Fake Boyfriend (7 page)

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Authors: Evan Kelsey

BOOK: Fake Boyfriend
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act like you don't see what they are. Open your damn eyes." Ruxin
retorts and stands up. Resting his hand on my back, we walk to the
door. I get outside and I feel the wetness on my cheeks. I turn and
put my face on his chest and cry. His arms go around me and he rubs
my back and sides shushing me.



When I
realize I'm sobbing into Ruxin's shoulder in the middle of the busy
sidewalk, I step away. I wipe my tear stained face with my hands
and notice the wet blotches on his shirt.

I apologize, pointing to his shirt.

doesn't look at his shirt, instead he looks at me concerned. "It's
fine. Are you okay?"

I nod and
start walking, embarrassed. I feel him fall in step beside me and I
take comfort in it. He helped me back there, he even stood up for
me. I guess I should be grateful for that. Even if he's
blackmailing me, I can tell he's a good man. He takes my hand in
his and I don't mind, he's obviously trying to comfort me and I
appreciate it.

for sticking up for me."

"I still
think you should tell William what's going on."

I shake
my head no. "I can't." I reply. I know he doesn't understand, but I
don't expect him to. I wouldn't forgive myself if I broke up a
marriage. William is happy with Susan and that's all that matters.
I won't have to deal with her anymore after I move out. I just have
to move out sooner then I expected. I have money, just not the kind
of money Ruxin or my dad have. I can rent a place, my savings will
take a hit, but I don't care. I just want my own space to call
home. I feel like I've been an outsider for the past few months,
trying my hardest to fit into an already perfect family. I don't
blame them for not wanting me there, it was stupid for me not to
not think about how Susan and Cindy would feel taking in the
mistress's daughter.

not going back to the Prescott's" He states.

I nod,
for the first time in total agreement with him. "I have a realtor.
I just have to tell her I'm ready for a place. I wanted too find a
job before I moved out."

should wait, you won't even be here to use it."

"I want
to get the rest of my stuff out of William's place. I don't mind
not being here. I need my own place, I'm tired of not feeling like
I have a home."

help you."

I look at
him suspiciously. "How? I won't live in any apartment complex you

His eyes
narrow and I can tell he's about to fight with me about where I'm
going to live. "I'll find you a place. You won't find anything on
your budget that has security."

"I don't
need a door man." I respond, mildly amused. I've never had money, I
don't need the luxuries he's used to.

"The hell
you don't. I find you a place or you won't be getting one." He
states stubbornly.

you're being ridiculous." I reply, dismissively. I don't need his
permission to get an apartment and I don't need his

doesn't respond, but I can tell he's angry. When we get to his
building I pull my hand out of his and he turns to me, waiting for
an explanation. "I'm going for a walk." I say.

"I'll go
with you."

you have things to do?"

"Yes, but
you're not-" Just as he's about to refuse my request, I hear the
snapping of pictures being taken and questions start flying. I
don't even realize what's happening, I stand stunned until Ruxin
takes my arm and pulls me through the doors into the lobby of his
building. He doesn't stop walking or release my arm until we're in
the elevator.

"What was

"Paparazzi. That's why you need security."

follow you around like that?"


It's not like he's in movies or anything. He looks at me like I'm
stupid. "Don't look at me like that. Why are they following you?" I
ask, him again more forcefully.

"I own
more property in New York then Donald Trump, people take an
interest in me."

It takes
me a minute to absorb this information. "Am I going to be in those
tabloids now?" I ask, jokingly but even I hear my

"Yes." He
answers seriously.

I look at
him hoping he's only teasing me. I meet his eyes and his expression
is grim. "So, because I know you, I need security?"

He nods
once and waits for me to step off the elevator at his floor. I walk
towards his door and wait for him to open it with his thumb print.
He puts his finger on the pad and it unlocks. He holds the door
open for me and I go inside. This is crazy, now I'm not going to be
able to go for a simple walk. What if people start to recognize me?
This is my worse nightmare, I hate the spot light. The dread must
be written clearly on my face because he stands in front on me and
rubs my arms.

worry. I'll handle everything."

what? Can you go back in time and make it so they don't see me with
you? What if people start to recognize me?" I question, getting

release a statement. We definitely need to be seen in public as
much a possible. If we dodge them it will only make it

"No, I
don't care. I want no part of that. I want to dodge them as much as

me?" He asks, calmly.

I look at
him. Do I trust him? I know I shouldn't, but what do I know about
this world, his world? Absolutely nothing. "Okay." I give in, still

"It will
get better." He states, reassuringly.

happens after the six months? Do you think they'll leave me alone

"No, they
won't leave you alone. I'll deal with them then too."

"You knew
this was going to happen."

"It's a
reality in my life, yes. I hardly think about it anymore. I don't
stop living just because people take pictures of me."

"Agh, I'd
hate to be you."

laughs. "Only you could say that and mean it."

"I doubt
I'm the only one." I scoff. "Not everyone desires this kind of
life. It's great to have nice things, but not at the expense of
your privacy."

or anonymity?" He asks, I can see he's getting upset about
something, but he's trying not to show it.

Why are you getting mad?"


I roll my
eyes. "You are."

He looks
at me and crosses his arms.


I cross
my arms pissed off beyond measure that she doesn't want anything to
do with my life. I can fly her anywhere, give her everything she
could ever want or need and it wouldn't be enough. No, her idea of
a happy life doesn't involve what she owns or what she has, it's
being self sufficient and normal. She would rather struggle to make
ends meet then get her picture taken in public. I realize I'm
thinking about her in the long term and it sobering, but not off
putting. Even if I could get her to fall in love with me, she
wouldn't accept my life.

"I am
mad." I admit.

"You were
mad. Now you're seething." She corrects me.

"This is
my life. I don't like you telling me it's not good

I see the
confusion and shock take over her face. "That's not what I meant.
You have everything, your successful, funny, smart, good looking
and the list goes on. I just meant that not everyone is cut out to
be in the limelight, like you are."

hearing what she thinks about me it's hard not to smile, but I pull
it off, barely. It's strange having someone read me so openly. Most
people find me hard to read or passive. "And you're not cut out to
be apart of this life?"

"Honestly?" She asks, hesitantly. I nod and she continues.
"Not at all."


She looks
at me like I should know why and when I don't respond she answers
me. "Isn't it obvious? I'm not like you. I don't have the
confidence or the shoulders to take on the world. It's not a matter
of your world not being good enough for anyone, it's a matter of
not being good enough to be in your world. I'm not good enough."
She states. I can see that she actually believes what she just
said. I feel my anger rise and turn around, walking to the kitchen.
I try to calm myself down as I take a water out of the

"How did
I make you even more mad?" She asks, exasperated.

I can't
help but smile as her arms flail about. "I'm done talking about
it." I reply.

God." She mutters.

"I have
work to do, it will only take about an hour." She nods and I walk
up to her, kissing her lips lightly. I pull back and look her in
the eyes. "Don't ever put yourself down again. Especially, in my
company." I hold her gaze, letting her know how serious I am and
walk to my office. I call Julia.

Novak." She answers.

taking Eva Thorpe with me when I go to Europe, I need you to make
any necessary arrangements. She'll be accompanying me to all the
events and parties."


"Do you
like your job, Julia?" I ask.

"Yes, Mr.

consider this your warning, if you're ever rude to Eva again your
gone. Understood?"


"Good." I
reply, hanging up.



I watch
him leave the kitchen and sigh. I meant everything I said as a
compliment. He gets mad so easily, I guess I'll give him something
to be angry about. I don't have my purse, which I need. I don't
want him 'helping' me to find a place and my realtor's card is in
my wallet. I guess leaving without a good disguise is out of the
question. I walk to the first door I see and open it, finding a
bedroom. I open the closet and its empty. I look in the dresser and
find them empty as well. The next room is Ruxin's, I sneek in and
go to the closet. I grab one of his white dress shirts and put it
on over my dress tying the bottom in a knot at my waist. I go to
his bathroom and find scissors, cutting the dress at my knees. I
wet my hair and put it in a low bun. I leave the room and go back
to the kitchen, I seen a pair of sun glasses on the counter
earlier. I snatch them up and walk quickly to the door. I leave,
careful not to make any noise and hit the elevator down button. The
doors open and I step in, putting the sun glasses on. Reaching the
ground floor I look to the front of building, seeing people still
gathered. I stop the man that caught us kissing earlier. "It's
there a side exit?"

ma'am. I'll walk you."

you." I reply, gratefully and walk with him. He holds open a door
for me and I thank him again as I walk out onto the busy sidewalk.
I walk past Henry's knowing my way back to Williams from here. I
arrive at my dad's building and take the elevator to his floor.
Standing outside his door I don't know whether to knock or not. I
decide to knock. I lightly tap the door with my shaking hand.
Lucinda my father's live in housekeeper answers with a smile. "Hi,
is my father home?" I ask.

"He's in
his study." She answers. I walk past her and keep my fingers
crossed that I don't see Susan or Cindy. I let out the breath I
wasn't even aware I was holding. I reach the double doors of
Williams study. I knock hesitantly and I hear him say, "Come in." I
open the door and peek my head in.

"Do you
have a minute?"

He stands
up. "Of course, come in."

"I want
to apologize for lunch."

apology needed. Sit." He says, motioning toward the chair across
from his.

you." I sit and start right away. "I'm moving out, I think I'll be
able to find something within the next couple of days."

been going on between you, Susan and Cindy?"

"Nothing." I reply, automatically.

"I know
that's a lie." He states, unhappily.

your wife doesn't want a reminder of your infidelity living in her
home. I don't blame her, it's time for me to go."

"I can't
believe I didn't see it sooner. I'm sorry if she made your stay
here uncomfortable."

fine. I just really want my own space, I have a realtor I plan on
calling today."

"But you
don't have a job."

"I have
money saved up, I'll be fine."

"Let me
help you. Let me pay for first years rent."

that's way too generous."

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