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Authors: Delisa Lynn

Embracing Love (4 page)

BOOK: Embracing Love
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Lila, let’s go for a ride. Are your parents okay with you staying out all night?”

That depends on where I am and who I am with.” I texted my mom and told her I was okay and would be home in the morning. She was more understanding than my dad was. “So where are you taking me, Mr. Ellis?”

It’s a surprise, beautiful.” I reached over and grabbed his hand, and just smiled at him. God, I could look at this man all day long.

We drove for what seemed like an hour or so, then we reached this huge house.
“Liam, where are we?”

This is my house, Lila.”


This is the home I grew up in and my parents left it to me, to move in, after I finished school.

Who’s been taking care of it?”

The maid and grounds keeper, but I do come here often. I wanted you to see where I came from and I wanted to tell you about my parents.” I couldn’t believe this was his house. I knew The Ellis’s were a wealthy family but, Ads house wasn’t like this. This house is like the ones you see in Hollywood. I’ve been here before shopping and always wondered who could afford these houses.

When you walked in, there was a huge foyer. It had a double staircase, all the walls were painted white, and there was antique furniture everywhere.

Liam took me to a room that had tones of pictures in it. It reminded me of a study that you see in the fancy houses. It was mostly pictures of him, and what I was assuming was his parents. They looked a little older.

There were also trophies everywhere. Football, track, basketball and baseball.

“Are all of these yours Liam?”

Yes they are, I was a very active child. My parents had me in every sport I wanted to play.”

That’s why you like sports so well.”

Yes, I played them my entire life until a couple years ago and I just quit.”

This is awesome Liam!” I could see he was a little emotional.

Are you okay?” “I’m fine, L, it just brings back memories is all.”

Tell me everything about you, Liam. I want to know everything.”

We walked into a large room and sat on a huge couch. This house was so beautiful, I can
’t believe no one lived here. It had its own private beach.

I was born here and was an only child. I always wondered why my parents never had more children. I would have loved to have a brother or sister.”

My dad got really sick when I was fourteen. He had lung cancer. He was a great man, Lila.”

I am sure he was, I can tell that they loved you very much.” I leaned in and kissed his cheek. He leaned his head on my chest and started to cry. I’ve never seen a grown man cry the way he did. I just wanted to hold him and never let him go.

What about your mom?”

She had been sick for years. She had breast cancer and exactly a year after my father’s death my mom passed away as well, two months before my sixteenth birthday. I was sent to live with my aunt and uncle.”

Liam, you have been so through much and you seem so strong.” I was in tears by now, I couldn’t hold them back any longer.

After my mother passed, I found my birth certificate and found out I was adopted!

I haven’t told Addison or Ashton. Hell, you are the first person I’ve told. My aunt and uncle knew already. My mom wasn’t able to conceive. They tried for years before they finally decided to adopt.”

As we lay on the couch together, we continue talking about Liam
’s childhood and his parents. I could tell what a terrific man he was. He had been through so much in the last five years. He had to grow up so quick and all alone, of course, he had his aunt, uncle, and cousins but that wasn’t the same as having parents.

I wouldn
’t know what to do without my parents or my brother. We stayed on that couch all night, as I lay in his arms and cried with him. I could tell this man had a wonderful heart and had so much love to give.

The next morning we walked along the beach. It was beautiful, the way the sunrise looked in the morning.
“I guess we better get back home.”

Liam, I could stay here forever.” I smiled. The drive back was very relaxing. He drove and I talked about my family and childhood. He knew almost everything about me already. He smiled and listened the entire way home, not letting go of my hand he’d been holding since we got in the car.


“Lila, are you going to Lulu’s party?”

When is it Ads?”

It is tonight?”

Yes, let me see what Liam is doing.”


Me: Hey handsome, you want to go to a party with me? ;)

Liam: I would go anywhere with you beautiful.

Me: I will pick you up around 7ish?

Liam: No…I will pick you up. You know I like my car better…

Me: So do I. ;)


When Liam picked me up that night, he looked so good. He was wearing a pair of jeans with holes in the knees, a black V-Neck T-shirt, and a pair of black boots. His hair was messy on top. I would love to just run my fingers through it. As I stared at him, I bit my bottom lip thinking about his. Oh my god, I hope he didn’t notice.

When we pull up, I see Savvy and her bitch friend, Sara.
“Oh how lovely of them to show up.” “Lila just ignore them.” Liam knew I would knock the tramp out. My blood was boiling. She’s just nasty and I can’t stand to look at her.

I will, just don’t leave me along for long, I may have to choke a bitch.” I just want to drop kick Savvy in her damn throat. Sara is just as bad. She slept with Addison’s ex a few years back. Ads paid her back though.

Lila, I won’t. That was pretty funny, I won’t let you choke anyone though.” I just smiled.

Hey Liam, how are you doing, sweetie?”

Hey Sara, I’m good.”

Why don’t you save me a dance?”

That’s okay, Sara. I’m here with my girlfriend. You know Lila, don’t ya?”

Oh yeah, Ashton’s ex right?” I was really going to choke this bitch. She was looking at Liam like she was ready to jump his bones. I reach up and kissed Liam’s cheek.

You ready to go in, my love?”

Yes I am beautiful.”

It was nice seeing you um…Stella is it?”


I just flipped my hair and walked away.
“Sorry about that, Lila.”

Don’t apologize. I know how the two of them work. But did you ever fuck with her?” Oh damn, did I just say that? Yep me and my big mouth. I’ve been hanging with Ads to long. She gave me a damn sailor’s mouth. Oh no the look in his eyes, please say you didn’t.

Lila, hell no! I have never touched that girl!” “She used to date Ashton also.”

She did? Damn he has dated everyone.”

Yes he has. I can’t even count the girls I have seen him with.”

Liam! Lila! So glad to see you guys!” says Addison.

Hey Ads glad to see you. Are you drunk?” Eric walks over and hugs me. “Hey sis, and yes your best friend has been drinking all night.” “Well keep an eye on her, Eric.” “I won’t leave her side, Li.” “Hey Liam, you take care of my sister and don’t let her break any necks. I saw Savvy and Sara earlier.” “Yeah, we did also. Lila will be with me the rest of the night so no worries, bro.” “Thanks. I knew my sister was in good hands with you.” “Oh my gosh. Is that Liam and Lila?” “Hey Lulu, what a great party. How are you and Lance doing?” “Oh Lila, we are fantastic! We are both going to Florida State together. We leave in three days.” “That’s fantastic, Lulu. I am getting nervous about going to NYU.” “You will be fine, Lila. What about Liam?” Liam had walked over and started a conversation with the guys.

I’m not sure of his plans yet. I hope he will eventually come to New York also. It was good talking with you, I better go find him.” I wanted to ask Liam about his plans but I didn’t. God I am going to miss him.

There you are, handsome, I missed you.” I loved his smile, he could make a bad day turn into the greatest day ever when he smiled. “Hey beautiful, having fun? You haven’t choked anyone yet, have you?” “No Liam, not yet. Let’s get out of here before I do.” I laughed, I was serious though.

Where would you like to go?” “Anywhere away from here.” Seeing how Sara was eyeing my man just put me in a bad mood. I just want to be alone with him. “I will find Ads and tell her we’re going.” Where the hell did they go? I hope Eric hadn’t already taken her home. “Well if it isn’t Lila Rae.” “Excuse me Will, I am looking for Addison.” “Oh come on, is that a way to talk to your first love?” “Trust me you are not my first love.” He had his hands all over me. I pushed him to the side. “Damn Lila, you like it rough, baby?” God where is Liam or Eric? This dumb ass is drunk and a lot stronger than I remember.

Will, get the fuck out of my way now!” “Come on babe you know you want some of Big Will.” “Will I am warning you, get out of my way.” He grabbed me and pulled me close to him. His breath smelled like he drank a keg of beer. He’s holding me so close, I feel like I’m going to puke.

Come on baby, give me some of those sweet kisses.” Just as he tries to kiss me, I ram my left knee to his balls. “What the hell is wrong with you? You fucking whore. You’re still a tease, I see.”

I told you to stay away from me. Next time it will be worse you douche bag.” Oh now Liam shows up. “Lila, beautiful, what’s wrong?” “This jerk pinned me up against the wall and was trying to kiss me. I took care of it though.”

Will, you better stay away from her, you hear me? If you ever come near her again you will regret it!” Liam grabbed my hand and we left. I was shaking so bad. I wanted to cry. “Are you all right? Did he hurt you in any way?”

No Liam, I’m fine. He scared me at first but I knew how to defend myself.” Once we left, Liam drove to the beach. “I know you feel comfortable here, Lila. I wanted to be alone with you anyway.” “I do love it here. It’s so peaceful and beautiful.” We sat on top of Liam’s car and talked as we stared at the stars.

Liam, what are your plans for the future?” “I’m not sure yet. I don’t know what I want to do.” I was hoping he would say he wanted to go to NYU or somewhere close to there. I don’t want to leave him. My phone starts to ring. It’s Ads.

Hello Ads. I’m fine. No, I’m with Liam. Okay, you be careful. I will. I love you too.” I know her and my brother were probably going back to her place.

Hey, how about a swim?” I just looked at him. I wasn’t sure if I should or not. “I don’t have my suit with me.” “You don’t need one.” He stripped down to his boxers and was in the water before I could answer. I took my clothes off, glad my panties and bra matched. “Holy crap Liam, its freezing!”

You’ll be fine. Swim closer to me.” I swam closer and he grabs me. “You know you are the prettiest woman I have ever seen.” “Liam stop, you’re just saying that.”

No, I am serious. Your eyes, your smile and your heart. You are perfect!” I just blushed, no one had ever said these things to me before. We have never kissed before and I had been wanting him to so bad. Maybe I should make the first move. I put my arms around his neck and just stared into his eyes. I kissed his cheek hoping he would get the hint. He pushed my hair behind my ear, and then kissed my cheek and my nose.

Lila, I love spending time with you.” “Me too Liam. Well spending time with you that is.” Come on kiss me already! I was as close to him as possible. He lifted my chin and leaned in and there it was. He is kissing me. Holy crap! This is amazing. “Lila, I have wanted to do that for so long.” “I have wanted to kiss you too.” I leaned in again to kiss him, a little more passionate than before. I could feel his erection against me. His kisses make me melt. I could feel my knees getting wobbly.

Come on Lila, let’s go back to the beach.” We lay on the beach kissing and caressing each other. I had never been kissed like this before. They felt wonderful. His mouth tasted so good and I just couldn’t get enough. When he stopped, I’d grab his face and kiss him again.

Lila, I love kissing you, but we better slow down.” I could tell he was still erect. I climbed on top of him and continued to kiss him. As I grinded my hips into him, I could feel him getting harder and harder. He let out a moan in my mouth. I had never done this before. I think I had an orgasm. I know there was this feeling in my panties and once I started grinding his body, it was like an explosion down there. “Baby this feels wonderful but maybe we should stop.”

Oh, it feels great. I am enjoying myself, aren’t you?” We’re still kissing and he is talking in between kisses. “I am enjoying it,

’s the problem. I am enjoying it way too much. Can you feel how excited I am?” “I do, I just want to kiss you forever.” “Me to baby, oh shit, How did you learn to move your hips like that?” “I don’t know. I’ve never done this before. Before now at least.” “Okay let’s get going baby. I promise we will finish this later.” As he drove me home, all I could think about was making love to him. I’ve never thought about it with anyone else. I went to bed that night dreaming of my Liam.

I decided to have a party at my parents beach house. One last time this summer, before we all left and I was off to New York. Eric and Addie were going to Boston. Liam and Ashton hadn
’t decided where they wanted to go. I only invited a few friends. Eric and Addie, Ashton and Liam. I saw some random skank I had never seen before. I don’t know who invited her, but I sure didn’t.

I saw her talking to Liam. I kind of snarled my nose a few times and of course Liam noticed! I walked over to them and asked
“Would you like a drink?” turned to her “I’m Lila and you are?” “Oh. Hi. Ashton invited my friend and I.”

Have fun.” I said as I walked away. She didn’t even tell me her name. Liam ran up grabbed me by my hips and swung me around to face him. He put his hand under my chin as he said “Are you jealous beautiful?” Hell yeah I am. “Why would I be jealous?” I hope he didn’t notice but, I really was. Who the hell did she think she was? Trying to talk to him when she clearly could see he was with me?

Don’t worry, I’m all yours Lila.” “I hope so.” I just smile at him. I noticed his new friend was dancing with Ashton. “Well, looks like she decided on another Ellis.” “Good.” Liam laughed. “Come take a walk with me.” “Okay let me tell Ads.” “Lila, she is um, she and Eric are um.” “Oh god! I don’t want to know.” Liam laughed and pulled me out the door.

Lila, I’m going to miss you very much!” I just laughed, God if he only knew I would miss him just as much or even more.

We walked along the beach and talked about our future plans. I really wasn
’t sure if he wanted to attend college or not. He was financially set for the rest of his life from his parent’s estates.

I loved this beach. My parents
bought the beach house when Eric and I were younger. We would come here every weekend. Of course it wasn’t a private beach, like Liam’s.

It was getting chilly. Liam noticed I was shivering and he wrapped his arms around me. God he smelled so good. I had become to enjoy being close to him. His hugs and the little kisses he always gave me on my forehead or cheeks.

We hadn’t seen each other since we made out on the beach “Lila, I think I am falling in love with you beautiful.”

Oh Liam.” I giggled, just as he leaned in and touched my lips with his. He was so gentle. His lips were so soft. He parted my lips with his tongue. He then wrapped his tongue around mine. I thought I would sink to the damn ground, he was so passionate. I hoped he didn’t feel my knees shaking. Those damn knees. Never fails when I’m nervous they want to just knock me down.

’ve been waiting to kiss him like this again. The kiss was so gentle and seemed like it lasted for a lifetime.

Lila Rae Carls, I have wanted you for the last five years.” I just stood there not knowing what to say or do. Then he did it again. This time there were fireworks going off in my head. I wanted him to just lay me down right there and kiss every inch of my body. I had never wanted that with anyone before. I think I had a damn orgasm again. I didn’t know what they felt like. But from the kisses the last time and the ones tonight, that had to be it.

We walked along the beach and laughed and talked. Then we found a perfect spot under the moon.

“I’ve wanted to tell you that I’ve decided to join the Army.” I didn’t realize my reaction was noticeable as I jumped up and these words escaped my mouth “WHAT!?” “Why would you leave me? What am I going to do?” “Leave you? I will be back.”

I really don’t know what I want to do with my life and this seems to be the right thing to do right now. I signed up months ago, before we started seeing each other. I wanted to tell you when you asked me before, but I didn’t know how to tell you.”

I don
’t know what came over me but I could feel the tears streaming out of my eyes, as I thought about him leaving.

Was I falling for him?
“L are you upset with my choice?” “No I’m not, I’m just tired!” “You are crying! Are you okay? Are you sick or hurt?”

Yeah I was both, sick that I had to see him leave and hurt because I wanted to be with him more than he knew.

I ran my hands across his arm “Liam I’m okay. You just took me by surprise. I wasn’t planning on you leaving me—I mean leaving.” He put his arms around my waist. “Lila, I am not leaving you. I will only be gone a year at the most. Then we will be together.”

Let’s just get back to the party Liam.” I started to walk as he grabbed my hand. “L, please wait. I don’t want you to be upset with me.” “I’m not upset with you, this is your future. How could I be upset when you’re doing something you want to do? Does Ads know you’re going?” “No, I haven’t told anyone but you!” I just stood there with my hand on my hip staring at him.

Lila, don’t be upset. I will always return to you.” He then kissed me again. This time I could feel everything he felt for me in that kiss. It literally took my breath away. I could feel myself panting and wanting more and that damn feeling in my panties. I was hoping he would just throw me down and make love to me. I knew he wasn’t that type of guy and I wasn’t that type of girl but this man’s touch made me want to fuck him every time I looked in his eyes. We held hands and walked back to the house.

The walk back was very quiet. Once we got back everyone had settled down and were leaving. The skank must
’ve caught a ride with someone else or she was out back fucking Ashton.

I was staying at the beach house that night. I thought Addie was also but she decided she was leaving with Eric.
“Ads, you’re leaving me?” “Yes, you’ll have Liam. Eric and I have plans of our own.” She winked at me as she walked out the door. That bitch set me up. She is so sneaky sometimes.

Everyone left except for Liam.
“You aren’t staying here by yourself beautiful.” he said. I kind of giggled. I wanted him to stay after our make out session on the beach and that kiss tonight. There was just something about him that made me want more.

Fine, stay. I’m going to take a shower, just make yourself at home.”

I was standing in the shower thinking about that kiss, that wonderful kiss leaving me wanting more. Wonder what it would be like kissing him more? Making love to him? We
’ve been seeing each other for a couple months now and he hasn’t tried anything with me.

I hear the shower door open.
“Don’t be scared beautiful, it’s just me.” “Liam, what are you doing?” “I just wanted to be close to you beautiful.” I don’t know what I was thinking, but I started kissing him.

I was so nervous, I could feel my body shaking. He still had his clothes on, I started pulling his shirt off. I couldn
’t stop laughing because his clothes were soaking wet. I then went to unzip his jeans and pulled them down.

Lila, are you sure you want to do this?” “I’ve never been so sure about anything my entire life. I want to make love to you right now.” His body was smoking hot. He had more tattoos on his chest. Damn his chest was chiseled. You could tell he worked out every day. I wanted to lick every inch of that beautiful chest.

I ran my fingers over his chest. I saw the passion in his eyes. I could feel my knees shaking as I ran my hands up and down his body. I wanted to feel him in my hands. I started rubbing him, moving my hand faster and faster. Li-Lila. Oh beautiful. I-I. Oh, fuck me.
” “I mean” “Liam, it’s okay. I know what you mean.” He ran his fingers down my body. I still had that feeling in between my legs. he started rubbing me and yep that was it. “Oh Li-Li-Liam.” I moaned in his mouth.

As we stood in the shower exploring each other with the hot water streaming all over our bodies,
all I could think about was making love to him. I’ve known this man for years and never would’ve thought I’d want him as bad as I did right now..

As he lifted me up, I wrapped my legs around his waist. He carried me to the bed. We fell down on the bed and I giggled.
“Lila, I want you to know I care about you so much. If you’re not ready to be with me, I will wait for you until you are ready. Please, don’t do something you’re not ready to do.”

Liam, I want you! I have no doubts about being with you. I want you now, right here. Please, Liam make me yours. Show me how much you love me.”

I could feel my body aching and wanting him inside of me. I felt kind of weird. No one had ever seen me naked and here I was, completely naked. I thought I had an okay looking body but would he think it was okay?

He started kissing me from the top of my head all the way down to my toes. “I want to taste every inch of your body beautiful.” He started kissing my breast and made his way down. He then spread my legs and started kissing my inner thighs. I could feel my back arching as he licked me inside and out. Yep, those sure are orgasms.

I wanted to scream! It felt so good.
“You taste so sweet and your body is more beautiful than I imagined.”

All I could think about was him entering
me. I noticed he managed to get a condom from somewhere. I was so ready for him.

I wasn
’t sure what to do though. So, I just tried to be very patient while he was putting the condom on. I was ready for him, all of him. When he entered me it hurt a little but it felt so damn wonderful.

BOOK: Embracing Love
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