First Kiss (Emma's Arabian Nights, #1) (5 page)

BOOK: First Kiss (Emma's Arabian Nights, #1)
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Giving him a flirtatious smile, Tanya nodded. “I agree.”

Emma’s voice came from the speakers again, but this time her tone held a cold edge. “Ryan, go down the hall to your left and into the third room on your right. Once inside, I want you to sit on the padded bench, then place your cock through the hole in the board at the end of the bench. You will then slip your wrists through the attached restraints. Give them a good pull and they’ll hold you, but don’t pull too hard. I don’t want you to cut off your circulation. Then close your eyes and wait for me. You are not to open them until I tell you. Understood?”

“Yes, Mistress.”


He tried to keep from breaking out into a run, but it took some effort. He could hear the desire in Emma’s voice and it flowed through him like a shot of good whiskey. As soon as he came to the door of the room she’d specified, he opened it and went inside, not really paying attention. When the heavy perfume of incense hit him, he looked up, surprised to find himself in a small space that resembled harem quarters from an ancient palace. The pierced brass lanterns gave the room a mellow glow and enormous pillows were scattered all over the exotic blue and white tile floor, covered here and there with jewel tone oriental carpets. A padded bench stood in the center of the room with a two-foot piece of wood covered in black leather attached at one end. This bench looked almost like a weird chair that a person would straddle and lean forward onto the back. But the back of this bench also featured a padded hole that was at just the right height for a man to put his dick through. The thought of straddling the bench and having himself so open to Emma’s touch, yet isolated from her, sent a rush of sexual need through him. He could imagine how erotic it would look to her to have his dick basically framed for her pleasure. The thought of turning her on only made him all the harder, until his balls ached with the urge to come.

Shit, he had to get hold of himself before he spewed at the first touch of her small hand.

Unsure if there were also cameras in this room, Ryan straddled the bench and eased his cock and balls through the hole. Feeling exposed and horny as hell, he quickly slipped his wrists into the oddly shaped metal cuffs attached to the top of the board with the hole in it. One quick pull and he was secured with his chest pressed against the board and his ass resting on the bench. Anticipation hummed through him, quickening the blood racing through his veins and straight to his dick. He wanted to get up and pace, but he was stuck, so instead he looked around the room.

The person who’d designed this fantasy chamber knew their shit, and he grinned as he spotted various pieces of BDSM equipment hidden among the scattered pillows and bolted to the walls. A large carved rosewood cabinet took up most of the wall to his right. He studied the intricate patterns in the wood and wondered what was inside.

The door handle clicked and he quickly shut his eyes, trying to pretend he’d followed her instructions.

Emma’s footsteps were muffled as she crossed the carpet, but a teasing hint of her perfume reached him. She didn’t wear a sweet powdery scent anymore. Now she smelled like vanilla and spices, making her completely edible. Having her close enough to touch after all these years had him fighting for self-control. The thought of her warm, silken body mere inches from made his dick jerk.


He opened his eyes and groaned at the sight of her. She was so fucking gorgeous, it made his heart hurt. Tonight, Emma wore a gold waist corset that ended just below her breasts and above her sex. Gold chains draped from her hips to form a skirt, and as she moved, he had a brief glimpse of her neatly trimmed golden curls and partially shaved pussy that had him swallowing hard. His mouth filled with saliva at the thought of licking that pretty pussy. Her outer labia were full enough that the secrets of her inner sex were completely hidden. He desperately wanted to plunge his tongue between those plump lips. His cock throbbed and ached through the hole in the bench as his gaze traveled upwards. Her shirt was made of some kind of filmy gold material that shimmered as she breathed and did nothing to hide her body. The firm mounds of her breasts pressed against the fabric and her hard, long nipples poked out, just begging for his kiss. He wanted to suck those nipples, to lick them and spend hours learning what kind of touch she liked best. As Ryan’s hungry gaze traveled to Emma’s face, he let out a long, low groan. She’d painted her lips with some kind of gold dust so they sparkled with her every breath. The rest of her makeup was equally exotic, and when their gazes met, he was surprised by the anger there.

“Did I tell you to open your eyes?”


She glared at him and his balls tightened. There was nothing sexier than Emma when she exerted her will. His gaze was riveted on her mouth as memories of her directing their kiss assailed his mind. Back then, he might have been a clueless teen all too eager to shove his tongue down her throat, but he was a grown man now, and he knew how to please a woman. Fire snapped her in beautiful blue eyes as he continued to hold her gaze. His defiance had the intended effect. He had to bite back a groan as he looked down her body with obvious appraisal, loving how hard her nipples were and the subtle way she squeezed her thighs together as if to ease the ache in her cunt.

Taking a gamble, Ryan licked his lips and gave her an arrogant smile. Well, as arrogant as he could with his hands restrained and his cock shoved through a hole while losing his grip on sanity with every passing moment. He enjoyed the way Emma’s gaze kept flitting down to his dick, then back up to his face. “No, you didn’t tell me to open my eyes. But the view is worth any punishment you think I deserve, Mistress.”


Her pupils dilated and he could sense her shift into a more seductive mode. Tossing her long hair over her shoulder, Emma strolled closer to him, the golden chains giving him a good glimpse of her pussy, and his blood thundered through his veins. Unlike most natural blondes, the skin of her sex was a delicious dusky brown beneath the thin strip of curls, and Ryan wondered if it was pink within. He’d never been this turned on in his whole life. The thought of placing his mouth at the tender juncture of her thighs and serving her gripped him like a compulsion. A hint of her arousal gleamed on her inner thighs as she made her way towards him moving with consummate feline grace - a lioness stalking her prey - her body entrancing him until he wanted to beg her to let him serve.

No, he had to be strong. One of the things he’d learned about Emma and her preference in submissives was that she liked men who would provide a little resistance. So he would have to be careful not to act out so much that she grew annoyed and severed their relationship, but just enough to keep her interest. Emma liked her Alpha males and Ryan wasn’t surprised by that in the least. She was a strong woman and would need a strong man. Right now, it looked like she needed a strong man between her shapely legs and he was more than happy to meet her needs.

He’d take that pretty, hard clit between his lips and gently…

The pain from her grabbing the top of his ear and jerking it startled him out of his contemplation of her sweet, very wet pussy.

“Now that is just rude.”

Ryan flinched as Emma let go of his ear and sank her golden claws into his shoulder. A deep shiver raced through him as his nerves came to life beneath her touch. It was just enough pressure to hurt, but not enough to tear the skin, at least not yet. If he had his way, his back would bear her scratch marks, proof that he’d brought her pleasure, and he’d wear them with pride.

“I’m sorry, Mistress.”

“No, you aren’t.”

She walked around to his back and slid behind him so she was straddling the bench while standing, the heavy weight of her breasts dragging across his back along with the tickle of her hair. With her mouth positioned at the sensitive side of his neck, she said, “I won’t have any lies between us. Am I understood?”

“Yes, Ma’am.” Goosebumps ran up Ryan’s spine as Emma lightly scratched her nails over his shoulder blades.

“I like your tattoo. What is it?”

“Scenes from the book
One Thousand and One Arabian Nights

She was quiet for a moment, now touching him with her fingertips and his stomach clenched I response. “I thought it was
One Hundred and One Nights.

“In the modern English versions, yes, but in the original collection of folk tales compiled during the Islamic Golden Age, there were a thousand and one, sometimes even more, depending on the edition."

Using both hands, she began to frame sections of the elaborate murals hidden among the flowing scrollwork.

“Why does this book have so much meaning to you?”

Ryan took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “My mother was from Saudi Arabia. She would read one story to my sister and me each night before bed. When she got sick, I started to get tattoos of her favorite stories.”

Emma stilled behind him, then lay full against his back, wrapping her arms around him and hugging him close. In a surprisingly gentle voice she asked, “Did she get to see them all?”

“No. She passed before my back piece was done.”

Her tone gentled to a caress as soothing as her touch. “I’m sorry for your loss.”

Ryan’s throat closed up and he took some deep breaths, willing his tears back. He hadn’t talked about his mother with anyone outside his family in years, and he floundered for his footing. This wasn’t supposed to be how the night went. He was supposed to be seducing Emma, not laying his heart bare, but she was just so easy to talk to. He wasn’t here to earn her sympathy. He needed to seduce his beautiful Dominatrix into seeing him again. In his own way, he was like Scheherazade from the book telling her tales to stay alive another night, but in his case, he was hoping to earn another chance to win over Emma’s heart.

The thought of himself as the beautiful queen made him chuckle.

“Do you find something funny?”

He wished he was holding her, but the sensation of her nipples grazing his back had him shifting as his cock once again hardened.

“I was thinking that I’m a lot like Scheherazade, trying to win another night with you.”

“Does that make me the sultan?”

“More like the sultana.”

“Hmmm, I rather like that.”

Before he could respond, Emma slipped off him again and began to gather some of the large throw pillows. She tossed them down on the ground before the padded hole in the bench and he trembled with the anticipation of her touch. If she left him now, he would go fucking crazy with need. He turned and closed his eyes, hoping she wouldn’t punish him by walking away.

“Now, Ryan, I think we both know you owe me an apology. I’ll deal with your defiance, but not your disrespect.”

Long moments went by, and her movements settled until all he could hear was their shared quiet breathing. He wanted her approval with a desperation he scarcely understood. A part of him argued that he shouldn’t give anyone so much control over his emotions, but how the fuck was he supposed to stop loving her now? Those intense feelings of affection and desire that had overwhelmed him as a teenager came rushing back while he tried to get a handle on himself. He needed to seduce another night from Emma. After he counted to sixty twice, he couldn’t hold back the words he needed to say any longer.

“Please, Mistress, forgive me. I must confess that no matter what you do to me, I will forever remember the way you looked walking across the room. Everything beautiful and feminine all wrapped up in a hot-as-sin package. You were made by God to torment men, of that I am sure.”

The silence stretched out until Ryan began to sweat, but finally she said, “You know, you’re much sweeter when your eyes are closed. That will be your permanent state if you don’t behave, so I suggest your curb your tongue before it gets you in trouble.”

“Yes, Mistress.”

“You noted on your information form that you love a woman in latex. If you can get through the rest of this session without peeking even once, I will wear something you will greatly enjoy seeing. Something shiny and slick that will mold itself to my body as if painted on. If you disappoint me, you’ll be blindfolded at the door.”

Relief washed through him as he realized he was going to see her again. That knowledge enabled him to relax a bit, to loosen his body enough so that his shoulders no longer ached. He’d have another day to win the heart of his sultana. A moment later, her fingertips trailed over the top of his foot in a soothing manner. “There we go. I was hoping that beneath all that bluster there was a man who wasn’t afraid of his need to submit.”

He smiled, partly because of her teasing touch on the sensitive skin between his toes, and partly because she was right. “Funny, isn’t it? Out there in the real world, I’m someone people admire, or at least they pretend to admire me in order to get on my good side. But here, with you, I’m just…broken down to my basics. I know who I am and what I want.”

“And what is it that you want?”

He could have been mistaken, but he thought her voice trembled slightly. He took a gamble, wondering if she remembered anything about that fateful night of their first kiss. “I want to care for you the way you deserve. I want to worship you and make you happy. I think you’re perfect and I want to treat you the way you deserve.”



Chapter Four


Emma froze, hoping Ryan didn’t hear her sharp intake of breath.

The past and the present overlapped as she realized she’d heard those exact words before, spoken by someone she knew a long time ago. Memories assailed her and she thought she might choke when she realized the identity of the man she had bound and awaiting her pleasure.

Holy. Fucking. Shit.

He was Ryan Darwish.

The best kiss of her life and one of her biggest regrets. And she had him restrained, naked, and so aroused that his dick pulsed to the beat of his heart. This couldn’t be real.

On impulse, she reached out and stroked his lips and found their soft, giving surface just as amazing as she remembered.

BOOK: First Kiss (Emma's Arabian Nights, #1)
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