Frostbitten (7 page)

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Authors: Becca Jameson

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Paranormal, #Werewolves & Shifters, #Paranormal Romance

BOOK: Frostbitten
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She ignored him, and he respected her need for space. She was hurting. And he’d been the cause. He watched her pad toward the dresser and retrieve items from the drawers. She pulled a huge sweatshirt over her head, awkwardly holding the towel in place, never letting an inch of skin show.

The shirt reached mid-thigh and she released the towel to drape it over a hook on the wall.

As she angled for the kitchen next, Zephyr spun himself to sit on the edge of the bed. He wasn’t going to play the modest game, but he at least grabbed the quilt from the bed and wrapped it around him before he stood.

The clanging noise revealed itself as coffee in the making within moments, the rich scent filling the cabin.

Zephyr headed to the kitchen space and reached for a mug as Adonia poured herself a cup and turned away from him to sit by the fire. He filled his own mug and joined her in the other chair.

After a long fortifying sip, he cleared his throat. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean the things I said.”

She glanced at him and then back at the fire. “Yes, you did. People don’t say things that aren’t at least in their subconscious.”

“In that case, I should be offended since you clearly stated you never wanted this in the first place.” Wait, what the fuck was he doing? Did he want to be unhappy for the rest of his life?
If so, man, just keep up the banter. It’s going to do wonders for your ability to ever get laid again.

She didn’t refute his comment. Instead she ducked her face toward her lap and fiddled with her coffee, spinning the mug around in circles, watching the steam waft up toward her. “My mother told me men never apologize and it drives her crazy.” She lifted her gaze, shocking him with her out-of-the-blue comment.

“I do, and I always will. I’ll apologize when I’m wrong and I’ll apologize any time I’ve hurt you, even inadvertently. I promise.” He paused. “And again, I’m sorry. I mean it.”

“I didn’t want this, you know. That was a true statement. At least not until…”

He smiled. “Until what?” Things were looking up.

“Until you made love to me.” She shuffled her bare feet and then tucked them up under her, careful to avoid spilling her coffee. “I want you to, you know.”

“Want me to what?” Confusion made him lean forward as though to hear her better.

She swallowed. He watched her throat as she struggled with her next words. “Fuck me,” she muttered.

Thank God he’d leaned forward. He wouldn’t have wanted to miss that statement. Now it was his turn to swallow. “We can consider that someday down the line, but I would never do that to you this early in the relationship. You’re…so innocent. I want you to stay that way. I love the look in your eyes when I make you writhe beneath my touch. You aren’t ready for more.”

“How do you know what I’m ready for?” She lifted her gaze to his. “Maybe I need rougher, harder, faster.” Each word wobbled as she spoke.

He smiled at her, carefully choosing his words so he wouldn’t sound condescending. He opted to play the comedian to lighten the mood. “One sexual escapade and you’re ready for whips and chains?”

She gasped and he mentally kicked himself. She wouldn’t have the foggiest idea what he was talking about.

“I’m kidding.” He took a deep breath. “It’s a saying. I wasn’t serious.”

She ignored him, clearly confused. “You were right.”

“About what?” Their entire conversation was a series of riddles this morning and he couldn’t keep up.

“I’m…aroused. I need you again. I only meant that I’m not in the mood for slow and easy. I really need you inside me…like now.” She stared into his eyes. Clearly it took every effort on her part to admit she craved him. “I’m still a little mad. I’m not saying I’m all sunshine and roses. Just that the urge to mate is driving me crazy with lust. It’s separate from my mental aggravation.”

“Come here.” His voice came out deep and gravelly, unlike anything he’d ever heard before. His cock had jumped instantly to attention when she’d started that little speech.

Adonia unfolded herself from the chair and set her mug on the mantel. The fire flickering behind her as she approached made her look ethereal. Suddenly, she was shy.

Zephyr unfolded the quilt from around him, exposing his naked frame to her gaze.

When she stepped between his legs, he took her hands and gently tugged her down to her knees. “I didn’t give you much of a chance to acquaint yourself last night. You should have the opportunity to examine me as I did you…if you want. I couldn’t…” He gulped before continuing. “I couldn’t let you touch me. I was afraid I’d come before I entered you if you even looked at my cock. That wasn’t very fair on my part.”

She tipped her head up toward his and smiled. “Thank you.” With tentative fingers, she grazed the skin of his aching cock.

It jumped, becoming more alert under her scrutiny and her touch. He gritted his teeth to endure her exploration.

Adonia stroked his length from bottom to top and added her other hand to circle the head. “So smooth,” she murmured. “So tight and hard.”

Zephyr closed his eyes and tried to concentrate on anything but her. Cold snow… Being chased by zombies. Were there such creatures? Now, he was making shit up.

She cupped his balls, and he stiffened both legs and squeezed the arms of the chair. He feared if he touched her, he’d hurt her with his grasp right then.

“I want to see you come like you did me.” She tipped her innocent face up to his again. “Is that possible?”

He groaned and let his head fall backward against the chair. Holy shit. He was in so much trouble. Perhaps he should’ve just fucked her as the lady so politely asked. His chivalry was going to kill him. “Yes,” he managed to mutter.

“Show me.”

“Oh, baby, you don’t know what you are asking. A man can only take so much.” He righted his gaze to meet hers.

“Show me,” she repeated.

He released the arm of the chair with one hand and wrapped his palm around his cock. The pressure building behind his balls was painful. If he didn’t come soon, he would pass out. As it was, he couldn’t speak. Instead he guided his hand up his shaft until the head almost popped free, and then he stroked back down to the base.

When he unfolded his fingers, Adonia took the lead. She brushed his hand aside and wrapped her dainty palm around his cock. Her fingers didn’t even meet on the other side. She stroked upward as he had, but her thumb grazed through the slit at the top, spreading his precum around the head.

He closed his eyes as she inhaled his scent, not hiding her interest. “You smell like…sex.” She giggled, a light tinkle of sound that vibrated through his cock.

When she released her hold on his dick after the one stroke, his eyes popped open just in time to find her tasting his wetness from her thumb. As she licked the come from the digit, he moaned. Her tongue flicked out again and he nearly orgasmed.


She didn’t speak again before she lowered her face and licked the tip of his cock with no warning.

He bucked upward, unable to stop himself. His shaft breached her lips unintentionally. She didn’t flinch or pull back. Instead she purred around his cock and swirled her tongue around the edge of the mushroom-shaped head. “Mmm,” she muttered against his skin. “You taste divine. Salty… Musky…”

Zephyr gripped the chair arms once again. This was it. This was how he would die. A happy man at the mercy of his mate in a dark cabin buried in snow.

In fact, at that moment, the storm chose to rear its angry head once again, redoubling its effort to keep them trapped. The whistle of wind made the ceiling creak and shook the rafters. At least he knew the cabin wasn’t completely buried. The roof still poked out. The winds must have been strong.

Distracting himself with thoughts of the weather didn’t interrupt the lips of his sweet mate or the reaction of his cock. She sucked him into her mouth and wrapped her palm around the base of his shaft as though she knew exactly what she was doing.

“Adonia… Baby…” He held himself rigid, praying he wouldn’t come in her mouth without warning.

She was relentless, though. When she drew her cheeks in, sucking him harder and deeper, he immediately grasped her shoulders and pulled her off, heaving for breath. “You can’t…”

“What? Did I do it wrong?”

He peered at her through the haze over his eyes. “You’re fucking perfect in every way. I can’t tell you that emphatically enough. But I don’t want to come in your mouth.”

“Why? I came in yours and you didn’t seem to dislike it.”

God, she was good. Feisty. She tossed her verbal punches as fast as he could retort.

“It’s not the same. My seed is more … plentiful…” That sounded idiotic. But what the fuck was he supposed to say?

Instead of taking his word for it and obeying his wish not to come on her face, she brushed his hands off her shoulders and sucked him into her throat. Deep. Farther than before. She set up a pace, mimicking her pussy, using her tongue to stroke his cock as she lowered and rose over him.

Zephyr awkwardly laid his hands on her arms, unwilling to break contact with her, but not wanting to pressure her in any way.

When his cock hit the back of her throat, he lost it. His dick pulsed of its own accord, filling her mouth with his come. And she swallowed him, never flinching or gagging even though the
was not only new to her, but the concept as well.

When he was completely spent, she finally released her suction and licked a path up to the tip. “Mmm.” She moaned around his half-hard shaft, the vibrations filling his cock with blood once again.

“Baby.” This time he lifted her away from his lap. “You’re going to make me embarrass myself.” He smiled into her gaze as she made eye contact. “That was…”

She shrugged. “Instinct, I guess. Did you like it?”

“Did I like it?” He chuckled as he pulled her to standing and wrapped his hands around her thighs. “Do wolves mate in a snow storm?”

She giggled, but the sound stopped abruptly when he grazed through her sex with his fingers. Her legs shook, threatening to buckle. Her eyes immediately glazed over. She wasn’t kidding before. She was needy. She set her hands on his shoulders and leaned toward him.

Zephyr pushed the sweatshirt she wore up her body and over her head, letting it fall to the floor as it cleared her hair. Long glorious locks fell forward to graze his thighs. He tucked them behind her, but the unruly length had a mind of its own. Through the veil, he tipped his head and flicked his tongue over a nipple.

Adonia made the sweetest tiny sound and arched her chest toward him, demanding more.

He sucked her breast into his mouth and tortured the tip with the swirling motion of his tongue. Without breaking contact, he grasped her hips and lifted her onto his lap.

She gasped at the sudden change of position, but didn’t argue, letting her legs fall open to straddle his lap. Her knees rested on the sides of his thighs, his cock lodged in the entrance to her pussy.

Zephyr released her nipple with a pop and concentrated on angling his cock into her. He gazed down at their connection, watching his length as it disappeared into heaven.

And then he remembered an important detail. “Baby, are you sore?” He paused, halfway into her. He didn’t want to hurt her. She would be tender from last night.

She answered by lowering her body the rest of the way over his length, embedding him inside her to the hilt. She breathed heavily for a few seconds, but then lifted herself up and then sat back down. Through clenched teeth, she mumbled, “Is it always like this?”

“Nope. It gets better…” His voice trailed off as she plunged him into her tightness once again.

Zephyr squeezed her ass, pulling the globes apart and stretching her wide enough that he could stroke the tight skin behind his cock. She wouldn’t be ready for more, but he couldn’t resist the urge to tantalize her by adding the sensation of stroking her perineum to the mix.

Adonia moaned and her head fell back, her face toward the ceiling. She doubled her efforts, fucking him in a sense. Ironic, considering this had been exactly what she’d demanded to begin with. A fast hard fuck. And now she controlled the pace and delivered a dose of her own wishes.

While he teased her rear entrance with one hand, he drew the other to the front and stroked her clit.

She bucked, seemingly in both directions, her body unable to support the sensations coming from the front and the back. Her pussy clenched at the same time as her jaw and a long groan escaped her lips as her orgasm washed through her body, involving every part of her system.

Her breasts lifted, her nipples protruding. Her mouth gaped open. Her thighs clenched his on both sides.

And still she fucked him…feverishly.

Zephyr was powerless at her mercy. He couldn’t keep from following her into ecstasy. His balls tightened and he came hard against her cervix as she let herself settle, fully seated on his cock.

The intense pulsing of his shaft shook her above him, forcing her to hold on for the duration.

When at last he was spent, she laid her head on his shoulder and breathed deeply over and over.

They relaxed into each other, neither willing to move. Zephyr stroked her back and her sweet ass with both hands.

Adonia fiddled with his chest, testing his response to her touch on his nipples. He felt them harden.

Finally she spoke words he hadn’t expected to hear. “I’m sorry for my reaction earlier to your words. I’m afraid you may have hit the nail on the head, and it scared me that you had come to the same conclusion I had this morning.”

“What the hell are you talking about, baby?” He lifted her head from his chest and gazed into her eyes.

“I think I’m the one causing the storm…”


Chapter Six

Zephyr narrowed his gaze at her and grasped her face with both hands. “That’s silly. Of course you aren’t making it snow.” He shook his head.

Adonia wondered who he was trying to convince, himself or her. “Is it silly?” She lifted off his lap, his shaft popping out of her and leaving her bereft of the warmth and security she felt when he was inside her. She reached down and grabbed her sweatshirt off the floor. As soon as she tugged it over her head, she returned her gaze to Zephyr.

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