kisses my neck.

“I’m hungry.” He groans, pulling back and laughing.

“Typical male; ruin a romantic moment.”

“You want a romantic
moment baby? Want the rockstar to rock your world?”

I snort a laugh. “You didn’t just say that.”

He grins. “I said that.”

“Shame on you.”

“So, what’s it going to be, pizza?”

My stomach grumbles and he laughs.

“I think that’s a yes from bean.”

“I think you might be right.”

“I’ll go dial.”

He stands and I stare at his beautifully sculpted body, my
God, he is perfect. He leans down and drags a pair of jeans up and over his hips. I watch as he walks out, I lay back and sigh, wondering how the hell I got so damned lucky?



I groan, staring at the food Trav is cooking.

He laughs. “Poor baby, it sucks being pregnant huh?”

“Something like that.”

“So you don’t want any of these pancakes?”

I give him a horrible look and he winks at me.

“You are still beautiful.”

We hear commotion outside then, Chief arguing and yelling at someone. We both stand and walk out. What I see gives me the shivers. I can see Chief first, standing in front of a couple. That couple is Lillian and Jeremy’s parents. I stiffen and flinch when they meet my gaze.

“Please, we want to speak with her.”

“Your son fucked up her life, don’t you dare go in there and ruin it more.”

“We aren’t here to ruin it, please Caden.” Janette, their
Mother, pleads.

“That’s my daughter Janette, she doesn’t need this.”

“It’s ok.” I say, stepping down the stairs.

Chief turns around and stares at me, his eyes are pained.

“Mischief, you don’t have to do this.”

“I do.”

Travis walks down the stairs and glares at the couple.

“Travis…” Peter mutters.

“Why are you here?”

“We wanted to talk with her, it won’t take a

Travis storms down the stairs.

“She has nothing to say to you, she also doesn’t need the guilt to be further pressed into her heart.”

“We aren’t here to do that.”

“It’s ok.” I say again, putting my hand on Trav’s arm.


“It’s ok, let them talk.”

Travis and Chief walk away, but they aren’t happy about it. With wobbly legs, I walk forward and stop in front of Janette and Peter.

“Why are you here?” I ask, my voice hoarse.

Janette fiddles with her hanky and Peter sighs.

“We wanted to talk to you…can we please sit?”

I nod to the porch and the both walk up and take a seat. I sit across from them, and look over, trying hard to contain my emotions.

“What did you want to say?”

Janette sighs.

“We know what Jeremy did to you, and for the first year we hated you for it. Then, we started seeking help and realized something’s. I had to come and speak to you Violet, because I know what you have been living with and I fear we are the only people that can ease that for you.”

“I don’t expect your pity, what I did to Lillian was my fault.”

“No, it wasn’t.”

“Don’t try and turn it around now, you told me to my face that it was my fault your daughter died.”

“That was a hurt, irrational parent speaking. I was raw, I had just lost my daughter and I wanted someone to blame. Violet, what happened with Lillian wasn’t your fault. Yes, you shouldn’t have teased her, but friends tease each other. She didn’t have to do it, and she did. It was a couple of kids playing around, it was a tragic accident.”

I swallow, feeling tears well in my eyes.

“And we want you to know, we don’t blame you for that. How can we? It isn’t right and it isn’t fair. Jeremy was screwed up long before Lillian died, again, we didn’t want to believe it. We wanted to find someone or something to blame for our son doing what he did, but there is no one to blame. Jeremy always had problems; before Lillian died we had him see more mental health workers than we can count. You were just an excuse, a way to end his pain.”

I shudder and cup my face in my hands.

“He shouldn’t have laid a hand on you, and he shouldn’t have taken his own life. I know we can say a million things, and it probably won’t make a difference but to move on we have to forgive. So that is what we came to say, we forgive you Violet and we don’t blame you.”

I am sobbing heavily now, my body shudders and


Janette puts an arm around my shoulder and I break down, I just crumble. I haven’t really crumbled since Jeremy, or even Lillian. Yes, I have cried, screamed but I have never just crumbled. I crumble now. I become so hysterical, I can’t breathe. Janette holds onto me, which she doesn’t have to do and soothes me.

“I am so sorry, I know what you have lived with. It isn’t your fault Violet, sweetheart, we knew you and you would never have hurt Lillian.”

My lungs seize and I gasp for air, Janette rubs my back but I can’t catch my breath. I am hyperventilating. Chief is in front of me in a second gripping my face. Travis is by my side, rubbing my back.

“What did you fucking say to her?” Chief roars.

“I said it wasn’t her fault, that we didn’t blame her…”

“She is finally just letting it go.” Peter says, finally speaking.

“Aw, baby girl…”

“Hey, Mischief, come on baby, you are ok.” Travis soothes.

They sit with me while I tremble and sob, it seems like hours. Finally, when I can manage a few words I croak out that I am ok. I want to tell them I am not crying because Janette and Peter upset me, but because they freed me.



Meet me out back, T x

I stare at the message from Trav. I am just finishing up my work for the day, and wondering why he wants me to meet him out back. With a shrug, I put my phone down on the bench and walk towards the elevator. I press the G floor button and wait while the elevator goes down. I wa
lk past the empty reception desk and out the back.

When I step out,
I look around. I can’t see Trav, squinting my eyes I peer off into the distance. What is he playing at? Then, I feel a hand go over my mouth. It is covered in a cloth, and I breathe in a harsh scent, then everything slowly goes black. I don’t recall anything that happened after that only that I wake in a small, crummy room. I open my eyes and groan.

“You are finally awake.”

Janice? I blink a few times, and when my eyes focus I see Janice sitting at a desk, staring over at me. My heart skips a beat or two, and I wonder what the fuck she is up to.

“What…where are we?”

“That doesn’t matter, all that matters is that you are here and no one knows that.”

I feel my blood run cold. Janice took me? She fucking took me.

“What do you want, why have you got me here?” I croak.

“You know exactly why, didn’t my wa
rnings get through that thick skull of yours?”

I knew it! I knew she was the stalker, all along, I fucking knew it. I should have called her out back then, maybe I wouldn’t be in this mess now if I just listened to my gut. I close my eyes a
moment, keep cool, and don’t piss her off. She is clearly not all there and could easily go crazy on me.

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