Embracing Silence (10 page)

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Authors: N J Walters

BOOK: Embracing Silence
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Her pussy ached. It was empty, the muscles contracting around air now that he’d removed his fingers. Her skin felt tight, stretched over her frame. Her nipples hurt, her breasts were swollen. A deep-seated need permeated every cell in her body.

She was still tied to the chair, but she no longer felt threatened by that. Tienan liked being in control. It turned him on. She already knew that. Memories of the hours of pleasure they’d shared rose up within her.

Now he was standing beside her, waiting for her decision.

Silence parted her lips and Tienan slid the tip of his cock inside. He tasted salty and musky. She circled the bulbous head with her tongue, running it along the ridge at the base. He groaned, his hips flexing, driving him deeper.

His cock was thick so she opened her mouth wider, wanting to take as much of him as she could. She wanted to touch him, to feel his erection pulsing beneath her palm. Later, she promised herself.

Right now, she did what she could, stroking him with her tongue and sucking him deep. Tienan began to rock, pulling back so the tip barely remained inside her mouth. Then he pushed forward. Silence gagged once or twice as his cock filled her mouth.

“Relax your throat,” he crooned. “You can take more of me. You know you can.”

His hands cupped her head, holding her steady for his thrusts. She glanced up at him, expecting his eyes to be closed and his head tipped back. Instead he was staring at her mouth where his cock slipped in and out between her lips. His green eyes blazing with desire and need.

He continued to fuck her mouth. The light from the candle illuminated him, making his olive-toned skin seem even darker. He was like a statue she’d seen once in a burned-out museum. Cast from bronze, it had been a thing of power and beauty. Tienan seemed larger than life, carved from stone. But he was very real. His skin was covered with a sheen of sweat and his abs rippled with each thrust.

She could feel his shaft swell, sense a change. He was close to coming. She expected to feel the hot spurt of his orgasm. Relaxing her mouth and throat as much as she could, she prepared to swallow his essence. Again he surprised her by pulling back. He pulled his cock out of her mouth with a wet pop.

Growling, he reached for the bindings that secured her wrists. The moment he freed her, she cupped his balls in one hand and circled his cock with the other. His skin was hot, his shaft pulsing heavily against her palm.

“Fuck.” Grunting his pleasure, he yanked on the belt still tying her to the chair. It took him some time to get her free. She didn’t care, caressing his swollen flesh, she teased his hard length and massaged the heavy sac that hung below it.

Suddenly he stepped away from her. She gave a cry of disappointment at losing contact with him. Before she could protest he yanked her into his arms. She was free from the chair but still held captive in his embrace.

They were across the room in three strides. Tienan fell to his knees and lowered her back to the pallet. He pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it aside. Neither of them spoke as he hooked his arms beneath her legs and spread them wide. Planting his hands on the floor, he fitted the wide head of his cock to her slit and drove forward.

Silence arched her back, crying out as the sensations of pain and pleasure warred within her. She was tight and he was very large. Her inner muscles contracted and relaxed, fitting themselves around him.

Tienan didn’t give her time to accustom herself to his invasion. Pulling back, he thrust deep again. “Take me. Take all of me.”

Reaching up, she gripped his biceps, her nails digging into his slick skin. There was nothing else to anchor her as she was buffeted by wave after wave of desire. Only Tienan. His thrusts were hard and deep, tinged with an edge of desperation. Silence felt it too, wanting to hang on to this moment forever. Not knowing what would happen when it was done and the real world invaded their private world of passion.

He shifted positions, gripping her around the waist, holding her steady as he pounded into her. It was too much and Silence lost control. Her inner muscles rippled as a blast of heat washed over her. Her limbs trembled. Crying his name, she came. The orgasm was intense. She lost all sense of time and place.

Tienan continued to fuck her, his jaw clenched, his eyes practically glowing. The muscles of his arms flexed and rippled as he thrust. He cried her name as she felt the hot spurt of his cum fill her.

He collapsed, falling on top of her, his body covering hers like a blanket. He was heavy, but she didn’t care. He shifted slightly so she could breathe, but other than that, he didn’t move.

A deep sense of calm and relaxation flooded her. Tienan was all right. He was better than all right. Smiling to herself, she combed her fingers through his long black hair. The strands were soft, a sensual caress against her skin. He let out a sound much like a purr as she continued to pet him. Satisfaction filled her and she curled her toes.

Like some great beast, Tienan gathered himself, levering his weight off her body. With his hands planted flat on the pallet, it pushed his lower body against hers. Silence let out a silent moan. Tienan was still hard inside her.

He flexed his hips and she gasped as he grew harder. Her eyes flew to his. His face was grim, his eyes flat. The passionate lover from moments before was replaced by the hardened warrior.

Clasping his face in her hands, she stared into his eyes, trying to read his emotions but finding nothing. “What’s wrong?”

Tienan reached up and caught one of her hands with his and lowered it to the floor. His fingers wrapped around her wrist like a manacle. Then he did the same to her other hand. The heat from moments ago faded, replaced by a cold that went all the way to her bones.

“Why did you betray me?”

Silence closed her eyes as his words shredded her heart and soul. He’d made love to her all the while believing she’d betrayed him. No, she corrected. He’d fucked her. The love was solely on her side.

Shivering, she opened her eyes and stared up at him. There was no point in fighting him. He was so much stronger than she was and in this position she was at a complete disadvantage. All she had to offer him was the truth. “I never betrayed you.” She licked her lips, tasting Tienan on her tongue. His cock flexed inside her, a reminder of just how intimately they were still joined. “Can you get off me?”


He offered no other explanation, made no move to leave her. It was torture having him inside her knowing how he really felt about it. It made her feel dirty and cheap and used.

Anger raced through her, its burning heat driving back the cold that threatened to encase her. “I got up, got dressed and left. If that’s a betrayal, then I’m guilty.” His fingers tightened almost imperceptibly around her wrists.

“I’d planned to tell Adrian about you.” She willed him to understand. “I had to.”

He continued to watch her. She was beginning to feel like a rabbit pinned to the ground by a large predator who was deciding whether to kill her or release her. “As I was slipping away, I saw a few security police. By the time I realized it was a full squadron it was too late for me to go back. They had the place surrounded. I raced back to the compound for help. It took me quite some time to get Adrian to agree to help.” Frustration filled her voice.

Tienan’s silence was beginning to unnerve her and she found herself rushing to fill the void. Even though she knew it was an interrogation technique, her love for him kept her from holding back. Tienan had trust issues. She understood that even as his mistrust flayed her. She had to be brave enough to tell the truth. For both their sakes. What he did with that knowledge was up to him. Silence had never been a coward and she wasn’t about to start now.

“I love you. I would never betray you.”

A look of cynicism crossed his face. “We had sex.” He ground his pelvis against hers, pushing his cock deep. “That’s not love.”

“No,” she agreed. “It’s not. But it’s more than that. You live by your own code of honor. You’re strong, you’re smart and you’re so alone you make my heart ache.”

“I don’t need your pity.”

She shook her head. “It’s not pity. It’s understanding. Even though you kidnapped me, I wasn’t afraid. Okay, I was at first, but not after I got to know you better. You could have tortured me, chained me to a wall. Instead, you made sure I had food and was warm. You listened to me when I talked. Ever since I first started tracking you I felt the connection between us.”

“Human chemistry and biology. It means nothing.”

Tears threatened, but she blinked them back. She wouldn’t cry in front of him. He’d probably accuse her of trying to manipulate him if she did. “That might be all it is to you, but it’s much more to me.”

There was nothing left to be said. He didn’t believe her. It was obvious by the blank expression on his face and the stiff way he held his body. She lay there, trapped beneath his bulk, which had been a sheltering haven not long ago. Now it was a prison.

He stared at her for a long time. She stared back. She’d given him her side of the story, the truth. It was up to him what he wanted to do with it.

Tienan released her wrists slowly and sat back. His cock slid from her sheath and she had to bite her lip to keep from crying out. She felt empty, bereft that he was no longer a part of her. Standing, he hitched up his pants and fastened them. He grabbed his T-shirt from the floor and yanked it over his head.

“Get dressed.” His words were flat as he turned away from her. She noticed that he didn’t quite turn his back on her, keeping her in his peripheral vision. Silence was still wearing her jacket. Her shirt was ripped down the center in the front. She grabbed the ends, tying them together. There was nothing else she could do.

Her underwear and pants were crumpled on the floor beside the chair. Silence felt more naked than if she hadn’t been wearing anything at all as she crossed the floor and picked them up, shaking off the dust. She was sticky between her thighs and smelled of sex, of Tienan. As fast as she could, she pulled on her underwear, ignoring the clammy feeling of the cotton against her sex. She felt better when she had her pants and boots on.

Fully dressed, she turned to face him. Where did they go from here?

“Hands in the air or I’ll blow your fucking brains out.”

Silence jolted at the rough command. Tienan lunged toward her. A bullet caught him high in the shoulder, jerking him back. Blood spattered his T-shirt, but he kept moving. She screamed and stepped toward him.

Adrian surged from the shadows, inserting his body in front of hers and blocking her way. A wicked-looking handgun held steady in his hand. His finger was on the trigger. “I should kill you.”

Tienan came to a halt, his eyes glued to Adrian and the gun in his hand. He seemed totally unconcerned by the growing bloodstain on his shirt. Silence started to go around Adrian, but he caught her with his free hand and shoved her behind him.

“Maybe you should.” There was a hint of challenge in his voice.

“Perhaps later.” Adrian kept the weapon trained on Tienan. “Right now, I want to know who the hell you are and why my sources tell me the General has security forces combing the outer city looking for two escaped fugitives from within the inner city. I get the distinct feeling that you’re one of them.”

“There’s probably a reward for turning me in.”

“No,” Silence gasped. She grabbed Adrian’s arm. “You can’t do that, Adrian. You promised me you’d help me find him, not hurt him.”

Adrian never relaxed his stance, the weapon trained on Tienan’s midsection. “Seems like he found you just fine.”

That begged the question. “How did you find me?” she asked.

Adrian shook his head. “I knew you wouldn’t let it go. Knew when I wasn’t looking you’d go out searching for the bastard. I had Mouse follow you.”

Mouse was a teenager who’d been with them since he was a baby. Small and quiet, he was almost as good a tracker as she and Adrian.

“He lost you for a bit but picked up your trail again. He came back to base immediately and brought me here.” Adrian’s finger caressed the trigger of the gun. “Give me one good reason I shouldn’t blow your guts out for what you’ve done to Silence.”

It had been a faint hope that Adrian wouldn’t notice her sorry state, but there was no hiding the fact that her shirt was knotted to hold it together. Plus, the unmistakable musk of sex permeated the air. Not to mentioned the mussed pallet in the corner.

Adrian’s gaze darted to the chair and the restraints and his eyes narrowed. “One good reason.”

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