Read Embrace the Wind Online

Authors: Charlotte Boyett-Compo

Embrace the Wind (4 page)

BOOK: Embrace the Wind
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Argent put her hands on her shapely hips and tapped her foot in vexation. “Are we

going to have to shove you to the floor and mount you against your will, warrior? Is

that what you want? Do you want us to overpower you and ravish you? Will that

soothe your hurt warrior soul?”

“You!” he said, putting out a shaky hand to point a rigid finger at her. “Stay the hell

away from me! There isn’t going to be any shoving and mounting, wench.”

The sisters looked at one another and he saw the exact moment the decision was

reached between them. As one, they turned to him and the look in their hot eyes made

his blood run cold.

“No,” he said, shaking his head slowly. “Don’t you do it! Stay away from me, you

horny women!”

He darted past them and ran toward the bed, realized where he was headed and

did an abrupt U-turn.

“Now that is just too funny for words,” Aureolin tittered. “Look at how his butt

cheeks flex when he runs.”

“That’s not what I’m watching move when he runs,” her sister Corallin said in a

low, sultry voice. “I’ve never seen a man’s cock but that one looks to be of goodly size.”

“And his balls…” Argent started to say, but Eanan’s mortified roar silenced her.

“Stop looking at my balls, you lecherous bitch!” he hissed. He stood off to one side,

thinking he should have continued on to the bed. At least he could have grabbed the

sheet to wrap…

The sheets and the coverlet simply disappeared.


Charlotte Boyett-Compo

Eanan groaned in such a way the woman couldn’t help but laugh.

“Argent has many talents, don’t you, sister?” the blonde one giggled.

“But he has attributes I find mouthwatering,” the redhead replied.

Eanan had no doubt they found him desirable. After all, here he stood in all his

brawny, magnificent glory as he’d once been labeled. He had been graced with broad

shoulders, chiseled pecs, washboard abs, narrow waist, flat belly and long legs with just

the right amount of hair covering them. His chest was nicely furred—not too sparse, not

too much—and his nipples had a tendency to stand out like hard little stones. At that

moment, his powerful hands—hands that could break a man in two or snap a laser

whip with such precision he could flick a gnat from a fly’s back at fifty paces—were

covering genitals he suspected were some of the finest there was.

“Warrior, we are going to have you,” Corallin told him. “Willing or not. You are the

Chosen Lover.”

“Stop saying that!” he pleaded, and winced at the break in his voice caused by—

what?—frustration, hopelessness, desperation.

“We’ll be gentle with you,” Aureolin said softly.

It was just too much for the Reaper to take.

The women jumped when he threw back his head and howled. The piercing

ululation of the cry made the hair stand up on their arms. It filled the air with menace

and was so loud it caused their teeth to ache. When he lowered his head, he glowered at

them from under thick eyebrows drawn together with lethal rage.

“Oh, that can’t be good,” Aureolin muttered.

“You don’t think…?” Corallin whispered in shock, a hand to her mouth.

“He wouldn’t dare!” Argent stated, and took a step toward him, although from the

dangerous look on his handsome face, that probably wasn’t the wisest thing to do. “If

you Transition on us, so help me, warrior, you will spend the rest of your days locked

in a con cell!”


Embrace the Wind

Slowly Eanan Tohre lowered his hands until they were loose at his sides. He

lowered his head, amber eyes shooting sparks of anger, but then he smiled. The smile

was primal, wicked, accompanied by a low, throbbing rumble deep in his throat and he

showed his fangs again.

“Uh-oh,” Corallin said, and swallowed hard.

“You want to play, wench?” they heard him growl. He held his hand out, palm up

and wagged his fingers toward him. “Then let’s play.”

Argent looked into those angry eyes that were glowing with crimson glints and

called his bluff. She walked toward him with her hips swinging seductively, a

challenging grin on her face.

“Whatever you say, warrior,” she cooed to him.

Eanan straightened. He had thought to frighten them but after an initial widening

of their eyes and a slight paling of their faces, they recovered quickly enough. The

beauty coming toward him was doing things to his body he couldn’t control.

“Oh look!” he heard the blonde say. “He’s getting hard!”

The Reaper had to bite his tongue to keep from groaning at that remark. Three sets

of eyes were glued to his growing erection and the treacherous thing between his legs

was enjoying every moment of the adoration it was receiving. It leapt and the “Ahhs”

he heard made him want to howl again.

“Oh, he has to be the biggest among the Reapers,” the redhead observed. “Surely

none can surpass

“And he’s all ours,” the blonde said on a long sigh.

“I am not yours! I can’t be yours!” he countered, and took two steps in reverse only

to find his back against the wall and the silver-haired beauty barely a few feet away.

“There is a geis against me taking you women!”


Charlotte Boyett-Compo

“The geis does not apply to the
Graihaltagh Reiht,
warrior,” Argent informed him.

“It is your destiny to service the
as our consort. So give in, Reaper, because

going to have you. Why fight it?”

Why indeed? he thought. He had been brought back to the Citadel from his

assignment in the Oklaks Territory so it was obvious this dehumanizing destiny had

been set into motion by none other than Morrigunia. The gods-be-damned bitch had set

him up and the moment that thought slithered through his head so did Her tinkling


Enjoy the spoils, My Reaper
,” She cooed to him.
“Use the knowledge I’ve made sure you

have accumulated over the years to pleasure the
. They have earned their reward.

You are My gift to them.”

Eanan’s shoulders slumped. He was fighting a losing battle and he knew it. With

the goddess against him, he didn’t stand a chance so he gave up his fight to keep the

luscious Gatekeepers at bay. After all, as a man, he should be thrilled to have three such

lovely, sensual virgins itching for his cock. What man in his right mind would dare to

turn down a liaison between three beautiful women willing to share him? He should be

swollen with pride to be the Chosen Lover of the most important females on Terra.

And he
swollen all right! He was aching so desperately for the sultry women

that he was literally trembling with need.

“Owen is going to kill me,” he moaned.

Argent’s eyes flared and her flush lips turned hard. “Any man who dares lay a

hand to you will garner the full wrath of the Gatekeepers. You are under our protection,

warrior. The gods help any man who would think to ever stand against you!”

That statement caught Eanan’s immediate attention and he looked from one woman

to the other and realized the truth of what the silver-haired lovely had said.

“Am I to stay here at the Citadel then?” he asked, not sure he wanted to spend

every waking moment dancing attendance on these women, gorgeous as they were.


Embrace the Wind

“Unfortunately not,” Argent said with a sigh. “Lord Arawn needs you in Oklaks,

but when you are in residence here, you will stay with us in our quarters and see to our

needs. Perhaps every other month or so.”

“You’ll have your own personal railcar that will bring you back from your

assignment to the Citadel,” the redhead told him.

“And your own personal male servant to see to your needs on the journey back,”

the blonde added.

“Needs such as meals, baths and the like,” Argent was quick to point out.

Now that sounded damned fine to him!

“But you must remember you are to service only our needs,” the blonde stressed.

“If you so much as touch another woman, we will slap your cute little ass in a con cell

so quick you’ll never know what hit you.”

Eanan grinned. “I think I can refrain from pleasuring other women, wench,

knowing I’ve three that belong to me back home.”

The blonde preened, sashaying closer. “We belong to you then?”

He scratched his cheek. “Aye, I guess you do.”

Argent reached out to lay a soft hand to his naked chest. “Is it settled then,


In for a penny, in for a pound, he thought, and swooped an arm around her to

bring her up against him, plastering her shapely body to his. “I think we can say it’s

settled, wench.”

She stunned him by putting her hands to his cheeks and bringing his mouth to hers,

kissing him so hungrily it made his toes flex. Her ripe body pressed into his and she

ground her hips against him.

He felt hands on both of his forearms and realized the two other women were

standing to either side of her, their fingers trailing up and down his flesh, raising chill

bumps. He tore his mouth from the plunder of Argent’s.


Charlotte Boyett-Compo

“Okay, let’s get something straight, ladies. We’re going to do this my way,” he said,

and eased the silver-haired pretty one back from their close contact. “Until you are

more experienced, we’re gonna do it one at a time.”

“But we want to touch you,” the redhead protested.

“And look at you,” the blonde said with a pout. “We’ve never seen a naked man


“Or touched one,” the redhead amended.

“All right,” he agreed. “I’ll tell you what. I’ll go lie down on the bed and you can

look ’til your hearts are content but…” He wagged a finger at them. “You can’t touch

until I say you can. Understood?”

The women exchanged looks then nodded, though he could tell they weren’t happy

with his stipulation. Argent stepped back, the others as well, to let him pass between


Feeling self-conscious, sensing their eyes devouring him as he walked to the bed, he

stopped and turned to face them before he sat down on the bare mattress.

“You know, it would be best if we were on an equal footing here, miladies.”

“In what way?” the redhead queried.

He smiled wickedly. “I’m naked. You should be too. You…”

He didn’t get to finish for Argent waved her hand and the blue robes they were

wearing disappeared. He swallowed hard. For though he’d known they would be

gorgeous, stunning women, he had no idea they would be sheer perfection in form.

Their bodies were the most beautiful, firm and gloriously curved of any women he’d

ever seen—and he’d seen more than his share of lovely ladies.

“Do we please you?” the blonde wanted to know.

Eanan had to force moisture to his mouth so he could answer. “Very much,” he

mumbled, unable to shift his gaze from the high, rounded breasts, tiny waists, long,


Embrace the Wind

smooth legs, slender arms and the enticing wedge of wiry curls in the center of their

curvaceous hips.

“You please us too,” the blonde whispered. “We thought Owen handsome, but you

are much sexier than him.”

“Really?” he asked, grinning at that news. Old sibling rivalry reared its ugly head.

“More handsome than Owen, huh?”

“Oh aye,” the redhead acknowledged. “Far more handsome, Reaper.”

“Ain’t that a kicker?” he asked, his grin from ear to ear as he sat down, glanced at

his straining cock and looked back up at the women with a touch of conceit on his

chiseled features. “I’m probably a better lover too.”

“We’ll never know,” Argent said as she and the women came over to the bed. “You

will be the only man we will ever have.”

He followed the redhead with his eyes as she skirted the foot of the bed and went to

stand on the other side. The blonde went to the foot, curled her fingers around the brass

rail, and the silver-haired beauty stayed beside him.

“Lie down, Reaper,” Argent said in a husky voice, “and let us look our fill.”

“Okay, but no touching now,” he reminded them.

Feeling somewhat like a human sacrifice, he did as she asked and stretched out on

the bed with his legs slightly spread and his hands above him, gripping the headboard

rail. He wanted to squirm beneath their intense scrutiny as he felt their attention

crawling over every inch of him from his tousled hair to his bare toes, lingering hotly at

his loins.

“Oh my,” the redhead whispered. “My oh my!”

“Do you have a question, Red?” he asked Corallin.

It seemed she reluctantly tore her eyes from his crotch. “Ah aye,” she said as

though one had just occurred to her. “Is your cock larger than your brother’s or are you

identical in that way too?”


Charlotte Boyett-Compo

He chuckled. “Well, to be honest with you, I’ve never paid attention to Owen’s cock

but I imagine we’re about equal in that department.”

“Are you larger than most men then?” she pressed. “You look very large to me.”

“And very thick,” the blonde added.

He glanced down at his cock. At least the thing was lying down and not sticking up

like a fucking flagpole. It pulsed against his belly as if to tell him to give it time to

awaken. He laughed silently.

BOOK: Embrace the Wind
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