Devoted to Her (Dream Date Book 2) (20 page)

BOOK: Devoted to Her (Dream Date Book 2)
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“You got me a charm?”

“See what’s inside.”

Intrigued, Nathan opened the charm. Inside was a photo
of Amanda’s face. It looked recent. There was also engraved writing on the side
opposite the charm’s lid. It read, “Two is better than one.”

“That’s our song,” Nathan said. He’d first played it
to Amanda at Joliet, during a moment they spent alone. The song was among
‘their’ playlist. “And you knew my favorite photo of you.”

“Do you like it?”

“Like it? Sweetheart, it’s perfect!”

Amanda beamed.

“I wanted to get you a smartwatch, but none of them
work with Windows Phones like yours. And I know you’re too macho to wear a
locket around your neck.”


“So I got you this for your keychain.”

“I love you,” Nathan
said. He put his arms around Amanda, and kissed her. By the time he finished,
she began hyperventilating. Nathan grinned. He then attached the charm to his

Amanda could hardly concentrate during classes that
day. She was eagerly anticipating what Nathan had in store for her that day.

The instructors could feel the lack of attentiveness
from their students. It was both Valentine’s Day and a Friday, so most of the
students were too distracted. Three of Amanda’s instructors just went through
reviews of material already covered.

When the last bell finally rang, Amanda quickly put
away her books. The instructor dismissed the class, and Amanda was one of the
first out. She was eager to find out what Nathan’s gift was that day.

Amanda exited the building. She adjusted her messenger
bag and made her way to the parking lot. Just around the corner of the
building, she ran into Christopher.

“Home girl!” he greeted, smiling. “So you’re out of
class too.”

“Yeah. I can’t wait to get home.”

“Really? Thank God it’s Friday?”

Amanda nodded.

“You could say that.”

Christopher laughed.

“Listen. Are you free this afternoon?”

Amanda’s look turned to confusion. She considered the
question, and thought Christopher seemed hopeful.

“Definitely not. Nathan and I are spending the day

“I see.”

“You should do the same, too,” Amanda said. “It’s your
chance to impress Judith.”

Christopher scoffed, shaking his head.

“What, you don’t like her?”

“No, it’s not that. She’s pretty. It’s just…”


“I wanted to tell you. There’s…another girl.”

Amanda’s mouth opened slowly. She sighed.

“Oh, no, you’ve
to be kidding. You’re not
messing with Judith, too!”

“I’m not messing with her,” Christopher assured. “It’s
just…I like her, but she can hardly stand the sight of me.”

“Just give her time. Girls like Judith need patience. It
would impress her if you waited.”

“That’s not the problem. I
wait for her.
It’s just that…I’m really into this other girl. She’s…gorgeous, you know. So
hard to resist. Every time I see her, I want to carry her in my arms and kiss
her like no one’s business.”

“Wow,” Amanda said, starting to get suspicious. “That
didn’t take long. You’ve only been here a month.”

“It was love at first sight. Sort of.”

Christopher appeared sincere. Amanda put an arm on his
shoulder, and smiled.

“Who is she? Would I know her?”

Christopher hesitated. He put his hands inside the
pockets of his pants.

“Why don’t we have coffee or something? I’d rather
talk with you somewhere inside.”

Amanda tried to figure out what time it was. She felt
that she hardly had enough time for Christopher.

“Please?” he asked, putting on a puppy-eyes look.
Amanda stifled a laugh.

“Only if you make it quick.”

“I promise. My apartment is not far from here.”

Amanda let out a guffaw. Christopher chuckled.

The two drove in their own cars back to Lansing West.
They walked together into their building, followed by Kellan and Caldwell.

Amanda let Christopher into her apartment. She put her
messenger bag on the side of the sofa.

“Emmy, are you in?”

Amanda and Christopher waited for a moment. She walked
in from her bedroom.

“I got here a few minutes ago,” Emmy told them. “Hi,

“Hi,” he replied.

“I’m heading out for…something,” said Emmy, starting
toward the door.

“Do you have a date?” Amanda asked.

“I wish. But I doubt Brad would come here again. I was
just going to buy myself some chocolates, since no one’s gifting me any.”

Christopher and Amanda laughed. Emmy smiled, and then
she waved her hand.

“See you guys later.”

Amanda turned to Christopher after Emmy left.

“What would you like? There’s no coffee, but I can
brew some.”

“No, that’s okay. May I get some water?”

“Of course. I’ll go get it.”

“That won’t be necessary,” Christopher said, grabbing
Amanda’s arm. “I’ll get it. Sit down. You look tired.”

Anxious is more like it
, Amanda thought.

“Okay. There’s bottled water in the refrigerator. I
also have a small jug of room-temperature water.”


Christopher walked to the kitchen. He took a peek
behind him, seeing Amanda sit down. Christopher opened cabinets until he found
one with glasses inside. There was also a water jug, just as Amanda had said.
Christopher filled two glasses. Then he returned to the living room.
Christopher handed Amanda a glass. She thanked him.

“Cheers,” he said to Amanda as they clanked glasses.
She laughed.

“What, are we toasting?”

Christopher shrugged, drinking some water. Amanda did
the same.

“So, who’s the girl?”

“You’d find it hard to believe if I told you.”

“Chris, don’t be so difficult. What, is she older than
you or something? Not that I’d judge.”

“No!” Christopher said, laughing. “It’s just
that…well, I don’t know if she’ll ever notice me.”

“Why? You’re good-looking. And you’re super cool.”

“Thanks,” Christopher said. He watched as Amanda drank
some more water. There was a faint trace of guilt in his expression, but she
didn’t notice.

“What’s her name?” Amanda asked. Christopher took a
deep breath.

Without warning, Christopher moved forward and kissed
Amanda. Her eyes went wide in shock. She placed her hands on his chest,

“W-what are you
?” Amanda asked when she
freed herself. She was staring at Christopher with a dismayed expression. He
looked unapologetic.

“Her name’s Amanda Tilley.”

Amanda didn’t look amused.

“Have you gone mad?”

“Yeah, you could say so. Mad with love.”

Amanda stood up, looking away. Christopher moved
toward her.

“I’m dating Nathan, Chris. For God’s sake, had you
forgotten that, or did you choose to ignore it?”

“Second reason. Amanda, I’m taking this risk because I
really like you. You’re…dazzling.”

“Christopher, I’ve had enough of guys wanting me just
for my body.”

“No, no, it’s not just that! I like the way you are,
too. I think you’re super cool as well.”

“Stop it. Right there,” Amanda said. She touched a
hand to her forehead. Her vision was blurring, making her feel drowsy.

“Are you all right?” Christopher asked, trying to make
his concern genuine.

“Yes. It’s just…you’re making me upset.”


Christopher put his arms around Amanda. He led her
back to the sofa, where they sat down. He touched Amanda’s uninjured cheek.
Then he kissed it. Amanda flinched.

“I like you so much. Can you give me a chance?”

“Only if I wasn’t with Nathan,” said Amanda. “I like
you too, but there’s too much that you can’t ignore. There’s not just Nathan,
there’s Judith.”

“But I want you.”


Christopher touched Amanda’s chin, pushing so that she
looked at him.

“You’re the cutest, prettiest girl I ever met.”

Amanda, sleepily, glanced at Christopher. He was
looking at her much like Kayla still looked at Nathan. She didn’t mind. It
wasn’t easy to forget your first love.

“We can’t be together.”

Christopher sighed, disappointed.

“Okay. Then, can you be my girlfriend, just for one
day? I promise I’ll leave you alone after that.”

Amanda laughed hysterically.

“You just want to get in my panties, mister.”

Christopher chuckled, shaking his head.

“I just want you. The whole you.”

Amanda bit her lip.

“Even if I were willing to take you up on that, it
wouldn’t be today. I promised Nathan we’ll spend the entire day together.”

“You’re not willing to, anyway, right?”


“What can I do to convince you?”

“Nothing,” Amanda said, her eyelids drooping.

“Then I’ll just steal another kiss.”

Christopher took Amanda’s lips again. The sensation
woke her up a little. She didn’t feel strong enough to fight him this time.
Amanda let Christopher kiss her, taste her lips, feel her body with his hands.
They moved from her waist, going upward.

“Give yourself in,” Christopher whispered. He saw that
Amanda was falling asleep again. He moved her so that she was lying on her back
on the sofa. Then his hands fondled up and down her body. Christopher took off
her sweater and blouse, looking in awe at her bare skin.

“Damn. She’s even hotter than I thought.”

Amanda was half-asleep, not much aware of what was
going on. Christopher planted a kiss on her abs, and then on her chest. She didn’t

I wish I didn’t have to put her to sleep. I don’t
fancy kissing a woman who can’t feel what I’m doing.

Christopher softly caressed Amanda’s shoulder,
enjoying the way her skin felt. He was going for another kiss on her lips, but
there was a knock on the door.

“Amanda! Are you ready?”

Christopher sat up with a jolt. He hastily dressed
Amanda, choosing to leave her sweater draped on the top of the sofa. Then he
adjusted her hair to make it look less messy. Now, Amanda looked like she’d
crashed right after coming back from school.

After making sure everything was neat, Christopher
took the glasses to the kichen. There, he washed them. Christopher then went to
open the door. Kellan was standing outside.

“I’m sorry. Amanda fell asleep, and I took the liberty
to use the bathroom.”

Kellan’s eyebrows furrowed. He then walked forward,
Christopher stepping aside to let him in.

“Did she fall asleep right after you two came back?”

“She looked sleepy the whole time.”

Kellan walked toward Amanda. He moved a lock of hair
from her face.

“It’s better to just let her rest. Let’s go.”

Christopher nodded. He
followed Kellan out of the apartment, smiling to himself. Christopher was never
going to forget what Amanda felt like, or tasted like. At the same time, he
felt guilt. He decided to just bottle it. Amanda wouldn’t remember anything
after waking up.

Shortly before eight, Nathan arrived at the popular
American bistro restaurant in Rochester. He’d almost chosen one in Manhattan,
but he and Amanda already had a limited time that day. It took significantly
longer to get all the way there.

Nathan told a waiter his name. He followed him to one
of the tables near the center of the room.

“Would you like any appetizers, or a drink, sir?”

“No, thanks. When my girlfriend, Amanda Tilley, gets
here, show her to my table.”

“I will, sir.”

The waiter left. Nathan looked around the restaurant. The
interior was a blend of luxurious and homey, which he thought was perfect.
Random pieces of framed art adorned the brick walls. The dark wood chairs were
padded, making them comfy. Nathan had done his research carefully. He’d wanted
to choose the perfect place to ask Amanda to marry him.

Nathan reached into the pocket of his blazer jacket.
Inside was a small box. Nathan smiled to himself, thinking about how happy
Amanda would be that night.

A minute after, a waiter walked toward Nathan’s table.
He was bringing a bottle of champagne.

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