From This Moment (23 page)

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Authors: Alison Chaffin Higson

BOOK: From This Moment
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“Love, what happened to Grace isn’t your fault.  Nick was already friends with Tom before you even met so for all we know Grace already knew him.  Please don’t blame yourself for what happened to Grace,” Cade says to me.


“Grace is doing well, I called in to see her first thing this morning and I found her sat up in bed, blushing away, while that hot DEA guy, Josh, asked her questions.”
 Taking a much needed breath, Anna continues, “Actually, when he was leaving he actually gave her one hell of a hot look, and if she’d been standing up, she would have ended up a melted puddle at his feet.”


  Does Justin know you look at other guys like that?”


“Of course not, it’s a girl thing.”


“He was giving Rona the eye yesterday.  Did you look at him like that?”  he asks me.


“Are you asking me if I found him hot?”
  I try not to laugh, hearing the others snickering in the background.




“He’s hot, but you’re a lot hotter than him.” Seeing the look on Cades face.  “If it helps, when I first saw you, I undressed you with my eyes, but I didn’t with him.  Does that answer your question, honey?”


Smiling now, “Yes.”

He leans over to kiss me, “Idiot.  I will only ever love you,” I whisper.


After a minute of sitting quietly, I sense Cade is uncomfortable.
  I figure it’s because no one has mentioned us being together.  I don’t like my guy being uncomfortable, so taking the bull by the horns, so to speak, “I love your father with all my heart, as he loves me.” I blurt out, looking between Anna and Beth.  Cade squeezes my hand.  Glancing at him I see his eyes full of love and pride directed towards me.


“What Rona says is the truth.
  You both know what happened between your mother and me, I’ve made no secret about that, so you know I didn’t love her and I haven’t been in love before, until now.  I know there is a large age difference, but I hope you will accept Rona as the woman of my heart.”


“I told you last night Dad, that I’m happy for you both and I meant it.”
 Anna looks at us both while nudging Beth.


“I was upset last night,” Beth says, “Until Anna and Jake told me to grow up and to think about how much happier you’ve been since Rona has been here.
  I realized I was being selfish.  Like Anna says you need someone to love you as a guy and not a father and seeing you with Rona just now, I realize you finally have that.  So, yes, I’m okay with you and Rona being together....  besides, she has good taste in clothes which will probably fit me!”


I look across to Cade and he looks to be having difficulty controlling his emotions.
  Letting go of my hand he stands up and walks over to Beth, who has stood up to meet him, and hugs her.  Kissing her on the forehead, “Thank you.”  He releases her.


“I’m feeling kinda left out over here!”
  I look directly at Cade; I just need his arms around me right now.


Coming over to me, he helps me to sit up before pulling me into his arms.
  I have my arms around his neck.  I run my fingers through his hair.  I nibble his ear.  He shivers.  “Mmm.”  I moan.


“Dad, why don’t you disappear for an hour and we’ll look after Rona,” Anna grins, when she sees her dad’s expression.  “She’ll be fine.  Don’t you have some work to do on your laptop?  Go get it done, then when you’ve finished you’ll be able to concentrate on Rona.”


“I guess.
  At least Rona won’t be able to see what vacation I’m planning with it being arranged in my office.”  He looks at me and winks, but still seems reluctant to leave me.


Hey can we come, I could do with a break?”  Beth asks.


hen size="+0">“If you need a break, I would have a word with your husband
, Beth.”


“Last time I said that, he took me away and I ended up pregnant with Edith!”


“That really is too much information” Cade shudders.


“If you think that, then think how we feel knowing our father actually has sex!” Beth says, tongue in cheek.


This has me in stitches laughing so much that I ache.


“Rona, what is it?”
  Cade asks me, I’m now crying with laughter.


“I’m okay, I just forgot about my hip.”
 I take some deep breaths to try and stop laughing.


Heck, I can’t remember the last time I laughed so much.


“Alright, fun’s over.  Dad you go and sort your vacation out and we’ll take care of Rona.”  Anna shoos Cade away.


“I’ll be fine.
  I’m comfortable here plus all you have to do is look out your office door to see me.”  I give him a kiss, then a slight shove.


ow that’s sorted, who wants a coffee?  Dad before you go, grab a cup of coffee and a slice of cake to take with you.”  Anna heads towards the kitchen.


~~ Cade ~~


Looking over my shoulder on my way up the stairs, I can see Rona is comfortable on the sofa, surrounded by my family, and before my four week’s vacation are up I intend to make Rona officially a part of that.


I’m going to look up a couple of vacation ideas I have while Rona can’t see what I’m doing.
  She told me not long after we first met that she wanted to go to an island in the Maldives, so that is where I plan to start.  Having no idea how long the flight is, I decide to look the flights up first.  The length of the flight will tell me whether we can go tomorrow or in a few days, as the bruising on Rona’s hip needs more time to heel before a very long flight.


The flight I find is from Denver to New York, then a connecting flight to Dubai, followed by another connecting flight to Malé in the Maldives.
  Hell, I guess that means a few more days here.  Perhaps Anna, Beth and Elise could take Rona shopping for some clothes for the sun.


Checking that there are two available seats for the flight in about four days time, I then open another browser window and find the resort that Rona said she wanted to go to, and wow it’s impressive!
  I can’t wait to get her there.  Using their online booking system, I ingto gobook a Grand Water Villa for two weeks.  I then go back to book the flights, trying to work out the flight times.  It looks like we get to spend a night in Dubai, so, after checking I’m correct with that assumption, I go ahead and book a hotel in Dubai as well.


Getting all the arrangements out of the way, I look out through the doorway to where Rona is still sitting
talking with the girls.  She looks to be getting tired though.  Shutting everything down, I head back to her.


~~ Rona ~~


I’m having a good time chatting away with Anna, Beth and Elise, but after about an hour I’m starting to get tired and my concentration is drifting.  Wanting a look at Cade, I glance up the stairs only to discover him on his way down.  Smiling at him, our eyes meet, I can’t look away.  Walking right up to me, he puts his hands gently on both sides of my face and kisses me; it’s so sweet it brings tears to my eyes.


Putting my hand up to caress his face he kisses my palm, “Are you okay?”


“Not really, I could do with some more painkillers.”  I hide my tiredness behind my hand.  Cade looks concerned.


He turns around to face the room, “You girls enjoying your gossiping?” Cade asks my three grinning friends.


“I think I speak for us all when I say we enjoyed that the most.”  Beth waves her finger between myself and Cade.


“I’m a very lucky woman.”
 I look at my friends then back to Cade.


Cade sits next to me while I take the painkillers.
  Then, with help, I rearrange myself so I’m using Cade as a cushion.  I’ve become tired during the morning.  Listening to everyone talking away, my thoughts turn to Elise and Jake.


“Elise, I hope you don’t mind me asking, but have you and Jake talked about a date?”
  She blushes.


“Probably around the 26
, when you and Cade get back from vacation,” she replies all excited.


“Is it only me who doesn’t know where I’m going?” I ask in a huff!


“No love, I’m the only one who knows where we’re going and I can assure you that you can wear your hot pink bikini.”  Cade winks at me.  I blush.


“On that note, I think we’ll leave you to get some rest.”
  Anna grins at us.


“Not yet, Anna.”
 Beth grins.  “I want to hear about the hot pink bikini and why Rona blushed whena b"2%">


Deciding to get a bit of pay back for making me blush, looking at Cade who looks ready to gag me, “It’s a little thong with very small triangles held together by a thin thread of ribbon over my breasts.” Grinning at Cade, “It just about covers my nipples, so nothing to it really.” I laugh at Cade’s shocked look.


“Literally, by the sounds of things.  Where did you get it?  I want one,” Elise adds.


“Are you sure Jake won’t have a heart attack seeing you in it?”
  Anna replies laughing.


“Are you sure Dad won’t at seeing Rona in hers?” Beth stands up gathering her things together.
  “Ladies, come on.  Let’s go and leave them in peace.


After everyone has left, Cade comes over and kneels in front of me.
  He takes hold of my hands, “You are one wicked woman, Rona Jameson!”


“Then don’t encourage me honey.
”  I try to hide a yawn.


Laughing, “You need to rest, let me be your knight in shining armor and carry you upstairs.”


“Sounds good.  Are we going to get naked?”  I ask him as he lifts me up into his arms.  I lick up from his collarbone to his ear, he stumbles.


“Unless you want me to put you down on the stairs, rip your trousers off and put my cock inside you, keep talking.”
  He growls.


“Are you ‘rising’ to the occasion?”


“Love, I’d ‘risen’ to the occasion the minute I touched you.”


“Then it won’t matter if I tell you what I want to do to you when I fully recover
does it?”


“Unless you want me coming in my sweats, then it does.”


We reach the top of the stairs.
  “I want you naked, sitting in one of the chairs downstairs.  You will be hugely erect and throbbing.  I’m also going to be naked; I’ll kneel between your legs while you watch me suck you dry.  Then I’m going to sit in your lap and kiss you from top to bottom.  When your penis is throbbing again, I’m going to face away from you.  You’re going to hold onto my hips, while I hold your shaft, as I slide down on to you.  We’ll make love like that, with you having your hands on my breasts.


As Cade puts me on the bed, I notice his hands shaking, his eyes are full of lust and his erection is huge under his sweats.
  Wow, I did this to him.  “One touch from you and Ifrong, his e’m going to explode.”  He just about manages to choke out.


~~ Cade ~~

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