Devoted to Her (Dream Date Book 2) (18 page)

BOOK: Devoted to Her (Dream Date Book 2)
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Amanda frowned.

“I never said I was taking down my Twitter. My fans
will still hear from me. And I
post a few photos every once in a
while. I’m keeping my Instagram, too.”

“That’s nice. So you’ll still be a celebrity?”

“I prefer the term ‘public figure’. It doesn’t sound
as pompous. And I don’t think that’s something you can step down from
completely. People will always wonder where you are these days.”

“You’ll be a pretty hot architect.”

Amanda chuckled, and then both women broke into

“I’m just kidding. You’ll be a gorgeous architect.”

“Thank you.”

“Whenever I’m ready to buy a house, I’ll be sure to
let you know.”

Amanda raised an eyebrow.

“If you’re willing to wait around four or five more
years, at least.”

Marissa laughed.

“There’s no rush. Who said I wanted to get married so
soon? I still have long before I need to worry about that.”

“I don’t know. Jonathan’s a bit up there in age,”
Amanda joked.

“He is
not,” Marissa replied. “Jonathan’s
got kind of a boyish face.”

“But that square jaw lends some manliness.”

“You’re right on that one.”

“Are you two already…close?”

Marissa moved her head from side to side, as if saying
more or less

“Yeah, you could say so.”

“That’s great. You guys look nice together.”

“Thank you.”

The following week, Nathan started his new job. After
school, he got to his apartment to dress. Nathan’s work schedule was flexible
enough to not interfere with school. With homework, Nathan would be pretty
busy. Despite that, he’d still have time left for leisure.

As the weather was still cold, Nathan dressed in at
least three layers. He tried on a scarf as well, but didn’t think it looked
good with his blazer.

Amanda stopped by just before Nathan had to go.

“You look handsome,” she said, looking him up and
down. “I like that haircut.”

“Thanks,” Nathan said. “Emmy?”

“She’s studying with Judith. When do you have to be at

“In twenty minutes. It’s not far.”

Amanda laughed.

“Nothing’s far in this city. Ten minutes of driving
gets you from one side to another, right?”

“Ha. I think so.”

Nathan changed the subject.

“Have you started looking for a new job?”

“Yes. I’m looking for something part-time, a small job
like yours.”

“Does it matter what it’s about?”

“Not much. But I’ll pick one that I like, something
that I’m good at.”

“Judith says you like technology.”

“I do. So I’ll probably look for a job in that field.”

Nathan nodded.

“I’ve got to go now. See you later,” he said, kissing
Amanda on the lips. She giggled.

“See you,” she replied. Nathan and Amanda walked out
of his apartment. Before leaving, Nathan stole another kiss, and then another.

“Sorry, I just love kissing you.”

Amanda laughed, shaking her head.

“You can steal kisses whenever you like.”

“Glad to hear that.”

Nathan kissed Amanda’s injured cheek. She closed her
eyes, feeling him kiss further down. Then he started walking away.

“Good luck,” Amanda told him.

“Thanks. See you.”

As Nathan had anticipated, driving to the office
building didn’t take long. When he got there, Nathan was first given an
orientation. They told him what his daily tasks would be, which included a lot
of movement. Nathan would start by doing small stuff like delivering files and
other office tasks. It was mostly a runner type of job.

Once his work shift ended, Nathan drove back to his
apartment. He had some homework to do. Nathan wanted to rest for a bit before
that, though.

A few blocks from the apartment building, Nathan got a
phone call. He set his smartphone in hands-free mode and answered.

“This is Nathan Ferland.”

“Hi, Nathan. Are you busy?”
Erika asked.

“I just got off work. I won’t have much free time
tonight. Did you need something?”

“I just wanted to talk to you. Can I come over to your

Nathan thought about that. He didn’t want to send
Erika to his apartment if Amanda was near there.

“All right. I’m almost there.”

Less than five minutes later, Nathan was walking up
the stairs to his floor. Erika was waiting outside his door when he got there.

“Hi. Thanks for meeting me.”

“No problem. Let’s go in.”

Nathan and Erika walked inside. He closed the door

“Did you come here to study with me?”

“No, I told you I wanted to talk.”

“I see. Would you like something to drink?”

“No, thanks.”

Erika and Nathan sat down on the sofa.

“Valentine’s Day is this Friday,” she said.

“Yes, it is. Who are you spending it with?”

Erika went red. She hesitated before answering.

“There’s this guy that I like so, so much. I met him a
short while ago. Only, he hasn’t noticed what I feel about him.”

“Why don’t you just tell him?”

“It’s not that simple.”

“You’re pretty, Erika. I don’t see why he wouldn’t
want to date you.”

“I’m afraid he’ll say no. You see…he has a

Nathan raised his eyebrows. He ran his hand through
his hair, not knowing what to say to that.

“Is he close to his girlfriend?”

“Yes. But I really like him, and I know he likes me

“I guess you should just wait it out. Valentine’s Day
isn’t that important. You can love a person any other day of the year.”

“I know. But watching him send flowers and chocolates
to his girlfriend will hurt.”

“Who is the guy?”

Erika looked at Nathan, focusing on his lips. She then
looked at his eyes, and then up and down his body. She was afraid of what his
reaction would be.


Nathan gasped, his expression turning to shock. Erika
glanced shyly at him. He was lost for words.

“It’s…you must…this has to be a bad joke.”

Erika looked hurt.

“I’m not screwing with you, Nathan. I’ve liked you
since we met these few months ago. Remember? We were shopping for Christmas

“You are aware that I have a girlfriend. Why are you
telling me all this?”

“Because I couldn’t keep it to myself any longer. Over
the time we’ve known each other, I fell for you.”

Nathan stood up, still taken aback.

“What do you gain by confessing your feelings to me?
I’m not going to break up with Amanda. Not for you, not for anyone.”

“Won’t you at least give me a chance?”

Nathan looked at Erika, who had stood up.

“Are you for real?”

“Nathan, you like me too. Remember that day, when you
were supposed to take me around the city?”

“What about it?” Nathan asked, concern starting to
show in his face.

“Well…we kissed. You kissed me. We made out.”


“Yes. We didn’t go all the way. I didn’t want you to
think that I took advantage of you afterward.”

“I remember nothing of that.”

“You did drink quite a bit. I haven’t said anything
because I didn’t want to scare you away.”


“I just needed you to know, Nathan. I want you to
choose me.”

“Erika, you’re asking for way too much. Just so you
know, I’m going to marry Amanda Tilley one day.”

To Nathan’s surprise, Erika laughed.

“What? You’re marrying Amanda? Nathan,
her. She’s the stuff of men’s wildest dreams. Do you seriously think you can
keep a woman like that?”

“We love each other. That’s more than enough.”

out of your league. Sooner or
later, your fairy tale love story is going to end. Let me spare you the huge
pain you’re setting yourself up for.”

Nathan walked toward Erika, stopping about an inch
from her face. His expression was serious.

“You. Know. Nothing. About me. You haven’t got the
slightest idea of what Amanda and I have.”

Erika looked at Nathan’s lips before switching her
glance back to his eyes.

“If you choose me, I’m not going to break your heart.
will, deliberately or not.”

“You’re speaking nonsense.”

“I’m not the one who’s blindfolded. Look at Amanda.
She could marry a movie star. Why would she choose an average guy like you? No

Nathan walked away from Erika.

“If that’s what you think love is like, you’re going
to spend the rest of your life alone.”

Erika sobbed, looking down at the floor.

“So be it. Consider yourself warned.”

Nathan watched Erika rush out of his apartment. He sat
down on the couch, exasperated.

What the hell is
Erika playing at?

Christopher sat at one of the outdoor tables next to
the entrance to the Olin Library. He already knew Amanda well enough to tell
when she would come to do homework.

A few minutes passed, which Christopher spent by pretending
to read his textbook. He looked up at one point and saw Amanda, walking next to
Judith. They hadn’t spotted him yet. Christopher debated whether it was a good
idea to approach them together. He was supposed to want Judith, but really
wanted Amanda. Or the other way around. He didn’t truly know anymore.

“Here goes,” Christopher muttered to himself. He stood
up. “Hi, girls.”

Judith and Amanda looked at him.

“Hi, Chris. Lots of homework?” the latter asked.

“I’m almost finished. Do either of you need help?”

“No, we’re fine,” Judith said.

“Don’t be rude. Let Christopher make us company.”

Judith rolled her eyes, but was stifling a smile.
Christopher didn’t miss that.

“I won’t distract you. Promise.”

Amanda almost laughed. She knew how nervous Judith got
around Christopher. He followed the two of them inside the library.

They found a table and sat down. Amanda and Judith sat
next to each other on one side of the table. Christopher sat opposite them.
Judith was avoiding his gaze. He found that entertaining.

“What class are you studying for?” he asked.

“U.S. History two,” Amanda replied.

“Huh. That should be straightforward.”

“Is it your favorite class?”

“No, but I’m still good at it. Science is my favorite
subject. It’s…fascinating, even though I don’t have what it takes to be a

“I do have a hard time picturing you as one,” Amanda
commented. “You’re not the slightest bit aloof.”

“Unlike your friend here.”

“Hey!” Judith says, laughing. “It’s not my fault
you’re annoying.”

Christopher grinned.

“Please. You can’t even convince yourself.”

“Behave, you two. We’re here to do homework,” Amanda
said to them.

“Let’s start, Judith.”

The three of them opened their textbooks. They turned
to the chapter the class was working on. The instructor had told them to read
it and then answer the short quiz together. After that, they each had to work
on the instructor’s test alone.

While Christopher and the girls studied, Rebecca
entered the library. She was carrying a backpack and wearing glasses to blend

Rebecca started to walk among the shelves, looking for
Amanda. She’d seen her outside, walking toward the library with a friend. As
she searched, Rebecca couldn’t believe that her plan had failed. Amanda should
have been angry at Nathan for spending the night with another woman. Why had
Amanda forgiven him so easily?

Halfway inside the library, Rebecca spotted Amanda at
a table. She was sitting with her friend Judith, as well as Christopher. He
frequented Amanda a lot lately. Rebecca thought that benefited her plans. If
Christopher could seduce Amanda, things would be easier.

Rebecca had another plan waiting to be set into
motion. If Nathan thought that Amanda would say yes to his proposal, he was
very wrong. This time, Rebecca would make sure that Amanda learned to hate

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