Read Embrace the Wind Online

Authors: Charlotte Boyett-Compo

Embrace the Wind (6 page)

BOOK: Embrace the Wind
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at him. “Isn’t that the way of it, warrior?”


Charlotte Boyett-Compo

“Aye,” he mumbled, knowing full well what he thought and felt didn’t matter.

“So go,” Argent ordered. “And don’t let me see you peeking!” She waited until her

sisters had moved off then stretched out beside Eanan, her front to his side. “Now tell

me what I need to do to make this a pleasant experience for you, warrior.”

He stared into her silver-colored eyes and felt himself falling in love for the first

time in centuries. Once—long, long ago—he had loved a woman so desperately he had

committed a foul murder in order to have her, taking her from the man she loved and in

the process bringing about her own death. He had destroyed three lives that day—

Owen’s, Owen’s love and his own. Though he had paid dearly for the crime, it haunted

him every day of his life.

“Don’t think on it, Eanan,” Argent said softly. “That was then. This is now.” She

put her palm on his chest where his heart beat sadly for the grave sin he had

committed. “
are now.”

He understood that she could read him as clearly as a book and he reached up to

take her hand. “Milady, it is I who will give the pleasure here and you will be the one to

receive it.”

He kissed her wrist then pushed her to her back and leaned over, placing his lips to

hers as he began to run his hands over her body as she had over his. He was careful to

stay away from touching her breasts or between her legs as he fanned his fingers across

her fevered flesh. His tongue he pushed deep between her lips and she responded by

digging her short nails into his back and arching her hips up to him in offering. He

moved so he could pin half of her body down, giving her his weight, insinuating his

knee between her legs but cautious not to touch the heated core of her, knowing that

would fan her flame higher. He nipped at her bottom lip with his teeth, slid his tongue

slowly and provocatively over her upper lip and dipped under it to tease the frenum.

When she shuddered, he moved his hand gently to her left breast and cupped her.


Embrace the Wind

Argent moaned into his mouth and bucked against him. Her body was writhing

already upon the mattress and she slid down so the junction of her legs could straddle

his thigh.

He accommodated her by lifting his leg higher—pressing firmly against her—and

her nails drove into his back. Before she could recover from that mini invasion, he

brushed his thumb across her nipple. A low sound like a growl came from her arched

throat and he released her mouth to trail hot kisses down her throat and onto her breast.

“Reaper!” she cried out as his lips closed around the swollen nipple.

Eanan could feel the dual looks aimed his way and knew without a doubt the

sisters were watching intently. He cupped Argent’s breast and laved the areola, flicked

his tongue across it with tiny stabs that had her head whipping back and forth, the

silvery hair flying. He shifted his attention to the other breast and lavished attention

there before beginning a concerted effort to move back and forth between each, his knee

pressed harder against her hot center.

“Eanan!” she pleaded, straining her lower body toward him. “Please!”

His cock was rock-hard and he could feel her oozing against his thigh. Though she

was no doubt wet enough, he wanted to prepare her for his entrance so released her

breast and walked his fingers down her trembling body, through the tight little curls to

find her clit. The moment he took it between his thumb and middle finger, she became

crazed with need. Her nails dragged down his back and she pulled him tighter to her.

“Take me!” she demanded. “Now. Before I lose my sanity!”

He chuckled and thrust one finger into her moist slit. She nearly bucked them both

from the mattress trying to impale her cunt on that digit. He withdrew, knowing she

was as primed as she would get.

“Let’s make you a woman, Silver,” he said in a husky voice and moved over her,

reaching down to position himself at her entrance. “Look at me.”

Her gray eyes were dilated with passion and a fine sheen of perspiration dotted her

upper lip. She locked gazes with him as he lowered his mouth to hers. The moment his


Charlotte Boyett-Compo

tongue touched hers, he slid his cock all the way into her, pushing past the slight barrier

and deep into her hot, wet channel. He felt her tense for a moment, heard her soft groan

that had been captured by his mouth and as he filled, stretched her, slid his hands

beneath her rump to lift her toward him. Her legs came up and locked around his hips.

He stopped kissing and gave her an approving look. “That’s it, baby,” he said,

nodding. “That’s what your man wants.”

Argent clawed at his shoulders. “Warrior,” she pleaded, and he knew she was

asking for something she didn’t understand but desperately needed.

He gave her what she wanted.

With very slow strokes at first then deeper and harder ones, he took her into true

womanhood, became the only man she would ever allow into her body and heart—the

man she had bought with the virginal blood that was even then coating his hard cock.

“Come for me, Silver,” he ordered. “Come hard for me.”

And she did, along with a yowl of pure release that had her sisters on their feet,

shivering with anticipation.

When she was sated, depleted, and he had gained the strength to continue, it

became Red’s turn. He took her down the same excruciatingly addictive path he had led

her older sister. Taller than either Argent or Aureolin, Corallin’s long legs were like

mighty vises around his lower body and he would have bruising from the force she

used on him. She liked it rough and he gave her what she craved. When he’d claimed

her maidenhead and brought her to orgasm, he roughly whipped her over and

penetrated her from behind, giving her another explosion of enjoyment. He came inside

her like that then rolled over, drew her into his arms and cuddled her as she cried

softly, clinging to him like a small child.

Blondie turned out to be the squealer of the three and a woman who liked to dig her

nails into his ass as he rode her. Her peels of delight, her loud grunts and snorts and

moans as she went from girl to woman and then to lover made him smile. She nipped

him playfully on the shoulder with her teeth hard enough to draw blood, but when she


Embrace the Wind

came, she nearly passed out from the intensity of the pleasure, and when the last tremor

left her, snuggled against him and wanted to talk.

And talk. And talk. And talk.

When he finally got her to shut up, he looked at their eager expressions and sighed


“Who’s next?” he asked.

Corallin threw herself at him. “In the back now, warrior. Do it in the back now!”

And he had, completely unnerved by her reaction to what he thought was a brutal

and ugly way to have sex with a woman. But she had loved every moment, shouting at

him to pound harder, to ram her faster. By the time she came, he was soaked in sweat

and feeling like a satyr.

“Me now!” Blondie cried, all but shoving Corallin off the bed.

Her sweet little face was beaming as her blue eyes dragged over his body and she

licked her lips. She was on her knees beside him, bouncing from one knee to the other

like a little girl.

“Just a minute, wench,” he said. “I need to clean myself first.”

He had no idea where it came from but as he moved to get up, a warm, wet cloth

appeared in his hand. He stared down at it with wonder.

“Hurry, Reaper!” Blondie encouraged.

Shaking his head, he made quick work of washing himself, laying the cloth aside

when he was finished.

“Reaper!” the blond beauty whimpered. “Come on!”

Eanan shot her a disbelieving look then emitted a slight growl. Reaching for her, he

pushed her down, grabbed her legs and pulled them over his shoulder, her lips thrust

into a familiar pout. When he brought her hips up and locked his lips onto her clit, the

pout began a wide O of shock and pleasure.


Charlotte Boyett-Compo

Aware the other women were watching, this spurred him to greater heights of

pleasuring Aureolin, knowing the other two would be eager to try this exotic new thrill.

With Argent, he taught her to ride him, guiding her hips with his strong hands as

he stared up at her luscious breasts and her long silver hair fanning down over his

thighs when she dropped her head back. Her orgasm as she rippled around him caused

her eyes to roll back in her head.

At long last he lay staring at the ceiling, his body blissfully exhausted between the

two eldest sisters with Blondie asleep atop him, her head on his shoulders and her

lower body wedged between his thighs. He’d taken them each into a world they had

only glimpsed and he’d worn them—and himself—out on the journey.

Owen is going to kill me
, he thought then looked at the sleeping face of the girl he

now knew was named Aureolin Belvoir. “If these three don’t kill me first.”

He turned his head and stared at Argent’s lovely face and felt something odd stir

inside him. He was puzzled by the alien feeling and tested it as he would have a sore

tooth. He mentally poked at it, turned it over and over in his brain but still what he was

experiencing was confusing him. His brows drew together as he tried to understand

exactly what it was that was making his chest feel tight, his eyes burn, his heart ache.

Was it because he was still tired from the sexual acrobats of the night? Did his eyes

sting because he did not get enough sleep? Had the physical fatigue caused the pain

located in the region of his heart?

Shifting slightly to get a better look at the woman beside him, he studied her

features intently—thinking perhaps there was something there in her face that was

causing this odd sensation building within him. His gaze roamed over the soft flesh, the

pert little nose, the sultry mouth, the stubborn chin. It lingered on her silky lips and he

found himself longing to taste them again. He lowered his attention to the steady rise

and fall of her breasts and realized he ached to hold them in his hand, to mold his palm

to their fullness. Dropping that scrutiny to where their bodies touched, he spied just the

faintest shadow of the folds of her sex and found himself growing hard. He wanted to


Embrace the Wind

bury his cock inside her so badly it made him tremble. It was at that moment he came to

the realization that he knew precisely what was ailing him.

“I’ll be a gods-be-damned Diabolusian warthog,” he whispered.

When had it happened? he wondered as he continued to stare gently at this

gorgeous woman. When had mere lust turned to something far more intense, more


The strange sensation in his chest wasn’t weariness from the exhausting sex he’d

engaged in earlier. The prickling at his eyes wasn’t from a lack of adequate rest and the

ache in his heart had nothing whatsoever to do with fatigue.

He had found that elusive emotion he had never thought to know again.

He had found love and the realization shook him to the core of his foundation.

When her beautiful gray eyes opened to reveal to him the tender, giving, loving soul

behind those silver windows, he thought he might cry from the intensity of the feelings

that were flooding his being.

Maddie vie
,” Argent said, wishing him a good morning,

Eanan was stunned for a moment by the title she gave him—husband—but he

realized that to the three women lying in the bed with him, that was exactly what he

was. He belonged to them and they to him. He was their husband in all the ways that

mattered, but to the woman gazing back at him, he knew he would be even more. To

her, he would be soul mate, bond mate, and the last thought he would ever have this

side of the Abyss would be of her.

Maddie vie
ben heshee kied
,” he responded and saw her eyes fill with tears that he

had called her his primary wife as the Rysalians do.

Ben heshee kied
,” she repeated. She entwined her fingers with his. “I am proud to be

your wife, Reaper.”

“Proud enough to take my name?” he asked, gazing back at her with the budding

love that had opened a new petal during the long night hours.


Charlotte Boyett-Compo

“Argent Tohre.” She tested the new name and smiled. “I like it.”

“Are you going to offer us your name as well, warrior?”

Eanan turned his head and looked at Corallin. “If you will have it,” he said, though

in his heart he knew he would have only one true wife.

“We will,” Aureolin mumbled, her lips against his sweaty chest.

“We will give you many, many sons,” Corallin informed him. “A dynasty of Tohre


That was a sobering thought, and for a moment Eanan felt panic rising up in his

chest but then Argent brought his hand to her lips and kissed his knuckles to soothe


“Rest easy, Reaper. That’s at least nine months in the future,” she said quietly.

He looked at her, searching her eyes, realizing she would know. “There will be a

BOOK: Embrace the Wind
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