Every Vow She Breaks (15 page)

Read Every Vow She Breaks Online

Authors: Jannine Gallant

BOOK: Every Vow She Breaks
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“There isn’t room down there for you and Scoop both.”

He stroked her cheek, his fingertips rough against her skin. She shivered as a dart of need shot through her.

“Too bad for Scoop. The dog’s comfort, or lack thereof, isn’t a good enough reason to sleep together.”

Her breath hitched in her throat. “You need a reason?”

“God, no. Wanting you has become an addiction. I can’t get you out of my head.”

Wrapping her arms around his neck, she stood on her toes to kiss him. “For tonight, that’s reason enough.”



Chapter 11


They couldn’t do it, could they? Claire was exhausted, emotionally and physically. Jed shifted, drawing her closer. She didn’t feel tired. Anything but if the way she was kissing him back, her tongue twined with his, was an indicator. Warm. Willing. Woman.

A burning need to take what she offered consumed him. If he didn’t do something—either stop while his brain was still functioning or carry her straight to the bed—he was going to self-combust.

With a moan, he tore his mouth away from hers. “We can’t.”

She nibbled tiny kisses along his jaw. “Want to bet?”

“Well, we
. Definitely no problem in that department.” He focused on breathing as she nipped his earlobe. “I mean we

“Why not?”

His hands molded her firm ass through her jeans. He swooped in for another kiss. “I know there’s a reason.”

Lord help me, I’m going to explode.

He gritted his teeth. “I knew what it was a moment ago.”

“We both want this.”

“Well, no kidding. I want it so bad I hurt. Wait! That’s the reason. You don’t want to get hurt, and you’re going to hate me in the morning if we do this.” He released his grip on her ass and pressed fingers to his temples. “That’s the reason we can’t.”

“I won’t hate you.” Claire grabbed his hands and held on tight. “I promise I won’t. What I need tonight is emotional and physical contact with someone I care about—someone who cares about me.”

“I care. You’re incredible. If you’d just give us a chance…”

“What do you think I’m doing?”

He pulled one hand from her grasp and tilted her chin to look into her eyes. “Really? You’re willing to risk getting involved with me even though I’m—”

“Don’t say it.” She pressed a finger to his lips. “I’m sorry I called you fun.”

His heart thudded in a deafening rhythm.
This is going to happen. I’m going to make love to Claire.

“Fun isn’t all bad.” He scooped her into his arms and carried her the entire two steps to the bed. “I’m going to show you the best time you ever had.”

* * * *

Claire didn’t doubt it for a moment. Sex with Jed would surely be better than anything she’d ever experienced in the past. If practice made perfect…she wouldn’t think about all the practice he’d surely had.

He whipped back the spread and laid her on the bed then sat pressed close against her side. Without speaking, he slipped off her shoes to toss them on the floor. Big thumbs massaged the bottom of one foot then the other. Closing her eyes, she drifted on a wave of pleasure.

“Look at me.”

“Hmm.” Her lids flickered open.

“I want to see what you’re feeling reflected in your eyes.”

She was going to melt into the mattress. Could a man get any sexier?

With a minimum of effort, he pulled off her jeans and T-shirt then paused. His gaze slid down the length of her in an admiring sweep. “When we found the cake toppers in your underwear drawer, all I could think about was how you’d look in the pink ones.” A long finger drew a line from the lacy strip of fabric between her breasts to the top edge of the matching barely-there bikini panties. “My imagination didn’t do you justice.”

Breathing was a challenge. When he stood, kicked off his shoes and then peeled his shirt over his head it became a near impossibility. Muscles rippled across his chest and abdomen beneath skin still tanned nut brown from a summer spent outside. When he dropped his jeans, her mouth dried up completely. Long, strong legs stretched upward to a pair of extended blue briefs. She tried to swallow and failed.

When she dragged her gaze up to meet his, he grinned. “Told you
wouldn’t be an issue.”

“I guess not.” Her voice came out in a croak. “God, you’re beautiful.”

“Hey, that’s my line.” He sat again and caressed the slope of her breast. “Gorgeous and delicate and perfect in every way. I’m afraid I might break you.”

“You won’t. I’m flexible.”

He groaned. “Like I needed to hear that to kick my imagination into overdrive.”

Lying next to her, he pulled her into his arms and kissed her until she couldn’t think, couldn’t focus on anything but Jed and how he made her feel. Treasured. Special. Oh, so sexy.

She blinked twice, and the pink panties and bra were gone. He laid her back against smooth, cool sheets. The man braced above her had everything it took to heat them, and then some. When he tossed his briefs onto the floor, her heart stopped for a moment before racing like a champion sprinter headed for the finish line.

His biceps quivered as he held himself still and looked into her eyes. “You’re sure?”

All she could do was nod as he trailed kisses down the side of her neck. When he licked the tip of one breast, she tensed. Was she sure Jed wouldn’t smash her heart into little pieces somewhere down the road? No. Did she care? At the moment, not in the least. All she wanted was…

He sank into her, filling her soul. Wrapping her arms around his broad back, she held on, never intending to let go.

His lips touched her ear in a horse whisper. “Oh, God. Protection. I’m an idiot.”

“I’m on the pill.”


She turned her head and kissed him, her tongue twining with his. He tasted of need, pure and primal. Her whole body pulsed with the same urgent desire.

“We’re good,” she gasped. “If we were any better—”

He pushed hard then pulled back to surge forward again. Pressing her face against his shoulder she clung tight in anticipation as spiraling sensations carried her toward completion. In a burst of triumph that accompanied his long, low moan, she let herself spin out of control, falling into—love?

Heart hammering, she breathed deeply the musky scent of sex, tasted the tang of perspiration dampening his chest, relished the arms that tightened around her as a long exhale stirred her hair. A mixture of satisfaction and lingering desire fueled by the feel of him still buried inside her enfolded Claire. Was the excitement that brightened every day she spent with him really love? Or just a combination of old memories and compatibility along with a healthy dose of lust?

“You okay?”

She glanced up, meeting a lazy, satiated gaze. “Oh, yeah.”

Jed rolled to his side, carrying her with him. “You aren’t talking much.”

She smiled. “Anything I say would give you a swelled head. Can’t have that.”

A chuckle rumbled in his chest. “I love your sense of humor…among other things.” He surged inside her, and his expression turned sheepish. “Uh, it’s been a while, and you are without a doubt the hottest, most irresistible woman I’ve ever met. Once isn’t going to be enough.”

Cupping his face in her hands, she kissed him, long and slow and deep. When they both came up for air, she pressed hard against him. “That, my friend, isn’t going to be a problem.”

* * * *

From the street, no sign of light showed behind the drawn blinds of Ross’s dark gray bungalow style house as Claire stopped the motor home at the curb. A scattering of leaves had drifted across the brick walkway, and a pile of soggy newspapers littered the front porch. Down the block, the clang of metal against metal disturbed the early morning quiet.

“What an idiot. If McGregor planned to be gone for a while, he should have stopped delivery of his paper. Talk about an invitation to thieves.”

She glanced over at Jed. “I wonder how long Ross has been away.” Leaning out the open driver’s side window, she craned her neck to get a better look at the neighboring houses. “The guy two doors down just put out his trash. We could ask if he knows.”

“Let’s check the papers first.” After wrestling Scoop away from the door, Jed opened it then stepped outside.

“No, baby. You can’t come.” She gave her dog a commiserating pat before shutting the RV’s door to follow Jed up the walkway.

Squatting, he sorted through the papers. “He subscribes to the
San Francisco Daily News
. The oldest ones should be on the bottom—oh, wow.”

“What?” Putting a hand on his back, she leaned down. Beneath her fingers, muscle flexed as he shifted.

He held up a paper. “Check this out.”

Squinting at the wet, faded ink, she frowned. “It’s hard to read, but the issue is from early September. He’s been gone a couple of weeks at least.”

“I meant the lead story.” He stabbed a finger at a photo of a young man with a direct gaze and a confident smile.

Assassin With Local Ties Pleads Insanity.
” Claire’s brows shot up. “He looks more like a college kid than a killer. What about him?”

“This freak tried to kill Kane’s sister-in-law. That’s her byline.”

“Grace Hanover?”

Jed nodded. “Kane helped take him down after the lunatic kidnapped her. Thank God the guy stalking you is someone you know and not a deranged maniac out for revenge.”

Claire stepped back as he pushed to his feet. “Poor woman. She must have been scared to death.”

A smile curved his lips, and his eyes took on a reminiscent gleam. “Knowing Grace, the assassin was probably more afraid of her than she was of him. The woman is a force of nature.”

Something in his smile irritated the hell out of her. Claire crossed her arms over her chest. “I’m happy she made it out of the ordeal alive, but can we get back to business?”

“Huh?” His gaze focused, and he dropped the paper. “Oh, sure. Looks like good old Ross is a prime suspect. He sure hasn’t been home in a while.”

“Maybe he’s on vacation in Hawaii or something.”

“Let’s go talk to the neighbor.” He took her arm as they walked down the steps. “Careful. With all that rain, they look slippery.”

Claire rolled her eyes. “I need help on wet steps, and Super Grace intimidates assassins. Perfect.”

He stopped and turned to face her. “What the hell are you talking about?”

“Nothing.” She bit her lip then forced out a breath. “Is she one of your ex-girlfriends?”

His forehead crinkled. “Who? Grace?”

She glanced away. “Forget it. Not my business.”

His hand cupped her chin as he tilted her head upward to meet his gaze. Teeth gleamed in the dim morning light. “Jealous?”

“Should I be?”

“No, but it’s nice to think you are. Now you know how I feel, tripping over all the men you used to date every time I turn around.” He bent and touched her lips in a slow, lingering kiss. “For the record, Grace and I weren’t involved other than a single make-out session at my brother’s wedding. Besides, she’s engaged, and her soon-to-be husband would probably have no trouble kicking my ass.”

Claire smiled, relief washing through her. “Oh, yeah?”

“Yeah, he was a Navy SEAL who’s kept in shape.”

“Sounds hot.”

Jed’s laughter roared into the chilled air. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders to squeeze. “Hey, the neighbor’s headed toward his car. Let’s catch him before he leaves.”

They hurried down the sidewalk, passed the RV from which muffled barking issued and turned into the driveway of a tan split-level.

A middle-aged man wearing an outdated suit and a harried expression moved away from his sedan and scowled. “Whatever you’re selling, I’m not buying.”

Claire stepped forward, giving Jed a subtle elbow. “We aren’t selling anything, and we don’t want to take up too much of your valuable time.” She glanced up at the man through her lashes. “You look like you have somewhere important to go.”

The irritation faded from his brown eyes. “I may have an extra minute or two. How can I help you, pretty lady?”

She quelled the urge to bat those lashes. “I’m hoping you can tell me where I might find Ross McGregor. We used to work together, and since I was in town, I wanted to surprise him.” She let out a sigh and a self-deprecating laugh. “He’s not home, so looks like the joke’s on me. I don’t suppose you know when he’ll be back?”

The man scratched his head. “Ross has been gone for a couple of weeks. He mentioned taking a month’s leave from work to deal with some old business. I’m not sure where he went, but I’m afraid you definitely missed him.”

“Well, darn!” She ramped up the wattage of her smile another notch. “I guess I’ll catch him next time I’m in town. Thanks so much for your help, uh…”

“Frank. You’re welcome. Can I give him a message?”

Jed cleared his throat. “Just tell your neighbor his ex-fiancé isn’t interested in games—or anything else. He’ll understand.”

“Uh, sure.” He gave his keys a toss. “I have to get to work.”

Claire stepped back. “No problem. Thanks, again.”

Taking her arm, Jed led her down the driveway. “Old business my ass. Good thing I didn’t bet any money on Dallas. Ross is my current favorite for pervert of the year.”

She drew in a breath and glanced up as the sedan rolled by them. “I wouldn’t have believed Ross was the one. He was always so direct about everything. Even cheating. He never tried to keep it a secret, just assumed he could do what he liked, and I’d sit back and take it.” She kicked a branch downed in the previous night’s storm and winced. “Jerk.”

“I think I’ll have a talk with McGregor. Lucky for us Preston gave me his cell number.”

“You think he’ll answer a call from an unknown number?”

“I’ll leave an ambiguous message to rouse his curiosity if he doesn’t.”

She stopped beside the motor home door. “The one you left with his neighbor was pretty straightforward, even without giving my name.”

“At this point, all I care about is stopping his harassment. I’ll do whatever it takes to put your mind at ease again.”

Warmth filled her despite the chill in the air. Maybe they hadn’t vowed their undying love for each other the night before. There was also the issue of their different lifestyles, which had to be addressed if they were to have any kind of future together. Her stomach knotted just thinking about the complications of trying to make a relationship with him work. All she knew for certain was Jed cared. She’d hold onto the tenderness in his gaze when he looked at her and appreciate the way he couldn’t stop touching her. It was enough. For now.

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