Flirting With Desire (Contemporary Romance) Complete Collection (10 page)

BOOK: Flirting With Desire (Contemporary Romance) Complete Collection
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There was no holding back – no need to. Both their hips moved furiously and Hanna could hear her rattling breathing match his own short bursts of air. His groin slapped up into her again and again and those sounds heightened her almost fiendish arousal.

Their lips reached blindly for a kiss and Hanna surrendered his moist, open-mouthed foray. His hands squeezed hard on her ass cheeks before she felt his fingers edge closer to her winking crack. He teased the tiny ring of muscle and she gasped. Her wetness from their coupling had spilled down to whet her rear entrance which made it easy for his finger to drive in knuckle-deep.

The sense of being doubly penetrated was mind-blowing, especially when Damian began to push in and out of her anal sheathe with that single digit. Already she felt full, front and back and if his intention had been to accelerate her mounting release, he succeeded. It didn’t take long before the synchronized pumping of his cock in her pussy and his finger in her ass drove her to a spine-curling orgasm that triggered him to burst just moments later.



The meeting was with his father and other top-ranking execs of the firm. Damian noticed that his father kept sending him curious looks. Maybe it had to do with Damian being uncharacteristically late. That last session against the wall with Hanna had taken a bit longer than expected. Because she had to take another shower and he ended up joining in. One thing led to another and he was fucking her from behind, her palms pressed against the tiled walls. He’d rammed so hard inside her again and again that her feet had lifted off the floor. Damn it felt good inside her. He also liked that she could handle his rampaging libido, something not many of his former women could do.

Damian had a reputation with the opposite sex that he wasn’t proud of but he’d done nothing to alter the image he seemed to have as a heart breaker. Those women
had walked in knowing the deal and yet, still acted the wounded angels when it was through.

Damian might have stopped believing in love a long time ago, but he couldn’t deny that he felt a strange connection with Hanna. Even with her sitting just beyond his line of vision as she took notes and even with the other people present, he was still aware of every little thing about her. The dark golden highlights in her long hair tied up in a ponytail, the gentle scent of her perfume that got his cock stirring, and the delicate turn of her wrist as her hand flew over the pages.

Imagining how those soft, small hands had cupped his balls and pumped his cock, he had to smother a heartfelt groan. Damn damn damn he had it bad for this woman. He knew he’d started off being a beast to her and he was glad she hadn’t ended up resigning as she’d threatened. He vowed internally to give her enough reasons to stay and that’s what he’d meant when he told her he’d do what he had to do.

That meant, also keeping Chet the hell away from his woman. Damian knew Hanna was the loyal type and he could imagine her confusion after walking away from a relationship that had lasted four years.

Damian felt sorry she had been hurt but he knew she deserved better. He might not be her dream man in terms of romance, but he would show her in every way he could that she’d made the right choice giving herself to him – whether willingly or unwillingly.

Damian smiled slightly when he thought of the things she’d said about the bondage room he’d had fitted for them.
, he’d love teaching her more things about the world of pleasure and how different equations of pain, discipline and strong hands could enhance everything from the first touch to the moment of full-body orgasm. When he’d watched her with Chet, he’d seen she had a submissive nature but this time, he would show her what it meant to have a man strong enough to bring out the best in her even as she surrendered totally to him.

Damian tuned into the meeting and was relieved when it was finally over. Business and the firm used to be the center of his focus but now he felt a strange thrill knowing he could afford to occupy himself with the tantalizing treat that was Hanna Simms.

“Damian, a few words?” his father asked as the other execs filed out. Damian sent the hovering Hanna a nod and then turned to where his father Elvin Rush stood waiting at one of the picture windows lining the walls of the boardroom.

“I’ve been meaning to talk to you too, Dad. And I apologize for being late for the meeting today,” he said as they both stood viewing the skyline from Rush Towers. Both men almost stood shoulder to shoulder, Damian just that much taller and yet Elvin Rush remained just as straight even for a man pushing his sixties. They might be alike in looks, right down to the inky black
hair which only had a few pinches of grey in Elvin’s case. And Damian might have much of his corporate drive from his father but that’s where the similarities ended. Elvin had only ever loved one woman in his life and that was Damian’s mother who’d died when Damian was a teen. Elvin had never remarried and Damian couldn’t say he’d ever seen his father show an interest in any kind of relationship since then. Damian respected that but he didn’t get it. Why would anyone want to be alone?

Not that he thought he was any better. Damian was well aware that one night stands and strictly physical contact with women had to be just the same. No woman could interfere with his
life which was fine with him. In and out. But maybe that would change with Hanna. He just had a feeling.

“Don’t worry about that,” his father was saying. “But I’m glad you seem to be getting along with your assistant.”

Damian stiffened, wondering how to take that. His father’s next words put him at ease.

“She’s lasted far longer than any ever had and she is undoubtedly competent handling your many known traits – one of them being someone very hard to please,” commented Elvin Rush.

Damian couldn’t hold back a smirk. “Oh, Ms. Simms pleases me very well,” he murmured. “You’ll get no complaints from me.”

It was Elvin Rush’s turn to stiffen, sending his son a sideways
look which Damian returned with an innocent one. “Good to know,” his father said moments later. “I’ve followed her track record and she’s deserving of how high she’s risen in the company. She’s a priceless employee, Damian. Try not to send her off like the others.”

The older man sighed deeply and didn’t seem to require a response, adding in a more troubled tone, “But that’s still not why I asked to speak to you. Remember the Bertillon acquisition?”

Damian frowned and nodded. “Our bid won amidst some very tough competitors. One of them your old friend Otto Jessup. He wasn’t too pleased about being bested, I take it.”

Elvin Rush nodded. “Word going round is he’s made some questionable contacts.
People who don’t play fair. And considering that Jessup’s no more than a thug dressed in a Saville Row suit, there’s no saying how sore a loser he’s going to be.”

Damian looked worried. “I know you guys are no longer as close as you once were…”

Elvin huffed. “Plainly put, we stopped being friends and settled for having some less than healthy rivalry. He said some things during negotiations that made me concerned.”

“Did he threaten you?” Damian asked, turning to face his father as he felt his fists clench.

Elvin shook his head. “He just dropped a few hints. Told me not to be such a workaholic, to take some time off, focus more on family. That one never knows when something
happen, and you wish you took care to concentrate on the little things.”

“What the hell does that mean?” Damian said with a scowl.

“Nothing. I just want you to be more careful. The deal’s in the bag but one wrong move and Jessup could take advantage since he had the next best bid. All I’m saying…take it easy. I’m glad you’re back from your last trip. I had talks with a few security outfits and…”

“Dad, seriously,” Damian said impatiently. “I don’t care if Jessup has ties with some mafia kingpin. I don’t believe he meant any mischief by his comments. What
are you going to do now, hire a few bodyguards, beef up our already state of the art security both here and at our homes?”

Elvin paused, then burst out laughing. “You know, you’re right, that sounds crazy. I’m sure losing a billion-dollar deal isn’t going to make Jessup so mad as to do something stupid. Like I told him, you win some you lose some.”

“He was right about one thing though – you need to relax, go on a cruise or something. You work too hard,” Damian said as they headed out of the boardroom.

Elvin rested a hand on his shoulder. “Only if you go with me,” the older man said with a grin. “Coming from you, going on any kind of vacation sounds like you’re speaking another language.”

“Oh, I’m definitely planning to take a few days off – personal time,” Damian said, already thinking about Hanna and how that one day out of town had hardly been enough to explore how good she’d felt, wrapped around him in many different ways. Damian already knew he was obsessed with her. It scared him sometimes but he told himself he needed this chance to know if he could get her out of his system. She’d never know how close she’d come to being the one woman who could bring him to his knees.

“I see,” his father said shrewdly, pausing on the way to his office and turning to cock a brow at Damian. “Let me guess. You met someone?”

Damian grinned, wondering what his father would think if he knew Damian had a thing with his executive assistant. “Something like that. But I wouldn’t want you building fairy castles just yet, Dad.”

“I know,” said Elvin Rush wryly. “But one day, son, who knows. You’ll find what your mother and I had. I really wish that for you.”

His father’s serious tone sobered Damian, who said deeply, “Thanks Dad.”


Hanna scolded herself for what she just agreed to. Did she really want to spend the next few days enjoying a sex-filled getaway with Damian?

He’d brought it up at the end of the
work day, and she’d actually wanted to smack his face. But when he pulled her down to straddle his laps as he stayed seated on his chair behind the desk, somehow all she could do was give in to his honeyed, smoldering kiss.

Ooh, he was smooth. He knew how to pour on the charm so well and there was the case of her crazy hormones. She should hate him for all he’d done! First he messed things up with her boyfriend,
then he simply took over her life, expecting her to play along. Hanna didn’t like to feel like a doormat and she’d taken a lot of stuff dating Chet, but now faced with Damian who had alpha issues of his own, she was torn. 

As he kissed and caressed her into acquiescence, Hanna suddenly realized what she had to do. Damian had taken so much from her and now he seemed ready to keep taking. And she couldn’t do a thing about it.
Because she wasn’t strong enough to walk away, not yet.

But as she stared deep into his eyes, Hanna’s heart tripped over itself and for a breathless moment, she felt tempted to voice out her heart’s wish…
One day, Damian Rush, I’m going to make you admit that you love me – and then I’m going to laugh in your face.
I’ll want you to know how it feels when someone walks all over your heart and doesn’t look back.

She didn’t say it of course, and kept her musings to herself. The kiss deepened and for the next few minutes she couldn’t even think. Yep, she definitely couldn’t walk away from this.

“Much as I like the thought of fulfilling my hottest fantasy of taking you hard over every corner of this desk – I booked us dinner at Taranga’s. Wouldn’t want to be late.”

“Glad you’re always so mindful to keep me well fed,” Hanna noted, sliding fluidly from his laps and hearing him groan with pronounced agony as she rocked slightly on his evident erection before climbing off.

She straightened her skirt and turned away, looking over her shoulder to find his eyes glued on her swaying hips. “We both have to build up our strength,” he murmured, easily catching up to her and making her squeal when he smacked her bottom from behind. Then he pulled her back against him with hands heavy on her waist, adding, “Now that I found out you’re multi-orgasmic, there’re a few things I’m interested in trying.”

Dear heavens, does this man ever slow down, Hanna thought in wonder as somewhere between her legs, she turned to molten
liquid. They were the last in the building and soon, were driving into the evening light headed for the restaurant. They’d barely been on the road ten minutes and Damian was just picking up speed when he suddenly seemed to start losing control of the car.

Hanna shot him a look of alarm and caught his puzzled expression as he struggled with keeping the Audi steady. “Damian, what…?” she began but didn’t get to finish. The car suddenly spun, tires screeching. Hanna’s eyes widened in horror as she turned to look at the road and saw they were headed straight for a tree on the side of the road. Hanna’s scream froze in her throat and the last thing she heard was a loud crash and the splintering of a thousand shards of glass.


Flirting With Desire Book 4


!” Hanna gasped, heaving off the pillows as her eyes flew open.

She didn’t understand why she had to awaken and find herself in a hospital room. The figures around her bed moved closer and her eyes widened in recognition. Her family.
Her mom and dad, sister and brother. What was happening? They lived hours away, in different cities. Why were they gathered around her now? She’d had terrible dreams of losing Damian as she slept, him slipping away from her into a dark endless void…

BOOK: Flirting With Desire (Contemporary Romance) Complete Collection
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