Read Embracing Love Online

Authors: Delisa Lynn

Embracing Love (3 page)

BOOK: Embracing Love
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Lila, why are you being such a bitch about all this?”

A bitch, Ashton? I catch you with your dick in some whore, and I am a bitch!” I don’t know what came over me but I drew my fist back and I punched him right in his nose.

You fucking bitch, why did you do that? Are you crazy?”

Yes, crazy for believing your lying ass!”

Leave her alone, Ashton!”

What are you going to do about it, Liam?”

You have wanted her for yourself since the first time you saw her. Looks like you have your chance now. Don’t get your hopes up though she won’t give you any either! Then again, she just might give in to you, I see the way she looks at you.”

Ashton, don’t you dare make this about, Liam.”

Oh Li, so it is true you do want to fuck him, or have you already?”

What the fuck did you just say?”

You heard me, Liam! She won’t put out. She will tease the fuck out of you for sure, and she will make your dick so hard then just walk her prissy ass out the fucking door. Unless you already banged her, I know about you giving her rides home. Maybe she was the one riding you.”

Don’t talk about her like that, you selfish bastard.”

Like I said tough guy, what are you going to do about it? Not shit, just like I thought! Come on Savvy let’s go.”

Next thing I saw was Liam
’s fist flying to Ashton’s face. “No Ashton, she hasn’t slept with me but if and when she does, it’ll be none of your fucking business.”

My brother, Eric, walked over and was standing in between the two guys.
“Okay guys, that’s enough, you both need to just leave my sister alone. Ashton, if you continue to talk about her like that I will kick the shit out of you myself.” Addison had walked over and grabbed Eric’s arm. And was pushing Ashton back. Liam still had his fist ready to punch again.

Everyone just leave, I am leaving now,” I said, as I turned around so did Liam.

Ashton ran and jumped on Liam
’s back bringing them both to the ground. Liam was just a little bigger than Ashton. Liam was about 200 pounds and six feet tall. Ashton was about 190 pounds and five feet nine inches.

Liam had already flipped him over and was on top of him punching the crap out of him.
“Don’t you ever talk about Lila that way again, you are a sorry excuse for a man. You had the perfect woman and you fucked that all up. Now if you come near her again, family or not, I will beat the fuck out of you. Sorry-ass bitch.” Oh my gosh I had never heard Liam talk like that.

Okay STOP fighting! Please just leave me alone!” I yelled. I didn’t know where to go. I just took off running. I heard Ashton say go after her, you know you want to. But when she teases the fuck out of you, you will see why I did what I did.

I walked until I ended up on the beach. I was so upset and shaking, I didn
’t even hear Liam walk up. “What are you doing out here all alone, beautiful?”

Oh Liam, you scared me.” I just fell into his arms, sobbing. “Liam, why did he do this to me? I have been a great girlfriend, well, other than not having sex with him.” I snorted as I tried to laugh through my cries. “It’s okay, L, you don’t have to worry about him hurting you again. Don’t cry, beautiful he isn’t worth all these tears.”

He said all those awful, things about me.”

You and I both know you aren’t any of that, Lila.” Liam was so sweet, I just held on to him as tight as I could.

Lila, I knew this was going to happen. I told you he didn’t deserve you.”

I know, Liam, you and Addison warned me.”

Did you know about this, Liam?”

L, I tried telling you.”

Did Addison and Eric know?”

No just me and I only knew because, I seen them fucking at that party last weekend, I walked in the bathroom and they were in there. The night I walked you home I wanted to tell you then, but didn’t know how. I just didn’t want you to think I was just saying that because I liked you.”

Well that was a pretty picture I bet.” I snarled my nose.

No, I wanted to kick his ass then.”

Liam had been hitting on me for
       years now, I didn’t understand why me? He could have any girl he wanted.

L, you look so beautiful in the moonlight.”

I just blushed. Liam stepped closer and ran his finger across my cheek. I could see that his hand was swollen and bleeding, where he punched Ashton, and he also had a cut on his lip.

“Liam, you are bleeding!”

It’s okay! I did it for you; no onewill ever hurt you, beautiful.” I leaned my hand forward and rubbed the side of his lip that was cut. He looked me in my eyes and kissed my hand. I could see what a great guy he was, he beat the shit out of his cousin for cheating on me.

Liam, I am so sorry, you got involved in this mess.”

I did it because I care about you, L.” Did he just say he cares about me? Oh crapola, this fine ass man does like me.

We better get back, Liam before Addison sends a search team looking for me. She has been texting me since I stormed off, and I hadn’t replied to any of them. I know she will worry if we don’t hurry back.”


Ads: Lila Rae Carls, you better answer my text! Are you with Liam? He came to look for you! I already talked to my brother and he is staying away from you, I told him I would kick his ass next! Hurry back, I love you Lila.


“I just want to talk, Lila. Why won’t you give me a chance?”

Really? I just saw my boyfriend having sex with some tramp and you are hitting on me.”

Well if you put it that way, then I guess so. I just enjoy being around you and spending time with you, Lila.”

Will you go out with me for a movie this week? Just as friends.”

Liam, why are you so kind to me?”

Because I really like you, have you ever looked in the mirror? Lila Rae, you are beautiful inside and out, never let anyone tell you differently! Someday, beautiful, you will be mine.”

The walk back was very nice; I let Liam hold my hand, it felt kind of nice. I didn
’t let him see that I was enjoying his company.

Lila, you are sleeping in my room, I am not letting Ashton around you tonight.”

Liam, I will be fine, I will sleep in Ads’ room.”

Lila, your brother is in there with her, you do know they are seeing each other, don’t you?”

I do but they haven’t have told me.” They must think I am too dense to notice.

Get your clothes and come with me, I will sleep on the floor you can have the bed.”

Ugh… Liam I will be fine!”

I am not asking you I am telling you, I do not trust my cousin with you, and after everything that has happened I want to make sure you are safe.”

I went to tell Addie I was fine and she was asleep in Eric
’s arms. I just smiled and walked into Liam’s room.

Lila, you can’t sleep in those clothes.”

I will be fine, I couldn’t find mine.”

Here put these on.” It was a pair of sweat pants and a T-shirt. God, they smelled so good. I went in his bathroom and changed, I walked out and he was staring at me.

Damn woman, you look great in my clothes.” I just giggled at him.

As I laid in Liam
’s bed, I thought why didn’t I ever notice him before? His clothes and bed smelled just like him. I snuggled up to his extra pillows and found myself wishing it was him. After staring at his perfect body, lay on the floor which looked very uncomfortable. I finally fell asleep, dreaming of Liam Ellis and wondering why he wanted to protect me.

Lila, are you okay?”

Yeah, why?”

You got on the floor with me, is the bed uncomfortable?” Oh my god how did I get here? I thought.

No, it’s fine, but you get in it, the floor is too hard for you to sleep on.”

Only if you lay with me, I won’t hurt you, Lila.” I just nodded my head yes and got back in the bed and he lay next to me. I wanted to snuggle up to his back, I threw my arm over him and scooted close. I could smell his wonderful scent. Before I knew what I was doing, I was so close we were spooning. I heard him chuckle and felt him kiss my hand. He was so beautiful. “Lila?”

Yeah, Liam?”

Turn over.” He must not like my arms around him, I turned over. Then I noticed he wrapped me up in his big arms. He then wraps my legs around his. “Is this better, beautiful?”

Yes, it is.” I said as I snuggled my body into his. I held his arms around me all night. I had never felt more comfortable.


Addison screamed,
“We are late for our nail appointment.”

Addie you don’t have to wake up the entire house. Let Lila sleep,” I heard Liam say.

Why are you in here, Lila Rae?”

Damn, Ads my head is killing me, I need to sleep. Liam didn’t want me to sleep alone.”

Ahh I see, so where exactly—

Stop right there, he slept on the floor all night!”

Well Lila, when I walked in, you both were in the bed cuddled up!” Oh shit, yep, she did see that I guess.

It doesn’t matter just get dressed, Lila”

Okay I am trying, Miss Inpatient. Where is my brother at anyway?”

He already went home.”

Well where did my brother sleep?”

I need to brush my hair again, Lila.” Sneaky little bitch, she is banging my brother…Eww gross…

Lila, are you doing okay?”

Liam, I am fine, just sleepy. Thanks for everything, you are awesome.” I kissed his cheek. I could feel my face blush as I did.

I will take you ladies to the mall,” says Liam.

Liam, we are capable of driving ourselves.”

I know Addison I want to take you though.” Ashton was in the other room avoiding all of us. Which was fine, I didn’t want to look at him right now.

Lila, I promise, I didn’t know about him and that skank!”

I know you didn’t, Ads.”

I wish, I would have caught him though, I would have shoved his balls up his ass! No one hurts my best friend, not even my brother. You hear that, Liam?”

Uh, yep, loud and clear, Ads, and I want to keep my balls, so I will behave.”

I just laughed at them.

On the way to the mall, Liam just stared at me. Before I could get out of the car, Liam reached for my hand. “Have fun, beautiful.” Then he kissed my hand. Addie just looked at me.

So Lila, what do you think of my cousin now? Do you see he is a totally different man than my brother said he was?”

Ads, I do notice,” I smiled.

Then I think, you should let him know! Maybe ask him out, he will respect you, Lila. He won’t be rude to you the way that thing I call my brother was.”

Ads, quit, don’t talk like that.”

We got our nails done, and went shopping. We needed retail therapy for sure. I wanted some new clothes for college. I knew the weather was going to be completely different. I would finally be able to wear my Ugg boots. So I bought two more pairs.

“Lila, you need this outfit.”

Ads, you know that won’t look right on me.”

Just get it, you will look great! And Liam will love it!” It was a zebra print camisole, and a white cardigan with a black mini skirt.

Lila you can’t wear those flip-flops or those damn boots with that outfit.”

Fine Ads, pick me shoes out.” She picked out a pair of flats. I could wear those. “Thanks, Ads, for not getting stilettos.” She threw her head back laughing. “You know me so well, Lila.”

I ended up getting everything and figured I would wear it on my first date with Liam. Did I just refer to us going out a date? Glad Ads didn
’t notice I was so happy about the date.

Liam and I were going to dinner and a movie. I wore the outfit Ads picked out. Liam was picking me up around seven and it was only six thirty. I was so nervous. I sat on the front porch waiting for him. When he pulled up he was smiling.
“Hey there, beautiful, are you ready to go on our first date?” I just laughed at him.

This isn’t a date, Liam Ellis.” He took my hand and led me to the car.

Okay, if you say so.” He leaned in and kissed my forehead. God, this man is going to make me fall in love with him. I can see it now.

What’s your favorite kind of music, Lila?” He was listening to “If I Were Your Man” by Bruno Mars.

This is fine, Liam.” I really did like the song and the artist. “I like pop, r & b, rap, country. Please tell me you like country also?”

He laughed.
“Yes I do, Lila. I actually can listen to all music. Even the 80s that I know you and Addison like so well.” I laughed that he knew so much about me already.

So what restaurant are we going to?” I asked.

Have you ever eaten at the Bistro on 5
and Beach Dr.?”

No I haven’t, I heard it was a great place though.”

It is great. Glad I am the one taking you.” We pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant and Liam leaned over to unfasten my seatbelt. I could feel the warmth of his breath on my neck. God, I wanted him to kiss me. He looked me in my eyes and kissed my cheek and smiled. I felt like I was holding my breath.

Once inside, I didn
’t know what to order. I was a very picky eater. “Liam, what’s good? What are you getting?”

I know you like bacon, so do I.” We both got the BLT with fries and a side of ranch dressing and a sweet tea. Addison always laughed at my ranch addiction but Liam also dipped his fries in ranch so that made me a little more comfortable. Liam took me home after the movie, but I wasn’t ready for our night to end.

I had a great time Lila. I can’t wait to do it again.”

He leaned in and kissed each cheek. Damn, his touch was wonderful. I threw my arms around his neck and hugged him tight. Then I kissed his chin. I wanted to kiss his lips but I froze and couldn

Good night, Liam. I had a wonderful time. I can’t wait till our next date.” Crap I said date…I hope he didn’t notice.

Ahh Lila, so this was the perfect DATE?” He threw his head back and laughed. “Yes Liam, date! Now when can we go on another date?”

Well anytime you want, beautiful. I have all the time in the world for you.”

I will text you.” I kissed his cheek and ran in the house. I gave him time to get home and I sent him a text.


Me: Tomorrow same time? <3

Liam: Hell Yeah :}

Me: Yippie, can’t wait to see you!!

Liam: I miss your beautiful face already!

Me: Night Love <3


Over the next couple of weeks, Liam and I had gone on several dates. He was truly amazing! I should have dumped Ashton’s ass months ago. He was nothing like Ashton was, he opened doors for me, and he walked me to my door. He held my hand. He was a perfect!

We all were graduating this week. Although there was almost a year difference in our age, we all had managed to graduate together.

I was excited but very sad to see the year come to an end. I was going to be leaving my hometown, my family, friends, and my comfort zone.

I had lived in the same house all my life, had the same neighbors and friends. I had never been around snow, other than when we visited my grandparents in St. Louis.

I was hoping Liam, was going to New York also. Or at least Boston with Ads and Eric. He hadn’t said what he was doing. I know that he wanted to become a Veterinarian. He loved animals as much as I did. We went to the zoo several times one week.

Ads and Nikki always hated to go, they
’re just stinky animals they would say. Not Liam, he liked the stinky zebras as much as I did.

Sometimes I thought, I should switch my dream career and become a Vet. But I had always dreamed of going to law school.

The day had come—it was graduation time. Addison and I both had prepared our valedictorian speeches, I hated to speak in front of crowds. Yes, me whom wants to be a lawyer didn’t like public speaking.

I could see Liam smiling and laughing at me. Then he gave me a wink. I guess that was his way of telling me everything was fine. He just turned twenty. I am still not sure why he didn
’t graduate a year sooner.

As I stood there and gave my speech, I found myself thinking about the last four years. When did they fly by?
“Today our lives will change, whether you have decided to go on to college or start a full time job, it is the beginning of the rest of our lives! I am honored to have been a part of this class. Here is to our futures.”

Lila, that was wonderful, you looked like a pro.”

Thanks Mom. I could feel my knees shaking.”

You could see them too, sis.”

Eric, shut up.” I was going to miss my brother, we had always had a close bond. We rarely fought as children and he was always a great friend. He is the one that beat the crap out of Will for cheating on me.

My parents took us all out, for dinner after graduation.
“Lila, that Liam is so handsome and such a gentleman.”

I know, Mom. He is great, isn’t he?” My father just kept asking Liam questions. They had seen him several times but didn’t know much about him.

Summer had started and I was excited to spend it with my friends and Liam. I was going out with him again tonight. We had been going out every night since I broke up with Ashton.

We both enjoyed the same types of movies, music, and food. I had really become to have very strong feelings for him.

BOOK: Embracing Love
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