Read Genesis in Bloom Online

Authors: Sophie del Mar

Tags: #Menage a Trois (f/f/m), #Menage & More

Genesis in Bloom (8 page)

BOOK: Genesis in Bloom
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"Come here, mister." She took his hand and pulled him toward the bed. "I crave something sweet, and it isn't English toffee."

Chapter 12

Alex's velvet tongue circled her nipple and then his mouth closed over the hard peak. Heat broke over her skin with each insistent tug of his mouth. She needed him so badly, wanted him to take her. She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him towards her, smothering him against her body.

He released her nipple and a crooked smile played across his exquisite mouth. Desire darkened his gaze as he looked at her. "As much as I'd like to drown in your arms, my love, I can't get any closer. Yet you want me closer, don't you?"

An embarrassed flush spread across her cheeks. What was the point in denying it? "I want you closer. I can't get enough of you."

Laughter rumbled inside him as he settled himself between her thighs. He teased her clitoris with the tip of his tongue. She arched her back in response as she tangled her hands in his hair.

"Are you willing to give up this pleasure when our week is over?" The sound of his voice, rough with passion, made her nipples tingle with desire.

"I can't talk about it now," she moaned. "I just want to enjoy it while it lasts."

"It could last forever. It doesn't have to end."

last forever!

No, nothing ever did. He would grow tired of her and find another woman. He would toss her aside, perhaps with a baby in her belly.

"Relax," he whispered. "This is only sex, remember? It doesn't mean a thing. Enjoy it while it lasts."

His words soothed her and she was able to enjoy the feel of his probing tongue. It was slightly rough, like sandpaper against her soft skin. She thrust her hips forward, wanting more, greedy in her desire for the touch of his skin against hers. She felt moisture fill her and wondered if he felt it too, flooding her body and coating his tongue as he lapped it up.

Her breathing came faster as her body pulsed with excitement. This was so good! It was so much better than her encounter with either Sylvie or Captain Murdoch.

Because this time she was in love.

No! Never!
She wasn't in love. It was only sex. Enjoy it while it lasted. She forced the words to take root in her consciousness.

"You're so wet for me." His tongue filled her as it darted about, seeming to be in every secret part of her at once.

"I can hardly stand this," she managed to say.

"Neither can I." With obvious impatience, Alex spread her legs and mounted her. When she felt the thick hardness of him push against her wet entrance, she knew she could die right then. Never had she experienced anything so wonderful. When his cock entered her with a mighty thrust, it felt like pure heaven. She
in heaven, at least for a little while.

She looked up at his sculpted face, as beautiful as a Raphaelite angel.
he an angel who walked among humans?

They slid across the mattress in a dance as old as time. The bed rocked and the headboard slammed against the wall as they mated with unbridled enthusiasm. With each thrust, he penetrated deeper until she was panting like an animal. She was past caring how she appeared, past any embarrassment whatsoever. She bit her lower lip as she moved her hips against his. She grabbed his firm buttocks in her hands and squeezed them. Then she wrapped her legs around his waist. Sweat beaded on his brow as he fucked her with hard strokes. She loved his strength as he moved against her, his roughness, his power. Oh God, she couldn't stand much more.

And then she screamed with joy.

* * * *

"Tell me something about yourself." Her head rested against him as she played with the curly hairs on his chest. She enjoyed listening to the strong beat of his heart.

"Like what?"

"About your life. You know quite a bit about me, but I know nothing of you."

"Ouch, that's my hair you're pulling on."

"Sorry. I was being greedy again."

He gave her a wry smile. "You? Greedy? I can't imagine that."

"Careful. I haven't gotten to the hairs below your waist."

He smiled. "If I tell you about myself, will you promise to leave those hairs alone?"

She giggled. "Perhaps."

"Where to start? Well, I was once in the military." He found himself telling her of his life as an army officer, of the demands made on him by his parents.

"Is that what it's like to be born into an aristocratic family?"

He nodded. "It's all about duty, honor, responsibility. Sometimes I felt those words were tattooed on my forehead."

"Hmm, it does sound awful."

"Not awful." He smiled as he remembered. "There was also wealth and privilege. I don't have much to complain about in that regard."

"Have you ever been married?"

"No, but—" He hesitated, not wanting to reveal more, not yet.

"But what?"

He rolled over and faced the dresser where the two crystal vases sat side by side. The first batch of roses was already wilting. A single scarlet petal fell from the stem and joined the others piled on the dresser. Soon she would throw them out. Just as she would rid herself of him eventually.

"I'm tired," he said. "Perhaps we can talk later."

She sat up. "Very well."

"Don't leave." He turned to face her. "Stay with me."

"You can't expect me to stay in bed all day. It's not like we're on our honeymoon."

He frowned. "If only we were."

She lay back down. "I'll stay a little longer, but I'm getting hungry. Aren't you?"

"The only thing I hunger for is your body." He rolled on top of her and playfully nibbled on her throat.

"Get off me, you beast!" She giggled as she hit him with a pillow until he released her.

"Seriously though, I'm starving." She rubbed her flat stomach. "Shall I call down to the kitchen and order some dinner?"

"I have a better idea. I'm taking you out on the town tonight."

She clapped her hands together. "Really? Do you mean it?"

"Of course. I know the perfect restaurant."

Chapter 13

"You'll be the most beautiful woman in the restaurant tonight." Alex kissed the back of her neck as Genesis adjusted her necklace in the mirror. His hands on her shoulders bespoke an intimacy between them which didn't exist, as if they had a real relationship and he wasn't merely paying her for sex.

That thought saddened her, and she turned away from her reflection.

The longer she spent with Alex, the harder it was to imagine her life without him. Things were becoming complicated, and she foresaw heartache when the time came for them to go their separate ways.

She came to a decision. After dinner, she would tell him not to come to her room again. Her life was spiraling out of control, and it was time to put an end to this destructive relationship. Many more nights with this gorgeous man and she would never be able to leave him.

* * * *

Alex watched the expressions play across her face as the maitre'd led them through the restaurant. He had chosen
La Maison de Conte de Fées
, which literally meant "The House of Fairytales," because he knew Genesis would be charmed by the colorful, mural-covered walls. Each mural depicted a scene from a different fairytale. There was Sleeping Beauty awakening after a kiss from the prince. Across another mural, Cinderella danced with her own handsome prince at the ball. Genesis studied every scene, her face as rapt as a child's on Christmas morning.

"This place is magical!" Her eyes sparkled under the soft glow of the chandelier. "Thank you for bringing me here."

Alex held the chair for her as the maitre'd departed.

When they were seated across from each other, he said, "Did you notice the mural depicting Sleeping Beauty?"


"That's how I see you. As Sleeping Beauty awaiting the right man to bring you to vibrant, sensuous life."

She looked at him for a long moment and then sighed. "Except life isn't a fairytale, is it?"

He put his hand on hers. "What's troubling you?"

She shook her head but didn't answer. He didn't press the issue, sensing her reluctance to speak about her feelings. The restaurant was famous for its rich cuisine and they feasted on Boeuf Bourguignon and Gratin Dauphinois. Alex liked the way she savored and enjoyed her meal. They declined dessert, and then walked around the entire restaurant so she could study the murals a second time.

"I shall bring you here again. Then you can see any detail you might have missed." He was impatient to get back to the brothel and back into her bed.

As they walked toward the exit, she seemed quiet and subdued. He wondered if she might be feeling ill, yet her cheeks were flushed and her eyes bright. Maybe a bit too bright.

Like a stab from a sharp, piercing blade, he remembered the last time he had seen Anna. She had also looked ill. If only he had—

He pushed the memory away from him. Was he destined to bring misery to every woman he cared for? His shoulders slumped as he watched her tense face and unsmiling expression. For awhile, she had seemed happy. Now melancholy touched her delicate features. He held to the hope that perhaps her thoughts had nothing to do with him.

"Baron Kristovsky is having his annual summer ball tonight. Would you care to attend?" he asked hopefully. "There will be waltzing, and I desire nothing more than to hold you in my arms while we have our dance."

* * * *

Genesis imagined the two of them together on the dance floor, his powerful arms around her as he held her against his broad chest. Heat filled her body and her pussy dripped with moisture at the thought.

Then she remembered her resolve. Why prolong this sweet agony when every second in his company made it that much harder to leave him? Because she
leave him before he left her.

"If you don't mind, I'd prefer to go back to my room." She pulled a lie out of thin air. "I feel my menstrual cycle about to start, so perhaps we can call it an early night."

His face darkened with disappointment, and she almost changed her mind.

Then he gave her one of his devastating smiles. "I shall be content to massage your back while you rest. Would you like that?"

Would she like it?
She wanted him in her bed for the rest of her life. Her willpower weakened, but not enough to change her mind.

"I think I'd like to be alone if you don't mind. I'm not feeling up to company."

"Oh, I see." He didn't hide his dejection, and she loved him all the more for it.

She felt her self-discipline crumbling under his devastating emerald gaze. "Perhaps we could—"

Suddenly, a voice intruded into their conversation. "Miss Kelly, what a delightful surprise."

A well-dressed man stood at the entrance to the restaurant and she recognized him as Lord Armbruster, one of her former suitors.

She extended her hand. "Hello Lord Armbruster, it's a pleasure to see you again. What brings you to Paris?"

He bent forward and kissed her hand. "Family finances on this side of the channel. All rather boring I'm afraid." He gave her a speculative glance. "I haven't seen you since your father's funeral. How have you been?"

"I've been well. Thank you for asking."

"I'd like to see you while I'm visiting relatives." His dark gaze held hers. "Are you staying with friends in Paris?"

Genesis found herself at a loss to explain her presence in the city. Panic set in as her mind went blank and she couldn't concoct even the most feeble lie.

Alex stepped forward and placed an arm around her waist. He introduced himself to the other man and then said, "Perhaps some evening you will join my fiancée and I for dinner at my estate."

Armbruster's face clouded with confusion as he looked at Genesis. "I hadn't heard you were engaged. Surely this is a recent development?"

"We've known each other for some time," Alex said smoothly. "I'd like to think her father would be pleased with our engagement. After all, his little girl meant everything to him."

His gaze held such love and concern, Genesis almost believed the fabrication.

"Well then, congratulations are in order." Lord Armbruster frowned as he sized up Alex. "You're certainly a lucky man, for many have vied for Miss Kelly's hand."

Genesis wished for nothing more than to escape the restaurant and find a corner to hide. She was unable to breath, suffocated under a mountain of lies.

* * * *

"Thank you for helping me out of an awkward situation," she said politely, and then settled into silence as their carriage traveled across the city. Alex wasn't sure what to say to her in this mood, so he remained silent as well. But as the magnificent Notre Dame cathedral came into view, he felt it was time to confide in her about his past.

"You asked me if I was ever married," he said quietly.

She turned to look at him. "Yes."

"I haven't been married, but I was once in an intense relationship." He closed his eyes and rested his head against the leather seat. "Her name was Anna and we had a passionate affair. Her husband was wealthy and a much older man. When he found out about us, he made her choose between her son and me."

Alex winced as memories churned to the surface of his mind like long-submerged pond sludge. Suddenly he felt ill, and wished he had never brought up the subject.

"He made her choose," she said quietly.

"Yes, and she chose me. She missed her son each day, but wasn't allowed to see him. Her husband wouldn't consent to a divorce so she was trapped, shunned by society, and without the support of family and friends."

Genesis looked at him with large, luminous eyes. "What happened to her?"

"She—" His voice broke. "She killed herself."

She put a hand on his arm. "I'm so sorry. How you must have suffered."

He couldn't control the tears which slid down his cheeks. Impatiently, he wiped them away. "I've always felt it was my fault. You see, I took her without any thought to the consequences. I destroyed her life."

"No." She shook her head vigorously. "Anna chose to end her life. You didn't kill her."

"How do you know that?"

BOOK: Genesis in Bloom
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