Gods From the Machine (6 page)

BOOK: Gods From the Machine
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4. The Crowned Princes

Nick awoke in a cold sweat. He was back in his room under his soft sheets. His face was faintly warm as he rubbed his eyes open.

What happened?” he muttered.

He had
many recurring dreams, and this one was no exception. However in this particular dream, he always woke up before it progressed too far. It wasn’t until now that he found out who was under the black hood. This time, the hood was removed to reveal that it was actually him, surrounded by mirror images who called him “Agrian,” a name he had never heard before.

You tell me, bud. When we found you, you were about to burst into flames, or at least something close to it,” Matt said. Nick lurched forward to find his friend in his room, leaning against the doorframe. “We had medics in and out of here trying to find out what was happening to you and they all chalked it up to be one big freak fever. They said it was a fever of two hundred degrees to be exact. You scared the hell out of everyone including me. I thought for sure you were going to die. If it wasn’t for Quinn bringing you back, I don’t know what would have happened.”

Where is she?” Nick asked.

Quinn? You know the rules about civilians on base grounds. I sent her home right after she dropped you off. The look on her face though, said she was scared and confused. I take it the date didn’t exactly end as expected?” Matt said.

Whatever gave you that impression?” Nick said sarcastically, rolling onto his stomach. “I had another nightmare. It was different from the ones I have of Susan. This one caused me to flip out…on a date no less. It isn’t normal.”

For what it’s worth, at least you’re safe. But now it’s back to reality, bud. We got to pay our dues to the new transfers from the Fyria Garrison. Peter wants all the troops there in formation and looking our best, so hurry up and get changed.” Matt was already dressed in full knight uniform. His usually messy hair was combed back, looking extra well-groomed for the occasion.  This meant they were most likely going to be broken into their respective fields of expertise.

Garrisons were broken into five subdivisions based after the four Heralds of Creation and the general soldier class. They each had different requirements and functions that worked cohesively together to keep a Garrison running smoothly.

The Brave Unit, named after Zelios, consisted of knights fighting in the frontlines. These knights had to be physically promising as well as having mastered all aspects of a single type of weapon in the Garrison arsenal. This was the hardest unit to gain entry to because the training was very rigorous. It was also the most dangerous, and yielded the highest casualty rate. However, many of those with claims to fame received it from their impressive streak on the battlefield. Those associated with this unit had red patches of the Glenhaven sigil stitched to their combat gear.

The Justice Unit was created for those who proved that they possessed high fighting potential, but to a lesser extent than those from the Brave Unit. They were similarly trained in most aspects, but were only required to master one weapon of their choosing. Most of their training was in the usage of the holy machines
like aircraft, ships, and cannons. They were distinguished by the Glenhaven sigil on a blue patch that represented Yuriel. As a naturally gifted pilot, this was the obvious unit for Matt.

he Wisdom Unit knights displayed higher learning potential than fighting prowess. They were trained for combat, but focused on training knights towards betterment in academia. They were required to pass a series of tests that were an extremely mental challenge. Their ranks consisted of: whitesmiths, historians, researchers, scholars, alchemists, and engineers. These knights were the foundation to the Garrison and were provided with the latest in technological advances and were forging the equipment. This unit was named after Mecurius; the color of their patch was gold.

The Peace
Unit was the final section. It was the only all-female unit. Like the other units they were also trained in combat, but were more focused on acting as support for the Brave and Justice Units. Since Joni had an aversion to killing, this unit suited her strengths nicely. Those involved were trained to become medics, nurses, clerics, healers, and diplomats. Strangely, the name of the Herald involved with the Peace Unit was lost in history long ago, but everyone knew his color symbol was lavender.

The general soldier class consisted of people who were either too young, too unskilled, or did not fit as a knight i
n any of the other classes. The responsibility of this position was doing grunt work like cleaning, cooking, and general errands. They wore olive green uniforms to signify their ineptitude. This was where Nick was ranked.

Forget it. I’m not in the mood. I’m going to stay right here.” Nick pulled the sheets over his face. It wasn’t worth the embarrassment of wearing the uniform.

You’ve been sleeping for the past five days. People are starting to talk,” Matt said. “They say it’s that’s why you’re still a soldier. They say you’re not frontline material.”

I don’t give a damn what the other knights think.”

Obviously, but I worry about you, bud. I’m pretty sure Quinn’s worried too. Who knows, maybe you made a better impression than you thought,” Matt said.

You’re my best friend, but you don’t have to say that. I know I messed up. That was hands-down the worst way to end the night. I don’t know why she would ever want to speak to me again. Not when I’m like a walking time bomb.”

Fine, if that’s how you feel then I won’t give you the number she left for you.” Matt grinned. Nick pulled the blanket off and waving in front of his face was a thin white sheet of paper folded in half. Just before he could snatch it out of his hands, Matt slipped it back into his pocket. “Told you it went better than expected.”

Nick sighed in defeat,
leaned over and grabbed his black jacket that was hung over his chair. Matt made a coughing sound of disapproval.


No casual wear today. Not even your signature jacket. Supreme Commander made it very specific that we all had to wear our official uniforms—said it was important we look like a professional organization. Get ready, and I’ll meet you in the Grand Hall before the speech.”

Nick groaned and grunted as his friend left. He allowed himself a few more minutes of peace, thinking about
Quinn as he stared at the ceiling. He couldn’t stop from grinning however, elated by the surprisingly good news.

Eventually he got out of bed and went to his closet. He dusted off the shoulder pads and gav
e it a few swings to air out the olive green uniform before putting it on. It had been ages since he’d actually worn the traditional garb, so it fit kind of snug on his thighs and upper torso. He didn’t realize that he gained quite a bit of muscle since the last time there was a formal event. After he was done squeezing the last button on, he made his way to the Grand Hall.

The Grand Hall was the meeting point for the soldiers and knights,
also serving as the prime location for most of the indoor group activities. It was also the largest room in the Garrison, and today it was filled with people. Rows and rows of soldiers and knights stood in block sections at the front of their unit’s color-coded banners, facing the central platform where their leader sat behind a podium. Next to Supreme Commander Peter were five chairs, two of them occupied by his archangels: Sir Lucius and Sir Bartholomew. Sir Gabriel wasn’t present at the moment.

Archangels were the second-in-command
after the Supreme Commander. They were in charge of leading the troops into combat. The archangels of this Garrison were known collectively as the Trifecta, and the most fearsome knights in all of Glenhaven. They gained their reputations through their uncanny expertise in their fields and affinity with their angelic ancestors. It was because of their skills that they were granted access to the most coveted holy abilities and secrets.

Gabriel entered the hall; he gave Nick a nod and took his seat among his peers. Gabriel was the only archangel he knew on a personal level, and was also the one most favored by the Supreme Commander. It was never stated as fact, but everyone knew this because he and Peter were always together. Even when missions did not require his assistance, Peter welcomed his opinion. Gabriel had shoulder length black hair that he wore in a ponytail. Despite his hair, he had very masculine features, angular and well-proportioned. He was built like a tank, and carried all the traits of a great warrior. Because of this, Gabriel was arguably the best archangel of the Brave Unit.

found Matt in one of the many rows of the Justice section and got into the space he reserved next to him. He watched and waited patiently for Peter’s announcements. The horn blared, and the last of the remaining knights loitering outside were finally corralled into their formation positions.

Hopefully Pete won’t notice you standing out of section. It looks like they’re about to announce them. Are you excited?” Matt whispered.

Not really. I’d rather be training than wasting time here. So, about that number?”

Oh right.” Matt slapped the paper in his hand. “She seems like a keeper, she called at least twice every day to make sure you were okay.”

Peter approached the podium
, tapped on the microphone a few times to make sure the signal was fine, and cleared his throat to gather everyone’s attention.

Members of my esteemed Garrison, welcome all for this momentous occasion.” Peter smiled. Nick had never seen the old man bare so many teeth before in his life. “Last year was an exceptional year for us all, and once again our city is kept liberated of demons, in part due to the combined efforts of you all. I wish to extend a thank you to each and every one of you for all your skills and services.”

Applause erupted and cheers from the troops echoed throughout the room.

Peter waited a few moments for them to settle down before he continued. “However, the New Year would not be new without a few changes, now would it? I want to present to you all, the two new arrivals from our brothers from Fyria. The first, being Daniel Swift!”

A small boy stepped
from the Brave Unit section of knights and walked to the platform. He had curly, sandy blond hair and a baby face that supported big, round cheeks. Across the bridge of his nose was a group of tiny freckles. Nick couldn’t believe it, this kid was a knight! His cheerful demeanor and dimpled smile suggested he was untarnished by the perils of war. He gave a friendly wave at the crowd, before taking one of the two vacant seats next to the archangels.

He has been chosen by one of our resident archangels, Sir Lucius Crescent, to be his new apprentice!” Peter said. “The first apprentice chosen in over a decade!”

The applause was scattered this time around, many of the soldiers were bitter by his selection.

Sir Lucius Crescent smiled broadly and his blue eyes gleamed with pride in the lights overhead. With his cropped spiked, white blond hair and perfect tan, the man clapped approvingly. Though he was sitting at the moment, it was clear Lucius was a tall and very handsome man. No wonder he was a popular topic among the female knights. Nick had never personally spoken a word to him, but from what Joni had told him, Lucius was a charismatic and charming person who was head of the Wisdom Unit. Not only that, but his uniform was decorated with a multitude of medals, signifying his position as an archangel was well deserved.

Are you serious? I should be apprentice before that guy!” Matt muttered loudly. A few other groans echoed his same sentiments throughout the hall, and soon spurred the room into an angry mob.

That little runt can’t be the next apprentice!”

He’s not even old enough to drive!”

He hasn’t even gone through puberty yet!”

The disgruntled crowd was not very subtle with their displeasure, but they had every
right to act unruly. This entire ceremony was an unorthodox and unnecessary way to gather knights who had dreamed of being an apprentice and effectively slapping them in the face with rejection.

Apprenticeship was a selective honor bestowed by an archange
l of a Garrison to a knight who had shown great promise as both a disciple and on the battlefield. The archangel would mentor them personally, molding them into their future replacements. Judging by his first impression, Daniel had no special qualities; in fact, he seemed much too timid to take on such a role. To the other knights he was the stranger from a different Garrison who usurped their chances at glory. Maybe he had some hidden talents that only the archangels knew about.

QUIET!” a booming voice commanded and the clamoring room became silent.

Nick glanced
at the archangel called Sir Bartholomew “The Fist” Irons, whose intimidating visage and powerful voice quelled the knights in one word. He was known as “The Fist” because his weapon of choice was a giant silver gauntlet made of Thornish steel, which was grafted onto his arm and also functioned as a prosthetic right hand. Like Nick, he was a master of hand-to-hand combat and was said to have crushed the skulls of a thousand demons. He had a thick, square goatee that wrapped around his equally square mouth, but that was the only hair on his body. Scars covered most of his face; combined with his gigantic size it created a figure of pure intimidation. He was known to be the brute of the Trifecta, the physical force behind the two other archangels. Whereas Gabriel was Nick’s ideal image of a knight, Bartholomew carried notoriety as the Brave Unit’s most merciless knight. He was also the only one who did not choose an apprentice, but this didn’t surprise Nick because Bartholomew was not one to work well with others. He stood back, his arms folded, with a permanent scowl on his face.

BOOK: Gods From the Machine
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