Read Genesis Queen (The Road to Hell Series) Online

Authors: Gracen Miller

Tags: #Book Three of the Road to Hell Series

Genesis Queen (The Road to Hell Series) (34 page)

BOOK: Genesis Queen (The Road to Hell Series)
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“Baby, if I stand between you and him, I might have you exclusively, but you’ll spend the rest of our life together wondering ‘what if.’ Those words are too big to reside between us. I love you and I trust you to make the right choice for you.”

“I want you. You are what I need, who I want.
are the right choice for me.”

“Easy words to say when Micah’s not in here jacking up your libido.”

Her jaw tightened. “Don’t trivialize the commitment I made to you. Even Amos knows I’m with you, calling you Daddy Nix.”

He loved that title, too. It was the closest he’d ever come to being a father, so he embraced his new label. He would take it seriously, just as the name demanded.

“Mads, baby, I know how big a deal it was for you to commit to me. I know you love me or you’d have never said the words.” His thumb traced her bottom lip. “But I cannot make-believe that you didn’t give your heart to Micah first. I need to be certain you’re with me, or he’ll always be between us.”

It looked like a crow scratched grooves into her forehead. “You’re suggesting I sleep with him?”

“No!” Never would he suggest that type of total submission. The dark passions the King could show her were addictive. He knew. To his dismay, he still craved them. A freakin’ straight man who’d gained homosexual tendencies because of his relationship with a demon King in Hell.

Teaching Mads dark passion with Micah would be fantastic

Where had that alarming thought come from? Flashes of Mads sandwiched between them went off like snapshots in his mind. They would paint her face with pleasure, their reward her trembling between them, whimpering until they wrenched multiple screams from her. One orgasm after another until she begged them for a respite. They’d discussed how they’d initiate her into a threesome. Their endgame had always been her pleasure.

Hell’s fantasies held no place in reality…and Mads would never agree anyway.

“Baby, I just want you to be certain which man you want.”

“You didn’t leave me the way Micah has. I can depend on you. I can’t—” Mads trailed off, confusion clouding her eyes.

Interpreting her look couldn’t get easier. She just realized her husband had been a silent type of dependable, but the King had been present, an unknown benefactor that took care of her and he’d come to her rescue when she needed him most.

Just like I did

She’d traded one hero for another. He had to
she wanted him and not Micah, or the doubt would trouble him. No way could Nix remain in a relationship where ghosts of a previous lover haunted them.

“He’s dependable, or he wouldn’t be here protecting you and Amos.
His family

Panic flashed across her face. Why’d he feel responsible for defending her husband’s actions? Because of some messed-up sense of fair play? Micah would laugh at his morals, call him weak and a loser. Only losers played fair, in the King’s estimation.

Keep it real
. He’d never been in a relationship before, but the ache in his chest demanded he know without any doubt she chose him before he could remain with her.

Mads collapsed against him and he wrapped his arms around her. “We’re your family, too.”

“Yes.” Even before she’d made love with him, he’d considered them his family.

She turned her face into the curve of his neck. “I’ve never been this uncertain of my future, Nix.”

He ran his palms along her back. Holding her was a blessing and something he hoped he never took for granted. Jesus, she was the only future his aunt had ever seen for him, and he might lose her.

“My emotions are complicated. I want you so much. I feel safe with you and loved. You make me feel special—”

“You are special, baby.”

“But when I look at Micah, I see a future that could’ve been and a man that meant a lot to me. I want him, yes, but the idea of having sex with him terrifies me. I hated it once before, and I have no reason to suspect anything will be any different if there is a next time.” None of that eliminated the ‘what if’ scenario
feared. “You’re better for me. You keep me honest.”

“You keep yourself honest.” No way would he take the credit for that.

She lifted her head and met his eyes. “Sometimes I think it’d be easier to let whatever’s coming for me kill me. Then I wouldn’t have these future choices to make.”

His caresses ceased and his fingers dug into her hips. “Don’t think like that.”

Mads placed a finger over his mouth. “As sexy as you are all worked up, give your heart a break, Nix. It’s already had enough excitement for one day. Besides, I said I think it, not that I planned to give up. Giving up isn’t in my nature.”

He was damned glad of that.

Her pupils dilated as she ogled his lips. Was she thinking about the way they felt on her body? Teasing her nipples? Kissing between her legs?

She cleared her throat. “Promise me if I end up in Micah’s bed, you’ll be there through it all.”

He almost swallowed his tongue. “Baby, I’d lose my fucking mind if I did that.”


Jesus Christ, if she let him and Micah loose in her bed, to plunder her naïveté without limits…
fuck him
! He wouldn’t ponder the possibilities. Suffice it to say, she wouldn’t be inexperienced long.

He buried his fingers in her hair and cupped the back of her head. “Just watching him get you off would turn me on. It was hot when you fed on our powers together, Mads. And when you made us”—he flicked at glance at her crystal genie, resenting his presence—“you know…hot, baby. Very hot.”

“But you said you didn’t want me with him.” Confusion put an adorable frown on her face.

Sex was one thing, but her tender emotions for her husband rankled. He couldn’t compete against sentiments. “That’s because I’d prefer not to share your emotions. You don’t do sex without intimacy.”

That answer did nothing to alleviate her baffled expression.

“Humans.” Zenny slurred the word as he came off the bed. “I’ve been pushed to my non-nosy brotherly limits.” He approached. Nix kept Mads against his side, enjoying the feel of her body alongside his, as he looked at the immortal. “Madison needs Micah to survive, of that I’ve grown certain over the last two days. I’m confident if you choose Phoenix over him, Micah will still give you his seraph when you need it.”

Zen leveled Nix with an unflinching stare. “Not fighting for her is lame. Let me tell you how Phoenix really feels, Madison.”

“I didn’t lie to her.” He ground his teeth together so hard he was surprised his molars didn’t fracture.

“No, but you didn’t tell her that you’ll be devastated to lose her. You’ll be unsure how to go into a future without her. You worry that you’ll lose your purpose in life without her. Or that you want to cut particular body parts off Beliel at the idea of him touching her. ” Zenny turned to Mads. “Although he
telling the truth about thinking it hot to watch Micah have sex with you. And your tender thoughts toward the King of Hell vex him more than the idea of you sleeping with the man. Strange conflict of emotions.” Zen shook his head. “Once again, I’m baffled by you mortals.”

Mads laid her hand on the immortal’s arm. “I get it. Thanks for clarifying, big brother.” She winked at him, and Zen’s corresponding grin seemed a little more natural than the first time he’d seen one. “I love you, Nix. I can tell you that without any hesitation.”

“I know, baby.”

“Micah’s right that your family is safer with us.” Back to business, that was his Mads. “Getting him not to be a jackass around them will be our biggest dilemma. Do you think you can convince them to stay a little longer? At least until this is settled?”

“Aunt Georgie is a whiz at convincing folks to do things against their will. As Micah suggested, we should move locations.” He squeezed her. “If they found you here once, it’s logical to assume their allies know we’re here.”

Mads nodded. “Which safe-house do you think would provide the best defense, Zen?”

“Either six or one.” The immortal swiped a lock of hair off his forehead. It fell back across his brow. “Six is the biggest.”

With all the folks homed under one roof, they would need the largest space possible.

“Okay. We’ll move there today.” Mads peeked at Nix through her lashes. “Nix has gotta sleep, Zen. He’s drained and he needs to regenerate.”

“I’m fine.” Although her concern felt nice.

“You’re not fine. You’ve got dark rings beneath your eyes, and I know it’s because you gave me too much messian.” She poked him in the belly. “You’re always taking care of me. Let me return the favor. And, Zen….” She faced him. “I still have that Crow feather that she left me when she gave her confession about Nix.”

Five years since Crow swooped into their life and delivered the news of his fall into Hell. He’d discounted the validity of the prophecy and hadn’t thought about Crow since. It felt like a lifetime ago.

“Crow said the feather was a one-time pass for help. I’m thinking it’s time to call in that aid.”

“I don’t know much about Crows, and I’m reluctant to trust her.” That’s what he loved about the immortal. Chances with Mads or Amos’s lives weren’t an option. And he was the best-damned strategist Nix had ever met. “But I can kill anything…except Micah.” A glower hit the immortal’s features, and Nix was glad it wasn’t turned on him.

“I didn’t say anything about trust, Zen. I want answers and my research indicated she cannot lie when the feather is utilized.”

“What research?” He hadn’t been aware she’d done any on the creature.

Mads flashed him a wicked grin. “Georgie.”

He chuckled. “You and my aunt. I’m a little jealous of your relationship with her.”

Rolling her eyes, she hip-bumped him. “You are her favorite nephew.”

“I’m her

“Then you know I’m telling the truth.” The cheeky grin she offered infected him in so many ways. He returned her smile.

How in the world would he go on without her if she picked Micah over him?



Chapter Thirty-Two



“Impressive,” Micah’s awed voice transitioned across the room. “You’re strong for your age. Elias is the only one I know that can create illusions. Not surprising you have some of his talents.”

Madison cringed, hating the thought Amos shared anything with her brother-in-law…powers or genes. God, how she despised that demon.

Two days after the angel attack, Micah helped them discover their demonic mojo. They’d been at it all day, practicing and discovering new talents. Her husband had turned into a sexy drill sergeant, vigor boundless as he issued instructions and commands in tailor-made suits. He expected each order to be followed precisely to the letter, but between his scent, cockiness, and how good he looked in his dressy ensemble, she kept spacing out.

“Channel your power through your breastbone, Amos. Like this.” Not about to miss this instruction, she observed. Micah’s eyes were closed. She could sense he coalesced his energy into one location. His aura spiked jagged, felt like static on her skin, before flattening smooth as he exhaled slow. “Focus on that inner glow of power and imagine it flowing out of you.” Blue orbs rotated in his palm. His eyelids swiveled upward and his gaze flicked to hers.
Making sure I’m watching
. No question, she was impressed.

“Those aren’t an illusion, but it’s the same principle.”

Dear God, pheromones dripped off the man. She’d never have guessed such dominance could be so provocative. The intermittent peeks he sent her way hinted he suspected her mood.

Not hungry, but I’d love to mainline his power twenty-four-seven
. Jesus Christ, her demon had been vocal today. So were her freakin’ hormones.

What would those blue orbs feel like against her flesh? Hot? Cold? A combination of the two?

Can they get me off like a vibrator
? Holy hell, Madison wasn’t addressing that comment by her Lynx.

The orbs might taste like his seraph, so fucking amazing.
. She had to focus on something else. She’d leave if not for the promise she’d made to her son to stay. Magic lessons 101 had turned into Libido Hell lessons 101.

Amos’s energy seemed unlimited and his excitement was obvious. Otherwise, she’d have insisted on ending the lesson already. Her oomph had been tapped out early on. If Micah had kept his hands and his intense gaze off her, she could’ve focused longer. But how could he expect her to pay attention with his tempting vibe melting all over her? The not-so-innocent touches that he claimed were accidental weren’t any help.

“Let me try.” Her child braced his feet and closed his eyes. Her husband squashed the orbs in his hands.

Madison sighed. Oh, well, she’d discovered the ability to give life to plants and seeds. Just add water and a little Madison-power. Instant Miracle-Gro. Huge letdown.

What the hell was that good for anyway?

In an apocalypse, no one we love will starve
. Madison shook her head at Lynx’s realism.

Near her feet, Devlin pounced on FiFi’s back, a growl making him sound fierce. The Hellhounds rolled around on the floor, biting each other and giving high-pitched yips. Cousins to human canines, but so much deadlier.

“I cannot believe you named that hound FiFi.” At Micah’s comment, Madison lifted her gaze to his. Heavy-lidded eyes watched her in a studious nature. She was tempted to give her pinkie to know what he was thinking. “It’s a disgrace to their species.”

Unnerved by craving sexual exploits she shouldn’t want, she shifted in her chair, but no position was comfortable. Madison offered a casual shrug and focused on the dragon Amos had drawn her. “No one will guess her true nature with a name like that.”

“Much like you. Your beauty hides the demon inside.”

With a gasp, her attention zip-lined to him. What a nasty way to remind her she was evil straight to her soul. As if him teaching her how to use her Azura stones wasn’t reminder enough.

BOOK: Genesis Queen (The Road to Hell Series)
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