FORCE: Alpha Badboy MMA Romance (42 page)

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“How many bedrooms?” she asked.

“Six, why?”

“Because, I think we may need to decide which one is going to be the nursery.”

Cameron felt all the blood rush to his head.

“Really? Why didn’t you tell me? Fuck yes, really?!??” Cameron was on her in three seconds, spinning her around and taking her mouth.

She pushed his face back, running her fingers over the top of his short black hair.

“I’m not sure, I think. I bought a pregnancy test. It’s in my bag. I wanted us to find out together.”

“Well, what the fuck are we waiting for? Let’s go find out.”

“But, the horses —”

Cameron didn’t put her down, he carried her up the porch steps, tore off the ribbon on the door. He kissed her until she couldn’t breathe, set her on the sofa and went back for their bags.

Finally, they ran up the stairs to the master suite, his girl giggling like she was a teenager. He didn’t know if his cock could wait, but he sat patiently waiting on the bed for the longest three minutes of his life outside the master suite bathroom door.

“Well!? What the hell?!?!?” He growled shaking his head and looking out the window as the puffs of white clouds made their way leisurely across the soft blue sky.

Jesus Christ, come on babe. What the hell is she doing in there? It feels like I’ve been sitting here for a fucking hour.

His legs shook impatiently back and forth along with the tapping of his feet on the worn deep brown planks of the wood floor. He leaned back on the bed, his cock already jumping and twitching just knowing they were in the bedroom of their new home.

Place needs to be christened. Lots of rooms and we’re going to anoint every damn one of them with our scent.

He heard the antique brass knob jiggle and as soon as he saw the way her eyes twinkled and she bit down on the corner of her lip, he had all the answers he needed.

He spent the next couple hours either tasting her or inside her, giving her at least two more useless rounds of his seed.

Cameron’s hand circled softly over the ivory softness of her belly as they lay naked, her breath soft on his shoulder, the sun lowering itself in the sky and casting golden light across the room.

“How did we get here?” Her voice hinted at the sleep she desperately needed.

“We’ve always been here, babe. In my heart, we’ve always been here.”

















He’s become the father neither of us ever had. I can barely hold back the tears as I watch him carry Nico on his shoulders.

Asher is jumping around like an idiot next to them, making their son laugh until he snorts.

Cameron has on his ever present faded blue hoodie, Nico in his matching one with the little hood pulled over his head as fall breezes blow through the trees.

Two years and another swollen belly later with a Turkey in the oven and a table set for twelve, the house has become the heart of the new family they’ve built.

There stands a giant garden just behind the back porch where Victoria grew a rainbow of organic vegetables that adorned their table every night. She even made Nico’s baby food herself once he was off her incredible set of tits.

Her artwork was shown in galleries as far away as New York. She’d lost her desire to go to openings outside the state and leave the family, but her absence hadn’t dimmed the sales.

Neither had time dimmed their fire for each other.

Cameron took Victoria screaming and moaning on the back porch until a few minutes before the doorbell rang, and Roger walked in carrying his six-pack of O’Douls in one hand and his cane in the other. Asher followed right behind with two grocery bags full of Dorito’s, beef jerky, and Mountain Dew.

“You know she’s going to can your ass if she finds that crap,” Cameron admonished his little brother.

“I’m a college student; these are the staples of life. Besides, I have no other vices. I have a 4.0. If eating junk food is the worst thing I do, she should be happy.”

“Have you met my wife? She’s still going to throw every damn piece of those chemical concoctions into the trash. So if you want any of that crap, you better hide it out back and don’t let her get a whiff of that nasty Dorito breath or I’m gonna be laughing my ass off when she gets her hooks into you.”

“Fine. Whatever. She’s just this side of crazy you know that?”

Cameron hung his head as he watched Victoria flutter around the kitchen like a little pregnant hurricane, her long hair falling in tendrils out of her loose ponytail, cheeks pink and ass red.

“You have no idea man.” Cameron turned back to the front door after Roger nodded and winked from the front room where he sat already glued to the TV watching the Lions take another beating with Nico bouncing on the sofa next to him.

As soon as Cameron came into view, Nico ran to hug his Daddy’s leg, and Cameron gave Asher a shove out the door his hands still clutching the grocery bags.

“So, who else is coming?” Asher tucked his two sacks of contraband back behind the antique white wicker chairs on the porch.

They walked out the slate stone path toward the front pasture, Nico playing the top of Cameron’s head like a snare drum as he sat on his daddy’s shoulders.

“Reggie, Flynn, Ruddy, Aunt Lucy and their whole crazy bunch.”

“Went by the gym yesterday when I got home. Jesus, it’s crazy in there.”

“Yeah, something else huh?”

Reggie invested well over a hundred thousand into new equipment and state of the art training systems. Cameron threw in a few hundred grand himself on building updates and badly needed infrastructure.

Victoria rarely went to Southside anymore; she’d put her time in — and in the end, she realized her path lay elsewhere. She left it in Reggie’s competent hands, but she still checked over the books every month, careful to make sure every penny was accounted for. Old habits died hard.

“Roger’s doing good, huh?” Asher asked.

“Yep. Still dry, gotta hand it to the old fuck. He turned his shit around. He’s still at the gym every damn day. Reggie respects him. He’s still got something to offer. I think he’d curl up and die if he didn’t have the gym. It’s in his blood.”

“Yeah, I hear Flynn’s rising. Dad said Reggie thinks he’s got it. He’s 3-0. Might be Southside’s first UFC contract in a damn long time. Well, besides you.”

“Yeah. You know he was one of Topher’s low-level soldiers. They had a misunderstanding, but he got out with all his limbs intact. I used to think the guy had some shit up his sleeve, rubbed me the wrong way. Must have been the scent of that fat fuck still on him, but he’s okay. I think he’s got a history, but no one has come calling for his ass yet at least as far as I know.”

“Cam!!” Victoria yelled, standing on the front porch, bare feet, wiping her hands on the yellow and white apron around her oversized belly. “I’ve got your shake ready!”

She held up a glass of some green, thick liquid in a glass the size of a small pitcher.

“What the fuck is that?” Asher squished up his face in disgust.

“Shut up, man. It’s power greens. Force brand protein powder and god knows what other shit she puts in there. Besides, my face is on the damn container of that protein shit; I should at least use it.”

He had risen to fight top billing cards. He had took the heavyweight championship last year, and the endorsements followed.

“You gonna actually drink that?”

Cameron sighed, his girl had him by the short hairs.

“Yes, I’m going to drink it,” he snapped at his smirking brother. “Dude, you gotta pick your battles. I can’t die on every damn hill. She’s a damn pain in my ass.” Cameron smiled as he pushed Asher half off his feet.

“Dude, you suck you know that? All happy and shit. You’re gonna lose your edge if you’re not careful.”

They made their way across the lawn, Nico babbling on and pounding on Cameron’s head as his hands held tight to the toddler’s legs straddling his shoulders.

“Not damn likely. I’ve got plenty of edges saved up for the rest of my life. Besides, there are still plenty of assholes in the world. I’ve gotta keep my skills sharp, you never know what swinging dick might come creeping around.”

“Yeah, and I got a feeling you planted a baby girl this time. Maybe twins. Can’t wait to see you try to keep that shit under control.” Asher cracked himself up.

“Fuck me. Don’t even say that, my damn ass is beat just keeping one female in line. I can’t even fathom two, or more. Victoria wants to fill every damn bedroom with our brood. Who fucking knew right?”

“Come on, your ‘power greens’ are waiting.”

Looking at her chestnut hair streaming in the breeze as she holds that disgusting green drink has me about to go off. Another girl? Seriously? There’s no damn way I can handle two of them or three. God, I mean it, I counting on you to help me. Don’t let a fuck like me screw this up, ‘cause she deserves to be happy.

Cameron stared down the long candlelit table at the glow of her face. It was a scene right out of Norman Fucking Rockwell, and Cameron had to shake his head to make sure he wasn’t dreaming. Even Stoli and Samson were laying there next to his feet worried one day they would wake up wire to a stake in a dirty front yard.

Reggie and Roger were arguing about some new equipment that Roger couldn’t seem to figure out. Roger’s sister Lucy and her crazy clan were laughing their asses off about something as silverware clanked, and glasses clinked.

His girl tipped her head and met his eye from her seat at the other end of the rustic farmhouse table. He wasn’t sure, but it might be bad manners to jerk her upstairs right now and fuck her into the wall before dessert was served.

She knew him well enough, she winked one of those round doe eyes at him and licked her lips.

“Excuse me.” Victoria’s chair made a loud screech across the wide plank pine floor, then made her way around the table and her fingertips grazed his shoulder as she walked by lighting a fire where she touched.
“Follow me.”
She whispered into Cameron’s ear, and he watched her make her way to the stairs.

Don’t have to tell me twice.

He gave her a few minute head start, hoping no one would notice when he pushed his chair back to follow her.

“Where you going?” Asher’s voice called out from the chaos around the table.

“Duty calls man. Duty calls.”

Asher laughed then turned back to join in the playful banter with Reggie and Roger. Anyone that knew them came to understand Cameron and Victoria would do what they needed to do no matter who might be around.

Victoria greeted him in all her naked glory inside their bedroom. The way her body curved and her belly had grown had his head already manic and his cock howling.

He lost his clothes by the time he made it to the bed. He kissed the swell of her belly, licked her until her river flowed on his tongue before he slipped into her body where he belonged.

“Ummmm…” Victoria closed her eyes as he sunk to the root inside her.

“I love you.” He whispered as he rocked in and out, making love her to her slow and steady as he watched her face.

“I love you too.” Her voice turned breathy, little fuck me noises coming up and out of her as he stroked against her clit.

“Who do you belong to?” He gave her all of him in a single hard thrust and her eyes rolled back in her head.

“You, Daddy. I belong to you.” Her eyes closed, and her lips fell open, little gasps echoing in the tall old ceilings.

“That’s right.” Cameron looked down where their bodies joined, biting down on his lip as her moist center clutched around his engorged cock.

Please, harder
—” Her eyes opened to half circles, her voice pleading.

He intended to keep it smooth and slow, but he always lost it when she looked up at him with those imploring eyes.

His hips found fifth gear and she arched up and yelped as Cameron fucked down into her damn near coming right through into the bed below.

He leaned over the hump of her sexy as hell belly and took her mouth. He stroked her until she screamed and gushed — emptying himself balls deep inside her warmth as his heart swelled until he felt like the damn Grinch at the end of that Christmas cartoon.

The rest of the day they ate and laughed until the sun rounded the corner and the moon took over.

Cameron wrapped his arms around her from behind as they waved goodbye to everyone from the front porch. The breeze was turning cooler, reminding them that winter was just around the corner.

Nico was asleep on the couch as they made their way back inside. Cameron tucked some pillows around him and kissed his sweet forehead.

“Come on. I’ve got a surprise for you.” Cameron walked her toward the back door.

“What? I don’t need anything. God, you’re impossible. I have everything I could ever want. You better not have spent a lot of —”

God, she just couldn’t stop. She’s a damn nut chastising me whenever I spend any money on her. She knows our bank account is flush and still, there’s nothing she wants. Only me, how’d I get such a treasure?

“Sssshhhh.” He guided her to the back door, then pointed toward the towering oak tree that stood outside their bedroom window.

The bottom branches of the tree twinkled with tiny dancing white lights. One spotlight tucked into the crook of the branches illuminated a large carved heart high up on the tree so it could be seen from their bed. Inside the heart, crude letters were carved into the thick bark of the 200-year-old tree.

‘Cameron + Victoria TLA.'

“Oh my God.” Her hand flew to her mouth. “Cam, I love it. It’s beautiful. Thank you, babe. Who knew you would be such a romantic? You’re crazy you know that?” She leaned back against him, and his arms hugged her around her belly.

“I know, babe. And, yes, I’m as crazy as they come.”

His hands felt the movement of tiny feet under her apron, and he took a long gaze up into the stars breathing in her peaches and cream scent.

Thank you.












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