Read Genesis in Bloom Online

Authors: Sophie del Mar

Tags: #Menage a Trois (f/f/m), #Menage & More

Genesis in Bloom (4 page)

BOOK: Genesis in Bloom
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Alex reached for his belt and unbuckled it. Suddenly, she felt shy and a blush crept up her throat. She looked away from his stimulating presence. "Would you turn off the light? It's a bit bright in here."

"I prefer it that way," he said. "I want to be able to see your beautiful eyes while I fuck you. And I want you to see me."

Genesis risked a glance at him and was rewarded with her first look at his naked body. She had been right in her estimation for he did resemble the nude statue of a Greek god. Her hungry gaze slid down to the dark hairs which dusted his thigh and the thick organ which stood at attention between his legs. It was so huge! Was she supposed to take this into her body? Still, she couldn't help but admire every inch of him, from his silky, black lashes to his long, finely-muscled legs.

His voice was deep and hypnotic. "Wouldn't you rather have the lights on?"

The tingling which began between her legs spread to every cell in her body. "Yes, by all means."

He sat down on the bed and she instinctively moved to the furthest edge of the mattress.

His gaze caught and held hers. "Do you think I bite?"

"Of course not."

"Then I'd prefer you stretched out across my chest."

Her blood ran warm in her veins. Warm hell. It was positively boiling! After looking at the pictures in the erotic novel, Genesis had discovered sexual positions she'd never thought possible between two people. She had the desire to try some of those positions with Alex.

As if reading her mind, he said, "Do you think the chambermaid enjoyed her employer's mouth on her pussy? Do you think she enjoyed him probing her most intimate parts with his tongue?"

Her body pulsed with excitement. "I think she enjoyed it very much."

His finger brushed against her hard nipple and then pinched it. "And how would you feel, Miss Genesis, if I was the employer who seduced you? Would you like my tongue buried inside your pussy as I licked you until you screamed with pleasure?"

Her nipples tightened with desire. She craved his cock between her thighs, and her pussy throbbed with the need to feel him inside her.

Her breathing came hard and fast, her heartbeat a rapid, heavy thump in her chest. She spread her legs and gave him an enticing look. "I don't know about the chambermaid, but I want you inside me now. I can't think of anything I'd enjoy more."

The words were out of her mouth and she couldn't take them back. She was being honest about her feelings because nothing would please her more than to experience her first taste of lovemaking with him. Alex was her ideal man, exactly the sort of heroic figure she had always dreamed of while reading stories of highwaymen and pirates.

He cleared his throat as his hand cupped her breast. "I confess I find myself a bit nervous."

She grinned. "Why? Is this your first time with a woman?"

He laughed. "What I meant was I've never shared a bed with a woman so beautiful, so graceful, so exquisite. I fear my performance won't live up to your expectations."

"I'm sure you'll exceed every expectation I have."

"You flatter me. I feel I should kiss your feet for the opportunity to spend an evening with you."

"Perhaps I'll allow you to kiss my feet later this evening."

His smile was seductive. "You're a saucy little beauty, aren't you?"

"You bring out the sauciness in me."

"And you bring out the lust in me."

Alex straddled her and pinned her wrists to the bed. He kissed one firm nipple and then the other as his tongue licked the stiff peaks. He moved to kiss her lips and his chest hair rubbed against her taut, aching nipples. She lifted her hips in a silent plea for his body.

He poised himself between her legs and then thrust himself into her. He met resistance and Genesis bit her lip as pain engulfed her. She closed her eyes and turned away so he wouldn't see the tears.

"Look at me." His voice was authoritative and brooked no argument. She opened her eyes and looked at him through a shimmer of tears.

"Why didn't you tell me you were a virgin?"


"What sort of game are you playing?"

"I'm not playing a game. I planned to work here, but I haven't had any customers yet. You're my first."

"Who just happened to stumble into your room by mistake?"


He kissed her forehead. "I'm sorry I hurt you, but you should've told me. I just assumed—"

"You didn't really hurt me that much."

He stroked her breast. "Soon it will stop hurting and you'll begin to enjoy it. And the next time it will be even better."

She nodded.

"I need to move now," he said softly. "I need to thrust, but I'll try not to hurt you."

He began to move inside her with fluid, rhythmic thrusts. After awhile, she no longer felt pain but writhed beneath him as her body was stretched and filled by his thick, hard cock. The throbbing force of his organ brought her to the point of madness.

"Oh God," she cried. "I need—"

"You want to come, don't you?" His breath was hot against her earlobe. "Say it."

"Yes, I want to come. Is that what I need?"

"That's what we both need." He moved faster, pumping her, riding her with an intensity which seared her flesh with his every touch.

"You were made for love, my darling." He moaned as he took her nipple between his teeth.

"No, not love." She shook her head. "This is only sex, nothing more. I want no part of love."

Then a tidal wave of sensations washed over her, an explosion of pleasure which blinded her with its intensity. She cried out loudly and he gave her a triumphant smile.

"Now it's my turn, beautiful angel." He increased his movements until sweat broke out on his brow. He thrust faster and faster until finally he groaned as his hot seed spilled into her. Her muscles clenched around him as she came again with a mind-numbing jolt.

He pulled her against his chest and kissed the top of her head. "I was the first man to have you."


"You're mine now. You belong to me"

"No." She shook her head as her gaze held his. "I don't belong to you or any man. I'm officially a courtesan, and I'll fuck whom I want when I want."

He frowned darkly, and she almost regretted speaking the words. But not enough to take them back.

Chapter 6

Alex's body was still wracked with blissful tremors as he rolled off Genesis and rested his head on the soft pillow. A sheen of sweat covered his skin, and his breath came in ragged gasps.

They had made love again, and her delicious cries of pleasure had inspired him to greater heights of passion.

His cock was still half-erect, as if unwilling to remain flaccid in her presence. He smiled to himself because hers was the sweetest, tightest cunt he had ever fucked.

He wanted her all to himself, yet she was determined to pursue the life of a prostitute. If he had his way, he'd move her into his estate and make her his mistress. He wondered what she would say if he asked her for that privilege.

Alex devoured her naked body with hungry eyes for she was spread before him like a banquet offered to a starving man. Her breasts and high, firm nipples called to him like a siren's song. His lustful gaze slid to the mound between her thighs and the dark, silken curls which covered it. She gave him an appraising look from lovely moss-green eyes shaded by thick, sooty lashes. Her pouty, kiss-swollen lips begged to be kissed.

Even though they had just made love, he found himself growing hard again as he gazed at her soft, feminine beauty. There was something about her which captured his imagination and made him crave her like no woman he had ever known.

The door to the room swung open and a tall, dark-haired man appeared in the doorway. He was dressed in the uniform of an officer, although his jacket was unbuttoned and he was barefoot. He carried a pair of boots in his hand and his cap was tilted at a rakish angle. His gaze slid to the bed and he raked it across Genesis's nude body. She sat up and looked at him for a long moment before reaching for a sheet to cover herself.

"What's the meaning of this?" Alex demanded. "What do you want here?"

The man gave them a half-smile as he leaned against the door jamb. It was obvious he was intoxicated and barely able to stand. He attempted to bow and nearly fell forward on his face.

"Captain Graham Murdoch at your service." His dark gaze ignored Alex and focused on Genesis. "If I'm not mistaken, this must be the party room. I was next door when I heard the cries of ecstasy coming from in here. I had to meet the glorious lady with the exquisite voice. Would that be you?"

He gave her a disarming smile which set Alex's teeth on edge.

"Forgive me for disturbing you, Captain Murdoch." Genesis gazed at him boldly as her luscious mouth curved into a seductive smile. "I'm afraid I lost control during the heights of passion."

"Believe me, you disturbed me in the nicest possible way."

"Then it's a pleasure to meet you." She lowered the sheet and Graham blinked in surprise and pleasure. His gaze was captured by her full, heavy breasts and rose-colored nipples. A provocative smile played across her face as she watched him.

Alex grabbed the sheet and pulled it up to cover her body.

"What are you doing?" He glared at her. "How can you behave like—"

"Behave like what?" she said softly. "Behave like a courtesan? That's what I am, don't you agree?"

"Yes. I mean no. This evening was your first sexual experience, so you're barely a beginner."

"I just missed having a virgin?" Graham gave a self-mocking laugh. "Then perhaps you'll allow me to be your second conquest tonight."

Alex's voice was a deep growl. "The lady is spoken for this evening."

"Then tomorrow night?" Graham asked hopefully.

"You must speak to Madame Colette, but I'm sure she can schedule it." She tossed back her hair. "Tell her Genesis is now accepting gentlemen callers."

"No, she's not," Alex contradicted her.

"Genesis." Graham smiled. "I like your name."

accepting clients." Her mouth was set in a determined line. "I'm sorry, Alex, but if you wish to see me again, you must make an appointment."

The captain nodded. "Then I shall speak to Madame Colette so I can book you for the entire evening." He blew her a kiss. "Until tomorrow night, my beauty."

Murdoch stumbled down the hallway carrying his boots. Alex considered racing him to Colette's office so he could speak to her first. Then he realized it might be more advantageous to offer her a hefty bribe in order to secure Genesis's charms for as long as possible. He needed time to get her out of his system. Until then, he had no desire to share her with amorous cavalry officers.

He stood up and slammed the door before turning his angry gaze on her. "You seem determined to jump into this lifestyle with both feet. Are you at least taking precautions to prevent pregnancy? What if you end up carrying that drunkard's child?"

Genesis raised an eyebrow. "Drunkard? I found him extremely attractive. Tall, handsome, virile. Much like yourself."

"Don't compare me to him." He scowled at her, too angry to speak.

"And to answer your question, I'm taking the herbs Madame gave me to prevent conception. She said they're very effective. I have no desire to end up unmarried and pregnant like my mother."

A frown furrowed his brow and he wondered about the significance of her words. Why had she chosen this life for herself? Did her mother have something to do with it?

His temper softened as he drank in the sight of her half-bare breasts and the raven hair which spilled across her cheek. He thought she was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.

After a long moment he said, "I look forward to learning more about you, Miss Genesis. Perhaps we can begin with your last name?"

* * * *

Alex stood in the adjoining bath and looked at himself in the mirror. As he bent to splash his face with cool water, he saw the dried virginal blood staining his cock.

Genesis Kelly had marked his body as well as his heart.

Scrubbing the blood from his skin with scented soap, he thought of her soft, creamy flesh. Her beautiful features held a touch of the exotic which excited him.

He had taken her virginity. She belonged to him!

He shook his head to clear it. What was happening to him? He, who was always so calm and composed, was behaving like a lovesick fool. He slammed his fist against the cabinet. It wasn't too late to simply walk away from this place and never return. Love was a silken, velvet trap, but a trap nonetheless. He needed to get away before his heart was ensnared to such a degree it would be impossible to escape.

* * * *

Genesis reached for Alex, but discovered his side of the bed empty. Bright sunlight streamed in through the open window, and she shaded her eyes as she glanced at the clock on the bedside table. It was half past noon. How could she have slept so late? She sat up quickly and winced with the effort. There was a heavy soreness between her legs, a memory of her spirited lovemaking the previous night. Alex had fucked her three times and each time had been better than the previous one. Just thinking about his exquisite body made her clitoris tingle with desire.

A large bouquet of red roses sat on the dresser across from the bed. A note written on thick vellum paper rested against the vase. Genesis opened the note and read the bold handwriting:

Miss Kelly, thank you for one of the most exciting nights I've ever experienced. The beauty of these flowers pales in comparison to yours. Until I see you again, I remain enslaved.



She inhaled the sweet scent of the bouquet, and a tear slid down her cheek. It wouldn't be as easy as she thought to avoid falling in love with him.

No, no, no!
Already she was becoming obsessed with his tall, muscular body and she mustn't allow herself to feel that way. She wouldn't fall in love with him. She wanted nothing to do with love because it only led to heartache. She must never forget her mother's tragic fate.

She decided not to see him again.

BOOK: Genesis in Bloom
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