Genesis Queen (The Road to Hell Series) (30 page)

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Authors: Gracen Miller

Tags: #Book Three of the Road to Hell Series

BOOK: Genesis Queen (The Road to Hell Series)
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“Good idea.” Beliel cleared his throat and went to his knees beside Nix.

Breathe, baby, breathe

Micah’s hand clenched his shoulder. “Tap into my magic to help…save our woman, Phoenix.” The King’s voice shook and his breaths were ragged pants.

Tapping into another’s power had been something he did in Hell. He hadn’t considered he could perform the trick outside the demonic realm. Nix latched onto Micah’s power and yanked, shoving it into Mads. Her husband collapsed onto his hands as if Nix jerked him forward.

He peeked at the King, realizing the fallen’s magic hadn’t been as strong as it should be. “The covenant?”

“Hard at work.” Micah shoved up onto his knees and settled his palm on Nix’s shoulder once more. “You’ll take all of my angel if you need it to revive Madison.”

A second hand landed on his other shoulder and he recognized the new power as Elias’s. “Use mine, as well, Jesus-toy.”

How he hated this particular King, but he wouldn’t shun his aid.

Nix interwove the Kings’ mojos with his and used it to massage Mads’s heart. What was normally a monochromatic layout of a body in his mind with red blotches highlighting the location of an injury…it was nothing like that with her. Inside, she was one gory, wet mess, like she’d taken on a wood chipper and lost.

He cried harder, clenching her too tight and flooding her with everything he had and swigging from the brothers. He’d give her all his fucking messian.

Come back to me, baby
. He refused to believe she’d saved him from Hell only to die a few days later. God couldn’t be that cruel and if He was—

A tiny twitch to her heart. He thrust messian and seraph everywhere, watched her image in his mind shift slowly into the normal varying shades of gray. Optimism bloomed in his chest as he continued to massage her heart and heal her body.

A slow beat surfaced. Relief and weariness sagged his shoulders. Nix kept a hold of her, fearing if he let up, she’d continue the meet and greet with the Grim Reaper.

“She’s healed, Phoenix.” Micah yanked him away by his collar, his angel once again vibrant.

Too weak from spending his magic, he had no energy to protest the fallen angel’s mandate. He cried harder when he witnessed the shallow rising and falling of her chest.

“She needs more than you can give her.” Beliel looked him straight in the eye. “I will never be able to repay you for saving her.”

Nix needed no repayment. Mads was his life. “She’s not had enough.”

“Agreed. But she won’t be receiving it from you. You’ll die if you give her more.” Her husband shifted, cradled Mads in his arms and stood.

“What do you care?” At least she’d be healthy. And Micah would have her all to himself then. He would’ve thought that outcome would please the King.

“She loves you. You won’t die on my watch if I can help it.” When had the archangel gone soft? “Brother, will you bring Phoenix?”

Elias made a half-hearted attempt to lift him. Nix shoved him aside as Micah strode up the steps with Mads. “I can walk, goddamnit.” It’d take willpower, but he’d manage on his own before another man would carry him.

“By all means, walk.” Elias smirked. Nix doubted he’d ever like this particular King.

“Petra is in dire straits.” Zen shuffled the boy higher in his arms. “She’s in severe need of nourishment.”

Couldn’t happen to a better demon
. Guilt plugged him hard for that ungrateful thought. Petra fought to protect Madison and Amos. He owed her a little respect.

“I’ll find her an orgy or three in Hell to feed her.” Eliel went through a portal as Nix pushed to his feet. And swayed. Kur placed a hand on his arm to steady him. He’d forgotten about the dragons. A quick glance over his shoulder made his jaw drop in surprise. The dragons were on one knee, bowing in deference to their Queen. Their demonstration of respect astounded him.

“Come.” Kur jerked him forward by the arm. Nix stumbled, but kept his footing thanks to the dragon. “First-rate job bringing her back, Ark.”

He swallowed past the knot threatening to choke him. The compliments and thanks coming his way from Micah and Kur irritated him. He loved her. He hadn’t saved her for either of them.

I’m being irrational
. He had to get it together. Mads was breathing. Amos was uninjured. His family and Alessa remained safe in the panic room, probably hadn’t even known anything was amiss in the real world. Everything had turned out satisfactory. This time.

Ahead of them, Beliel strode with Mads gripped securely in his arms. Zen had already teleported ahead. The rug tripped him and his knees gave out. Once again, the dragon kept him on his feet.

“You’re weaker than you let on.” The dragon pointed out the unmistakable.

Hello, Commander Obvious

Nix sent him a sidelong peek, but before he could reply, Kur spoke. “Keep your pride. It’s our secret. You served her well today.”

Served her well
? What the fuck did that mean? He wasn’t a goddamn pet. “I love her. She’s my woman.”

“Yes.” Kur halted them in the doorway to Mads’s bedroom. The dragon’s penetrating scrutiny held his. “Don’t delude yourself into believing Madison doesn’t continue to love Micah.”

Not for the first time, he wanted to punch the scaly bastard. But hadn’t he thought the same? And he knew exactly how the King felt toward Mads.

Kur released his arm. Nix grasped the doorjamb for support. “Whatever transpired between you and Micah in Hell, that bond should be used to forge an amicable solution to your three-way relationship. For Madison’s benefit.” He opened his mouth to comment, but Kur talked over him. “It’s obvious you cannot be solely responsible for feeding her. She needs both of you to survive the blight of Lynx.” The dragon motioned to the bedroom. “Square your shoulders, hold your head high, and pretend you’re not one step away from being dead on your feet.”

Nix mustered the energy to enter the room without looking weak, but not because of the dragon’s suggestion. Being pathetic in a room full of immortals would wound his dignity too much.

Micah sat in a chair, holding Mads in his arms. Amos lay sprawled on the bed, slumbering. Nix walked to the boy, sat—collapsed would’ve been a more apt description—on the mattress and slumped against the headboard. He trussed his fingers through the child’s hair, thanking their lucky stars the boy hadn’t suffered any significant injuries. He could fix the minor wound on his neck. A stroke of Nix’s fingertip against the cut healed the laceration.

Kur was right about one thing. Whatever direction they took, had to be for Mads’s benefit. Amos’s, too. They were his future and he
do whatever it took, make any sacrifice required to keep them safe. Even if it meant forfeiting them to Micah. He swallowed past the sudden lump in his throat. It’d kill him to walk away, but no sacrifice was too great where they were concerned.






Genesis Queen


The Key to destiny

Lies within Prophecy

Foretelling of death

Through betrayal, deceit, and mutiny


Strength comes from a mistrusted King

Sacrifices made, bloodshed, and battles ring

Souls tortured

Hope fleeting


In the midst of War

A Queen will rise to the bar

Life begins with love

Igniting like a newly born star


By Kathryn Grimes ~ TSK TSK What to Read



Chapter Twenty-Eight



Micah shifted Madison to straddle his thighs. Just beginning to come around, she rubbed her face against his pectorals and took a deep breath. His scent must have triggered who he was in her mind because she protested with a feeble, “

“Don’t tell me no.” A flick of his finger and his claw sliced through his tie. Easy as a laser beam cut through steel, his talon sliced through the threads holding the buttons to his shirt. Zen used a wet washcloth to clean the blood from her face as Micah wrenched the tattered remains of his shirt open. No need for his entire chest to be exposed. This would suffice. Palming her nape, he met her confused gaze. “I’m trying to help, not take advantage of you.”

That she thought he would take advantage of her in her present state spoke volumes about her low opinion of him. Her outlook chafed, but he’d given her plenty of reasons to expect nothing less from him.

His talon severed the artery on his neck and he tugged her down by the back of her head with his other hand. The moment her tongue touched his blood, she groaned. Not in protest, but immense satisfaction. Madison plastered herself to him and sucked so hard he suspected she’d mark him with a hickey.

“That’s my kitten.” Wings emerged and he leaned forward to free them from the hindrance of the chair. As he embraced her with them, they shimmied and powdered her with blue angel dust. Known more as a means to mark someone as one’s property, the dust would also heal any external injury she might have suffered. He wasn’t taking any chances Phoenix had missed one lesion.

A bubble of seraph enshrouded her, advancing the speed of her healing. She moaned against his neck. The sound vibrated along his body and resulted in an instantaneous hard-on. He’d give his right wing to be thrusting inside her while she fed. A year ago, he would’ve probably taken her without her consent.

Goddamn, Madison had managed to turn a fearsome King of Hell into a fucking pansy chasing her skirts and begging for one smile of approval from her. Could he get more pathetic? Where she was concerned…probably.

“This raid wasn’t commissioned by God.”

Micah stiffened at Zennyo Ryuo’s comment. “Defend Father once more, immortal, and I’ll rip you apart.”

“I am not defending Him, but stating a fact. I gave up my affiliation with Him to

Surprised by the information, he focused on his wife’s friend instead of her suckling, which placed him in a very unpleasant physical state. “That mean you’re now on my side?” The irony.

“I’m on Madison and Amos’s side. If that means we’re sometimes allies because of their affiliation, so be it.”

He grinned. Must’ve been hard for the other man to admit. “We once worked well together, immortal. Tonight was no different. The future can be just as successful.”

A bland expression gave him no clue as to what Zennyo Ryuo really felt. From past experience, he knew the immortal’s emotions ran hotter than most were aware.

Zennyo Ryuo changed the subject as he walked to the window. “If Madison and Amos are dangerous enough to send more than a hundred angels to kill them, He wouldn’t take the chance of failure. He would’ve smote them himself as He has others in the past. As
angels, we both know they could’ve rained fire on us without the need for theatrics.”

He stared at Zennyo Ryuo’s back. As much as he hated to admit it, the immortal’s reasoning was sound.
torched cities on Father’s command. To take the quiet approach, like they had tonight, suggested their father was not the instigator behind the assault.

“He’s allowed Hell to flourish because it serves His purpose. My best guess, He allowed tonight to transpire because it answered questions for Him.”

Micah digested Zennyo Ryuo’s statements. “Meaning Father may now believe they’re dangerous enough to murder?”

“Maybe.” The immortal shrugged. “I cannot fathom His motives.”

He closed his eyes and clenched his teeth as Madison lapped at his throat. His claws sprouted and pierced his palms. She finally went back to suckling, which eased some of his discomfort, but nowhere near enough. “Hate him yet, Zennyo Ryuo?” He was pretty certain his lust was evident in the raspy sound of his voice.

“No. I’m disappointed.”

He understood. “You gave Him everything. Unquestioned loyalty.”
Like I did
. “And He rewarded that faithfulness by turning His back on you.” The immortal’s shoulders tensed. He had hit a nerve. “Believe me, I understand.”

“We all know what it means to make sacrifices for her.” Phoenix sounded tired.

Zennyo Ryuo glanced at the Ark of Heaven and after a moment the immortal nodded. Yes, Micah guessed they did. One had given his soul, the other his purpose in life…all that remained was what would
sacrifice for her?

“Only for Mads would I become Micah’s bitch again.” Tired lines gouged Phoenix’s forehead and turned his eyes drowsy.

A twitch hit Micah’s lips. “You were my best demon, Phoenix, never my bitch.”

“Not a compliment.” Phoenix leaned his head against the headboard and stared at them.

Phoenix might fool the immortal or dragon, but he knew the truth. The Ark excelled at being a demon. Not only that, he’d enjoyed it.

“How’s she coming?” The Ark nodded at Madison.

“Slow, but she’s getting there.”

“It doesn’t drain you to feed her so long?”

“No.” He clenched the arms of the chair as she moved against him, her hard nipples dragging against his chest. “It’s the way she and I were built to work together. I give her what she needs.”

Phoenix looked away, a muscle in his jaw ticking.

“She gives you what in return?” Kur asked that question, watching with interest as Madison fed.

“Whatever she wants.” An evasive answer, but it was Phoenix’s reaction that left him curious enough to ask, “That I can nourish her without affecting me troubles you, Phoenix?”

“It means Zenny was wrong and I never had any hope of fulfilling the requirements of her Lynx.” The Ark of Heaven pinched the bridge of his nose. “We were living in a fantasy all along, weren’t we, Zen?”

“Yes. I feared from the onset that we were. You didn’t see her when she exited Hell.”

“She wanted to return to Hell,” Kur added.

Pleased by what they detailed, it gave Micah hope for the future.

Madison dragged her teeth up his neck. He shuddered and heard the splintering of wood beneath his grip. She shifted to put an arm over his shoulder, tangling her fingers in his hair.

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