From This Moment (26 page)

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Authors: Alison Chaffin Higson

BOOK: From This Moment
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“No chance, I’m not brave enough to do that; I’m chauffeur and bodyguard today.”


Being all serious now, “Good, that’s what’s needed until Nick is in custody.”  Josh looks towards me.  “You need to make sure someone is always with you.”  Looking towards Elise, “You as well.”


I take a bite of my sandwich and try to talk between a mouth full of food, “Don’t worry, between Cade and Jake I think the only place we’ll get to go alone is the bathroom.”


“That’s probably right.”  Elise confirms.


After a few moments of silence, while we eat, Josh turns to me, “Where are you from?
  Sometimes I catch a hint of something else in your accent,” he asks, looking at me with eyes full of interest.


Keeping calm, “I’m originally from Rhode Island, but I’ve lived in Irelaniveest.
years.  What about you?”  I ask and avoid looking at Elise.


“Alaska originally, and now, wherever the job takes me,” he replies, giving me a lingering look.


After this question Justin jumps in asking about law enforcement, so that keeps them both busy for awhile.


Thank god for Justin.


He’s an attractive guy but Cade is the only guy for me.


Finishing our sandwiches and catching Josh throwing glances at me I decide a trip to the restroom is in order.


Wiping my mouth with my napkin then placing it back onto the table, “If you’ll excuse me a minute.”  I start to stand.


Josh stands as well.


Looking at him, “Mmm, I can manage on my own thanks.”


“Nick’s still not been caught yet.”
  His eyes are full of laughter, “I wasn’t exactly planning on joining you in there.”


At this comment, I just catch Elise saying ‘you could have fooled me’ under her breath.


After a quick glance over to Elise, “It’s just out the door to the left.”


et’s go.”  Taking my elbow Josh leads me to the restrooms.


Before I push the door to enter, Josh stops me with his hand.
  I look up at him, “How involved are you with Cade?”


Oh hell.


Looking at him and taking a breath, “I love him Josh.”


dding his head slightly, “I’ll wait here for you.”  He pushes the restroom door open for me.






I don’t actually need the restroom it’s just an excuse to have a breather.  Going over to the vanity area, I place my purse on top of the counter and look up into the mirror.


Oh fuck, Nick!


“Not a word.”  He comes up behind me with a gun in his hand.


Standing close to me he moves the barrel of the gun along my neck which he has easy access to, because I have my hairI hh="2 pinned up.


“Don’t make a sound.”


Josh, please help me.


“What are you still doing here?”  I ask in a shaky voice.


I’ve come back for you babe.... I want the money, but I’ve decided that I really do like you, so I want you to come with me, plus you’re my ticket to freedom.”


My knees start to weaken.
 “Please leave me alone Nick, I’ll give you money, but just go.”


“Shut up.
  We’re going to walk out of here really quick before the woman you’re with comes looking for you.  One word and I’ll shoot either you or her, your choice.”


Oh Josh, please still be waiting for me.


“Let’s go.”


Taking hold of my arm he starts leading me towards the exit.
 “Open the door and don’t try anything, I’m the one with the loaded gun remember.”


“I hate you.”


As I start to open the door, I can see Josh leaning against the wall.  He sees me and starts to move forward then stops when he sees the panic on my face.  I move my eyes to the side hoping he realizes what I mean.


Moving really quickly, he removes his gun and moves in beside the opening door.
  As I start walking out slowly, I pretend to stumble which is all the time Josh needs to disarm Nick and elbow him in the face.


I’m down on the floor now as my legs won’t hold me up anymore – Josh cuffs Nick.


In all the commotion, Elise and Justin come running over to me.


“Rona, are you hurt?
  What happened?”  Elise asks, as she pulls me into her arms.


“Nick got to me in the restroom and said he wanted me and the money.
  Josh stopped him.”


Just then Daniel enters, “Rona, we really have to stop meeting like this.”


“Hi Daniel, you got here quick.”


“I was just walking past and happened to glance through the window and saw all this commotion.”
  He frowns.


“Well done Josh.
  I’ll take hiI>


“I better ring Cade,” Justin says.


“No Justin, please.  I’m fine just a bit shaky.  I’ll be home soon.  Please don’t worry him.  We’ll tell him in person so he can see me.  He’ll just freak if you ring.”


“I hear you.”




Just then, I make eye contact with Josh.


“Come on let’s get you up from here.”  He picks me up in his arms.


“Elise can you carry Rona’s things and Justin lead the way to the car,” he says, to a stunned Justin and a snickering Elise.


“I can walk.... I think,” I tell him.


“If this is all I’m going to get.... humor me,” he whispers.


Oh, boy!




I glance over to Elise, but she won’t make eye contact with me.


Getting more comfortable in Josh’s arms, I put my arms around him and as my hand touches his neck; he shivers.




Looking at him, “Don’t get the wrong idea.”


Putting his face closer to mine, “I can dream,” he looks into my eyes.


Heaven help me, he’s a terrific guy but not as hot as my Cade.


At the car Justin unlocks the doors; Elise climbs into the back, while Justin gets into the driver’s side.


Josh moves to put me in the car.
 “Why am I reluctant to let you go?” he whispers for my ears only.


“Josh,” I plead.


“I know.” He places me into the passenger seat and leans over to fasten the seat belt.  Pulling away he looks straight into my eyes, “Look after yourself.”


“I will.
  You too, and thank you for today.”


Justin clearing his throat finally makes Josh step back and shut the door.


As we pull away, I rest my head against the head rest, “Fucd r the door.k.... just shoot me now.”


I realize Elise has witnessed the tender scene between me and Josh.
  She can’t stop laughing.


“Well, I’m glad someone enjoyed that little show.”


“Didn’t you?”
  Elise asks.


“I was more embarrassed than anything.
  If I didn’t have Cade, then in honesty, I would have probably encouraged him.  He seems to be a really nice guy.  But Cade is it for me; I really hope Cade and I are together the next time I meet him.  I get the feeling I’ll be seeing Josh again.”



Chapter 19

~~ Cade ~~


Sitting in my office trying to concentrate on paperwork for the stables is impossible.  All I can think about is Rona.  I really hope I survive this trip.  Heck, if she has bought anything else like the red dress I’m really done for.


She feels absolutely amazing against me whether fully clothed or naked and has no embarrassment with me.
  In fact, she seems to really let go.  God, she’s really going to kill me with the no sex thing she has come up with.  Hell, I’m hard the moment she looks at me.  I guess a lot of cold showers are in my future.


Hearing a car pull up outside has me heading downstairs.
  Opening the front door to Rona and Elise climbing out of the car.  I look towards Justin and my heart pounds.


What’s happened now!


“Cade,” Rona says, as she spots me walking down the path.  “I really missed you, and I bought a hell of a white dress.”  She smiles.  However, something is not quite right – maybe her hip is giving her pain?


“I missed you too love, I couldn’t concentrate for thinking about you.
  How’s your hip?”


“It’s fine.
 I rested it while we had lunch.”


“You sure?
  There’s something wrong though?”


Rona starts to sob.


“What the hell?”


Pulling her into my arms, I look towards Elise and Justin.
  Elise d r t>


“Will someone please tell me what the hell is going on?”


Justin and Elise approach while Rona is still sobbing in my arms.


“After lunch Rona went to the restroom and came face to face with Nick,” Justin tells me.
  I feel my blood freeze.




“Cade, he had her at gun point, but luckily Josh was waiting outside the restroom and realized she was in trouble.  He acted pretty damn quick and disarmed him.  Nick’s now under lock and key for the foreseeable future.”


“Hell, Rona,
are you hurt?” I ask, pushing her away slightly.


“No, he just frightened the life out of me.
  I’m so glad that Josh was out there waiting for me, otherwise he would have taken me with him.”


“Thank god you’re safe.”
  I pull her back into my arms.




“What do you mean, Josh was waiting for you?”


“He came in when we were having lunch so Justin invited him to join us, and boy
am I grateful.”

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