Read Drawn to you Online

Authors: Ker Dukey

Drawn to you (17 page)

BOOK: Drawn to you
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“I won’t leave you, ever. I love you. I love you so damn much,” he whispers against my lips. I close the gap, pushing my lips into his, tasting his warmth. My hands go straight into his hair, tugging him closer, pushing my tongue into his mouth.

“God, I couldn’t concentrate all day, I just wanted to be here. I thought you wanted space,” he mumbles between swipes of his tongue.

“I never want space from you. Make love to me.”

He lifts me into his arms and takes me to bed.

since Gaby’s pregnancy scare and she finally got her period. I went with her to the doctor to get her on birth control. Mike still hasn’t come around so Gaby’s been a little down. Gavin has tried to apologize to Finlay but things are still heated between them and I know there’s more to it then Finlay is sharing but I don’t want to push him. I’m hoping he will trust and open up to me like I have to him. School has kept me busy during the day and Finlay keeps me busy in the evenings but the tension between everyone is driving me insane so I’ve invited everyone to my apartment for dinner. I’ve been cooking all day; Mexican, as its Finlay’s favorite.

I’m just popping the cork on a bottle of red wine when the door opens.

“Hey, am I early?”

“No.” I hold up the bottle. “Just in time.”

“Thanks for the invite,” Gavin says. With his head down, he cautiously walks into my apartment.

“They know you’re coming, Gav. You didn’t really do anything wrong. Gaby’s a big girl,” I say, trying to reassure him.

“Thanks, Antonia, but Finlay’s been a good friend and I knew Gaby was off limits. I overstepped a mark he drew a long time ago.”

I give him an understanding pat on his shoulder and offer him a beer.

“Hey!” Gabe calls, walking through the door with Mike and Brad behind him. I tense as Mike comes face to face with Gavin. I’m about to pass out from lack of oxygen because I’m holding my breath until Gavin gestures with his hand to Mike and they shake hands.

“Dinner will be ready in half an hour, guys. Make yourselves at home. I’m going to get Gaby.”

I open her front door and run straight into Finlay.

“Hey, baby. I was just coming. Gaby is on the phone to our mother.” He says
with a snarl.

Grabbing his gorgeous face, I plant a big kiss on his full lips. “I love you. Come on then.” I take his hand and we head back to my place.

“We found a visitor,” Gabe says from the living space.

“Hey.” Libby raises her hand to wave.

“Hey! So glad you made it! Everyone, this is my friend from school. Libby, this is everybody.”

“Hey,” everyone says in unison, causing laughter to ripple around the room.

Libby joins me in the kitchen and helps to set the table.

“Hey, guys,” Gaby says as she joins Libby and me.

“Mom still won’t tell me what she and Finlay are fighting about. Has he said anything to you?” she asks hopefully.

“No, and he won’t say, Gabs.”
I wish he would talk to me.

“Well, it’s stupid. Mom’s really upset.”

The last thing I need is to get in the middle of another fight between these two so I decide not to respond.

“Dinner, guys!” I call, taking the food to the table.

We all take our seats and Gavin is the first one to help himself.

Things seem back to normal, thank God
because I miss everyone when we don’t spend time together.

Gabe starts a conversation with Libby about her degree and Gaby keeps looking between Mike and Gavin who are both ignoring her. It’s not perfect but we’re all together.

“Do I know you?” Libby asks Gavin.

He lowers his fork and gives her a full smile. “From your fantasies maybe, sweetheart. See, I’m every woman’s ideal man so women tend to think they know me.” The whole table erupts into laughter. “And just so you know, you can definitely get to know me.”

Libby looks confused. “Did he really just say that?”

Gabe pats her hand. “You’ll get used to him.”

Finlay’s hand strokes up my knee to my thigh, distracting me from the conversation. I reach under and move his hand back down to my knee, and he starts the grueling climb again, sending little shock waves through my body from the promise of what’s to come

“Stop it,” I whisper, glaring at him, but he’s so close his eyes have glazed over. He’s in full on horny mode and it makes me bite my lip.

He leans in real close, his hand brushing past my pussy. “Your lips are telling me no but your body is screaming all kinds of yes, baby.”

God, he knows me too well. It’s torture trying to keep from pushing against his hand.
Would it be frowned upon to ravish him instead of the food?
Screw this.

“So, erm help yourselves to dessert everyone.” I stand, pushing my plate away. “Finlay, I left something I need in your room. Can you help me look?”

Everyone stops what they’re doing and looks up at me.

“Pull the other one, Antonia. You are too obvious! Now bring us desert, woman,” Gavin jests causing a blush to heat my cheeks and a round of chuckles to break out.

“I’ll help you with dessert,” Finlay offers, with a smirk on his face.

I scurry to the kitchen and he grabs me from behind, kissing my neck. “Subtlety is not your strong point, baby,” he breathes into my ear, making me shiver.

“You are driving me crazy. It’s not fair.” I push him back so I can talk to him. “Thank you for not being an ass with Gavin. I just want us all to move on.”

“I’m trying something new, and to be honest, all I can think about is stripping you naked and kissing every inch of your sexy, fruity skin. I’m blanking out everything Gavin related.”

“Fruity?” I ask.

“Yes. You always smell of peaches or apricots. It’s mouth-watering.”

“Finlay, sorry to interrupt but Marvin Harris just called. They’re still having problems with the Devaro deal. It’s looking like we may have to go sort this ourselves,” Brad says, coming into the kitchen and breaking our touch.

“Fucking hell. I can’t rely on any fucking staff there. We need to do some serious corporate restructuring. Get Rupert to schedule the meeting for tomorrow. We’ll drive up and spend a couple days there getting things under control.”

“Already on it,” he replies, hitting buttons on his phone and leaving the kitchen.

“I’m sorry. I don’t want to leave you but this is important. I need to get it sorted.” Finlay’s whole demeanor has shifted. Gone is the lust-filled gaze and relaxed posture. He sounds exasperated.

“It’s fine, Finlay. It’s your job, I understand. I’ll miss you though. How long will you be away?”

“I don’t know, baby. Hopefully not long. I hate being away from you. I just can’t function when you’re not near me.”

His lips touch mine and I’m lost completely consumed by him. I succumb to him even though there’s a room full of people waiting on us. His touch lights a fire inside me that spreads through my body. I need him. He lifts me and I wrap my legs around his waist. I can feel his erection pushing against my stomach.

“I need to be inside you right now.”

“Let’s go to your place.” I giggle against his lips.

I’m pulled from my desire by the sound of Pink singing
and Gaby walks in holding my phone.

“Sorry to interrupt deeessseeerrtt but your cell won’t shut up.”

“Damn. You had to invite everyone over,” Finlay moans, dropping me to my feet.

“Thank you.” I laugh, taking my cell from Gaby. “Hey, Mom.”

“Antonia, finally! Is everything okay?”

“Yes, fine. Why, what’s up?”

“Well Daddy and I are coming to visit. We’ll be there tomorrow evening.”

“What? Really? Wow, that’s great! It will be great to see you but a little out of the blue.”

“Yes, I know, but Daddy has some business nearby so we just want to come for a quick visit.”

“Okay, great. Well, I guess I’ll see you soon.”

I disconnect the call.

“Everything alright?” Finlay asks, raising a brow.

“Yeah. My parents are flying in tomorrow.”

“Oh, really? Well, it’s a shame I won’t be here. Maybe I can put my trip back a day.”

“No, you don’t have to do that!” I shake my head. His brow furrows and his beautiful smile is now a hard line.

“Do they know about us?”

Crap, why did he have to ask that?

“No, I haven’t told them yet. I just . . . it happened fast and I . . .” My voice stumbles as he pins me to the spot with intense, accusing eyes. “They loved James. They still have the impression that he and I will eventually get back together, even though it’s been forever.”

Finlay breaks eye contact and looks to the floor.

“I’m going to tell them tomorrow though, in person,” I say, hating the thought of Finlay being offended.

“Okay, well it’s up to you if you tell them. I just thought we were serious. I assumed you would have already said something to them.” My confident sexy boyfriend is gone and the little boy inside him has resurfaced; I haven’t seen him like this since he cried in my arms here at the piano, which feels like an eternity ago.

“No, I want to tell them. We
serious Finlay. I’m seriously in love with you.”

“I love you too. I want everyone to know.”

“Guys, we’re going to Harlow for drinks. You coming?” Brad asks.

“No, thanks. We’re going to stay here and talk,” I offer, unconvincingly.

“Yeah, we’ll go to my club, and you two
” Gavin says, with a toothy grin.

“Libby’s coming with us. I’ll make sure she gets home. You okay with that Antonia?” Gabe asks.

“Yeah, fine, if she wants to go. I’m not her mom, Gabe!” I laugh looking from Gabe to Libby.

“I know but she’s your friend. I just wanted to make sure.” He looks shyly down at me his cheeks gaining a tinge of pink

“It’s fine. Have a good time.” I smile, giving him then Libby a quick hug.

After everyone has filtered out, Finlay says, “Finally alone. Come on, I want to show you something.” He grabs my hand and pulls me towards the front door.

“Where are we going?” I ask as he ushers me into the lift. He pulls out a key and inserts it with a code into the control panel; the doors close and we start rising. I can feel his eyes on me, making me ache with need. After all we’ve done together, he can still make me melt into puddle at his feet with just a look. The doors open and we step out into the entrance to the penthouse. Following the style of the other apartments, a huge double oak door is the focal point. Finlay dangles some keys and walks to open the doors.

It’s huge. The entire back wall is glass from roof to floor, wrapping around the apartment. The floors are oak, except there’s carpet where the corner sofa curls around in a large half-moon in front of a log fire. The kitchen is steel and granite, and overlooks a spacious dining area with an oak table that seats at least ten.

“Finlay, it’s incredible!” My feet take me to the window. “The view is stunning.”

I feel the urge to grab my pad and sketch the lights below, twinkling like stars reflecting in water. It’s beautiful.

“Why do you have the keys?”

“It’s mine. I own the building. I kept this and the apartment next to you, but I will eventually sell the rest.”

“What? Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I never had reason to. I wasn’t planning on moving in here for a while but I think Gaby is ready to run her own life. I’m going to gift her the apartment and I’ll be here if she needs me.” He wraps his arms around my waist and breathes in the scent of my hair. “Now, let me show you the bedroom.”

BOOK: Drawn to you
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