Read Fight for Love Online

Authors: E. L. Todd

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Coming of Age

Fight for Love (5 page)

BOOK: Fight for Love
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When the plane landed, we finally got out
of our seats and left aisle. I hated the flight stewardess for cutting my conversation with Sean short. I gave her a frightening glare as I walked by her. She smiled at me, acting like nothing was amiss.

“Now that’s good customer service,” Ryan said sarcastically. “If it were
me, I would have punched you for giving me that look.”

I held my bag close to me, ignoring him.

“At least you got to talk to him.”


“But with Penelope’s phone?” Janice asked. “Isn’t that weird?”

“I’m not worried about her,” I said quickly. “Sean loves me and only me.”

“I know,” she said. “But I still think it’s weird that she would go down and see him.”

“I’m sure his parents are just delighted by her visit,” I snapped.

Ryan rolled his eyes, knowing an argument wouldn’t help.

When we got off the plane, we walked to the luggage claim. Angry at everything in the world, I called Penelope’s phone.


“Why the fuck are you visiting my fiancé?”

She was speechless for a moment.

“You had your chance and you blew it. He’s mine. Leave him alone.”

Ryan tried to grab the phone away from me but I evaded his reach. I suspected Ryan would try to stop me.

“I—I’m not. Bry
an and I just wanted to be supportive.”

“Penelope, you aren’t pregnant anymore. I have absolutely no problem decking you in the stomach.”

“Scar, I’m—”

“Don’t call me that. We aren’t friend
s anymore.”

“I’m not trying to get with Sean. I’m married.”

“When has commitment ever meant anything to you?” Ryan tried to grab me again but I pushed him back.

“I have a baby and Bry
an and I are trying to have another one. I regret everything I did to Sean and I just want to be there for him. I know he’s going through a hard time. And you have nothing to worry about. When I saw him, he wouldn’t let me hug him. He wouldn’t even look at me. He’s totally in love with you—more than he ever was with me.”

“I know he is.”

“I’m just trying to help, honestly.”

speak for both of us when I say get the fuck away from us.”

She was quiet for a long time. “Scarlet, I really want to be friends again.”

“I will never forgive you for everything you did to Sean. You cheated on him then lied to him, tricking him into being with you and raising a kid that wasn’t even his. Maybe Sean will forgive you one day, but I never will. Leave my fiancé alone, bitch. I mean it.” I hung up.

Ryan shook his head. “I thought you were better than that?”

“Well, obviously not,” I snapped.

“You are supposed to be classy.”


Ryan rolled his eyes then walked back to the luggage claim to get our belongings.

Janice looked at me. “Personally, I think that was a long time coming.”

“So is the fist I’m about to throw at her face.”

“I’ll help you,” she said with a laugh. “But you really have nothing to worry about.”

“It’s not that.”

“Then what?”

Penelope is there, then she’ll see his family and they adore Penelope. It’ll be like I don’t even exist.”

Janice’s eyes softened. “That isn’t true, Scar.”

“Yes, it is. They love her way more than they’ll ever love me.”

“That doesn’t make sense. After what Penelope did to Sean, how could they stand her?”

“They don’t know.”

ce gasped. “I can’t believe Sean didn’t say anything.”

“He doesn’t want the knowledge to ruin her life.”

“That’s very nice of him, but now it’s hurting your reputation. Sean should say something.”

Ryan came back to us. “Say what?”

“Sean should tell his parents the truth about Penelope.”

“I said that from the beginning,” he said. “It’s fine if the secret isn’t hurting anyone, but it’s clearly hurting Scarlet.”

“I’ll talk to him after we settle the issue we are stuck in now,” I said.

“Or you could just tell his mom yourself,” Janice said with a smile.

“No. I won’t do that to Sean. I’ll keep his secrets.”

Ryan ca
rried all the luggage to the car and we piled it in. We only had three bags, one for each of us. We were all in a hurry so we didn’t pack everything.

“Where are we going?” Ryan asked.

“To Sean’s parents’ townhouse on East,” I answered.

“Sweet,” Ryan said as he rubbed his hands together. “It sounds nice.”

“It is. It has a view of the park.”

The cab stopped in front of the building then we walked inside. The doorman eyed us before he opened the front door. When we walked inside, I wen
t to their mailbox and opened a small compartment that held an extra key. Then, we took the elevator upstairs.

Ryan whistled. “This elevator cost
s more than my whole apartment.”

Janice felt the smooth wood and the decorated walls. “I didn’t know Sean’s family was loaded.”

Ryan eyed her. “Don’t get any ideas, baby.”

“You don’t have to worry, Ryan. You are too good in bed.”

I sighed, uncomfortable with their affection. “Why is this elevator so slow?”

When they started kissing, I wanted to vomit. The doors finally opened and I practically ran outside. I walked down the hall until
I found their room number. I inserted the key then opened the door.

I walked inside then placed my bag on the floor, too tired to carry it into a bedroom. The apartment was decorated with paintings and elegant furniture, lookin
g like an ad from a magazine. Ryan and Janice came behind me a second later. Thankfully, they weren’t kissing anymore. I suspected I would hear some loud makeup sex afterward though.

When I walked further into the room, I froze.


Janice and Ryan both stopped behind me.

“Uh, hi,” I said awkwardly.

“What are you doing here?” Sean’s mom, Diane, asked rudely. I guess she wasn’t being rude because I did just barge into their apartment with a key they didn’t know I had.

“Sean said we could stay here.”

“He did?” she asked, her eyebrows raised.

“Yeah.” Now I felt really uncomfortable. I knew his mom didn’t like me, but now I felt like she hated me. I didn’t feel welcome and I didn’t feel loved. Andrew left the kitchen and entered the room. When he saw me, his face lit up in a smile.

“Scarlet, it’s so great to see you.” He came to me then hugged me tightly, running his hand down my back. He kissed me on the forehead before he pulled away. “I’m so glad to see that you’re well. Sean’s been worried about you.”

“I’m okay. I’ve just been really stressed out about everything.”

“Well you should,” Diane said. “My son could go to jail.”

I was getting really fed up with her attitude. I could only take so much more of this before I blew up and told her to go fuck herself. Since it was Sean’s mom, I wanted to be respectful even if she didn’t deserve it, but if push came to shove, I would tell her where to go. “I hope that doesn’t happen.”

“Neither do we,” she said. “Our company depends on it.”

I couldn’t believe how selfish his mom was. All she cared about was her and their stupid company. Sean was sleeping alone every night, stuck at a police station, but she just cared if they made less money. It was unbelievable. I tried to remind myself that she hadn’t always been so unpleasant. I used to love her like my own mom.

Andrew looked at Ryan. “You must be Scarlet’s brother.” He extended his hand and shook Ryan’s. “It’s so great to meet you.”

Ryan smiled back. “Likewise. And let me introduce my girlfriend, Janice.”

Andrew hugged her. “It’s nice to meet you.”

She smiled as she pulled away.

“You two must be hungry,” he said. “Diane and I will cook something then get you situated.”

“We can stay somewhere else,” I said quickly. “I apologize for barging in like that. I never would have done that if Sean hadn’t told me to.”

Andrew clapped me on the shoulder. “Don’t apologize. You’re family, Scarlet. You are always welcome.”

“Andrew!” Diane hissed.

He sighed before he looked at her. “Yes, dear?” he said in a forced voice.

“Don’t you think we should discuss this?” She walked into the kitchen and Andrew followed her.

Sean’s mom is a bitch,” Janice said.

“Keep your voice down,” I whispered.

“I don’t care. No one talks to my friend like that.”

Ryan grabbed my shoulder. “I won’t say anything because I know they are going to be your in-laws, but I will definitely give Sean an earful of it.”

“That’s unnecessary,” I said. “Sean will hear it from me.”

“I’m still going to stay something anyway.”

“I’m sorry that my mom was so rude to you.”

I turned around, recognizing the voice. “Mike?”

“Hey,” he said with a smile. He approached me with his hands in his pockets. “How are you holding up?”

“I—I wasn’t expecting you to be here.”

“My parents wanted me here. Believe me, I don’t care about the shit Sean got himself into.”

I stared at him, unsure what to say. He didn’t touch me or pressure me in any way.

Mike extended his hand to Ryan. “It’s nice to meet you.”

Ryan didn’t shake it. “Touch my sister and I’ll kill you.”

Mike smiled. “I can agree to that.” He dropped his hand and looked at Janice. “It’s nice to meet you.”

“The same goes for her,” Ryan threatened.

Mike sighed. “So this is going to be fun.”

I crossed my arms over my chest. “I’m sick of your mother.”

“Don’t let it bother you. She’s been weird lately. I don’t know what her issue is.”

“I’m not Penelope—that’s the issue.”

He laughed. “Sean should stop being a pussy and just tell them the truth.”

“Don’t talk about my fiancé like that,” I snapped.

“He’s my brother. It’s my job to call him a pussy.”

“I thought you said he wasn’t a brother to you?”

He stared at me but ignored my comment. “Are you guys staying here?”

“Hell no,” I said. “I can’t stand being around your mom for even a second.”

He laughed. “That makes two of us. You guys are more than welcome to stay in my apartment. It has two bedrooms and a nice couch.”

“No,” I said quickly, knowing Sean would never allow it.

Diane came back into the room with Andrew following behind her. “I’m sorry that my son gave you permission to use something that doesn’t even belong to him, but I need that key back.” Her words hit me like a pale of ice water. I never felt so insulted in my life. I was nothing but a pain in the ass to her.

“Mom, stop acting like a fucking bitch,” Mike said.

Diane’s eyes widened. “What did you just say to me?”

“I’m serious. Scarlet is an amazing girl, way out of Sean’s league. It’s like you are trying to chase her away.” He moved beside me, clearly crossing the line, aligning himself with me and Ryan. “Scarlet’s marrying Sean so she’s family. Start treating her like it.”

Andrew came beside Diane and watched the scene, unsure what was happening.

Diane glared at Mike. “That was completely disrespectful.”

“Now you know how it feels.” He stepped away. “They are staying with me so I’ll save you the time of kicking them out.” He grabbed my bag then opened the door. “Come on.”

I turned around followed him, unsure what was happening. Ryan moved behind me, a huge smile on his face. Janice was grinning just as broadly.
Mike slammed the door behind him then we moved toward the elevator. Sean’s parents didn’t pursue us but I heard Andrew’s elevated voice down the hallway.

Once we were i
nside, the doors shut and Mike pressed the lobby button.

should we go?” I asked Ryan.

“You are staying with me,” Mike said in a stern voice. Sometimes he reminded me of Sean. They had similar features, and Mike’s angry voice sounded almost identical to Sean’s. They had the same blue eyes, the ones that I adored.

I could imagine the argument I would be having with Sean if I agreed. “No thank you.”

“I didn’t ask you. I’m telling you.”

“Excuse me?”

“Sean keeps saying someone is after you and he’s worried about it. The feds won’t look into it because Carl is behind bars and they think my brother is crazy, which he is. You need someone to look after you.”

BOOK: Fight for Love
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