First Kiss (Emma's Arabian Nights, #1) (4 page)

BOOK: First Kiss (Emma's Arabian Nights, #1)
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“Hold still.”

He tried to jerk away, but she held him harder by his hair until he yelped. “Fuck, Emma, that hurts.”

“I said, stay still.”

A grin threatened to break free. She was so bossy, but that was one of the things he liked about her. She leaned closer, their breath mingling, his heart pounded in his chest while she examined him with a small smile.

“What are you doing?”

“I want to kiss you.”

The shudder of lust that went through him had him almost coming in his pants. With teenage hormones running rampant, he’d been more than a little eager to kiss her and went at it with less finesse than he would have liked. She laughed and pulled back a little bit, adjusting her grip on his hair.

“Stay still. I want to kiss you. That means no moving unless I tell you.”

He groaned low in his throat and wondered if it was possible to die from being too hard.

Ever so gently, she brushed her mouth over his, a slow caress of skin over skin. With her decadently soft lips caressing his, he relaxed into her hold while his cock ached like it was bruised. Licking across the seam of his lips, she made a little murmur of pleasure that drove him crazy. He wanted to grab her, to fill his hands with her large breasts, to pull her onto his lap so he could spend the next ten days kissing her while she ground herself against him. His mind scrambled at the thought that this was Emma,
Emma, and she was finally kissing him like he’d dreamed. No, better than even his wildest dreams. She kissed him like they’d been made for each other, their bodies fitting together like two pieces of an erotic puzzle.

All the fantasies he’d been having about her as he jerked off came roaring to life and he shifted in his seat, trying to subtly adjust himself as his erection ached from hardening at a weird angle. Keeping still was becoming next to impossible, but the sweet torture of her lips on his was the best thing in the world. When she traced her tongue across his mouth he opened with a groan.

She pulled back enough that the tips of her breasts rubbed against his chest and he swore he could feel her tight nipples dragging across him through their shirts. “Slow and easy, Ryan.”

In response, he closed the small distance between them and kissed her back, keeping his movements gentle and unhurried. In turn, she began to get more aggressive, slipping her tongue into his mouth in a way that made him think about slipping his cock into her hot pussy. The faint scent of her arousal tickled his senses as she shifted, going to her knees on the seat next to him. With a hungry growl she pressed him back against the door, her lips devouring his while she rubbed herself against him like a cat.

Even as he damned himself for doing this with her while she was drunk, he couldn’t resist the urge to touch her nice, round ass. A shudder jerked through him when he squeezed her butt cheeks gently, loving the give of the warm flesh. He’d never felt anything as perfect as her body. It wasn’t long before she was rubbing her hot little pussy against his denim-clad thigh while she made tiny moaning and gasping noises that tore through him like hard liquor, making him drunk with lust. She had him reclined as far he could get, and when he gripped her ass in a tight hold, she nipped his lower lip sharp enough that he tasted blood.

Making a low purring sound, she licked at the tiny wound then stroked his tongue with her own, sharing the taste of his blood with him. He was about ten seconds from coming in his pants and utterly shaming himself, but he couldn’t resist the power of her kiss. She was so uninhibited about what she wanted, way different than any other girl he’d dated. There were no shy glances or uncomfortable tension between kisses with Ryan and Emma, only a lust so intense it seemed to awaken parts of his mind that had been dormant. The overwhelming urge to fuck her had him kneading her ass, helping her rock against him as she made breathy cries over his lips.

Somewhere a couple yards over, a dog barked loud enough that it startled both of them. Ryan looked at her, examining her kiss-swollen mouth, the faint tracks of tears on her soft cheeks, and the heavy-lidded way she was studying him. She still ground herself against him with sharp jerks of her hips, all but dry humping him. His cock pressed against her pelvis and he tried to think about anything but sex.

“I had no idea you were such a big boy, Ryan.” Another shift of her hips and she was straddling his lap, wedged between his seat and the steering wheel. “You could hurt a girl.”

The thought of hurting her was like a slap in the face. What the hell was he doing? They were practically screwing in her front yard. Her mom or dad could come out at any time then he’d be fucked, and not in a good way. The windows of his car had fogged over and the scent of arousal hung heavy in the air.

“Emma, you have to go inside. You’ve had too much to drink. We shouldn’t be doing this. You need to leave.” Temptation screamed at him that he could have her, right here and now, but it wasn’t fucking right and he would never do anything to hurt Emma. She had to get away from him before he lost control.

“Get out.” His words came out harsher than he intended.

Hurt flashed through her eyes and she pushed herself off of him with an unsteady hand.

“Fine. Asshole.”

As she jerked the door open, he tried to get his mouth to work, to say something, but his brain was stunned by his momentary stupidity. He had the hottest girl in the world grinding her hot pussy against him and he’d told her to leave. He told
to leave.

He must be a fucking idiot.

“Wait, Emma.”

She slammed the door, cutting off his words. For a moment, he considered going after her, but what would he say? She had a boyfriend and a life that he’d never fit into. Besides, she probably wouldn’t remember anything. He kept trying to tell himself that as he started his car and drove home with an erection hard enough to break bricks and an aching heart.



Chapter Three


Chagrin filled Ryan at the memory of screwing things up so badly with Emma that night long ago. She’d ignored him for the rest of the school year and he wondered if she remembered their kiss, but never had the guts to ask her. Every once in a while he’d catch her looking at him when she didn’t think he’d notice, but as soon as they made eye contact she’d look away. Then they graduated and went their separate ways until fate brought them back together.

Now, he had a real chance to win her heart and he wasn’t going to fuck it up.

Without giving himself time to think, he got out of his car and made sure to casually stroll to the unassuming entrance of Kiss of Blue. He’d been happy to find out Emma didn’t include sex among her services, but he’d been intrigued by what she did offer. Some of the stuff mentioned he’d had to look up on the Internet, and when he did, his already aroused libido went into overdrive. He’d played around with sexually dominant women before and enjoyed submitting, but they were like pampered kittens to Emma’s lioness. He would need to bring his “A” game, and like everything else in his life, he wanted to research it first and hone his skills.

So he’d studied being a submissive with an out-of-state friend of his, a Domme by the name of Dawn, who had her own permanent submissive but loved to do threesomes. It had been awkward for him at first with another guy, then once he’d realized that this was all about her pleasure, he’d enjoyed the hell out of it. There was only so much one man could do, but two had brought her to states of ecstasy that were a huge turn-on. His time with Mistress Dawn had been an educational experience, to say the least, and he was eager to show Emma what he’d learned.

After he was buzzed in at the door, he moved quickly across the earth tone stained concrete floor to the receptionist’s desk. Exposed brick walls surrounded them on all sides and a glass block window allowed outside light in without letting anyone see the reception area from the exterior.  A pretty blonde with bubble gum pink streaks in her hair, wearing a sparkly white corset and what looked like a tutu, smiled up at him from her seat behind the wide pale wood desk. He remembered her name was Tanya and she was Mistress Moira’s personal assistant as well as a house submissive.

“Ryan, it’s so nice to see you again. Mistress Emma has provided something for you to wear. If you’ll give me your clothes and personal items, I’d be more than happy to take care of them for you during your session.”

Resisting the urge to look for the cameras, he slowly unbuttoned his shirt and took it off, being careful to fold it neatly on the receptionist’s desk. Tanya looked up at him and openly checked him out as he disrobed. He took a step closer so the high desk would block her view of his cock, uneasy about what amounted to a stranger staring at his junk. When he removed his shirt, he heard a tiny gasp from the receptionist and hid a smile. He had a full set of tattoo sleeves that flowed into an intricate back piece depicting scenes from the book
One Thousand and One Arabian Nights
. Once he got down to his black boxer briefs, he was achingly hard at the thought of Emma watching him, and tried to remove them without showing the receptionist his erection. He stood nude and waited for the receptionist to hand over whatever Emma had wanted him to wear.

Tanya blinked and licked her lower lip. “Would you mind turning around so I can see the tattoo on your back? I caught a glimpse of it while you were undressing, and it is gorgeous.”

He smoothly turned, then took a step forward and stood still. He could almost feel the other woman’s eyes moving over him like a physical touch. When he looked over his shoulder, he found her staring at the top of his tattoo-free ass before stepping back, then around. “You’ve looked your fill. Can I have what Mistress Emma left for me?”

Flushing bright red all the way down to her chest, Tanya pulled out a good sized green velvet bag while Ryan moved back to the front of the desk. Before she handed it to him, she answered the ring of an incoming call from her phone. “Greetings, Mistress. How may I serve you?”

His heart slammed in his chest as he wondered if that was Emma on the line. He was pretty sure it was because the receptionist sat up straighter. He watched her gaze dart repeatedly up and to her left. When he followed her line of sight, he found a discreetly placed camera.

“Yes, Ma’am. I’m sorry.” He could actually hear Emma’s infectious laugh coming through the phone and the receptionist’s shoulders eased a bit. “I’ll give it to him right away. Thank you, Mistress.”

Ryan turned so he could see the receptionist, while making sure he angled himself so Emma could get a good look at his back and ass. He worked hard to keep in shape and he wanted her to want him - needed her to want him. Being this close to a sexual encounter with his teenage crush had his dick twitching, and he tried to calm his racing heart. The anticipation was threatening his self-control and he purposely slowed his breathing.

Tanya handed the bag to him while holding the phone to her ear with her other hand. “Mistress Emma wants you to put it on so that I may see it. She also said to stop trying to hide your erection. You are here for her pleasure, and her pleasure is to have you naked and aroused. She enjoys it when others covet her property.”

He took the bag without comment and pulled out some kind of leather strap and ring concoction. Looking over his shoulder, he held it up to the camera while raising one eyebrow.

The receptionist, still on the phone with Emma, giggled. “Mistress Emma wants to know if you need help putting it on.”

“What is it?”

“A cock harness.”

Ryan knew what that was, but had never seen one like this. It frustrated him that Emma was already one step ahead of him. He’d envisioned coming in here and being the perfect submissive, but instead he was already out of his element. His voice came out harsher than he intended. “If I don’t want to end up with my nuts somehow shoved up my ass, then yes, I’ll need help putting it on.”

Tanya blinked at him, pressed a button on the phone, and placed the receiver back in its cradle. Emma’s lovely voice, with the faintest hint of her mother’s Eastern European accent, rolled through the room with the irresistible strength of the ocean hitting the shore. “Ryan, I expect the truth from you at all times. If you are unfamiliar with something, please do not hesitate to let me know. I’m not here to humiliate you; that’s not one of the kinks I enjoy. If you wish to serve me, you will keep that in mind. That means you do not lash out with a crude comment just because you are uncomfortable.”

“I understand, Mistress.” He took a deep breath and let it out. “I don’t know how to put this on. Or even what it is. I’m sorry I snapped.”

“Do you need help, Ryan?”

The sudden image of Emma touching his body with her satiny skin had his erection returning full force. His voice came out in a rough growl. “Yes, Mistress.”

“Tanya, assist my submissive with putting on his harness.”

With a gleam in her eye and a hitch in her breath, Tanya stood and made her way over to him. This wasn’t exactly what Ryan had in mind. When the receptionist turned him to face her, she made a soft, almost choking sound as she stared at his cock. While he wasn’t abnormally long, his shaft had a lot more girth than the average man, something women seemed to greatly enjoy.

Pressing her fingertips to the hollow of her throat, Tanya said, “Mistress, I don’t think this will work.”

“What do you mean?”

Tanya came up to him and turned him so he was facing the camera full on. Emma’s soft inhale came through loud and clear a moment before she said, “Well, I do believe that would be like trying to fit a soda can through a keyhole.”

The woman standing before Ryan giggled as he stared into the camera, wanting Emma to see what could be hers. What Emma had said finally penetrated his lust-fogged brain and he shook his head. “Wait. What?”

Tanya took the leather and steel contraption from him. “See this ring? This is supposed to go over your cock.”

They both looked down at his dick, then at the cock harness, then back at his dick and snickered. “Yeah, that’s not going to happen.”

BOOK: First Kiss (Emma's Arabian Nights, #1)
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