Gods From the Machine (5 page)

BOOK: Gods From the Machine
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It’s so beautiful…” Quinn whispered.

It’s amazing at night. To be honest I haven’t been here in such a long time. When Matt and I first found this place, I thought that it would change into one of those spots where kids came to make out.”

What’s wrong with that?” Quinn asked with a flirty grin.

Nothing,” Nick said a bit too quickly. He cleared his throat. “I think a piece of nature as beautiful as this should be given the proper respect.”

I can understand that.”

They became silent for a while and when Nick glanced at her, she seemed to be wrapped
up into her own world. “Is something the matter?”

No, nothing.” She smiled faintly. “Just something I remembered. An old story.”

What is it?” Nick asked, curious as to what she was thinking. He had so many questions for her, so much more he wanted to know.

This was the site where a great battle was once fought, one that caused the loss of many lives. I’m sure you know what I’m talking about. The Frozen Fifty Incident?”

The Frozen Fifty Incident is the reason why it snows all year round here,” Nick said.

That’s one reason. It’s also because of that incident that Orichalon ore was formed here, the same ore whitesmiths use to coat Garrison weapons,” Quinn said.

Orichalon ore were
small, uniform white stones that were shaped like water droplets. They formed on high mountainous regions where the temperatures were low. These stones were especially valuable to the Garrison because they contained holy properties. They were very versatile and could be crushed into powder, melted into liquid, or used to brew potions. One of the main reasons why a Garrison was built in Glenhaven was due to its close proximity to one of their most prized resources.

What exactly happened during the battle here?” Nick said.

Well, the story goes that during the Great War, a demon known as Bergice slayed fifty of the most elite knights singlehandedly. He was cornered at this exact spot where we’re sitting now, and with his power to control ice, he froze fifty soldiers, smashed them into pieces and spread their remains to cover this mountain to mark this as his territory. Because of this, the temperature of Heaven’s Peak remains the same year around as a testament to the cold way they were so brutally massacred.

The worst part is that he’s still out there, hiding somewhere like a coward with his demon brethren,” Quinn continued. “The whole world tries to forget about what those demon monsters have done to us and they think that they won’t reach us behind this barrier. But even with a Holy Shield protecting us, it would be foolish to pretend like none of this happened. I feel when doing so we also forget a part of ourselves. For a brief time the Great War erased our identities.  Every city, every landmark, and everything that made us who we are were taken from us during their reign. For those years that our forefathers stood in servitude of demons, there was a time where we could have lost everything.”

I can’t remember a time when there weren’t any Garrisons,” Nick said. “But that’s just the way the world works. We have to move on and learn from our past.”

Have we really learned anything? Quite frankly all we’ve learned from our past is fear. That’s why we live the way we do. If it wasn’t for the fear they’ve brought upon twice now, then there wouldn’t be a need for Garrisons.”

You seem to forget that Garrisons also brought back hope to those who are scared and defenseless. Humans are more capable than you give them credit for,” Nick said. “Judging from your tone, I think you believe that having a military dedicated to demon extermination isn’t necessary at all. But if there weren’t knights to fight for justice then during the Great War or the Second Coming, you could have just as easily kissed those thoughts goodbye.”

I guess you’re right,” she said.

That being said, I think it’s funny that you managed to overlook one of the key details to that very well-known story,” Nick said.

looked at him, offended. “What did I miss?”

You forgot about the Angel’s Feather. The legend also says that because the angels viewed this atrocity with unbearable sadness, they shed tears from Sanctuary that would eventually become what we know as Orichalon. However, hidden among them is an even rarer stone that forms with ten times the strength of regular Orichalon. The Angel’s Feather. Like this one.” Nick randomly dug his hand into the icy floor and pulled up a large white rock in the shape of a feather.

How did you do that? The odds of finding one are a thousand to one!” Quinn grabbed the stone from his hand.

’s eyes widened as he realized he held the precious stone in his hand. “Wow. That was done entirely by luck. I’ve never thought I’d get the chance to see one in real life!”

An Angel’s Feather,” Quinn said to herself, lost in its beauty. “It also has a very unique story behind it that you may not have heard before. In fact, it’s a story that people from Thorne believe in.”

Keep it.” Nick smiled.

Thanks.” Quinn held the stone above her head, looking at it with one eye closed as if examining it through a microscope. “Normally, Angel’s Feathers are said to be impossible to find. They say if you happen to come across one and you break the stone in half and give one piece to your true love, then your lives become intertwined forever. Something like a soul mate, you know? And nothing, not even death, can keep them apart.”

I didn’t think you were such a firm believer in love,” Nick said.

laughed. “I’m a believer in a lot of things, Nick, but love isn’t one of them. It just doesn’t exist.”

Well, not with that attitude,” Nick said, surprised by her cynicism.

Look, it’s a charming fairytale to be sure, but that’s just it—it only happens in a make-believe story you read to children. Nothing more. Otherwise, how can anyone account for the numbers of people who are separated today? Or for couples, who were once so close, ending up resenting each other after taking their vows?” Quinn said.

Nick chuckled to himself.


I never expected to find a girl who was so down on that concept. A part of me thinks you’re just bitter. Jaded by something that happened to you, am I right?”

had a sad, bittersweet look. “Does it have to be one or the other? Okay, love doctor, what’s your take on it?”

I believe in it now.”

raised a brow, flashing a grin. “Trying to flatter me now? Aren’t you afraid of coming on too strong?”

No, I’m just not afraid of taking chances. I used to be a nonbeliever, just like you,” Nick admitted. “Up until recently.”

What changed your mind?”

Nick shrugged.
“One day it just happened.”

What was her name?” Quinn asked.

Nick shook his head.
“It had nothing to do with me. I was on a mission delivering a special antidote for a small town midway to Hyperion. This woman’s husband was dying after being infected by a cursed plant. The curse put him in a coma and was corrupting him, which caused his body to rapidly deteriorate. There was an extremely high chance he wouldn’t survive. When I had to break the news to her, all she did was nod and hold his hand.”

Then what happened?” Quinn asked.

I got there late. I was sure the man was already dead. Nevertheless, I made the trip to their home in the off chance that maybe it wasn’t too late. To my surprise the man had wakened and was just fine. The doctors were stunned to see he recovered. As I stood there, I overheard his wife ask him how he survived. And he replied, ‘I had to come back to you.’ That’s when I knew that maybe it wasn’t just a fantasy. The power of love could actually heal.”

That’s a nice story, but how often does it happen in real life?” Quinn said.

Not often enough.”

Anyway, it’s getting late. I have an early morning tomorrow. Can you take me home?”

Sure,” Nick said, “I should be getting back too.”

was quiet for the ride through the forest. Her attention was focused on the special Orichalon he gave her. It wasn’t until they reached the city streets that she spoke.

Turn here,” she said, as they passed a streetlight. They drove until they arrived into a desolate side of town, where the houses were all torn down and there was no sign of any other residences. “Make a right there.”

Nick turned into a neighborhood with only one house down at the end of the cul-de-sac. It stoo
d ominously in the dark and he couldn’t shake the irrational belief that it could be haunted. He pulled up to the small cottage, which was probably decades old. Though it was hard to see, he made out the stone-like structure that made up the bulk of the home. Its roof and the sides were all moldy and discolored, which he could distinguish even in the dead of night. However, he saw a blue truck parked perfectly in the center of the driveway. It seemed to fit. Old house, old car.

This one?” Nick couldn’t possibly believe anyone lived in this rundown shack. There were some bushes in the front, which probably gave the place some personality during the day, but the huge walls that wrapped around the perimeter made it appear to be almost like a penitentiary or prison of some sort.

It looks like a total dump, but it’s actually very nice inside. I’ll give you the grand tour one of these days.” Quinn pulled off her seatbelt. She didn’t budge, but merely glanced at her house from the car.



tilted her head in a curious fashion, and he knew what he had to do—what he wanted to do. She had kissed him first, but now it was his turn to take control and be the man. He leaned in, the scent of her hair invited him closer, but before he could make his move, his body swelled with heat.

Nick what’s wrong?”

I feel strange…” Nick said.

was speaking quickly, her voice growing fainter until he could hear her no more. Minutes seemed like hours and the feeling intensified until Nick could barely see or sit straight. It was as if his body was shifting, and the center of gravity was lost. The image of her face blurred, the surroundings became fuzzy and distorted. Nick needed air. He managed to open the latch on the door and step out onto the empty street. He took a few steps, and everything seemed like it was shaking violently. He couldn’t keep his balance; his eyes were getting watery. His throat was parched, inhibiting his ability to speak. His senses were quickly failing him. Nick gasped for air as the last feeling faded from his body. Then he blacked out.

Nick opened his eyes
. “Where am I?” He was standing upright now in an unfamiliar room, surrounded by people he did not know. He was dreaming—he was sure of it. He had been here before, lost in this exact same place. The people all wore black cloaks that covered everything except the lower part of the face. Everyone was silent. There was only the rhythmic sound of a beating drum.

What’s going on? Who are you guys?” Nick asked.

No response. Not even a second glan
ce. It was as if he didn’t exist.

smelled burning in the air: the thick choking scent of ash seeped into his lungs yet it was strangely invigorating. The cloaked figures walked around, carrying flaming torches. They set their torches down to reveal a red carpet that led into another room. He followed the carpet and found more cloaked people chanting, bowing their heads in a prayer to some deity.

What followed was something
he could not believe, but on the wall was a giant framed picture of him wearing a similar cloak without a hood.  Under it was a porcelain bowl with water on a pedestal.

They were chanting now
: “Agrian! Agrian! Agrian!” over and over again. He walked further to examine the bowl and its contents, only to discover his own reflection in the clear water. His eyes were red, burning like a wildfire. They were demon eyes, filled with evil and hatred staring back at him.

He knocked
the bowl onto the floor in shock, shattering it into millions of pieces. The water burst into flames, creating a wall around him, trapping him. The entire congregation rose to their feet in perfect sync. They removed their cloaks, revealing their faces. They were all him! Mirror images, with the same burning crimson eyes that bore into him like daggers! Without another word they converged upon him. Nick could not fight back or resist, only watch as they swallowed him whole, taking him into the deepest recesses of darkness.

BOOK: Gods From the Machine
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