Read Fake Boyfriend Online

Authors: Evan Kelsey

Fake Boyfriend (9 page)

BOOK: Fake Boyfriend
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"You just
asked a man three times your size to tell you if a box of clothes
was getting too heavy."

thought It'd be polite to offer." I reply, blushing again.
Realizing how stupid I sounded I groan. I hear Edward laughing as I
peek at the man, confirming that he really is three times my size.
No wonder he thought it was funny. I can't help but start to laugh
as the man tries hard not to.

We step
onto the elevator and I feel Ruxin's arm around me as we take up a
corner. He's still smiling about my stupidity. As the elevators
move he nuzzles my neck. I lean into him too tired to do anything

really are wiped out." He whispers.

I nod. "I
really am."

"You have
three hours to sleep before you have to get ready to go. Is that
enough time?"

that's fine. Thanks."


I wrap my
arms around Eva taking on her weight. I can feel Edward glaring at
me and I ignore him, knowing he wants an reaction. I have the girl
in my arms, I don't need to waste my time with him. The elevator
doors open and we step out. I can see the crowd at the entrance, in
my haste to find Eva I didn't bother to cover my tracks and came
straight here. I hear her moan. "Tell me we're not walking through

why I brought them." I tell her, motioning to the Dave Clark and
Ronan Singer my bodyguards. I was going to place Ronan in charge of
protecting her, but I don't like how he's looking at her. If he
wasn't a trusted employee I'd fire him. As we near the doors I see
our car waiting at the curb. As we're pushed through the crowd Dave
and Ronan block any microphones and persistent reporters. The
driver opens the door and I pick up and place Eva in the car, she
automatically moves over for me and Ronan. We wait for Dave to get
in the passenger seat as the driver gets in and starts the car.
Finally, we pull slowly away as the crowd parts for us. Eva still
has her face buried in my shoulder as the flashes go off at the
window. I bring my hand around her and caress her head feeling her
body shake. "Five more minutes." I whisper into her ear. She nods
and feel bad about the whole situation. She obviously hates the
spotlight being on her, but she has to get used to it. I know I'm
right when I say, if we hide they'll only become more of a

"Pull us
into the garage, Henry. I don't want to deal with the

sir." I watch as he takes the entrance specifically used for my
fleet of cars. We park and Eva takes her head from my

"I really
hate that." She states, shakily running her hand over her

"I know,
but we're just going to have to deal with it until we're not news
anymore. She nods once. I see how shaken up she really is when she
climbs out of the car. Her normally flushed face is pale and she
has her arms instinctively wrapped around herself.

"Maybe we
should avoid the press and social functions. I don't think

"Did I
ask for your opinion, Ronan?"

Eva slaps
my chest. "He's just trying to help. I'll be fine. You're right, I
just need to get used to it. Although, if we could avoid rushing
headlong into a crowd of that size again. I'd very much appreciate
it." She says, sharply.

"I will
try my best. However, that was your fault."

fault?" She asks, her temper showing. Bringing color back to her

"Yes. If
you would have just stayed here, I wouldn't have rushed out not
caring that they were following me."

"If you
want to play game, this is actually your fault for being rich and

"No, you
should do what you're told." I argue.

"I'm not
a dog, Ruxin."

"I know a
dog would listen better." I state, smiling.

giggles pushing me, but not moving me an inch. "Fine. Then buy a

"Trust me
after a day with you, its becoming tempting." I tease.



Once we
are safely in Ruxin's home I feel like I can breathe a little
easier. I sigh and walk down the hall as Ruxin, Ronan and Dave talk
about security for another upcoming event that I'll have to go to.
I walk into the spare room I was in earlier and get into the bed. I
don't want to assume that I'm staying in Ruxin's bed. Plus, its
dirty. I lay down and turn on the flat screen Tv, flipping through
channels and my heart stops.

I yell, sitting straight up in bed. I hear the pounding of
footsteps down the hall as three men come into the room. I turn up
the volume. Listening to a talk show personality discuss where I
came from, my mothers death and my college degree. They have photos
from my high school yearbook and then they show pictures of me and
Ruxin in front of his building. I didn't think it would be on
television! I expected the magazines but not this!

that was fast." Ruxin says, looking at the Tv with

start to discuss my father and mother, talking about Williams
infidelity. I groan diving into the covers and cover my head. I
hear them start talking about my lack of relationships. How did
they even get this much on me? The words introvert and shy make me
groan. I feel the bed dip and I know its Ruxin.

nothing bad, relax. This is all just basic information they
probably got from people you worked with." He says, rubbing my back
through the covers.

I snap my
head up at him. "Basic information! Are you kidding me? And what
happens when they dive even further? Sorry, if I have a problem
with them knowing my bra size and who took my

does it matter? I took your virginity. It makes you look sweet and
innocent. While, I look like a lecher." He smiles, brushing my hair
from my face.

your not helping."

"Sir, you
might want to see this." I hear Dave say.

We both
look back to the TV as a video clip of Ruxin's mom walking out of a
store is shown. She smiles at all the questions. "I don't know much
about her, but I can't wait to meet her." She responds, getting
into a car.

stands up and takes out his phone. "I want security on mom when she
leaves the house. I just seen her get harassed walking out of a
store this morning." He states, clearly upset. I'm sending over
some people if your not going to do it." He paces the floor. The
person on the other end of the phone must have given in because he
looks less tense by the time he hangs up.

"What are
you doing in here anyway?" He asks, looking at me

"I was
going to fall asleep to some mindless TV show." I

aren't you in my bed?"

I shrug
and lay back down. Coming over to the bed he crosses his arm and
waits for an answer. "Its dirty." I say, quietly.

"I didn't
hear you." He replies.

"I said,
its dirty." I whisper a little louder.

He asks again.

"I said
its dirty!" I yell. As soon as I see his smirk. I know he was just
messing with me.

nothing that you weren't rolling in last night." He jokes, but I
see his eyes heating.

I throw a
pillow at him as Dave and Ronan laugh quietly by the door. He
catches the pillow and throws it back on the bed. He turns to Dave
and Ronan dismissing them, "We'll talk about everything later." He
pulls me to the side of the bed and picks me up.

"Why do
you want me in your bed?"

its where you belong."

your role, hoe. Type of thing?"

Now, if only there was a way I could take you out while still
keeping you on your back." He says, sounding like he's really
thinking about it.

I snort
and bring my arms around his neck as he carries me to his bed. I
see the rumpled sheets from last night and blush. He lays me down
and kisses my forehead. "Rest." He orders, huskily and I know he's
thinking about last night too.

I nod and
he leaves, quietly shutting the door. I curl up on my side and try
to block out everything that happened today. Instead, I think about
last night and meeting Ruxin. I fall asleep thinking about his

I feel
hands brushing my hair from my face. I moan and bat at his hands,
knowing its Ruxin. "No. Leave me alone." I demand, not opening my

"You have
to get up and get ready. We have to leave in an hour if we're going
to make it on time."

I open my
eyes when I smell coffee. I sit up and hold out my hand and he
chuckels as he gives me the mug. I take a drink and I hear him
unzip something. I look and he is taking a dress from a garment

"I chose
this one for tonight." He states, showing me a simple dark blue
tailored dress that hits about mid thigh.

Will you get my purse? My makeup is in it."

He walks out. I put down my coffee and take my hair out of the bun
and run my fingers through it. I get out of bed, taking my coffee
and the dress to the bathroom. I hang the dress on the back of the
door and wait for my makeup. Ruxin comes in and I notice that he's
already dressed and ready.

"How much
time do I have?"

smiles, "Will I always have to repeat the things I tell you when
you first wake up? I told you, you have an hour."

"I'll be
ready in twenty."

"Come get
me. I'll be in my office." I nod and he leaves.

I take
out my mascara and loose powder. Which, is the extent of my makeup

After my
makeup I get dressed and look through the drawers of the sink
cabinets trying to find a brush. I finally locate one and brush my
hair in sections. I decide to leave it down because it's

I walk to
his office and hear him on the phone. "Just kill the hype as much
as possible. We're together, end of story." I walk in and he
continues. "I don't care, find a way. No, I won't answer any
questions or do any interviews. Just make the statement again." He
orders and hangs up.

ridiculous that this is even news." I say, shaking my head at the
absurdity of the situation.

"I know,
but it is. You look beautiful, ready?"

thank you." He stands and we walk to the door. We take the elevator
to the garage to avoid more photos.

we're in the car I ask, "What's your family like?"

"Loud. My
mom will talk your ear off and my sister will set to work on the
other. My dad is quiet unless he likes you."

I smile.
"They sound lovely. Do you think they'll like me?"

they'll love you."

An hour
later I fidget nervously as we drive the nicely paved roads of an
affluent neighborhood with two story homes as big as schools. We
pull up to a gate that opens automatically and we go through. The
driveway is circular with a fountain in the middle and I marvel at
the expense. Ruxin opens the door and helps me out.

noting to be nervous about, its just a family get

"I know.
Its just that I've never met a guys family before. Now I'm meeting
my fake boyfriends family, its a little unnerving. What if they
start to ask questions?" I ask, as we walk to the door.

He stops
walking and turns to me. "You are mine. There is nothing fake about
us, understood?" I nod my head yes. "Good. If they ask you
questions, then answer them truthfully." He states. I hear the
frustration in his voice and want to argue. Obviously, he wants me
to be a flawless liar and an actress. He starts walking again and I
follow. At the door he doesn't knock, but opens the door

I hear
laughter as I step into the home, looking around I see about ten
people. "Ruxin's here!" A woman screams.

don't have to yell, Kel." Ruxin says, smirking.

I see his
sister Kelsey walking towards us smiling. I smile back and she hugs
me. Taken off guard it takes me a second to hug her back. I see
Ruxin's mothers warm smile coming towards us as well. She hugs
Ruxin as Kelsey releases me.

"Hi. I'm
Ruxin's sister, Kelsey." She introduces herself.

"Hi, Eva
Thorpe." I respond. Not feeling comfortable calling myself his

"I know!
We've heard all about you. Its been a media frenzy!" Ruxin's mom
gushes, then crushes me against her. For being the same height as
me she sure has some muscle. I pat her back as I feel the air leave
my lungs.

she can't breath." I hear and his mom pulls back.

I'm just so excited to meet you. I'm Andrea Novak, Ruxin's mom and
this is my husband Conrad." She says, pulling Conrad

BOOK: Fake Boyfriend
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