Healing Hands (12 page)

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Authors: E.S Hoy

BOOK: Healing Hands
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Chapter 24

The house looked transformed all the interiors had all been freshly painted, new furnishings
everywhere and a lovely new reclining leather sofa in the living area, it all looked beautiful
different shades of blues and aquamarine, with accents of white giving the whole downstairs a
nautical type theme with bold striped drapes either side of the large windows. “Do you like it?”
Marcus was keen to get her reaction, the house had been unloved for years and since he had
found the woman to share it with him he wanted to breathe life into the place and also give them
a fresh start. “Its stunning Marcus I would have decorated it exactly the same way you have done it
looks fabulous” she gushed over all the furnishings and the white washed wood floor.
“not me baby Louisa had her brother designed it all for me he is fabulous he does interior design
but also wedding planning I thought maybe he could help us with ours, I haven't mentioned it for
obvious reasons but I have asked him to join us tonight so you can meet him, he is quite a
character, Bruno he's called I will introduce you later, your mum and my parents are already here,
mums overseeing the food and meddling in the dining room, dad is waiting for us in the office with
your mum she is going over all the media and press coverage that we have missed while in France”
“can we join them I would like to see what’s been happening” Sophie touched his arm gently “yes
of course baby if you think you are up to it” She smiled and nodded, she had noticed a few
journalists outside the gates people knew they were back now so there would be some interest
Diane greeted her daughter with a warm hug “Sophie you look amazing so curvy wow what a
difference a couple of weeks in France has made, Marcus thank you for taking such excellent care
of my girl” she kissed both his cheeks affectionately.
There were magazines and papers spread across the desk a couple of them had shots of Sophie
arriving at the hospital wrapped in the blanket after the attack, they made her feel queasy she sat
on the desk chair to catch her breath, Marcus knelt beside her and held her hand, the headlines
were graphic and dramatic but all seemed to paint Jasper as this cruel monster and her as a brave
warrior who fought back. Sophie was relieved to see no one had mentioned the pictures Duncan
had been sent so that was a huge weight off all of their minds. Diane warned them that the press
would probably not rest until they had a happy ending photo to appease their readers and
suggested we did a Hello Magazine photo shoot featuring the “Gables” and the new Summer
House, Sophie wasn't keen but agreed to think about it. When they had done with the chats
Sophie excused herself to have a bath and prepare for tonight, the guests would be arriving in a
couple of hours and she wanted to be relaxed when they arrived.
Barbee spotted her on her way up the stairs “Sophie honey let me have a cuddle before you
disappear, “She obliged with a hug, Barbee was such a warm effervescent woman you couldn't
help but love her, she let her go and then went back to ordering poor Florence around then roping
Marcus Don and Duncan into some important party tasks, Marcus winked as she left them to it.
The bedroom had also been painted, white washed walls reminded her of France, she ran herself a
bath and arranged her outfit on the bed.
The bath felt wonderful and Sophie sank into the bubbles, she was really excited about telling
everyone their news tonight, even though it was a relatively whirl wind romance she knew
everyone would be happy for them. When her skin was buffed and smoothed she wrapped herself
in a white fluffy robe and sat in front of the mirror to dry her hair, Marcus walked in naked and got
straight into her second hand bath water, and she caught a glimpse of his cute backside on the way
past though and gave him a cheeky whistle. Leaving him to it she went to choose her lingerie
Sophie selected a skin tight lacy black Basque with matching panties the Basque fitted beautifully
and was padded so added even more volume to her already substantial bust, she bent down to
moisturise her legs and felt two warm hands pull her hips into his awaiting erection she gasped as
he teased her entrance with his finger he slid inside circling her and with his thumb pressing her
clit until she was wet then he drove his erection all the way in Sophie stifled a scream but stayed
exactly where she was, it was so sensual the way he had just invaded her no talking just pure
desire, he pounded into her on and on until she shattered into pieces and he followed straight
after with one last thrust, he sat down still inside her and held her in his arms, he hadn't softened
and she was aware that this position sat astride him away was hitting a very sensitive place just
inside, so she rubbed herself against him getting the friction just perfect he freed her breasts from
behind and rolled her nipples between his thumb and finger, she groaned loudly her head leaning
back against his neck as she rubbed herself on his length, he held her hips and assisted her rhythm
pulling her backwards so he pushed deeper then they both exploded in one loud cry pulsing and
trembling his arms wrapped around her nuzzling her neck. “sweetheart that was our appetizer,
tonight I intend to have main course and desert” he slid out of her and picked her up carried her
into the bathroom and sat her on the edge of the basin and washed her with a face cloth, she was
mewling as he rubbed her sensitive folds of skin still swollen and throbbing, he stopped the teasing
and pulled her thighs around his waist and kissed her gently “I love the under wear darling, could
you tell!” she giggled against his mouth I think I may keep it on all the time if it makes you this
horny you perv” he laughed “baby a bin bag would do it as long as I could see your tits through it,
they are my new addiction.”
He lifted her down and smacked her bottom” get dressed wench the guests will be here soon, the
sooner they arrive the sooner we can get back up here for the main event” he grinned
mischievously at her as she left him to have a shave.
Sophie was ready, she was wearing a little black dress strapless and boned so it fitted like a second
skin it was rather short but showed her tanned legs perfectly and had little sparkles all over it
which made it shimmer the sheer bodice curved round her breasts and the lace of her Basque was
just visible, she wore her hair loose and curly large diamanté drop ear rings and a stunning
diamanté choker that drew your eye to her best assets the Black jewelled Jimmy Chu's matched
perfectly. Marcus finished doing his tie in the bathroom then came out to check his future bride
was ready for him, he was stunned as usual at her beauty she looked so sexy tonight he was
transfixed by those breasts they were practically a health risk he would have an aching cock all
night unless he tried to focus his eyes away, he adjusted his trousers and swallowed hard, “baby
you look unbelievable tonight, I will have a job concentrating, come lets go and welcome the
Sophie shyly took his hand feeling nervous this was a big night for her, the end of the nightmare
and the start of a new beginning and new adventures; they held hands and walked down the stairs
both excited for what was to come.

Chapter 25

Sophie and Marcus went straight to the living room and Florence was there laying out nibbles to go
with the wine and champagne, they grabbed a glass of the Moet each and joined their parents,
Diane looked stunning in a pale grey trouser suit her highlighted pixie hair cut had been gelled to
look spiky she had killer heels and a pretty chiffon blouse, her figure was similar to Sophie’s
without the extra cleavage, Barbee was chic in a black shift dress that was full length and
elongated her so she looked taller than her five feet, Don was looking dapper in his tux. Duncan
and Louisa arrived then with Louisa's brother Bruno he squealed with delight at the way the room
was set up he was obviously proud of his handiwork and Florence and he were gushing over each
other, Louisa walked over and hugged us both, Duncan grabbed a drink for them both and joined
the group, Louisa looked smart in skin tight trousers and a colourful long tunic that gave her slight
figure extra volume her black hair smoothed back into a cute chignon, she linked her arm into
Sophie’s, she could sense a real friendship developing between them, she heard another squeal
and Bruno bounded over to her, he was so obviously camp, his tux was sparkly and his bow tie
bright blue his jet black hair slicked into a perfect quiff, he was a stunning creature easily could
pass as a woman his features were so dainty, “my darling you must be Sophie oh you are so cute
what hair and oh my what breasts, Marcus must play with those puppies all the time, I would like a
fondle darling and I’m not a fan of ladies could you tell” Sophie blushed but covered it with a giggle
“Bruno I presume? I guess it’s you I have to compliment on the transformation of the house it is
exquisite you have done a wonderful job” Bruno was delighted with his new friend and proceeded
to talk her ear off for the next half an hour, Charlotte arrived a little later she looked less stable
hand and more lady tonight, she scrubbed up well she wore a floral fifty's style prom dress and
sandals, she had brought her boyfriend Sam he seemed lovely but uncomfortable in his tux, Sally
and her husband Daniel were next to arrive and Sally gave her the biggest hug she looked lovely
tonight in an elegant grey full length gown. Beatrice and Henry were last to arrive, Sophie hadn’t
seen them since the wedding she waltzed in with a new sleek glossy bob and stunning red floor
length gown, she hugged everyone enthusiastically, she had a little cry on Sophie apologising for
not visiting her in hospital and offering her concern, thrilled to see she looked totally recovered
Everyone was together champagne glasses filled except Beatrice who was on lemonade, another
announcement to come there thought Sophie. Marcus cleared his throat “friends and family we
wanted you all here tonight to celebrate the rebirth of The Gables and to recognise the stunning
job my brother his lovely lady Louisa and her brother Bruno have done to restore it to its former
glory, raise your glasses in thanks please” everyone said cheers to the three masters of design “But
that is a side-line of my real reason to bring us all together, while we were away in France I asked
my beautiful Sophie to become my wife and she has agreed but we wanted to wait until we were
back home to make it official,” everyone cheered Sophie noticed tears in their parents eyes even
Beatrice looked thrilled Bruno screamed! Marcus turned to her and produced the ring now sized
and re polished, he placed it on her finger and kissed her unashamedly in front of the whole room.
Nothing but hugs and tears for the happy couple Florence and Samuel joined in the celebrations
then they all headed to the dining room to eat, half way through the meal Beatrice stood up
“ everyone I don't want to steal the happy couples moment but you all keep staring at the fact I am
for once alcohol free, well I'm sure you can guess why, Henry and I are expecting a baby and we
are thrilled” she sat down quickly to loud applause, Barbee burst into tears “oh a baby how lovely I
will be a Nana, its wonderful news, all my children so settled and happy, I would never have
believed this day would come” she was overwhelmed and Florence came to the rescue with a box
of tissues. Beatrice was due end of April next year it would be lovely to have a baby in the family.
The evening passed pleasantly most of the family had retired to bed and friends had left, so just
Duncan and the two of us left up, Sophie excused herself she was tired but was well aware Marcus
was expecting his two course meal, she only just got inside the bedroom door when he marched
up behind her lifted her of her feet shut the door with his foot and proceeded to relieve her of her
dress and shoes, left on her Basque, she returned the favour and left him wearing nothing but his
huge arousal which she took into her hand and tugged him to the bed, for the next two hours they
worshipped each other until they fell exhausted into a very contented sleep.
Next morning quite late they all congregated in the kitchen, Florence had surpassed herself with
their family breakfast, Beatrice looked a bit green and sat hugging a cup of ginger tea away from
the table near the fire to avoid the smell of bacon, she had an ear open to all the discussions
though. Three main things were decided during the brain storming firstly Bruno would help Diane
and Barbee plan the wedding, secondly the wedding would be next July to give Beatrice time to
shed her baby weight, and fourthly Diane was going to try harder to find Saul Ramsay (Sophie’s
dad) it would be wonderful to have him at the wedding if that is he decided to accept them in his
life, he may have a new family and want to have nothing to do with them, Diane was also in charge
of organising a press release to announce their engagement a photo shoot would be set up to go
with the announcement. Sophie decided to ask Charlotte and Louisa to be bridesmaids but
Beatrice to be her maid of honour, Marcus asked Duncan to be best man he accepted with a man
hug, the brothers united for the first time in years Barbee was blubbering again.The house felt
deathly quiet after they had all left, tomorrow Marcus was back to work and Sophie would do her
first day for John down at her new office, they made the most of the early September sun shine
and took the horses out for a ride they rode for over an hour and Sophie could feel her thighs
shaking as she dismounted, Charlotte’s sister Gina took the horses to be untacked and Marcus gave
Sophie a piggy back all the way home, they had a lovely bath together then put on just their robes
and went down for a hearty stew with dumplings in the kitchen enjoying the heat of the aga, the
house stayed cool despite it being warm outside, they had a glass of Pinot and enjoyed being alone
together, Florence had the afternoon off and was holed up in her little cottage annexe off the
garages at the rear of the house. “What do you want to do after dinner?” Marcus opened her robe
a little and slid his hand under her breast, “I think after that ride today my legs may be stuck closed!
Could we watch TV and veg out on the couch and maybe have a snog?” “a snog baby that sounds
like an offer I can't refuse as long as the snog extends to other area's?” he tweaked her nipple
playfully but his robe had parted and she could see exactly what was on his mind so she allowed
him to lift her and carry her to the lounge. They watched Downton Abbey and snogged and yes it
involved more than just mouths.

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