Embracing Silence (16 page)

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Authors: N J Walters

BOOK: Embracing Silence
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She held her breath, wanting him to touch her but afraid that she’d come with the first stroke.

He combed his fingers through her pubic hair. The damp curls clung to him, as though trying to hold him there. He used his thumbs to open her. “Your pussy is so wet.” He leaned close and inhaled deep. “You smell like honey and musk.” The tip of his tongue touched her clit.

She tipped her hips upward. “Touch me.”

“How?” He circled her clit, making her squirm. “Do you want me to finger-fuck you? Or maybe you’d like me to suck this sweet nub until you scream.”

She licked her lips, which were suddenly dry, and nodded.

His thumbs moved up and down her labia, teasing the sensitive flesh. “Maybe you’d like me to do something different.” He stroked his fingers over her, letting her cream cover them. Her hips jerked upward and he let his thumb slip inside her sheath. It wasn’t as long as his finger, more of a tease than anything. His middle finger stroked the crease of her bottom, rimming the puckered opening of her ass.

She froze.

“No man has ever touched you here, has he?” Tienan removed his thumb from inside her but continued to stroke her back entrance.

She shook her head.

Smiling, he lowered his mouth again, sucking her clit between his lips and teasing it with his tongue. Silence was breathless. Then he pushed his finger past the tight muscles of her ass until the tip was inside. It felt slightly uncomfortable but not painful. He pushed a little deeper as he continued to suck her clit.

Having him touch her like that felt wicked and sensual and left her wanting more. Her pussy clutched on air, wanting his cock filling her.

“I’ll fuck your ass someday.” His finger went all the way. “Damn, you’re tight. We’ll get you used to this first.” He kissed the inside of her thigh and slid two fingers into her core. She felt full, but it still wasn’t enough.

Whimpering, she bucked her hips, needing him deeper than his fingers could go. She was balanced on the edge, needing something to push her over. Always in tune with her body, Tienan took her clit between his lips and sucked hard.

Silence felt her entire body tense. Then it exploded. Her hips bucked and she slapped her hand over her mouth as she cried out, hoping the noise didn’t bring anyone running to check on her. Pleasure washed over her. Tienan didn’t let up, extending her orgasm until she couldn’t take it anymore.

“Stop,” she pleaded.

“Never,” he promised as he shoved her legs wide, pressing the head of his cock to her opening. Her pussy spasmed at the thought of having him inside. His shoulders were slick with sweat, every muscles delineated in his shoulders, biceps and chest as he held himself over her. Waiting.

In spite of what he’d said, he was waiting for her okay. Her heart seemed to swell in her chest. If she didn’t love him already, she would have fallen head over heels at this moment. “Yes.”

The word wasn’t even out of her mouth before he slammed home. She cried out as he filled her. Her inner muscles, swollen from her orgasm, clutched him hard. His hips pumped fast and furious, driving him even deeper. With each stroke, he angled her hips so his pelvis rubbed her clit.

She dug her fingers into his biceps, holding on. She was afraid if she shattered, she’d never find all the pieces of herself again. Tienan’s head was thrown back, his thick neck corded with muscle as he fucked her. His lips were pressed together, his chest expanding and contracting with each breath he sucked in.

He wrapped his arms around her and rolled. She shrieked as her position changed and she was suddenly on top. He planted his feet on the floor and clasped his hands on her hips as he pushed up. His green eyes were practically glowing as he watched her. “Fuck me.”

Bracing her hands on his thick chest, she raised herself up. Inch after inch slipped out until only the head of his cock was inside her. She slammed back down, taking him deep. They both groaned.

“Again,” he encouraged.

She liked this new position, liked being in charge. With his hands on her waist to guide her, Silence did it again, finding a rhythm that pleased them both. Heat was building inside her and she knew she was close to coming again. It should have been impossible after the intense climax she’d already had, but there was no stopping it.

It struck like a bolt of lightning. A flash of heat went through her. Her legs trembled and a shiver went down her spine. Tienan tightened his grip and began to fuck her harder and faster. He arched his hips and her legs left the pallet. Only his hold on her kept her from falling.

He called her name and she felt the flood of heat as he came. Boneless, she fell forward. He cradled her against his chest, his massive arms wrapped around her. Tremors shook his body and his heart thundered in his chest. Sighing, she closed her eyes and snuggled close.

She was just drifting off when he whispered in her ear. “I love you.” She smiled and started to return the words to him but yawned instead. He chuckled, the sound reverberating in his chest. “Sleep.” That was the last thing she heard.

Chapter Ten


Three hours later, feeling refreshed from a bout of amazing sex and a nap, Silence was washed and dressed again. Tienan was right behind her as they headed downstairs to the main living area to find Adrian.

She’d awoke with Tienan’s big body wrapped around her, his erection nestled in the crease of her ass. He’d cupped her breast as he’d slid his cock into her, rocking them both to another orgasm.

She shook her head. The man was insatiable. And so was she. She grinned, glad he couldn’t see her face. Shaking her head at her wayward thoughts, she focused on the task ahead.

They’d talked and had decided they would leave the group. Tienan wanted to work with Adrian and the rebels, but he knew that he wouldn’t be able to live under the other man’s command. There was room for only one leader here and they both knew it was Adrian.

She felt funny about leaving. Her stomach was in knots. Her home with Adrian was all she’d known since she was twelve.

Tienan rested his hand on her shoulder, stopping her descent. “We don’t have to do this. I’ll find some other way to work things out if you want to stay here.” He didn’t say “with Adrian” but it was implied.

She shook her head. The man always seemed to know her thoughts. It was disconcerting to say the least. “No. We have to do this.” Silence understood both men very well. They’d come to loggerheads over leadership in no time, no matter their good intentions. It was the way they were made. Neither was meant to follow but to lead.

“I’ll take care of you.” He stepped down beside her.

“I know.” She covered his hand with hers. For better or worse, this was her destiny. She and Tienan belonged together. All they could do was take one day at a time. That’s what she’d done her whole life. At least now she’d have Tienan beside her.

“We’ll see him often. At least once a week,” he promised. They’d already discussed various ways of setting up meetings and dropping information to one another.

“I know.” But it wouldn’t be the same and they both knew it.

Tienan dropped a quick kiss on her lips and then the lover disappeared before her eyes and he became all Alpha, tough and dangerous. “Let’s go.”

When they got to the bottom of the stairs, she scanned the cavernous room. The group was fairly large, about a hundred. There would be another fifty or more on patrol and another group sleeping. They did everything in shifts. For such a substantial group, they were quiet. Everyone went about their business, talking in low tones. Even though there were sentries posted outside, no one wanted to do anything to draw any unwanted attention their way.

She finally spotted Adrian off to the far left talking to Nadine, the woman who was in charge of their food detail. “Over there.” She glanced at Tienan as she spoke, but he was already watching Adrian. When she turned back, Adrian was staring at them. He finished his conversation with Nadine and headed their way.

Several feet behind Adrian, she caught a glimpse of Sandor, a fellow tracker, as he left the building. She usually avoided him. He was good at what he did, but the way he watched her made her uncomfortable. He’d chased her for a few months, making it more than plain he wanted a sexual relationship with her. He was handsome enough with his mahogany brown hair and gray eyes, but the spark just hadn’t been there. Plus, she hadn’t been able to shake the feeling that he’d wanted her not simply for sex, but because it would bring him closer to Adrian, and the power he wielded.

“What is it?” Tienan leaned close, his mouth touching her ear.

“Nothing.” No way was she telling him about Sandor. He’d accepted her rejection with good grace and had soon gone on to another woman. That had been six months ago. It was the past and she intended to leave it there.

Adrian strode toward them, purpose in every step. His gaze flicked from her to Tienan and the corners of his mouth turned up slightly. Silence frowned. “You’re leaving.” He spoke to Tienan.

“Yes. Silence is coming with me.” There was a hard note in his voice, as though he was daring Adrian to object.

“I expected that.”

Silence’s frown deepened. “How could you know? I didn’t even know myself until a few hours ago.”

Adrian cupped her face in his hand. “I witnessed him saving your life. If I looked at a woman the way he looked at you, there is nothing in this world that would keep me from her.”

Heat climbed up her cheeks and she glanced at Tienan. As usual, his features gave away nothing. But his eyes were a different matter. His green eyes blazed with a sensual promise that heated her skin and other more intimate areas.

Adrian cleared his throat. “What’s your plan?”

She half listened to the men as they talked. She’d been over the plan with Tienan. Her gaze drifted over the group. They were a loyal and hardworking bunch of people but she wasn’t really close to anyone. How much of that was her fault? All of them came from hard pasts. It was part of what joined them together.

Still, she’d miss many of them. Nadine, who always managed to make their meals tasty even when she had little or nothing to work with. Derrick, with his quiet, watchful ways. And especially Mouse. He might only be a teenager, but he was an old soul. He’d seen too much death and destruction in his short life. They all had.

As though she conjured him with her thoughts, Mouse came running in through the door, glancing frantically around. He caught sight of her and Adrian and started toward them.

“Adrian.” The tone of her voice made him stop and turn her way. She jerked her head toward Mouse, who was almost upon them.

“They’re coming,” he gasped. The teenager gripped his hands together, glancing over his shoulder as though he expected a squadron of security police to burst in at any second.

“Who?” Adrian gave a shrill whistle and the place went silent. Men and women rolled out of sleeping pallets. Others began to break down their camp and gather their belongings. Derrick spoke to several men and began to head their way.

Mouse caught his breath. “I was returning from scouting and I saw Sandor leave.” Mouse chewed on his bottom lip. Silence could tell he was weighing his words, wondering how much he should say.

“Keep going.” The edge of command in Adrian’s voice made the boy jump.

He swallowed hard. “Something about the way he was acting made me follow him. He kept looking over his shoulder instead of watching where he was going. So I followed him.” The last was said defiantly.

“Good man,” Adrian praised.

Mouse straightened his shoulders. “He met with a man and he was wearing a security police uniform. He was a captain. I recognized him. We’ve had several close calls with him the past few months.”

“Did you hear what they said?”

Silence held her breath and felt Tienan’s arm wrap around her waist. She leaned into his strength.

“The captain was really mad that they hadn’t caught the stranger.” He glanced at Tienan and then pulled his gaze back to Adrian. “Sandor told him it was his own fault. He’d given him the location. They’d let the Alpha slip away.” He paused. “At least that’s what I thought they said. I’m not sure what they meant by that.”

“I am.” Adrian’s voice was grim. He stood with his hands on his hips, legs braced apart, muscles tense. They’d been betrayed by one of their own.

Tienan’s hand tightened around her waist. He now knew who was responsible for his near-brush with the security police. He had a name but not a face to put on the man who had brought such pain to both of them. He didn’t say a word but she could almost hear his thoughts. Sandor was a dead man. He just didn’t know it yet.

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