Forever (Time for Love Book 1) (21 page)

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Authors: Miranda P. Charles

Tags: #romance and family, #romance cruise, #romance, #hot romance, #contemporary romance novels, #vacation romance, #sexy romance, #millionaire romance, #contemporary romance

BOOK: Forever (Time for Love Book 1)
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He didn't even look around to see if anyone in Rebecca's favourite pool area was watching them. "Do I look like I care?" he asked, kissing her below the ear.

"Don't hold me too close. You're the one who hates seeing your pictures splashed all over the magazines and papers."

"If a photo of us does end up in a magazine, then you'll be famous, won't you?" he teased. "I can see the headlines.
Zachary Carmichael Canoodling With a Mystery Brunette

"More like
Zachary Carmichael Canoodling With His Grandmother's Nurse
," she said dryly.

He chuckled and placed soft kisses on her bare shoulder. He felt her melt in his arms and his cock stirred. Damn it. They
in a public place.

The unmistakable sound of a clicking camera went off right next to them and Rebecca jumped out of his lap, her expression horrified.

He was ready to give the photographer a nasty warning when he found out who it was—Jeff, who was grinning from ear to ear.

"What the hell, bro?" he asked without heat.

"I can't believe this very public display of affection from you, Mr. Don't-Give-Them-Any-Material Carmichael," Jeff said.

"You're just envious," Zach said smugly. "Why don't you do a kissy-face with Marilyn? How are things going between you, by the way?"

"There's nothing going on between us anymore. The interest has passed."

Zach raised an eyebrow. "Last time I heard, she couldn't wait for you to get here."

Jeff shook his head as he sat on the edge of Zach's deck chair. "Right now, she's not talking to me because I refuse to sleep with her again. That's actually a good thing. I don't have to avoid her because she's avoiding me."

Zach tapped Jeff on the arm and indicated he should move to the empty chair next to them, then tugged Rebecca's hand so she would sit back on his lap.

"Gran would be disappointed," he said to Jeff. "She was hoping you'd find your one and only on this love boat."

Jeff smirked. "I've proposed to a woman once, and she turned me down. I have no plans of doing that again. I kinda like my status right now. Free."

Zach stared at his brother, wondering if Jeff was still nursing a broken heart from the rejection of two years ago. Jeff's ex had not only said she wasn't ready to get married, but she'd left Australia to further her career in New York not long after Jeff's proposal.

"Speaking of your gran," Rebecca said, "here she comes."

Magda and Sarah were walking toward them, and Magda had a beaming grin on her face.

Rebecca tried to get out of Zach's lap again, but he restrained her. Instead, he hugged her tight and kissed her soundly on the cheek. When he looked back at his grandmother, her smile had widened so much that it almost split her face.

"Hello, beautiful ladies," Jeff said. "Have you come to join us for a swim?"

"We have," Magda answered. "Where's Greg?"

The brothers shrugged.

"He must be taking a nap or something," Jeff said. "He had a big night last night."

"I'm glad he's having fun," Magda said. "I've been wanting to go in the hot tub. Come join me, Jeffrey."

Sarah helped Magda out of her wrap-around dress and stepped back, only to run out of room and stumble onto Jeff's lap.

"Oops, sorry," Sarah said, blushing.

"Don't be. I don't mind," Jeff said cheekily. "It's not often a gorgeous woman falls on my lap."

"I bet that's a lie," Sarah said as she got up.

"Which part? That I don't mind that you sat on me, or that gorgeous women don't often fall on my lap?"

"The latter," Sarah said, her lips curving up even as she reddened deeper.

Jeff pretended to think for a moment. "Okay. You're right. The first part isn't a lie. I really don't mind that you fell on me." He gave Sarah a teasing grin.

Sarah's smile widened, her eyes taking on a dreamy look.

Zach shook his head surreptitiously. Jeff was a big flirt, and he didn't seem to notice when women thought he was interested when all he was doing was joking around.

He'd better have a quiet chat with Jeff later on and warn him that he should consider Sarah off-limits. It wouldn't be fun anymore if Sarah took him seriously when Jeff didn't mean anything. Rebecca wouldn't be happy, and neither would their grandmother.


o you want to go in the water?" Rebecca asked as they watched Sarah and Jeff support Magda as she got in the pool.

"I'm quite happy sitting here. Do you want to?" Zach said.

Rebecca shook her head and made herself more comfortable on his lap. He sighed with contentment and caressed her arm with the tips of his fingers.

"Are you sure you won't get mad if a picture of us cuddling like this appears on the cover of a magazine?"

"I think most people here are not interested in us. But even if one or two can't help themselves, I'm not going to spoil my fun with you by caring if someone might take a picture or not. Would it bother you, though?"

"Not really," Rebecca said. "As long as whatever they write about us is truthful."

"Well, we better show them more cuddling so they'll write
Zachary Carmichael In Love

Rebecca giggled. "They'd probably add a subtitle to that.
How Long Would It Last?

"Forever," he said in her ear.

Rebecca gasped and gaped at him with happy eyes. "Forever?"

He took her hand and placed it on his chest—against his heart that was beating only for her. "Forever."

He would have preferred to wait—to have everything planned and ready for the occasion—but he simply couldn't help the next words that tumbled out of his lips. "Marry me, Bec."

Rebecca's eyes filled with tears. "Oh, Zach."

"Is that a yes?" he asked hopefully.


They kissed deeply. Passionately. Publicly.


hank you for reading!

Jeff and Sarah's love story is next.
Finally (Time for Love Book 2)
is scheduled for release in May 2014. To be among the first to set eyes on the cover and read the first chapters, make sure you're subscribed to my newsletter.
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Have you read the love story of Trey (Rebecca's brother) and Kris yet? Turn the page and enjoy chapter one of
Secret Moves


The love story of Kris McCann and Trey Andrews

Chapter One

h, weddings, you bring out the best and worst of emotions.
Kristen McCann smiled wryly as she spotted a pensive-looking young woman stare surreptitiously at a couple kissing passionately in a quiet corner of one of Sydney's luxurious five-star hotels. Judging by their clothing, the sad-faced girl and the canoodling pair were guests of the bride and groom. She didn't recognise them, so she guessed they were on Kane Summers' guest list, and not on her best friend Jasmine Allen-Summers'.

She sighed as she made her way back to the grand ballroom after a quick trip to the ladies'. This wedding—and the lead-up to it—elicited something in her, too. Lately, to her discomfort, her libido had been very much awake.

Ever since she and her cousin Samantha Lane arrived from Melbourne a few days ago to fulfil their bridesmaid duties, she'd been constantly in the presence of two loved-up couples. Since she and Sam were staying at Kane and Jasmine's place while in Sydney, she'd been witness to the newlyweds' desire for each other, even though the pair tried their best to keep their passion private. Then there were Ari Mitchell, their other best friend, and her boyfriend Dylan Summers, Kane's brother. Those two seemed to be in competition with Kane and Jasmine for the title
Sizzling Couple of the Year
. Add to that mix the fact that she'd had a long sex drought of eleven and a half months. It was no wonder she'd been craving a warm, masculine body to alleviate some tension.

She glanced at the amorous couple again, and her eyes widened in disbelief. The PG-rated kiss of a few seconds ago had now become an R. She let out an incredulous laugh, surprised at the audacity of the guy to visibly fondle his girlfriend's breast in full view of anyone who passed by. Fortunately, most of the wedding guests were inside enjoying some dancing. Honestly, they should get a room!

She placed her palm on the heavy door of the ballroom and pushed, only to misstep and stumble when she saw who was on the other side of it.

"Oops. I'm sorry," a deep masculine voice said as he grabbed her arms to stop her from falling flat on her face.

She grinned. "It's not your fault. I was just surprised it's you."

The hunk with incredible grey eyes and dark brown hair lifted his eyebrows at her questioningly.

"Don't mind me," she said with a shake of her head. "I just happened to be talking about you with Ari a few minutes ago. Your name's Trey, right? I'm Kris McCann."

"Hi, Kris. Yes, I'm Trey—Trey Andrews." The gorgeous one gave her a curious look as he shook the hand she offered him. "But of course, I already know your name. Hard to miss when you're one of the stunning bridesmaids."

She smiled at the compliment.

"So, why were you and Ari talking about me?" Trey asked.

"Oh, it was nothing important," she said with a laugh. "Besides, I really shouldn't tell you."

"Now, Kris. You can't just leave it like that. You can't incite my interest then leave me hanging," Trey said lightly.

She pursed her lips. "Considering I agreed with Ari's suggestion, there's really not much point discussing it with you."

"Now I'm even more intrigued," Trey said with a wide, engaging smile.

She sighed—well, it was really more like a swoon. Trey really was gorgeous. Should she tell him that she had asked Ari to introduce them to each other for the possibility of some casual sex? Ari was clearly against the idea, warning her of Trey's reputation as a playboy. Since it had been Dylan who'd told Ari that, and Dylan was Trey's best friend, she had no reason to doubt the accuracy of that statement.

Not that she cared about Trey being a playboy. Crude as it might sound, all she wanted was to get laid and Trey happened to catch her eye. But Ari had been concerned about possible complications. To put her friend at ease, Kris had agreed that it would be better if she considered someone else who was a complete stranger to all of them.

"I can see the wheels turning in that beautiful head of yours," Trey teased flirtatiously. "Come on, tell me."

She bit her lip to hide her smile as she stared at him, contemplating her next words. "My cousin Samantha and I are here in Sydney for three weeks to house-sit for Jasmine and Kane while they're on their honeymoon. I said to Ari that I wanted to make the most of it. One thing I wanted to do was to meet someone for some casual sex while I'm here. Not that it's something I do a lot of, but it's been a while, and I' know," she said with a shrug.

Trey's eyes opened wide in surprise. She must have shocked him with her candidness. The truth was, sometimes her brain-to-mouth filter failed to work. The fact that she already had a bit of alcohol in her made it worse.

"Sooo," Trey said with a suppressed smile. "How did I end up being in the conversation?"

She lifted her shoulders. "Since it's a moot point, let's not talk about it."

"Why is it a moot point?"

"Because it won't be with you!" she laughed.

Trey's eyes sparkled with interest. "So you considered me?"

"Considered you and scratched you out," she confirmed flippantly.

"Why? What's wrong with me?" he asked with mock indignation.

"Nothing much that I can see," she admitted, casting an admiring glance at his form. She bet there was a great body hiding underneath that expensive suit.

Trey's smile widened, making her want to swoon again.
Damn it, Ari. Why did I listen to you?

"So why did you scratch me out?" he asked.

"Ari didn't think it was a good idea. Too complicated."

Trey laughed out loud. "That, coming from someone who propositioned her friend's brother-in-law for a one-night stand."

She joined him in laughter. "I know. But I think that's why she's worried. She thinks I might fall for you like she did with Dylan."

"Oh. Are you looking for a boyfriend? If so, she's right to warn you off me. I'm allergic to relationships," Trey said with a teasing smile, but his eyes betrayed his seriousness.

"No, I'm not looking for a boyfriend. I'm looking to get laid. But to avoid any unexpected consequences, I've agreed to look elsewhere."

"Are you always this frank?" Trey asked, astounded.

She sighed. "Unfortunately. Mind you, I am a little bit worse tonight because of the alcohol."

"But you're not completely drunk?"

"Do I look completely drunk?"

"Not completely. Just a tiny little bit. Which means the alcohol wasn't affecting your judgment when you thought of me as a potential playmate," Trey said, giving her a suggestive wink.

She chuckled. "I'm sure you already know you're one hot guy, Trey. But you know what? I agree with Ari. Better not go where we might not like the consequences. What if I fell for you without meaning to? We wouldn't want that now, would we?" she asked jokingly.

Trey let out a nervous laugh. "No, we certainly wouldn't want that! I'm sure Ari and Jasmine would line up to have my head if I hurt you."

She smiled, concealing a sigh. What a shame. If Trey was a total stranger, she was almost sure they could end up in bed that very night. But, hey, it wasn't to be.

She glanced at the throng of people dancing the night away and couldn't help the smile that formed on her face. She loved dancing.

"Would you like to dance, Trey?" she asked. "Dancing together wouldn't hurt, would it?"

Trey looked embarrassed. "Uh, sorry. I don't dance."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean I

"Oh, come now. Anyone can dance. You're not turning me down because I said I won't be sleeping with you, are you?"

"What?" Trey asked, chuckling. "Of course not."

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