Fight for Love (14 page)

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Authors: E. L. Todd

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Coming of Age

BOOK: Fight for Love
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I practically inhaled my food because I was so hungry. I hadn’t been eating because I was too depressed and stressed. I ate quicker than Sean did. He smiled at me when he saw my empty plate.

“I like having a girl that actually eats.”

“It gets expensive,” I teased.

“I’ll pay any amount of money to keep you in my life.”

My phone rang while Sean finished, and when I reached for it he grabbed my hand.

“No,” was all he said.

“It’ll just take me a second.”

“It can wait until tomorrow,” he said without releasing my hand.

I sighed then abandoned my phone.

“Thank you.”

When he was finished, he returned the plate to the cart then moved it into the hallway. He disrobed then climbed into bed beside me. We lay side by side for a long time, just looking at each other. His hands glided across my skin, starting from my shoulders then ending at my toes. He was always touching me in some way, never wanting to break the connection we had.



“We’re going to your parents tomorrow.”

“Why the fuck would we do that?” he snapped. His voice was harsh but he still touched me gently, lovingly.

“We need to talk to them.”

“And say what?”

“Talk about everything that happened, finalize everything.”

“No. I’m not talking to them.”

“Sean, they paid for your lawyer and were there for you the entire time.”

“I’ll pay them back, and no, they weren’t there for me. I don’t want to see them, Scar. I mean it.”

“Well, I do.”


“I’m going.”

I’m not putting up with their shit anymore. My mom has been nothing but a bitch to you, disrespecting you constantly. I’m not allowing that anymore. I should have said something a long time ago. You’re my family—they aren’t.”

“Sean, she apologized to me.”

He looked at me. “She did?”


“And what did she say?”

“She was sorry for everything.”

He snorted. “Only because she found out that Penelope was a total fake.”

“She still apologized, Sean. She really wants to work this out.”

“Too bad.”

“Don’t be like that.”

“Stay out of it, Scar.”

“You could forgive Penelope for everything she did, but you can’t let this go? I already forgave her.”

“Those are completely different situations. The only reason why I didn’t kick Penelope out of my apartment was because she was a homeless pregnant woman. That’s where my compassion came from. That doesn’t mean I want to talk to her. I would do the same for my mom.”

“Sean, just let it go and move on.”

“No. I won’t change my mind. You are first, Scar. I don’t let anyone treat my fiancé like that. As a result she lost both of us.”

“I don’t want that. Family forgives each other for everything.”

“Drop it,” he snapped.

I sighed, knowing this was futile. Sean was too angry right now to be sympathetic. “Well, if you never change your mind I’m still spending time with them and talking to them.”

“We’ll see about that.” He took a drink of water then lied back. “This conversation is over.”


He sighed. “I apologize for yelling at you.”

“You didn’t yell at me.”

“I’m sorry for snapping, then.”

“You didn’t snap either.”

“I’m sorry for treating you less than you deserve.”

I rubbed his chest. “Sean, it’s okay to be emotional.”

“I’m just so happy to be with you and I don’t want to hurt you.”

I cuddled next to him. “It’s okay, babe.”

He sighed. “I can’t believe Carl dropped all the charges. I would be in jail soon if he hadn’t randomly changed his mind.”

I said nothing.

“What do you think happened?”

I didn’t want to tell him everything but I knew I had to. When we saw everyone tomorrow it would be impossible to hide it. “I have to tell you something.”

He turned toward me, his eyes wide. “What is it, Scar?”

“I want you to know that everything is fine now. That’s all that matters.”

He hands tightened on my back and he swallowed the lump in his throat. “Okay,” he whispered.

“You were right about Carl. He did send someone after me.”

He started breathing heavily, his chest expanding like he was about to explode in a rage.

“Mike and I were sleeping in the living room when we came into the apartment. Mike had him most of the time, but the guy managed to knock out him and Ryan before he got away. Gunshots were fire but no one was hurt.”

Sean pulled down the covers and started looking at my body, checking for injuries that he may have missed.

“Sean, I’m fine.”

“Oh my god.”

“The police didn’t have any leads or suspects and we knew the guy would finish the job eventually. Without any other options, I did the only thing I could have done.”


“I met with Carl.”

“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” he snapped.

“All we did was talk. I told him I wasn’t responsible for his capture and that I cared about him as a friend. When I convinced him that he meant something to me, he completely changed. He just wanted love and attention. He even apologized to me. When I got to the station, that
was when the charges were dropped. Carl obviously called his lawyer and told him to call it off.”

Sean sat up in bed and rested his arms on his knees, covering his face. He was breathing heavily, trying to control the mix of emotions coursing through him. I said nothing as I waited for him to calm down. I didn’t touch him either, letting him have his space. It was a lot of information to deal with.

Finally, he came back to me, tears in his eyes, and held me to his chest. “I’m so glad you’re okay.”

“It’s over, Sean. It’s okay.”

He blinked his tears away but they still dripped from his eyes. “I would have died if something happened to you.”

“But it didn’t.”

“I’m so glad Ryan was there.”

“Mike was the one who saved my life.”

“He did?”

“The guy was going to shoot me but Mike stopped him multiple times. Ryan was in the other room most of the time. He came as soon as he heard what was going on. Your brother risked his life to save me. When he heard about your fear of Carl he immediately came to me and said he would protect me. When I wanted him to leave, he wouldn’t. He wouldn’t take no for an answer.”

Sean said nothing, holding me tightly.

“Mike’s a good guy, Sean. I love him.”

“Did he try anything?”

“Of course not, Sean. He loves me like his own sister.”

He nodded. “I—I can’t believe he did that.”

“There’s no reason why you can’t work this out. He even told your mom off for being rude to me. If you don’t talk to him anymore that won’t stop me from being close to him. He sacrificed himself to save me. I love him as much as I love Ryan.”

Sean looked at me but said nothing.

“And I hated being near Carl but it was worth it. If I hadn’t done it, you might be in jail and I might be dead.”

He nodded. “Yeah.”

“So, everything is over and done. We can move on.”

He didn’t release his hold on me. “Okay,” he said with a shaky voice.

I grabbed his face and kissed him gently then kissed his tears away. I looked into his face with a determined expression, convincing him that everything really was okay. We were safe and everyone we loved was spared. The hardest part was over. Now we could move on.



After we showered and got ready, we checked out of the hotel.

“We are going to your parents’ house,” I said.


“My brother, Janice, and Mike are there.”

“They can meet us somewhere.”

“Sean, I’m going. I guess you can just wait for me to come back.”

He stared me down. I knew he wouldn’t leave me for any reason after what happened. The danger had passed, but Sean felt responsible for everything that happened. I would never be allowed to go anywhere by myself. “I’ll walk you there.”

“You’re coming in.”

“I have nothing to say to my parents.”

“Then I’ll do the talking.”

He glared at me. “Scarlet, you’ve let people walk all over you your entire life. It needs to stop.”

“You were one of those people.”

He looked away, knowing I was right.

“And look at who you are now? You are completely different, Sean.”

“I was a complete ass to you. I never deserved your forgiveness, although I’m glad I got it.”

“Come on.”

He didn’t move for a moment before he let me drag him up the street. We arrived at the building and took the elevator to the top floor then approached their apartment. Sean grasped my hand and tightly, not letting it go. I knocked on it and waited for someone to answer it.

It was Mike. “Hey. The honeymoon is finally over?”

I smiled. “It’s never over.”

He opened the door wider. “Come in.”

I walked inside and pulled Sean with me.

Mike looked at his brother. “I’m glad you’re a free man.”

Sean stared at him for a moment before he grabbed him and pulled him into a hug. “Thank you so much,” he said as he clapped him on the shoulder. “Thank you, thank you.” Sean didn’t release his hold for a long time.

“You’re welcome, man.”

“I owe you my life.”

“No you don’t. She’s my family too.” He pulled away.

Sean grabbed his hand and shook it. “Let’s start over, brother.”

Mike shook it then glanced at me. “Before we do that there’s something I need to tell you. You might hate me again.”

I came beside Sean and held his hand.

“Christian is a friend of mine. I was the one who told him to go for Penelope even though I knew you were dating her. I regret was I did and I’m so sorry. It was low and pathetic. I feel like shit because of it.”

Sean said nothing for a long time, just staring at his brother.

His silence didn’t bode well. I suspected that he would act this way.

Sean extended his hand. “Thank you.”

Mike raised an eyebrow. “What?”

“It was the greatest thing that ever happened to me.”

Mike smiled. “Scarlet is the clear choice.” He shook Sean’s hand.

Sean nodded. “I know she is.” He kissed me on the forehead.

I was so happy that they worked things out.

“So we are brothers again?” Mike asked.

“Yeah we are.”

“I admit that the new addition to the family is a little annoying, but I like her—for the most part.”

“When I get fed up with her I can dump her on you.”

He grimaced. “I think I would rather be enemies.”

I crossed my arms over my chest. “Seriously? Now you are guys are bonding by picking on me?”

Sean smiled at me. “It’s the universal way to bond.”

Ryan came over to us, Janice on his arm. “It really brought Cortland and I together. Whenever we’re down about something we talk shit about Scarlet it magically makes everything better.”

Sean pulled him into a hug. “Thank you for taking care of my girl.”

Ryan clapped him on the back. “You don’t need to thank me. Since she’s my sister I’m stuck with her anyway.”

Sean hugged Janice. “I’m glad you’re okay.”

,” she said as she pulled away.

Sean’s parents entered the entryway and looked at Sean, emotion in their eyes. Andrew stepped forward first. “I’m glad you came.” He extended his arms to Sean but Sean stepped away, his hand raised. Andrew stopped and brought his hands to his sides. The sight broke my heart.

“My baby,” Diane said as she started openly weeping. She ran to Sean and wrapped her arms around him, not giving him a chance to get away. Sean let her hug him but he didn’t reciprocate her affection. “I’m so sorry. I’m sorry,” she said through her tears. “I was wrong and I admit that. Please forgive me.”

Sean tore her hands off him. “No. I don’t let people treat my family like that. Scarlet is my family. I’m only here because she made me come.”

I grabbed his hand. “Sean, please don’t be like this. Your mom apologized to me and we worked everything out. Please let it go.”

He looked at me. “No. You shouldn’t have had to put up with it to begin with. I don’t give a shit if they are family. It was unacceptable.”

Diane continued to cry while Andrew wrapped his arm around her. “Please, please.”

“No,” Sean said. “Now let’s go.”

Mike stepped toward him. “Come on, man. I admit mom was being a total bitch and dad didn’t help the situation, but she’s sorry.”

Sean ignored him.

“Don’t cut me out of your life, Sean. Please,” his mother begged. “I can’t lose my son. I can’t.”

“Well, you have Penelope for a daughter so call her.”

Diane hid her face in her hands.

“Sean, don’t be cold,” I snapped.

“Let’s leave,” he said. “I want to go back home and move on from all of this.”

“Sean, look at me,” I commanded.

He stopped and gave me his full attention.

“I don’t have a mom. I don’t have a dad. Your parents are the closest thing to that for me. I love them and I need them. Please don’t take that away from me.”

“You deserve better than them.”

“You are so lucky you have parents that love you so much. Maybe that wasn’t always clear, but they adore you and they adore me. I need them in my life. I want them to know our kids, be at our wedding. Please give them another chance for me. I need this family, Sean.”

He stared at me for a long time, indecision clear in his gaze. I knew this card would work on him. Not having a family has been the biggest hardship for me. His parents were the closest thing I had to guardians, and maybe that relationship was destroyed, but I was willing to try and build a new one. More importantly, I didn’t want Sean to lose something so precious. I knew his parents loved him more than anything. He sighed then stepped toward his mom. “Scarlet is the only reason why I’m giving you another chance. Mess this up again, there won’t be another.”

His mother grabbed him and held him close
, crying into his shoulder. Andrew wrapped his arms around all three of them, holding them as a family. His mom looked at me and waved me over, still crying. I felt my own tears bubble at the gesture.

“Get over here
,” she said with a sniff.

I came to them and joined the huddle, feeling loved and accepted. It was the greatest feeling
to be included, to know I had a family who loved me.

“I’m so sorry, Sean,” his mom whispered.

“It’s okay. I forgive you.”

“Thank you so much, Scarlet
,” she said to me.

“You don’t need to thank me,” I said.


We looked at Mike.

“You know I’m related by blood, right?”

Sean smiled. “Then get your ass over here.”

He joined out group hug, staying on the outside.

When we pull
ed away, I felt like everything was better. The relationship between Sean and Mike was repaired, back to normal, and his relationship with his parents was even stronger. I finally felt loved and accepted, and for the first time, I felt like I was better than Penelope, that I was the better choice.

Diane looked at Sean. “So you’ll still get married in Connecticut?”

Sean looked at me. “We are doing whatever Scarlet wants. If she wants to get married at city hall and just get hitched, that’s where we’re doing.” He came to me and wrapped his arm around my waist. “What does my girl want?”

I was glad that he was giving me a choice, letting me do whatever I wanted. “Let’s stick to the plan.”

Diane clapped her hands together. “Yes!”

“But we’re having a change of plans,” Sean said.

I raised an eyebrow, not sure what he meant.

“I don’t want to wait a year,” Sean said. “I want to get married as soon as possible.”

“Well, it’s going to be a big wedding,” Diane said. “It’ll take time to plan it.”

“How long?”

“At least a month.”

“Then we’ll do it in a month.” He looked at me. “Is that okay, babe?”

“I just want to get married.”

He rubbed his nose against mine. “I’ll take that as a yes.”

Diane rubbed her hands together. “Okay. I’ll take care of everything. Scarlet, we need to get the dress, pick out the cake, the flowers—everything.”

I made a face. “Can you just do all of it?”

“Really?” Diane asked. “I thought girls loved this sort of thing?”

“Scarlet isn’t normal,” Sean said. “But that’s what I love about her.”

“Okay. I’ll take care of everything,” Diane said. “Don’t worry. It’ll be beautiful.”

“I’m sure,” I said with a smile.

Ryan sighed. “I’m not looking forward to this month. Scarlet is going to be even more annoying than usual.”

“Well, deal with it,” I snapped.

Janice clapped her hands together. “We need to do a bachelorette party soon!”

“Oh yeah,” I said.

Ryan nodded. “Vegas baby!” He gave Sean a high five.

I rolled my eyes.

Sean turned to Mike. “You’ll be my best man, right?”

Mike nodded. “I would be honored.”

“So this officially makes Scarlet off limits,” Sean said.

He made a disgusted face. “Dude, she’s my sister. She’s gross!”

“Hey!” I said. “I’m not gross.”

Ryan turned to Mike. “You coming to the bachelor party?”

“Duh,” he said. “I was going even if I wasn’t invited.”

“Great. I
t’ll be the four of us,” Ryan said.

“Four?” Sean asked.

“Us three and Cortland,” Ryan answered.

Sean’s smile dropped. “Cortland isn’t coming.”

Ryan said nothing, glancing at me with a worried expression.

Mike stared at Sean, watching him. He glanced at everyone is confusion until he finally looked at me. “Who’s Cortland?”

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