Read Frozen Holidays 1& 2 Eudorus and Zelus Online

Authors: Crystal Dawn

Tags: #romance, #erotic, #christmas, #action adventure, #alien, #sci fi, #dna

Frozen Holidays 1& 2 Eudorus and Zelus (8 page)

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Ros rushed forward but not to check on Raker,
no, he hurried to pull Jen into his arms because she looked ready
to fall down herself. He helped her over to a chair so she could
sit while he picked up Raker’s gun and restrained him.

“I have to go find Doc and Hades before they
get hurt.” He looked at her and she nodded. He saw the strength in
her gaze. “I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

He hurried to the elevator. He went to the
second floor hoping no one would watch the elevator. He pulled out
the dart gun just in case he wasn’t that lucky. The door opened, no
one was there. He breathed in deeply. This floor was deserted and
only faint lingering smells remained. He went back to the elevator
and wen up to the top floor. The only higher button was the roof.
The elevator stopped and the door opened. He stepped out not seeing

He started down the hall and heard a voice.
Someone had heard the elevator open. “Hey boss, hurry up. We
haven’t had lunch yet.” Damn, there was more than one of them.

He took in a deep breath smelling Hades, Doc,
and two humans. He thought about how best to handle things. He
could hide out of sight and hope one would come looking for their
boss so he could take out one at a time. He could also use his
superhuman speed to take them both out. His third choice was to
call for back up and hope no one else would come here before back
up came.

He decided to call for back up, but then
proceed on his own. He spoke in a whisper on his radio and told
them what the situation was. He turned off his radio before they
could order him to stand down and wait. He slipped closer to the
room where he could see and hear the two men talking.

“What do you think is keeping the boss?”

“You probably imagined you heard the
elevator. Your stomach is playing tricks on you,” the blond guy
said laughing.

“Shut up asshole. You probably had breakfast.
Raker rushed me in before I could eat. He said I was late yesterday
letting Gordy off so I had to let him go early today. I wasn’t
fucking late, that damn Gordy.”

Ros decided to use their inattention and he
shot the one that wasn’t talking in his leg. He started to slide
down right away. The other guy finally noticed. “Hey what’s wrong
with you? Are you pranking me again?”

Ros slipped up behind him and shot him in the
ass. Now he looked around for Hades and Doc. He found them tied up
in the next room. They weren’t knocked out, only pissed off. This
would be the end of Doc coming on missions. In her condition, the
risk was too great and it distracted the team. He felt bad for her,
but the welfare of a child always came first. He untied them and
went downstairs to wait for them. He figured they had something to
talk about alone.

He needed to get downstairs to his mate
anyway. He found everything as he had left it. Jen sat in the chair
looking overwhelmed while Raker was on the floor still knocked out
and tied up. Someone came in the door. It was Hermes.

“When did you get here?”

“Cherish wanted to go shopping for Christmas
and Zeus needed someone experienced to help Hades and Doc.”

Yeah, it sucked to be Hermes. He was clearly
agitated and Ros could understand why. He wanted her safe at
Olympus until the baby was born. She was far enough along that it
would be soon and an arduous journey could just push her into
labor. Some of the mates thought they could do anything even when
they were nearly ready to deliver. He hoped Jen wouldn’t be like
that. He didn’t know if he could handle it.

“There are at least two more guards that work
at night. We also need a team in here to clean things out. We
checked and the building is rented but everything inside wall to
wall goes. We also have to track down several females that were
impregnated by god seed. It will take a couple days to clear all
this up. The helicopter needs to come back for the prisoners.”

“Okay, what are you planning to do now?”

“I’m planning on getting my girl out of here.
She needs to pack and get ready for a move. We also need to pick up
Danny at the school bus stop.”

“Oh, no. Danny must think I’ve left him.”

“Don’t worry. I’ve got a friend watching for
him and I told the bus driver a friend might pick him up.”

“You forgot to mention this why?”

Ros looked sheepish. “I didn’t want to worry

“Next time don’t hide things from me.”

“You’ve got a deal,” Ros said relieved that
he’d gotten off so easy. Hermes shook his head making Ros wonder if
he knew something he didn’t.

A few days later, after Jen’s apartment was
empty and all the stuff she was taking picked up by movers, Ros,
Jen, and Danny stood in the clinic looking around. The bare floors
were shiny and the walls were empty. Every room from the lowest
level to the roof had been picked clean. There was no indication
that the clinic had ever been there.

The six months left on the lease had ben
donated to a charity that would be using the building for
fundraisers. They were very grateful. Hades and Doc had left for
their other mission almost immediately and Ros hadn’t seen or heard
from them. Had anything gone wrong he was sure he would have been
told or even pulled in to help.

They left without a backward glance. They
were heading for the airport where a plane was waiting for them.
Jen had agreed to go with him and he was thrilled. She even
understood that they would be together and he knew if he had just
one chance he wouldn’t mess it up.


Ros rolled over in bed and felt the heat of
his mate. It was hard to avoid since the three weeks she had been
in Olympus had seen her belly swell to huge proportions. The
working theory was the baby’s growth had slowed because of
inadequate food and nutrients. The baby had caught up quickly and
would be born soon.

Doc had tested the baby’s DNA and told them
that the baby was Ros’s. He wasn’t surprised since he knew Jen was
his mate and he had felt possessive toward her, Danny, and the baby
as soon as they had met. The baby would be born early in the New
Year and they were all excited.

Ros smelled cinnamon rolls. Someone must have
brought them by as a Christmas treat. It was early Christmas
morning and Danny would wake them up soon so he could open his
gifts. He and Jen were looking forward to it and the tree was piled
high with gifts. The biggest gift he hadn’t put under the tree. He
rolled back over and snuggled with his mate. He was almost back to
sleep when a weight landed on his back.

“Danny!” Jen said. “You’re not allowed to
jump on our bed. What if you’d landed on me?”

“It’s okay mama. I aimed for Ros.” Ros
stifled his laugh.

He didn’t want Jen mad at him. “Just don’t do
it again.”

“Okay mama. Can I open presents now?” he
asked with an excited smile and eyes that no one could resist.

“Okay, but wait until we get there before you
open them.” Jen got up with Ros’s help. She could do it alone, but
it was a struggle. She ran to get the camera while Ros picked up
the video cam. They were going to cover this for posterity.

The next thirty minutes was spent with Danny
tearing up the wrapping paper on his presents. He got all the toys
a boy could want but Ros thought the remote control set- a plane, a
truck, and a helicopter- were his favorite. They had to stop him
from opening more because they needed to get ready for the big
Christmas breakfast that Sierra had planned out for everyone.

They managed to get dressed despite Danny’s
begging but when Ros told him the other kids would be there and he
could take one toy with him, the begging stopped and the excitement
began. How could a boy pick just one out of so many wonderful
gifts? He finally managed to decide on the plane and Jen told Ros
he might end up regretting his decision.

Ros looked at the smile on Danny’s face and
knew he’d live with the results. They finally arrived at the
cafeteria which Sierra had turned in to the North Pole. White, red,
and green ruled with a few blue decorations and lights thrown in.
Silver and gold dishes and silverware covered the tables with
glasses or mugs in red or green. Sierra was dressed like Mrs. Claus
and poor Zeus was Santa. Ros was thankful he hadn’t been asked to
do it.

It was more fun laughing at Zeus, behind his
back of course. The meal was perfect and Cherish had made some
mouth watering desserts. Ros was nervous about the upcoming
ceremony Sierra had told Jen all the women had gone through when
they arrived. Once they were done eating, it was time. Zeus and
Sierra went to front of the room and everyone’s eyes turned to

“Jen would you come up here?” Sierra

Jen turned to Ros suddenly looking nervous
but Ros smiled and nodded at her encouragingly. Jen walked up to
Sierra and stood in front of her. “I’m afraid we got you up here
under false pretenses,” Sierra said.

Jen looked confused and turned seeing Danny
and Ros had followed her up to the front. Ros dropped to one knee
and looked up at her. “Jenna Jones, would you do me the honor of
becoming my wife?”

He held a box and he pulled a ring out. She
stood there, tears running down her face as the man of her dreams
asked a question she had never expected to hear. “Yes, “ she
whispered. “Yes!”

He slipped his ring on the finger of the
woman he loved. The one that carried his child and had gifted him
with a son, Danny. He’d known almost immediately that they would be
a family and now they were. He hugged his mate and their son. Danny
would always know about his father who had died a hero, but he
would have a second dad. Ros felt Danny’s dad Steve would’ve been
happy to know someone would step in and take care of Jen and Danny.
Ros knew if anything ever happened to him, he would hope Jen would
find someone who loved her and any children they had with all his

Jen had a little conversation in her head.
She talked to Steve sometimes although she hadn’t done that since
she’d met Ros. This would be the last time she’d do it.

Steve, you were my first love and I loved you
dearly. I never wanted to lose you, but life took you away. I want
you to know I wasn’t looking for someone else, but life gave me and
Danny someone who wants to watch over us. I think you would have
liked Ros had you met. I’ll always love you and you’ll always have
a place in a corner of my heart, but now my life will go on with
Ros. I want you to be at peace and know that we’ll be alright.
Goodbye, my love.

Ros saw that Jen was distracted and he knew
she had gone through some big changes in her life. She was also a
bit emotional with the baby due so soon, her swelling feet, and
aching back. He pulled her into his arms to soothe and comfort her.
Danny came over and wanted in on the hug too. They pulled him right
in between them. They were a family and they were just where they
needed to be.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!




Connect with the author at:

If you want to read more books by Crystal
Dawn, check out:

Blue Moon Pack Series

Planet Amazon Series I, II, III, and IV

Cousins of the Moon Series 1 and 2

Legends of the White Werewolf Series 1, 2, 3,
and 4 (this is a free series that can be found at several venues
online only) # 5 Drake’s Desire due out soon.

Keepers of the Land Series 1, 2, 3 and 4

Frozen Origin Series 1, 2, and 3

Frozen Origin Quickies 1

The Southwest Illinois Pack

The Strong Pack Series 1

The Strong Pack Series 2 coming soon

The Warriors of the Vinii by Corre Deepe


Can a bad day turn your life

Crash landing on Earth seemed the
worst thing that could happen to Xan, his crew, and their battered
ship. It was only the beginning. After nearly freezing to death,
Xan’s savior, in the form of a little Earth female, is driving him
crazy. He doesn’t want to want her, but he can’t seem to help it.
Edie wonders if she’s gone crazy when she wakes up looking into the
glowing red eyes of a naked, not quite human male. He seems
determined to keep her with him, but she’s just as determined to

Frozen Holidays 2


By Crystal Dawn

2014 Copyright by Crystal Dawn

Cover by Crystal Dawn using Istock

People and places are strictly products of
the author’s imagination and any resemblance to any person living
or dead is a coincidence.

Dedicated to those who stay the course to the

Frozen Origin 1-Zeus

Origin is the best in the field of DNA
research and they have finely tuned their craft. They started out
with a line of supermen pulling all the best traits from the
millions of human DNA samples they had available to them. These
supermen were the smartest, fastest, strongest, and most adaptable
the human race had to offer, but Origin wasn’t satisfied. When they
expanded their facility in Antarctica, they discovered something
that made the next level reachable. These were the gods, so far
beyond the abilities of man that even with some of their gifts
still undiscovered, they put the supermen to shame.

Origin managed to get by with enslaving the
products of their research for years until they rented the talents
of those products to terrorists that used them against the US and
her allies. A team was sent to free them and they were allowed to
be an independent entity, free to rule themselves. They had much to
overcome and Origin wasn’t ready to give them up yet. Origin fought
hard to recover their losses, but the gods fought harder to remain
free especially once they realized that they could have a mate and
children when they find the right woman.

BOOK: Frozen Holidays 1& 2 Eudorus and Zelus
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