Freedom to Ride (Ravens MC) (2 page)

BOOK: Freedom to Ride (Ravens MC)
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She’s somethin’ else isn’t she?” said Logan to Nate. “Such amazing hair. Reminds me of the wee lass from that film Brave my niece is always watching,” Logan laughed. Nate hummed his agreement not taking his eyes from Holly.

Logan watched Nate closely. He could see his friend had been immediately smitten with the wee baby and, he guessed, with her ma too. But they didn
’t have time to hang around, the girls had been travelling for hours and would need some rest.

Right, let’s get you girls set up at the house. I’m sure you’re tired,” said Logan.

Yeah, I’m knackered. Show us our new home.” Megan winked at her twin, throwing her arm around his shoulder as they walked off.

The other two men began to unload bags from the car and carried them into the detached modern house across the road from the compound. It would be theirs to use until other arrangements could be made. Nate and Logan owned the house and were living there, but it had plenty of bedrooms for all of them. The other members had their own houses close by. Deanna began to follow but looked back to Nate and her daughter, now sleeping peacefully in his arms. Slowly he looked up from Holly and his eyes connected with Deanna
’s with an intensity that startled her.

Do you want me to take her?” said Deanna.

Nah, I’ve got her. She’s beautiful. I can tell you’re a proud ma.”

Yeah, she’s my world. I’m happy to see her so relaxed. She’s such a gentle child,” she replied sharing a smile with him.

Nate followed the stunning redhead in front of him in awe. Even though she had bruises on her cheeks, cut lips and a swollen eye, anyone could see she was a beautiful woman. Her injuries made him want to get back on his bike, find her ex and beat the shit out of him. Any man who hit a woman needed teaching a lesson.

Their instant connection had left him breathless and when he’d looked into her daughter’s eyes, the complete trust in her expression had made his chest ache. He knew immediately that this woman and her beautiful child would be special in his life. Nate always trusted his gut instinct.

He looked at the baby sleeping in his arms. With her curly red hair and bright green eyes she was the spitting image of her mum. He felt like an inconsiderate prick when he saw Deanna walk stiffly into the house, she was obviously in pain and he hadn
’t offered any help.

Deanna, are you okay? Do you need some painkillers?” Nate called.

I’m a little sore but I’ve got some tablets that will help me sleep. I’ve had to take them quite a lot recently. But thanks for your concern . . . I’ve not had much of that for a long time.”

Nate reached forward to grab her hand, a shocked gasp coming from Deanna from the contact.

“You do know you’re safe here Deanna. He can’t find you. Me and my boys will look after you and this beautiful wee girl here,” Nate said as his gaze drifted back to Holly.

Thank you,” Deanna replied, squeezing his hand in gratitude.

As they finally entered the house silence reined as everyone stopped to stare at the pair of them standing in the doorway holding hands. Embarrassed, Deanna dropped his hand and turned to Nate to take Holly from him. He gently handed the baby to her, feeling the loss immediately. She had felt so right in his arms.

Deanna addressed the room, “I better get this little one to bed.”

Smiling gratefully at each person she finally glanced at Megan who gave her a secretive smile and wink. Deanna knew she
’d want answers tomorrow about what had passed between Nate and her.

Okay,” replied Logan. “I’ve set you both up in the bedrooms at the end of the hall. Get some sleep and we’ll catch up in a few hours. Just shout if you need anythin’. We’ll be across the road at the garage or clubhouse.”

Thanks everyone. Night,” Deanna replied, turning to leave the room.

Good night Deanna,” Nate said softly, his eyes not leaving the pair until the door closed behind them.


A few hours later Deanna woke looking around the strange room, memories filling her mind of the events of the past few hours. She felt much better and when she noticed the clock beside her bed displaying just after ten o’clock she realised it was past Holly’s feeding time.

Getting out of bed and stretching she wandered over to Holly
’s cot watching her slowly waking. Reaching down she lifted her up and burrowed her nose in her little one’s hair. The baby smell always relaxed her and she gave Holly little kisses over her face making her giggle. At that moment there was a soft knock on the bedroom door.

Come in,” Deanna called, thinking it would be Megan. She was surprised when Nate walked in, smiling at the sight of the beautiful pair giggling and beaming at each other.

Mornin’. How you feeling?” Nate asked.

Better thanks. We’ve just woken up, that’s such a comfy bed. Is Megan up yet?”

Deanna suddenly felt self-conscious standing there in her onesie pyjamas knowing her long red curly hair must look frightful. It always did in the morning which was why she had to use expensive chemicals to tame it. Lee had always hated her hair and it was the only time he
’d spent money on her to make it as straight as possible.

Deanna had made the decision as they
’d left England to leave it naturally curly from now on. Her dad had always said she should be proud of her hair, it was the same as his and was part of his proud Scottish heritage. The memories of him made her heart squeeze painfully, she still missed him after all the years he’d been gone.

No, she’s still asleep. I thought I’d check in on you two,” Nate replied.

Holly had again begun to wriggle in her arms wanting Nate to pick her up. He noticed and looked to Deanna as he asked,
“do you want me to take Holly? If you want a shower I can look after her.” 

Thanks, that would be great.”

As Nate walked towards them her heart rate picked up the closer he got. She self-consciously ran a hand through her hair fearing that she looked like she
’d had an electric shock. It was unfair, the man in front of her looked so gorgeous and together in his blue jeans, black jumper and club vest.

She couldn
’t believe that after her abusive ex, who had badly diminished her confidence and trust, she was already feeling something for another man. She wasn’t ready for any of this and knew she had to fight this magnetism they seemed to have. More than likely this man had left a string of broken hearts behind him and would have plenty of girlfriends hanging around. The thought made her feel surprisingly unhappy.

As he took Holly out of her arms and turned to walk out of the room she noticed an insignia on the back of his vest that she hadn
’t spotted earlier. It had a fabulous depiction of a black bird in flight. Over the bird were the words ‘RAVENS MOTORCYCLE CLUB’. When he turned back at the door she spotted a large badge on his right shoulder opposite the ‘President’ badge declaring ‘Freedom to Ride’ in bold lettering. Deanna guessed this was the club motto, which she thought was perfect.

Go have a shower and relax. I’ll look after this wee one,” Nate nodded to Holly as he walked out of the room smiling.

Deanna was stunned. In the space of a few hours she
’d been beaten to a bloody pulp by her boyfriend, run away from her home to start a new life in Scotland with her daughter, made new friends with some bikers and met a most spectacular and kind man who treated her daughter as the most precious thing in the world.

Her life was changing and she was wondering what was to come next. The first contented smile spread over her face as she wandered into the bathroom.


As Deanna left her bedroom to go in search of Holly and Nate she at last felt relaxed after a long fabulous shower. Her injuries looked improved, even though her eye was still quite swollen and her vision slightly blurred.

Hearing laughter coming from the living room she walked in then stopped short. Nate was lying on the floor holding a dangling Holly in the air above him. Deanna should warn him that if Holly had just eaten there was a chance it would make a re-appearance, and she shuddered to think where it would land as Nate brought Holly down to blow raspberries on her cheeks.

Whatcha lookin’ at?” asked a voice behind her, making her jump.

Deanna turned to see Megan with serious bed head, obviously just woken up. Deanna shushed her and pointed to Nate lying on the floor with Holly. Megan
’s eyes went wide at the sight, just as Deanna’s had done. At that moment the front door opened as the red-haired man, who Deanna remembered was Fraser, entered the house. He stopped short when he saw his boss rolling around the floor with a giggling baby.

Nate lifted his head on hearing the front door.
“Alright mate, what’s up?” he said, completely unaffected by the other man’s shocked expression.

Fraser glanced at Deanna and Megan standing in the opposite doorway and Nate looked their way,
“Mornin’ Megan. Deanna you’re looking better after a shower, the swelling’s gone down. Do you girls want any breakfast?” Nate said, completely oblivious to the still shocked expressions on everyone’s faces, as he began to tickle a giggling Holly.

I need coffee. I can’t function ‘till I have a cup,” replied Megan, coming out of her trance. She headed into the kitchen with Fraser following closely behind.

’s eyes followed the pair as they left the room and then looked back down to Nate, whose eyes were now fixed on her.

Mm . . mum,” babbled Holly, reaching her arms up.

Deanna bent to pick her up for a cuddle, Nate jumping to his feet standing close to her side. As he stood near her he breathed in a delicious vanilla scent, the smell stirring his lust. 

Thanks for looking after her. I feel ready for the day, even though my face could scare children. I look like I’ve gone ten rounds with Mike Tyson,” complained Deanna.

Nah don’t worry, you’re still gorgeous. Now, can I get you anythin’?”

I . . . I’d love a brew, but I need to get this little one dressed.” Deanna was reeling from him calling her gorgeous. She blushed, knowing her face was as red as her hair.

It’s fine. How do you like your tea and I’ll get it as you sort her out.”

White, no sugar, please.” He nodded and gave her a warm smile before walking into the kitchen.

Leaving the room in a daze, Deanna walked into her bedroom gathering clothes for Holly to wear. Thankfully over the days of planning their escape she
’d slowly hidden away clothes for both of them at Megan’s home. She’d had to risk sneaking them out of the house without Lee finding out as she didn’t want them to leave with nothing. Also, Logan had let her know that his and Megan’s niece, who was just a few months older than Holly, had outgrown most of her clothes, toys and other toddler items so Holly was welcome to them. Deanna had been happily surprised when she’d walked into the bedroom after they’d arrived to find a cot and highchair were already made up waiting for Holly. Also the items she had hidden at Megan’s had been brought in and were waiting to be unpacked.

Deanna had to stop dressing Holly when her eyes filled with tears. She couldn
’t believe the kindness of complete strangers and what they had given them. She felt a gentle touch on her shoulder and knew it was Megan. Turning into her best friend’s arms, they wrapped each other in an affectionate hug as Deanna started to cry.

Sshh, sweetie. You’re both safe now. I won’t let anything happen to you or Holly. I also know that none of these bad boys will either. Especially Nate,” she added slyly.

This brought a watery giggle from Deanna as she stepped back to share a private smile with her friend.

“I can’t believe how well you two hit it off, and wow he’s fantastic with Holly,” said Megan, smiling knowingly.

I know. I can’t believe it either. But I’m scared. After everything I’ve been through and I’m already drooling over another man. It’s crazy.”

You suffered a lot of grief from your ex but that doesn’t mean, given time, you can’t find someone else. Holly deserves a good role model in her life. You do too, and I have the feeling that Nate could be just the man you both need.”

It’s too soon to be thinking like that. I don’t know what this thing is between us but we can only be friends. I need to concentrate on Holly and try to get over the stuff Lee filled my head with. I mean . . . look at Nate and then me. He’s way out of my league.”

That’s a load of crap. You’re beautiful, he’s gorgeous and just think, you would have the most stunning babies,” Megan joked. “Don’t let Lee’s taunts and insults get to you, they aren’t true. I’m here to help and so are these blokes. We’ll get settled and eventually start looking for jobs. Alright?”

BOOK: Freedom to Ride (Ravens MC)
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