Flirting With Desire (Contemporary Romance) Complete Collection (5 page)

BOOK: Flirting With Desire (Contemporary Romance) Complete Collection
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“Enough, kitten.” She’d never heard his voice so thick and rough with need. He pulled her up for a ravenous kiss that sent heat coursing through her warm, melting sex. “You make me want to explode. But this time, only when I’m inside you. You ready?”

Hanna heard his words as if from a dream. She licked on her lips, savouring their mingled tastes on her lips. He met her eyes and the answer in them brought a primal groan deep in his chest. He quickly grabbed a condom from the bedside drawer, and as he rolled it unto his impressive erection, Hanna could swear her pussy twanged in vicarious bliss.

Damian propped his back against the mass of pillows at the head of the bed, and drew her into his lap. Hanna sat facing him, legs on either side of his thighs. Hanna didn’t think about it at all; she kissed him, fingers flexing into those sinfully dark locks.

“Aah, Hanna. I’ve only wished this like a million times,” groaned Damian against her lips, and Hanna felt too breathless with pleasure to respond. All she could do was gasp as with one hand, he guided his broad tip to her entrance, while his other hand reached behind to grab her curvy bottom. Hanna now gripped his shoulders, her body poised for his invasion. He didn’t keep her waiting.

Everything had built up to this moment. All these months…now these past long minutes of foreplay. This would make it all complete. A fantasy fulfilled, a fantasy she hadn’t even known she had, but always seemed to have existed in her hidden depths. Damian’s eyes locked with hers as he pressed his hard dick against her pussy. Suddenly, Hanna needed to be filled. She bit hard on her lower lip and pressed down as he surged into her.

The impact of him was overwhelming.
So full. She let out an open-mouthed gasp. The pressure, the friction made itself known in the instant he began to move. Shit. The sheer bliss of it felt like it would capsize her.

“Damian. Oh…oh God. I need you. Need you so much,” she panted, her hips unconsciously dancing, grinding. Damian groaned, thrust up into her and slammed into the neck of her channel. Her words had brought the wash of heat to his face and she could see his cheekbones flush, his jaw gritting as he strove for control.

Quickly, he reversed their positions and she felt winded as she ended up beneath him. He took hold of her legs and placed them atop his shoulders. The sounds of passion filled the air, spilling from his mouth and hers. At this angle, there was no way she could stop from feeling him to the brim. She’d never been so tightly wedged by cock. It brought a sweet pain to the pleasure, and she never wanted it to end. No one had ever made her feel this way. Right now, she couldn’t even think of anything or anyone else. Just Damian, and the way he began to pound her scorching pussy.

“You make me want to brand this pussy, so you’ll understand it’s mine,” Damian said thickly, and she had to force her eyelids apart to see the dark lights of purpose blazing in his grey eyes. “Mine, Hanna.
So snug and tight.

Hanna knew exactly how he felt. His cock inside her felt like it was made just to give her pleasure. He hit spots she’d never imagined a cock could reach. His
measured thrusts grew rougher, more demanding and it opened up a firestorm inside her. Endlessly, he took her. Time faded and only passion reigned supreme.

She didn’t expect her orgasm to ramp up so soon. But everything about Damian drove her to the brink. The scent of him, the feel of his body crushing into hers, and the way he rammed her as deeply and powerfully as she’d only ever dreamed her lover could do…she was powerless to fight it. Clutching his shoulders, she let out a cry as the force of her climax made her body jerk forward.

“Yes, Hanna. Come for me. Don’t you dare hold back,” Damian growled into her throat before he lifted up to look down into her face.

Hanna was lost. From the moment she’d let him kiss her she’d known she was doomed. Now, she was coming even harder than the last time, engulfing every inch of his rock-hard member in her molten heat. Damian roared, his hips surging harder and faster against her while her clenching cunt seemed to trigger his resultant release. Knowing they came in tandem added more aftershocks of ecstasy rampaging through her frame. It all felt too intense, too consuming with Damian. How the hell was she ever going to get enough of him, after this first explosive eruption of their mind and soul?


It felt like an eternity had passed, but it had really been just a little under an hour. Reality dawned the moment Damian slowly pulled out of her and then drew her in for a tight embrace, taking her mouth in a deep, possessive kiss. It was the sensation of being claimed that had Hanna pushing against him with determination. He sighed and let her go, thankfully. She turned away as he went into the bathroom, returning moments later to find her dressed and tugging on her shoes.

“I need to…go back to my room and freshen up for the meeting,” she said stiltedly, not looking at him. “We only have about fifteen more minutes…”


That one word, her name on his lips in that tone did impossible things to places that still ached and twitched at the juncture of her thighs. He came up to her, unabashedly naked and she didn’t know where to look. Her eyes fell on the rumpled sheets and she couldn’t look at them either so her eyes flew up defiantly to meet his.

“I need to go,” she said, her tone more firm.

“I get that,” Damian said patiently, his fingers combing through her hair. “But we still have to make time to talk. About us. I told you, you’re mine now. I won’t let you go.”

Hanna was already shaking her head vehemently. “I’m sorry. This shouldn’t have happened.” Tears pricked her eyes and she wasn’t sure why she was crying.
Shame, disgust at herself, confusion? It was hard to tell.

“Damn, Hanna. Don’t cry. If I hurt you…”

“There’s no ‘if’ about that,” she bit out, finding her voice again. “But that’s okay. What just took place…it doesn’t matter. Because Chet warned me this would happen. That we’d sleep together. I just…I can’t understand how he could have known. How he saw right through me…”

“Don’t think about him,” Damian gritted out. “He has nothing to do with us.”

Hanna’s eyes hardened as she stared into his eyes. “There is no and can never be an ‘us’. A single romp in your bed doesn’t make me your property, Damian. Nothing has really changed between you and me. If you think I…”

“You’re angry, I understand,” Damian said, eyes narrowing, and as he would have gripped her hand she backed away with a grunt of loathing.

“No; you need to understand this: I still love my boyfriend. I know I’ve messed up, just like he suspected but I’m going to try and win him back. You’ve had your little conquest, Damian Rush but now it’s done. I’ll hand in my resignation first thing Monday.”

And before he could respond, she stalked out of the room, the door slamming behind her with force.

Flirting With Desire Book 2


Hanna rushed into her room like the devil himself was after her. Thankfully, Damian didn’t follow.

She stripped off again and went in to shower, telling herself she needed to wash Damian’s imprints off her.

Minutes later, she exited the bathroom and quickly got dressed. They just might be a little late for the meeting but that couldn’t be helped, she thought grimly. If Damian tried to give her any grief about being just a few minutes behind schedule, she’d…

Hanna let out a deflated sigh as a sudden feeling of powerlessness gave over her. Just what could she do? She’d already succumbed her body to the one man she loathed in the world. She’d given him more power over her and she couldn’t see any way to make him pay for the hell he’d put her through.

She found her phone and saw that there were several missed calls from Chet. Her heart thudded as she remembered the parting words she told Damian. I’m still in love with my boyfriend. I’m going to try to win him back.

She closed her eyes briefly and sighed, letting all the stress of the past hour seep out of her. She wasn’t ready to talk to Chet yet, and definitely wasn’t ready to come to grips with the colossal error she’d just made by sleeping with her boss.

And she wasn’t sure if she could keep from doing it again…

When she stepped out of her room, she found Damian waiting right outside. His eyes searched her face and she lifted her chin to meet his penetrating gaze.

“Are you okay?” he asked calmly but with consideration.

She choked out a short laugh. “As I’ll ever be.
Like you told me once before, I must remain professional at all times. I hope you can do the same.”

His eyes blazed for a moment at her tone. “We will talk after our meeting. Get that straight. This is far from concluded,” he declared, but without another word they left the hotel together.

Damian drove them without a word and yet she could tell, from the looks he sent her from time to time, that he wanted to bring up the tension that so obviously existed between them.

However, he didn’t, and maintained the edgy silence till they arrived at the company where they were to hold the meeting. He got to her side and helped her out of the car and try as she might, she couldn’t avoid brushing against him
which she realized must have been his intention. She pursed her lips and made a vow not to let herself get cowed by him. It didn’t matter if just a while ago, she was writhing beneath him, her sheathe filled with his rigid thickness. Bringing her orgasms she’d only ever read about but never imagined she could ever experience.

That was then, and this was now.

He placed a hand on the small of her back as he escorted her into the building, but once inside Hanna stepped away from him and severed contact. Unable to help it, she shot him a look she hoped would quell any ideas he might have about ruffling her feathers. He was the one always going on about professionalism, as she’d reminded him earlier. She just wanted to get the whole ordeal over with. The sooner the trip could end, the sooner she could get back to fixing her life. She’d meant it about handing her resignation in on Monday. He’d ignored that bit of information, or was saving it for later discussion. But for Hanna there was nothing left to talk about.

The meeting with the executives of the important client firm they were meeting with was lengthy and tedious, with a break for lunch. All through the time the meeting lasted, Hanna maintained her cool exterior, despite how difficult it was to keep concentrating. She only had to look at Damian, seated there along with the other execs, an image of masculine refinement and sleekness from head to toe and be reminded of him as a passionate lover.
Powerfully sexual, with a touch that knew just what to do. Hanna found herself crossing and uncrossing her legs several times to quell the almost irrepressible twitching of her secret folds at the images that came to mind. Hands, lips and tongue everywhere on her body, making her melt into a gooey mess that still seemed ready to erupt at the slightest provocation.

There was no way she could keep working with him after this, not for much longer.

She stayed in her usual seat and was on hand to assist him in any capacity required. If she felt his eyes on her a few more times than necessary, she didn’t let on but instead kept on her efficient mask.

When Damian was through with his presentation, he thanked the other participants for listening. The CEO and execs shook hands with him and the meeting came to an end. Hanna heard him decline their offer to join them on the greens the following morning. Hanna felt a strange relief when they finally headed back to the hotel to prepare for the final meeting of the day.

But the relief was short-lived when they got back to the hotel and made their way back to the suite – the scene of crime.

Hanna made for her door but Damian stepped in front to halt her stride. “Talk to me, Hanna. Don’t pretend what we did never happened.”

Hanna flushed and looked around the empty, plush hotel corridor before facing him with sparking eyes. “What do you want, Damian? Your pound of flesh?”

He actually smiled; the most wolfish she’d ever seen him. “You know I’d never settle for so little. I want it all, Hanna.” He lifted a hand to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. When she turned away with a harsh sigh, he took her chin gently in his thumb and index finger, tilting her face to his.

“Hanna, look at me.”

She lifted her lids reluctantly and met those piercing eyes. “Don’t run from this. I know it’s all very difficult to understand right now. But just…trust me.”

Her gaze was unwavering, even accusing. “I can’t. Why should I? Give me one reason why.”

When his eyes narrowed and he made to speak, she cut him off with her next words. “Okay, answer me this. Did you know about me planning to spend my intended week off with Chet? Was that why you insisted I follow you here?”

He didn’t blink. “There’s a lot I need to explain, but not out here with us putting on a show like a cheap soap opera.

Hanna gave him a disgusted look. “You didn’t answer my question,” she said angrily, and turned away.

Damian grabbed her wrist and made her face him again. He let out a short sigh and then began in a deep, gruff voice. “Several weeks ago I asked you to stay back late at work and you rang him. You both exchanged words and by the end of the call you were crying.”

BOOK: Flirting With Desire (Contemporary Romance) Complete Collection
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