Read Every Vow She Breaks Online

Authors: Jannine Gallant

Every Vow She Breaks (19 page)

BOOK: Every Vow She Breaks
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“That’s what I usually listen to.”

“Good thing. If you’d asked for country, I might have had to kick you out of the car.”

Claire grinned. “It’s nice to know where your breaking point is.”

“I don’t live with a lot of rules, but a man has to draw the line about music.” He gave her a quick glance before returning his attention to the road. “Let’s hear all about your story proposal.”

“Mostly it’s about making my life easier. With the whole remodel project certain to occupy the majority of my waking hours, I thought I’d try to stick close to home.” She waved a hand toward the west. “I can get a lot of photos of the marine animals I’ll need right in my backyard, so to speak. For a fresh angle, I plan to incorporate photos of lighthouses into the piece with quirky facts about each. That’ll require some travel, but there are several cool ones within a day’s drive.”

“Sounds interesting. What’re your editor’s concerns?”

“She wants to discuss a more in-depth story focusing on a single lighthouse. I think my idea would be more visually stimulating. Less writing required, too, and that’s always a plus for me.” When he rolled the window down a couple of inches, she tucked a blowing strand of hair behind her ear. “Including photos of sea mammals is a no-brainer. Our readers love animals of every shape and size. Louise was ecstatic about the bear cub photo I took. It almost made up for not getting a picture of a Bigfoot—preferably autographed by the creature and certified as authentic.”

Jed snorted. “Bet if you’d asked Bart nicely he would have put on a costume and then sworn out an affidavit declaring it the real deal.”

She put her head back and laughed. “Now why didn’t I think of that?”

“You don’t have a devious mind. I do. I imagine the idea of a fake is looking pretty good to your buddy, Preston, about now. His boss must be getting pissed he doesn’t have a story yet.”

Claire frowned. “Poor Preston. Nothing ever seems to work out for him.”

“The whole Bigfoot retreat was a bust for everyone involved.” He patted her knee then left his hand on her thigh. “Except for you. You were smart enough to change the focus of your article and make the most of the situation. I admire the hell out of you for that.”

A jolt of heat shot straight up her leg to her core then spread outward like molten fire. The breeze coming through the window couldn’t begin to cool her hot cheeks. With an effort, she focused on his words.

“Thanks. I may be an optimist, but I’m not stupid. I know when it’s time to cut my losses.”

The fingers on her thigh tightened. “I’m sure you do.” With a final squeeze, he released her. “Do you think you can talk your editor into seeing your point of view about the lighthouses?”

“I always have in the past. I’m not too worried about it.”

He let the subject drop, and they rode in silence, music filling the car’s interior as the miles rolled away. Something seemed to be on Jed’s mind, but he wasn’t talking about it. Every subtle attempt on her part to draw him out was met with a pleasant change of subject.

Her lips firmed. Maybe sledgehammer tactics would produce better results. Not that she was at all certain she wanted to know what he was thinking. Still, she’d never been one to hide from reality. “What’s bugging you? Spill it.”


“You’ve been like a dog with a bone since yesterday. Well, not my dog. He chomps them down in no time. More like one of those fluffy little toy dogs, nibbling around the edges of a giant femur.”

He turned and stared.


A horn blared.

With a jerk, he swerved back into his own lane. “Sorry. I wasn’t trying to kill us. I was trying to wrap my mind around your analogy.” His brows nearly met above his nose. “Are you calling me a poodle?”

“If the rhinestone collar fits…”

“Aren’t you the funny one. Do you want to explain what the hell you’re talking about?”

“Ever since you returned with the masking tape and smelly dog yesterday, you’ve been lapsing into sullen fits. Whatever’s on your mind obviously isn’t pleasant. Are you sick of hanging out with me?”

“What? No. Why would you think that?”

“What should I think? You sure aren’t talking. Have I done something you don’t like—other than ask you to paint?”

“Of course not.” Pressing down on the accelerator, he blew by a semi on a straight stretch of highway. “It’s not you. It’s me.”

“Oh, my God! Are you kidding? Do people really say that?”

He pulled back into the right-hand lane before turning with a frown. “Say what?”

“What do you think?
It’s not you. It’s me.
” She rolled her eyes.

me. Kane made some comments about my lack of gainful employment and easy come, easy go lifestyle. Hell, he did everything but tell me it was time to grow up.” His fist smacked against the steering wheel. “What my brother said—or didn’t say—has been bugging me.”

“Oh.” She hunched down in the seat. “I feel like an idiot.”

“Why would you feel like an idiot? You have a real job. Well, sort of.” He grinned. “Actually, taking pictures for a living isn’t your average nine-to-five, nose-to-the-grindstone employment either.”

“I’m a fool for making
mood all about
. A little self-obsessed, don’t you think? As for my career, I spent years paying my dues to get to this point. Who says work has to be nine-to-five to be real?”

“You know what I mean. You’ve made a few comments about my penchant for having fun.”

“True, but I wasn’t implying anything negative about how you make your living. Work
be fun.” She shrugged. “If I had to describe you in five words, settled or stable wouldn’t make the list. Fun would. So would interesting, charming and helpful.”

“That’s only four words. What’s the fifth?”

“Hot. Definitely hot.”

His gaze met hers and held. By the time he looked away, heat had crept up her neck to bloom in her cheeks. She rolled down her window.

“Stable is overrated. Unless you need a place to put a horse.” Jed tapped the steering wheel.

Claire let out a breath. “I’m beginning to think you’re right.”

“Kane has my best interests at heart, but he should mind his own business. That’s what I’m going to tell him the next time I see him.” He sat up a little straighter and jetted around a slow moving camper, sliding back into his lane just ahead of a string of oncoming traffic.

She pried her fingers off the door handle. “Speaking of horses, I should wear blinders like they do when I travel with you.”

His brows shot up. “Why?”

“You drive the way you live your life—on the edge.”

“You’re perfectly safe. My judgment and reflexes are excellent.” His voice softened. “I’d never do anything to hurt you.”

She pressed one hand to her chest. “I hope not.”

* * * *

Jed strolled down the beach with his hands stuffed in his pockets, missing…Scoop. God, something must be wrong with him. Still, almost everyone on this stretch of sand had a dog tugging at the end of a leash except him, making him the odd man out. He’d never had a problem with his own company in the past. Why now? Maybe it was the thick fog putting a damper on his mood since he had no other conceivable reason for feeling lonely. He’d only dropped Claire off a half-hour ago, for Christ’s sake.

When an ugly mongrel raced toward him, barking enthusiastically, leash trailing behind him, he stopped and crouched down to pet it. Something about the droopy ears and long snout struck a chord…


The dog sniffed his hand. Glancing up, he scanned the scattering of afternoon strollers. A woman in running shorts and a T-shirt with a wind breaker tied around her waist jogged toward him, a smile lighting her bright green eyes.

He stood and held out his arms. “Grace!”

“Fancy meeting you here.” Kane’s sister-in-law hugged him back before stepping away. “If you were going to be in town, why didn’t you call?”

“Last minute decision. Anyway, I never know if you’re here or in Seattle, but I’m glad we ran into each other. Or rather, Wylie ran into me.” He grinned. “I swear that dog gets uglier every time I see him.”

She scowled before a wide smile slipped out. “Yet for some reason he still likes you. What’re you doing on the beach all by yourself?”

“Killing time before I pick up a friend. We’re going out to dinner later. You and Travis should join us. You’ll like Claire.”

Grace rubbed her arms and shivered. “Has hell frozen over? You’re offering to introduce
—okay, extended, almost family—to a woman? I thought you were as bad as I used to be about mixing relatives with pleasure.”

“Your sister marrying my brother doesn’t make us related.”

“If we see each other on holidays, it’s close enough. Sure, let’s do it. I’d love to meet this woman. Travis and I don’t have plans, and I could use a night off from wedding preparation.” She pressed both hands to her head and moaned. “Tell me my mother won’t disown me if we elope. If I have to listen to one more conversation about centerpieces and veils and china patterns, I may shoot someone. Namely, myself.”

He shook his head and laughed. “The very reason I’ve never been foolhardy enough to propose to a woman. What does Travis have to say about it?”

“He tells me to do whatever I want. Weddings are all about the bride.”

“Smart man.”

Her eyes narrowed. “How does your friend, Claire, feel about weddings?”

“Right now, she’d definitely be against. One of her ex-boyfriends wants her back and keeps leaving wedding crap and notes as some sort of weird enticement. The guy must have a screw loose.”

Grace flipped long, brown, wind whipped hair over her shoulder. “Has she told him to drop dead?”

“She would, but we’re not sure which old boyfriend is responsible. We’ve been narrowing down the suspect list. Maybe I’ll talk to Travis about it tonight to get the opinion of a professional P.I.”

“While you do that, I’ll chat with Claire about anything but weddings since it’s a sore subject for both of us. Where do you want to meet?”

“We’ve been camping, so I promised her a nice dinner. How about Poseidon’s down on Fisherman’s Wharf?”

“Yum. One of my favorites.” She laid a hand on his arm. “Uh, are you sure we aren’t crashing your evening? This woman of yours might be less than thrilled about having extra company on a date.”

“She won’t mind. Claire’s the friendly sort, and you two will have plenty in common. It’ll be fun.”

“If you’re sure?”

“I am.”

“Then, we’ll see you tonight. Is seven okay? Travis has a late appointment with a client.”

“Sounds perfect.”

“See you then.” Bending to grab the end of the leash, Grace ran down the beach with the dog trotting at her side.

When she disappeared into the encroaching fog, Jed glanced at his watch. Claire should be finishing up her meeting soon, and he wanted to be on time to pick her up. With a smile, he headed back the way he’d come.



Chapter 15


“You don’t mind that I asked them to join us, do you? Grace is always entertaining, and Travis is a cool dude.”

Claire tipped back her cocktail before pasting a smile on her lips for Jed. “Of course I don’t mind.”

Good thing no one left any sharp objects lying around…

“They’re running late.” He slid off the barstool. “Wait. Spoke too soon. There’s Grace now.”

Claire turned on her seat to face the door. A stunning woman smiled up at the man who followed her into the restaurant. He returned her gaze with eyes full of love. And maybe a touch of lust. Claire was willing to bet most men who looked at Grace Hanover did it with sex on the brain.

When Jed waved, the handsome, dark-haired man guided his companion through the maze of small tables toward the bar. Grace hugged Jed briefly then turned to Claire. The woman’s eyes sparkled with interest as she gave her an up and down glance. Apparently Claire’s go-to little black dress passed muster. Approval registered in the smiling curve of her lips.

“I can see why he lit up when he talked about you.” She held out her hand. “I’m Grace Hanover, soon to be Barnett.”

Claire gripped the offered palm in a firm shake. “Claire Templeton. It’s nice to meet you.”

“Is it? I told Jed you might not like us busting in on your date. He assured me we weren’t, but what does he know? He’s a guy. Dense as a rock like most of the species when it comes to what women want.”

Claire managed a smile. Exactly what she’d been thinking and hadn’t had the guts to say to his face. Maybe having dinner with this woman whom Jed obviously admired wouldn’t be so bad after all.

“Hey, I’m not dense.”

Grace patted his arm. “How about thick?”

“Funny.” He laid a hand on Claire’s arm. “Travis, meet Claire. Do you want to have a drink here or at the table?”

Travis gave her a warm smile. “Let’s see if they can seat us. I’m starving.”

Once they were settled at a table overlooking the fog-shrouded bay and had ordered a round of drinks and appetizers, Claire leaned back in her chair. Travis held Grace’s hand where a big, shiny diamond was prominently displayed. Beside her, Jed’s attention focused on the view out the window, and she couldn’t help wondering if he was having regrets.
Does he wish he was the one holding Grace’s hand?
She’d never been the jealous type. Now wasn’t the time to start.

Claire forced a pleasant tone. “Congratulations on your upcoming wedding.”

“Thanks. We’re thinking about eloping.”

Travis gave his bride-to-be an amused look. “Grace is thinking about running away to get hitched. Since I don’t want to piss off her mother, I’m complying with orders.”

“Easy for you since they’re all directed at me.” When the server returned with their cocktails, she lifted her glass and sipped. “While we’re on the subject of matrimony, Jed, tell Travis about Claire’s wedding stalker.”

“Stalker?” Her fiancé’s brows drew together. “That doesn’t sound good.”

“It’s pretty weird.” Jed pulled his gaze away from the window and swirled the ice in his vodka tonic. “One of Claire’s past loves has been leaving trinkets like cake toppers along with notes to remind her of a promise. The last gift was sexy lingerie. Apparently, he wants her to make good on a vow to marry him.”

BOOK: Every Vow She Breaks
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