Frostbitten (9 page)

Read Frostbitten Online

Authors: Becca Jameson

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Paranormal, #Werewolves & Shifters, #Paranormal Romance

BOOK: Frostbitten
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Zephyr laughed again. “Greek statues? I’m gonna take that as a compliment.”

She flushed, her face burning with embarrassment. “Stop that.” She grasped his biceps with her hands and then let them wander down until she circled his shaft.

“I can’t help it. And I love your innocence.” He kissed her nose again.

When he circled her waist and lifted her into his arms, she squealed. She batted at his chest. “Put me down, you oaf.”

He chuckled. “You need to learn a lesson.”

She froze, her hands gripping his shoulders. “What are you talking about?”

He dropped her in the center of the bed, making her bounce.

She caught her breath and looked up into his gaze. His mouth was crooked with his secret plan. She scrambled away from him, but he caught her ankle and pulled her back.

Laughter twinkled in his eyes. “The sooner you learn that you own me body and soul and accept that as your known reality, the sooner we’ll be able to get out of this trap. Obviously I haven’t proven to you quite well enough how much you mean to me.” He tugged her ankle to the foot of the bed, grabbed the corner of the sheet beneath the quilt, and tied her to the footboard.

Adonia sat up quickly, tugging on her leg and giggling like a girl. “How is this going to endear you to me? And I thought you said you liked being trapped in this cabin with me.”

“Oh, I do. I love it. What I don’t like is you feeling it’s necessary.”

“And tying me to the bed will accomplish this task?” She squirmed, her pussy growing hotter and wetter by the second. Ugh. “I think you might be misguided.”

“Is that so?” His hand darted forward and stroked through her pussy with no warning. He smiled and licked her wetness from his fingers. “I think you might be wrong about this one.”

She gripped the quilt, kicking with her free leg to escape his touch. She needed control. She’d always controlled everything. Even the suggestion of taking her control away by tying her ankle to the bed unnerved her.

Zephyr grasped her other ankle and stretched her legs apart to attach it to the other end of the footboard. His actions forced her to fall flat onto her back. The laughter died when her pussy spread open, forced apart for his benefit. “Zephyr?” Her voice cracked.

He finished the task of securing her ankle and stroked his palm up her leg. “Trust me, baby. Let me do this. I promise you won’t regret it.”

“You said that once before.” She bit her lower lip.
And you liked it

“Did I let you down?”

She shook her head. No sense denying it. Her body told the truth.

He danced his fingers up the side of her torso and then down her arm. When he pulled her wrist above her head, he didn’t release the hold on her gaze.

She sucked in a lungful of air. “Oh, God,” she muttered. He was going to tie her arms too?

He rubbed her palm with his fingers. “I want you to let go. Let someone else take charge for once. You don’t always have to be in perfect control of your universe.”

But what?

A chill went down her frame, pebbling her nipples to stiff peaks. She breathed heavily. Her chest rose and fell faster as Zephyr secured her wrist to the top of the bedframe.

He maintained eye contact. When he stroked the backs of his fingers down the inside of her arm, she squirmed.

“I…” she swallowed and licked her dry lips. Her pussy pulsed with need. Damnit.

“Let it go.” He circled the bed to her other side. “I want to see you completely undone.”

“Didn’t you see that last night and then again this morning? More than a few times?” How was this going to be different?

“It’s not the same. You’ll see. Bondage changes everything.”

. That was already apparent in her racing heart rate and her gripping pussy. “I’m not sure about this, Zephyr.”

“I know. You’re a controlling woman, baby. Even when you’re underneath me, you like to rule. But, I’m asking you to trust me. Let me show you another way.”

“What other way is there? We’ve had sex. We’ve even fucked,” she squeaked.

He chuckled. “That wasn’t fucking either, baby. I’m still making love to you.”

She closed her eyes and concentrated on her body’s reaction as Zephyr tied her last limb to the corner of the bed. It wasn’t as though she couldn’t escape with a little effort, but she still felt…trapped. Is that how Zephyr felt in this cabin covered with snow? She peeked at him.

“I’ll never be trapped as long as I’m with you,” he whispered. He trailed his fingertips over her sensitive skin, raising goose bumps in their wake. He took his time, stroking everywhere, leaving no inch of her body untouched, with the exception of the parts she really wanted him to touch. Even her feet were not immune to his magical hands.

Every synapse fired at once. She moaned. Without him touching her pussy or her nipples, she was on the edge of an orgasm.

“Let me be in control, Adonia. Stop fighting me.”

What else could she do at this point? She was secured to the bed, spread open, and trapped under the gaze of a very large, well-endowed wolf shifter who commanded her body to perform like a well-tuned instrument.

She sighed. She hated to admit defeat, but God this man made her body hum. He’d done an amazing job yesterday and this morning, but tied down? That brought out an entirely different level of sensitivity.

“I love your hair.” He picked up a lock and used the end to tickle her nipples, switching back and forth between them until she moaned.

“More…” she begged.

“Give up.” Zephyr climbed onto the bed, making the mattress dip as he knelt beside her.

She licked her lips and stared at his cock bobbing at her side.

“That’s not for you, yet.” He weaved his fingers into the hair above her sex next and tugged the strands upward. “There. This is nice hair too, but I like to see your clit exposed.” He held the hood away from her nub with several fingers, pressing into her groin. She couldn’t see his hand, but she could feel the air breezing across her clit.

Exposed didn’t begin to describe her reaction. Her soul seemed to be laid out for his pleasure.

Next he released her clit and situated himself between her legs. He spread her pussy open with both hands. “So sexy…” He grazed one finger through her slit, back and forth until she writhed with the pleasure.

“Please, Zephyr. I get it. You win.”

“No. I don’t think you do.” He kept going, dragging her wetness through her sex, up across her clit and then down to her rear hole.

She bucked.
Not there
. He’d circled the area yesterday, teasing the sensitive skin around her ass, but she flushed to think he would breach the hole.

“You are so fucking hot when you’re embarrassed. I will take you here eventually. Not today. You aren’t ready for that, but admit you like the feeling of my finger stroking the tender skin around your ass.”

She shook her head. No way should that be pleasurable.

Zephyr gathered more of her wetness with his finger and coated the entrance to her forbidden hole. Again and again, he teased her until he finally breached the tiny exit with one finger.

Adonia moaned uncontrollably, unable to prevent her reaction. It felt so fucking good.


She turned her head to one side and sucked oxygen into her lungs, unwilling to face him. He could read her mind and she was loathe to admit she hated that she seemed unable to do the same. Of all the powers she possessed, peering into Zephyr’s head wasn’t one of them.

“You will. Let go, baby. Give up the fight against nature. Your battle isn’t with me. It’s with yourself. You don’t have to always be in control of everything. Let someone else do it for once. Let the walls down, and I guarantee you will be able to see into my soul as I can yours. It’s taking too much of your energy to maintain the blizzard.”

The storm. Right. She’d nearly forgotten the tempest raging outside, presumably of her own doing. Had she really conjured that up on her own and maintained its wrath with her mind?

Keeping one finger inside her ass, Zephyr pushed a second one into her pussy.

“Oh God.” She moaned, trying to bury her face in the pillow to her side.

When he rubbed the two fingers together, only the thin barrier between her anus and her pussy separating them, she nearly came undone. But it wasn’t enough and he removed his hand as quickly as he’d inserted it. “Not yet. Don’t come until I say so.”

Don’t come?

He chuckled again. “You’re catching on. I want you to let me manage this. I’ll tell you when to come. Got it?”

She nodded, but she seriously doubted she could prevent an orgasm when it surfaced.

Suddenly, he pinched her nipples—both of them at once.

Her mouth gaped open. No sound came out.

“I love how puckered your nipples get.” He did it again, this time harder.

Oh God, that feels so good

“Told you, you’d like it.” He was controlling her. No doubt about it.

She took a deep breath and then exhaled, trying to gather some brain cells together in to form a coherent thought.

When he plunged two fingers into her sex, she screamed. “I get it. Please, Zephyr. Let me come.”

“Not yet.” He withdrew the digits and stroked her lower lips on both sides. “Calm your mind. Concentrate. Ease the stress that’s creating the storm outside. When the storm in your head stops, the one outside will also.”

He traced her clit, circling it with maddening intensity. When he drew away again, he left her body alone for a moment.

“Zephyr. I need you. What are you trying to prove? That you can force me to release the storm? I agree. You’re right. You can. You win. But, what will you have gained?”

“This isn’t a contest. I don’t want to win. I want you to trust me. Trust me with your body and trust me with your mind…and, baby? Trust me with your heart. I love you. I’m not leaving you. Ever. Never. Even after one day, I know you’re mine to cherish for life. I’ll always be by your side.
.” He enunciated that last word carefully. “Let the storm go so I can prove it to you.”

Adonia closed her eyes. She concentrated on his words, letting her body relax into the mattress.

He rubbed her legs, but didn’t approach her sexually right then. “I love you,” he muttered.

She licked her lips. She needed to meditate. She used to do so as a child. She’d sit for hours, cross-legged in the grass in the summer months, her hands on her knees, palms up and open. She’d close her eyes and lift her face to the sun, willing the earth to do her bidding.

Her mother used to tease her about being super in tune with nature. Could she do that again now? Here? Inside, in a snowstorm, with this God of a man watching her?

Deep cleansing breaths. She slowed her racing heart, concentrating on the whir of the wind seeping through the roof. She forced the wind to match her breathing, gradually decreasing its intensity. She smiled as the whistling subsided.

“That’s it, baby. Command the forces of nature. She is at your mercy.” Zephyr’s words seemed to come from far away. He caressed her skin, but no longer in a sexual way. He’d made his point.

Adonia went deeper into her quiet place. She thought of spring, of melting, warmth. She knew immediately when the snow ceased to fall, as though she were one with the universe and it was inside her. Never had she realized she’d had an actual connection with Mother Nature. She’d just humored her instincts where they concerned the weather.

Holy shit, this was huge. And all because her father was Jack Frost? She shivered to think what all she might be able to control. The responsibility of such a gift was overwhelming. Were there others like her? Siblings? Half-bred offspring of her father? Could they too control the weather?

She opened her eyes wide to find Zephyr hovering over her, concern written on his face in his furrowed brow. She reached for his cheek and smoothed her fingers over his perfectly sculpted bone structure. When had he released her? She glanced at the foot of the bed and found her legs were no longer secured either.

“How long was I…gone?” That was the only word she could find to describe her experience. She’d been away, in her own little world, inside her mind.

“Only a few minutes, baby.” He covered her palm with his on his cheek and kissed her hand.

“I need you.”

“Now? You must be exhausted.”

“Never. On the contrary, I’m invigorated. And I need you inside me now. Ground me. Take me to that special place where nothing matters but us.” Her pussy leaked, her sex suddenly more than ready to be filled. “Now, Zephyr. Now.”

He grinned down at her and climbed between her legs. Grasping both her hands in his, he held them against the mattress over her head and rocked forward, entering her in one quick thrust.

Adonia gasped at the suddenness. It was exactly what she needed. Fast. Hard. Now.

He took her lips in a firm kiss, demanding entrance while her head swam with the need for him to move. He didn’t disappoint, pulling out and thrusting back into her over and over as she lifted into each stroke.

Suddenly, without warning, he pulled out. She grappled for him, but he was quick to lean away from her. Instead, he winked at what must have been utter confusion on her face, and then he grasped her waist and flipped her over onto her belly. He lifted her onto all fours before she even knew what was happening. He spread her legs and speared back into her pussy from behind. He held her hips steady and pumped in and out of her.

Adonia moaned.
Holy hell, that was hot.
The new angle allowed him to reach deeper inside her and she pivoted her hips to give him the best angle. His cock brushed over a section along the front of her channel that made her vision blur.

He gripped her hips tight, thrusting deeper, harder, faster, as she’d demanded. All thoughts fled her mind, as she’d wanted. He erased her stress, as she’d hoped for.

When he wrapped one arm around her waist and reached with the other to fondle her clit, she careened into the world of pleasure he’d only just begun to demonstrate. As her inner walls grasped at his cock, milking him and dragging him over the edge with her, she knew her life would forever be full of surprises with this man. He would rock her world for many years to come, taking her to places in her mind she’d only dreamed of.

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