Read Frozen Holidays 1& 2 Eudorus and Zelus Online

Authors: Crystal Dawn

Tags: #romance, #erotic, #christmas, #action adventure, #alien, #sci fi, #dna

Frozen Holidays 1& 2 Eudorus and Zelus (4 page)

BOOK: Frozen Holidays 1& 2 Eudorus and Zelus
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She grabbed Danny’s hand and got back into
the office. Luckily no one was waiting, maybe they hadn’t noticed
she was late. She set Danny in a seat behind the counter with her
and gave him a coloring book and some crayons. He was a good boy
and he would color for an hour or more without interruption.

Raker walked though and she just hoped he’d
keep right on going. He made her nervous and he always acted like
he knew something she didn’t. It was something she really needed to
know but he would never tell her. She shook her head to straighten
it out. She was being fanciful, she knew everything she needed to
know about herself and her situation.
Oh no oh no oh no
Raker was headed right to her. What had she ever done to deserve
having to deal with him? It must have been a very bad thing.

“Mrs. Jones, don’t think that you got away
with being late. I will be docking you one hour’s pay today,” he
said with a hard look at her. “Do you understand?”

Well thank God he wasn’t firing her. She
needed the job too bad and would have to put up with whatever he
decided. She would make it somehow and once the baby was born she
would have to reassess her plan. She couldn’t work with a newborn,
she couldn’t afford a babysitter. Something would come up, it just
had to.

“Yes, sir. I understand.” He walked off
looking satisfied. He was docking her an hour for being ten minutes
late. The man was sometimes the boss from hell and it made her
angry but she needed the job too much to let it show. He wasn’t all
bad. He let Danny stay with her at work. Most bosses wouldn’t do
that. The man was complex and impossible to figure out. She’d given
up trying long ago.

She worked hard at filing insurance, setting
up payments, and appointments with patients and the time went by
quickly. Danny had been such a good boy, he usually was. It was
just a little after five and time for her to go. Raker walked back
into the room making her feel an immediate sense of dread.

“Mrs. Jones, I need you to stay a few minutes
more,” he said as he waved a file in her face. “Please set up an
appointment with this patient and then you can leave.”

Of course she stayed and did as he asked. It
didn’t take long but even if it had she would have stayed to see it
done. He was controlling and she thought he pushed his employees
just for the pleasure of showing them who called the shots. No
matter what he did, she couldn’t see herself ever liking that man.
She put away Danny’s coloring book and crayons.

She grabbed his hand and led him out the
door. She saw Ros at the corner ready to call it a day too. She had
the feeling that he’d waited for her. It made her wonder for the
first time what his intentions with her really were. She had
thought he was lonely and looking for a friend, but what if that
wasn’t true? Ros was an attractive man with curly hair the darkest
blond. His brown eyes could hypnotize and his body was gorgeous. He
was lean like a swimmer but well muscled. His appetite was
unbelievable yet he had not an ounce of flab because of it.

His skin wasn’t tan but it was smooth and
tempting. It was soft as satin but the muscles beneath were hard as
stone. His features weren’t hard, life hadn’t given him the hard
hungry look some men developed by his age. He looked kind and
loving, his sweet disposition obvious in his gestures and the
expressions on his face. She was enjoying his company entirely too
much and she would be hurt if she continued. Ros would leave and
she would be devastated.

As they approached, Ros stopped what he was
doing to give them all his attention. It was flattering to be the
center of someone’s world even if only for a little while. She
should back off and distance herself from him but spending time
with him was just too tempting. Other than Danny, she really didn’t
have anyone else. She’d have the baby when he came, but for now it
was just her and Danny and he was only five years old. She wanted
something for herself even if only for a little while.

“Spend sometime with me?” Ros whispered to
her. He wanted her, she could tell. It wasn’t just sexual, but that
was there too. He just wanted to be with her how could she say no
to that? She nodded and he smiled.

“I know just where to go,” he said and it was
decided. They went to the zoo and Danny was in heaven. He’d been
before, but not lately. He grew tired quickly with all the running
around he did, but Ros put him on his shoulders carrying him around
like a prince. Danny loved it and it seemed both of them were
growing much too attached to Ros. It would be devastating when he
left but she decided to let things play out.

The zoo closed at seven and Ros took them to
dinner at a family steak house. He insisted on ordering for her and
it was the first steak she’d had since Steve had died. It was melt
in your mouth heavenly. It was nice to feel spoiled since things
had been so tough lately. She and Ros got along so well and she
sensed he wanted her, but no man would want to be tied down by her
and two kids. She might have him for a little while, but once he
woke to the reality of the responsibility for a ready made family,
he would leave.

Ros walked them home and helped her get Danny
ready for bed. He was so excited and Ros was his hero. Danny was
worn out and they soon had him asleep. Now it was just the two of
them but Danny was still in the room where he could wake anytime.
Ros still swooped in and kissed her. It was hard to think with him
pressed against her. She shouldn’t be able to respond but that
seemed primal. Her arms moved up and around his neck, her lips
opened inviting him in, her tongue dueled with his, and she pressed
her body against his reveling in his hard body and the bulge
between his legs that pressed back against her.

She was torn between what she wanted and what
she thought she should have. Life had been so hard since Steve had
died and people told her it would get better. It hadn’t so far, it
had gotten worse. Ros, he made things better but she had always
been told not to base your happiness on another person. It sounded
like good advice in theory, but how could she walk away from this
sweet and incredibly sexy man when he wanted her?

Her thoughts faded into the background as
pure pleasure tore through her. Ros had slid his hands into her bra
and was palming and stroking her breasts. They had always been
sensitive but the pregnancy took that up a notch. She thought she
might come from his attentions, but that just wasn’t possible, was
it? She was soaking wet between her thighs and tingling all over.
The man hadn’t touched her below the waist but she was on the cusp
of an orgasm.

Her breath came in pants, her heartbeat
pounded in her ears as if she had run a fast mile, and the tension
built as Ros’s hot breath blew in her ear. Goosebumps popped up on
her skin and her panties were now officially drenched. He picked
her up and carried her to the table and in the back of her mind she
wondered if he would bend her over it and take her. She wasn’t sure
if she would protest since her need had escalated and it had been
months since she had connected with an adult in any physical way.
Desire of a kind she had never felt before reared its savage head
and roared inside her. It told her to take him if he didn’t hurry
up. It told her not to let him get away as if she could stop him
from leaving if he changed his mind.

He sat in the chair and pulled her close to
him as he began to undress her. He pulled her top over her head and
tossed it on the floor before removing his own shirt and doing the
same. Maybe he knew she would be nervous if he stripped her bare
and remained fully dressed. Maybe he knew that her hands would be
drawn to skin and two his already beaded male nipples that begged
to be rubbed. He was right on both counts and her hands itched to
touch him. She didn’t try to resist as she moved sliding her hands
from his neck down to his chest. She rubbed his nipples and lightly
tugged on them and he moaned, low and sexy.

“Jen,” he whispered. “I want you so

Any resistance she had left melted away. She
was putty in his hot hands and he looked like he was ready to mold
her to him. He unsnapped her bra and it fell from her arms with a
little help from Ros. His hands moved up palming her already heated
flesh in his even hotter hands. She felt like she might combust.
She felt like this wasn’t real, it was like a dream. This gorgeous
man was hot for her body and she wanted more than she could

His hands moved down to her slacks and he
unbuttoned them and slid them down her legs where they pooled at
her feet. She toed off her shoes and kicked them away, the pants
caught on for the ride. She looked at Ros, her breath caught in her
throat as she realized he was bare naked in front of her and he was
carrying a previously concealed weapon. It rose up to his belly
button beautiful and proud. Its mushroomed head nodded towards her
begging her to pet him. Her mouth watered with the unexpected
desire to taste him.

He didn’t give her time to think and he
seemed to know exactly what he wanted. He pulled her up against him
again but this time the heat coming from him almost seemed to burn
her. Her awareness of him increased ten fold as she felt every inch
of his skin that touched her as if he was branding her. He moved
against her and her tension increased. She slid against him and he
reached down with one hand sinking it into her pussy. He felt the
ease of which his finger entered. She was slick and ready, more
than ready for him.

He knew he should have taken her to his
place, maybe next time. He had dreamed of a much more sweet and
romantic claiming but his need was driving him and he had to have
her. He sat on the chair and pulled her into his lap. He told
himself she was no shy virgin, but he knew she deserved better and
he would see she got it, but next time. He arranged her so that
their bodies lined up and he slowly started to enter her. He could
hardly breath, he wanted her so much.

When the head of his cock hit the slick heat
of her entrance, he thought the pleasure might kill him. He stopped
drawing in a deep breath and trying to still the shaking that
threatened to undo him. He inched in and her heat made him thrill
with delight. He felt honored that this woman would even allow him
to touch her. He lost his control and slid in faster but she moaned
and he stopped himself.

“I’m sorry, Honey. Did I hurt you?”

“God, no. It feels wonderful,” she whispered
then turned a becoming shade of pink. Her creamy white complexion
turned pink halfway down her torso. He smiled to himself and
shivered. Jen was delightful in every way he could imagine.

He moved in further and finally he felt the
bottom of her soft ass cheeks pressing against his big balls. He
groaned, it just felt too good to resist. His hands rested slightly
higher on her ass holding her in place. Her belly pushed against
his lightly and her arms were wrapped around his neck. He used his
hands to lift her up and down on his massive cock. She was so
aroused and wet that she managed to take him even though it was a
tight fit.

She moved her feet to the slats under the
seat of the chair and used the leverage to speed up their movement.
He rocked his hips causing his cock to hit in different spots deep
in her channel. She made mewling noises that urged him on as she
slid up and down his shaft faster than he would have ever thought
she could go. His whole body buzzed with electricity and he
this was not common or ordinary. She was more than just
a female he wanted, she was
female he needed.

If he’d had a mirror he knew his eyes would
be glowing. The need to bite as he fought his release was
overwhelming and he knew he would give in when he came. She was
close and once she went over the edge, he would follow. She was
riding him hard and he hoped the chair would hold up as he listened
to the creaking noises it made. He should move, but he was caught
up in more passion than he could resist.

Jen slammed down on him hard, screamed his
name, and the wooden slat she pressed against cracked. He jumped up
managing not to lose her as his orgasm caught him and his teeth
sank into her neck releasing his venom into her. He was thankful
the chair had not broken completely and that he had been able to
stand without any harm coming to his mate. Yes, she was his mate
and he would claim her. He had already begun the claiming and he
would finish it. He wished that he could tell her everything and
eventually he would.

Now was simply not the right time to through
her whole world into disorder. Right now he would protect her and
make life better on her, but the truth would have to wait. In her
condition the upset all this would cause might make her ill and he
was certain she wouldn’t be able to go back to her job and act like
nothing was wrong once she knew what Raker had done to her. If
anyone left their employment at the facility right now, Raker and
his people would pack up and leave taking the gods they had
restrained and the females they had impregnated with them.

Ros had never felt so euphoric physically and
torn mentally in his life. His emotions were making him dizzy and
he wished he could spend the night holding his female more than
anything. He knew he couldn’t and that hurt. He kissed her noticing
she was asleep. Mating with a god was hard on a human female. Now
he would worry about that too. He laid her on the bed and searched
for her nightgown. He dressed her and settled her under the covers
in bed with Danny. He checked her alarm clock and turned it on. He
hoped the time was set right. He’d done all he could and now he had
to wait. He left wishing nothing more than to stay. He was a god
and he had a duty, he’d never before regretted that.

He had long understood life wasn’t fair. The
very circumstance of his birth and subsequent upbringing brought
that home to him and all his brothers. The problem was he had
thought things had changed for all of them. He’d admit they had
some, but he had thought when he found his mate he would just
spirit her away to Olympus and all would be well. He had never
thought she would be in a position similar to the one the gods had
been in before they’d been freed.

BOOK: Frozen Holidays 1& 2 Eudorus and Zelus
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