Destroyed by Onyx (A Dance with Destiny Book 4) (20 page)

BOOK: Destroyed by Onyx (A Dance with Destiny Book 4)
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Chapter 22






There was no air, no sound. Nothing moved. The calm stillness of space was eerily comforting.

I suppose I don’t actually have to breathe to live. But it’s a queer thing—not filling one’s lungs
, she thought.

Kneeling down, she rubbed her hand across the dusty ground.

“Does it feel as you thought it would, Naga?”

She looked up to behold a man, glowing and ageless, but perfectly normal in every other way.

“No, Milord. I always thought the moon would feel like powder.”

He chuckled softly. “You are the strangest creature I have ever known. No matter what I
you will do, you shock me in ways I couldn’t possibly fathom.”

She tilted her head to the side. “Apologies, Milord. I’m afraid you have me at a bit of a disadvantage. You seem to know me quite well. Yet, I’ve not been blessed with the same knowledge. Or have I? Mayhap I’ve forgotten.”

“No, Naga. You have not forgotten, for we have never actually met.” He smiled and knelt down in front of her. “We have never had the pleasure of speaking face to face. I know you well because you fascinate me. I watch you.” He extended his hand. “I am Uriel.”

She shook his forearm instead of his proffered hand. “Hello, Uriel, Angel of God. I’m not worthy your fascination.”

“Oh, but you are, Naga.” He raised one eyebrow. “How did you know I was an Angel?”

She snorted out a laugh. “I may be soulless, but I am most definitely not witless. You are standing on the surface of the baby moon of Jinn. It wasn’t a huge stretch.”

He smiled. “I suppose not.” He touched a finger to her forehead, and then her single black curl. “You are wrong and you are right,” he whispered.

“About what?”

“About many things.”

She rolled her eyes. He laughed at the gesture.

“Don’t roll your eyes at me, little one.” He tapped the tip of her nose. “Munenori told me you had a nasty habit of doing that.”

“Hmm, I didn’t know.” She shrugged her shoulders. “I guess I’ll probably learn something new about
every day.”

? You speak as if you are two different beings.”

“Uriel, Brother, I am
different beings.”

He chuckled. “I’m certain it must feel that way to you.”

“What brings you here?” she asked. “Are you going to try to change my mind?”

“As I told you before, you fascinate me.” He locked his arms around his bent knees and stared at her face adoringly. “And, I won’t try to change your mind because I have no idea what it is you plan to do. I am here because I’m curious. I want to watch you.”

He paused. She looked up when his words didn’t continue.

“And?” She prodded what he had left unsaid.

“And… my blade called to me. I came for it.”

“This?” She held up the dagger. “This is your blade?”

“It is.” He nodded. “Now, what exactly were you going to do with it?”

She stared at the lovely blended colors, sparkling and pulsing fluidly within the wavy blade. “I’m absolutely suffocating under the weight of her sorrow.”

“That’s not her sorrow alone, Naga. You cannot escape who you were, who you are, and who you will one day be. Life is magical like that.”

She smiled then. “Magical… I’ve always loved that word. I like the way it feels on my tongue.”

His golden eyes were transfixed on her innocent smile. “Yes… the most unusual creature I’ve ever seen.”

His whispered thoughts earned him a sideways glance and a well-practiced smirk.

“Unusual, huh? I believe I’ve heard that somewhere before. Unusual, strange, different, weird, foreign.”

“Enchanting, lovely, ethereal, beautiful, spellbinding… magical,” he added.

She huffed at his words. “I think I prefer your original description.
is a rather good summation.”

“Yes, little Naga. I agree.”

The silence of infinite space returned. She was once more lost in spackled remembrances.

“What does this say, here?” She pointed to the heavenly inscribed name on his dagger.

He smiled softly. “Semper Fidelis.”

She looked up at him, quizzically. “What does it mean?”

“Always faithful. Always loyal.”

His answer seemed to comfort her. The deep lines across her brow disappeared and a gentle smile played upon her snowy lips.

Uriel’s golden eyes absolutely danced with the anticipation of her unknown intent. He marveled as a child.

Gabriel, you should come see this
, he thought.

I can see just fine from here, Brother. I’m not nearly as enamored by flaws as are you.
The melodic voice answered clearly within his head.

Yet, we rarely see flaws such as these. Our little sister is unique among our kind.

She is not a toy, Uriel. And definitely not a pet. You dishonor her glory with your drooling curiosity. It is unbecoming, Brother. Leave her to her Fate. Naga’s destiny is not your concern.

You’re always so droll, Brother. Always so serious.

He did not receive an answer.

“Why do you look like that?” she asked.

Uriel was startled out of his internal conversation by her out-of-the-blue question. “Like what, Naga?”

“Like a normal man. Well… a normal man with eyes the color of a pirate’s treasure.”

One corner of his mouth turned up in an amused smile. “This is how I look.”

She cocked one eyebrow skeptically.

He laughed. “What? It’s true. This is how I look… when I’m not working.”

She nodded her head and looked back to the dagger in her hands. “Fair enough.”

Jenevier sighed resignedly and lifted the blade above her head.

Uriel’s eyes widened with uncertainty as he watched his heavenly weapon come down with great force, sinking to its hilt deep within the surface of that baby moon. He gasped as the color slowly ebbed from the blade, melting like ice cream across the lunar sphere.

She released a reconciled breath and stood.

The Angel before her only stared in disbelief, mouth agape.

“Gratitude, Brother, for avenging my death and reclaiming my soul,” she said with a halfhearted smile.

“But… you’re not dead, little sister. Nor are you soulless.”

She watched the fluid colors of her past self, moving and gliding beneath her feet.

“Tell me one thing,” he whispered.

She looked up at the inquiring Angel. “Ask it.”

“Your actions this day would have never crossed my mind. I’m uncertain the ramifications of such a thing.” He looked back at the colorful ground.

“That’s not a question,” she said.

He smiled again with only one corner of his mouth. “I do believe Munenori has his hands full with you, little sister. He best watch his noble step.” He chuckled softly. “I almost envy him the job… almost.”

“What did you wish to know, Uriel?” Her voice had lost some of its luster.

“Why here?”

Her shoulders slumped forward. “Because of my great Blessing.” Her tears started then. “From the moment he was born, he was only comforted by the glow of this moon. It’s my gift to him. I cannot recall exactly
I was blessed with such a glorious gift as Daichi. I don’t know
I know, but… I don’t deserve him. It would be an unforgivable sin to chain such a magnificent creature to the likes of me.” She looked Uriel in the eye. “Can you see me as I am? On the inside?”

“Not clearly, no. Why do you ask?”

She shrugged her shoulders. “Curiosity, I suppose. I feel all jumbled up, swirled together, turned around. Something unknown is gnawing at my heart. A throbbing little nuisance, it is. Not really painful, but irritating. Like a thorn stuck deep in your heel. You only notice it when you take a step, but it’s aggravating enough to cause madness. Madness to the point where… you just wanna take a razor, slice open the whole foot, dig around inside until the offensive little intruder is found and vanquished.”

“You have a thorn in your heart?” Uriel asked.

“I don’t know. Perhaps it’s akin to a troublesome thorn, yes.”

Hmm… a thorn
, he thought.
I wonder…

She shrugged her shoulders again and bowed to the Angel in her half-praying Dragon manner.

He mirrored her respectful gesture. “Go in peace, Kagi Naga, my littlest sister.”

Chapter 23






Yui stood, staring up at the mystical looking second moon of Jinn. His extraordinarily long hair gently rippled about him while magical heavenly colors danced upon his upturned cheeks.

“What could this mean? Something horrible must have happened… or something wonderful,” he whispered into the night sky, his gaze transfixed on the amazing miracle hanging there in the heavens.

“I’m not entirely certain which way it will go in the end, good Yui—horrible… or wonderful.”

He spun around to find a ghostly figure had joined him, unnoticed, on the balcony. The young Shinobi caught himself against the railing when his knees gave way.

“Are you of this world, Milady?” he whispered.

She reached for him. “Take my hand, old friend, and know that I am flesh.”

He slowly approached the tiny pale woman with the beautifully sad smile. When their fingertips brushed, Yui snatched her hand, pulling her into his arms.

“Milady, I have missed you so much.” He held her firm against his chest, happy tears falling upon her dull silver hair. “Empress Naga, why do you tremble?” He lightly kissed her forehead. “I have you now, Milady. You’re safe with me. I vow never to let you leave Jinn without me again.”

“With but one look, everything about you came flooding back to me,” she sobbed. “I owe you my life, Yui. Many times over.”

“Then you do not recall the truth of it, Empress. I live only for you. That has been the way of it since I first laid eyes upon you.”

“Why can I not recall everyone else with such pleasant ease?” She snorted out a small chuckle before falling silent.

The royal Hand of Jinn felt her go limp in his embrace. He tenderly laid her upon the same giant bed where he had once supported her as Tenshi and Daichi came screaming into the world. She looked like a small girl—all curled up in the center, tiny fists balled up at her nose.

Yui sat by the bed watching her lovely sleeping face. The great mother moon of Jinn bathed her in its soft glow, while the baby moon lent some of its newly found color to her milky skin. He admired her, was in awe of her… as he always had been.

“Have you ever seen so rare a thing?”

He smiled at the comforting sound of Munenori’s warm voice. “No, Senpai. Never.”

“What has our little Naga done now?” The Angel released a heavy sigh as he lay down beside her, fingering one of her curls. “I fear for her, Yui. I know not how many ripples she has unleashed by her actions this night. We may all live to regret that enchanting little moon up there.”

“As long as we live, we will heal,” Yui said. “I will gratefully withstand her next tsunami as long as it means she’s returned to us. Her presence is worth any misery.”

Munenori looked upon Yui’s worshipful gaze. “Your heart is still so dreadfully young, brave Shinobi. Take my advice. Do not harness it to an immortal. Therein lies the gateway to pain.”

He didn’t take his eyes off her. “Your words come too late, Angel. Several years too late.”

Munenori knowingly smiled at him. “Ah yes, Master Yui. Life is a beautiful struggle, is it not?” He whispered into the mound of curls at the back of her head. “Does she know how much you love her?”

“I believe so, yes,” Yui answered softly. “I have never hidden my feelings from her. She knows everything about me.”

“Yes, well, almost everything,” Munenori said.

“What do you mean? She knows my every thought.”

“Perhaps… perhaps not. I believe she knows how much you love her as a friend, a brother, a dear companion.” Munenori gently pulled some of her tangled curls back, lightly touching her soft cheek. “But does she know the
of your heart, boy? Does she know you love her as a woman, as a mate? Does she have any idea how you have denied the rest of the world, denied all the women, denied their advances, denied their hearts? Does she know the truth about you, Yui?”

“I have no desire to weigh down her enchanting heart with such drivel as that,” Yui said, still gazing at her sleeping face. “It’s irrelevant, anyway. She knows I will always be here for her, no matter what. And in the end, that’s all that truly matters—the person who sticks by you, regardless.” He tenderly kissed her cheek. “I cannot be held responsible for what silly things other women may dream up in their hearts. I do not feel as if I’ve denied myself anything. On the contrary, I have lived in nothing but blissful happiness since her first day within this realm.”

Munenori watched as the impossibly beautiful young Shinobi curled his fingertips together with those of his sleeping Empress, smiling softly when she squirmed and then tightened their loving grip. It warmed his heart and broke it at the same time.

A love that will never be… yet can never stop. Such is the heart of the brave. Strong and true… yet chained.
He sighed softly, and then slept.




Finnean fell to his knees, shattered. He couldn’t breathe. He couldn’t blink. And he couldn’t possibly stop his flowing tears.

“You really loved my mama, didn’t you?” Tenshi spoke as he sat down, cross-legged, beside the weeping warrior.

“Upon sight.” His voice cracked.

“Yes, she has that damnable effect on too many of us,” Ahriman growled.

Daichi approached the soul-eater. “Why are you here, fallen one? I can tell by your look, you’re the one she called Vybius. What business do you have within this realm?”

Ahriman laughed coolly. “The day I start answering to a sniveling baby Angel is the day my feet freeze to the floor of hell.”

“What did you do to my mama?” Tenshi asked.

The amethyst dark Angel glared at the gentle son of his mighty Prince. “I answer you only out of deepest respect and devotion to both your parents, especially your treasured mother.” His voice softened. “I bestowed upon that rare creature an even rarer gift. I gave her the key to the dark kingdom, the one and only magic ticket. If your precious mother so chooses, she now possesses the means to obtain her greatest desire. If she uses the talent I have gifted her, your adoring parents can remain eternally embraced in their most magical love. You see, no matter what that worthless old Angel says…” He motioned with his head toward Munenori. “…I really
love your mama, Tenshi. I only want her to be happy.” Ahriman smiled slightly before disappearing into smoke, blowing away on a strange breeze.

The sapphire Angel only stared blankly at the spot where the odd soul-eater had just stood, as he tenderly rubbed his giant hand up and down the snow-crowned warrior’s trembling back.

“Do not coddle him, Tenshi,” Daichi growled. “He is a grown man, more than capable of dealing with the affairs of the heart. Leave him to his misery.”

“Shut the hell up, Daichi,” Tenshi responded nonchalantly. “He is but a human. He had no idea how much this would hurt. You know too well the sort of pull Mama can have on your heart. Look into his eyes. Can you not see it?” Tenshi’s enormous heart broke for the tortured man at his side. “The bitter truth is plain within them. I can see clearly. He loved her… without question. For these past many days, their hearts beat for nothing but each other. Like it was fated to be, perhaps.” He looked up at his glaring brother. “Show some empathy for the poor man. You now share his tremendous pain. You know well his feeling of world-shattering loss.”

Daichi roared. The release of his unbearable grief shook loose the crumbling mortar between the ancient stones, raining dust down upon them. He turned his blind fury on Valencia.

“Your judgment is past due, conniving little Guardian,” Daichi snarled. “Time to die.”

“Hold, Brother.” Vareilious approached him. “You do not own this woman’s summons. I agree with you, yes. All that has happened to all of us can be laid at her perfect little feet. Yet learn you nothing from your mother’s mistakes? This is vengeance, Brother. And it will be your undoing.”

“She is not my mother!” Daichi’s teary outburst tore deep into their crumbling hearts. “She is the largest piece of me.” His voice was no longer terrifying. He trembled. “I am nothing without her. She’s the only reason I was even created. Minus her, I am irrecoverably lost… destroyed.”

“Aye, Brother, as are we all,” Vittorio said. “Go. Find yer Naga. Leave our sister tae us. We guarantee she’ll receive her proper

The forlorn Guardians took Valencia by her bruised arms and flew back to Vanahirdem, leaving the new Angels alone in their own type of hell.

“Did you find my daughter?” Brodder ran into the room and fell down before his weeping brother. “Tell me you found her, Finnean. Tell me she yet lives.”

“Of course she lives,” Daichi snapped. “As much as she wished it were not so, she lives. Immortals tend to do that.”

Only when the sapphire Angel spoke, did the King of Val Hal notice the giant twins.

an Angel, after all,” Daichi continued. “Nothing in the whole of your realm could kill her.” He glared at Finnean as he spoke to the King. “Alas, she left this layer. And… I hope she never returns.”

“Why do you call Mama your daughter?”

“Who… who are you?” Brodder said, amazed.

“I am Tenshi. And this is my brother, Daichi. Naga is my mama. Are you the one who found her?”

Brodder’s great shock upon seeing the ethereal duo was tempered by Tenshi’s soft, child-like voice.

“Yes. I heard her hit the ground. She was so tiny, so fragile looking. I almost thought her a doll.” His eyes glassed over with the memory. “I sang to her and it made her smile. I thought she’d fallen from the moon. I carried her to my home, kept her safe.” Tears gathered in his unblinking eyes. “She loved me instantly, as I did her. My wee Gealach couldn’t speak and she claimed no memory of her life before I found her.”

“And this man, here.” Daichi nodded toward Finnean. “How did he come to know her?”

The King placed a comforting hand on the younger man’s bowed head. “He is my trusted brother, high general among my ranks, and Hand to the King. There are five valiant men who serve me and I trust them above all.” Brodder looked back to Daichi. “They came to my home while Gealach and I were playing with swords.” He allowed a fond chuckle to escape. “She saved my life that day. Then she restored the man sent to claim it. Bewitched by the silver lady sitting upon my throne, he was.”

“I loved her without question,” Finnean added quietly. “Even though I knew she wasn’t human, I cared not. I loved her. But then, when she licked me… I was forever lost.”

“She licked you?” Daichi roared.

“Yes. By my command,” Brodder answered in Finnean’s stead. “That’s how she knew Gráda meant me harm. I asked her to do likewise to my four remaining generals.”

“Be glad they all lived through it,” Daichi snorted. “It’s obvious she had lost sanity if she did thus willingly and without regard.”

“Not so,” Finnean whispered. “She drew back from me. She even wrote down why she couldn’t treat me the same as my brethren. She said she was poison.” His tears returned. “Yet, I forced her… and nearly went mad because of it.”

Tenshi laid an arm across Finnean’s shaking shoulders. “If you can live with this great pain, with this wretched broken heart, but for a season, I promise to bring Mama back here. When she is well, more like herself, I will return with her. She can unbind you; leave your heart as it was before.”

The crumbling warrior looked the Angel in the eye. “Bring her back, yes. But she has already used her magic… She spoke the words to undo her spell. The madness left, yet my love remained.”

King Brodder grabbed Tenshi’s hand. “Please, if it’s within you power, bring my little Gealach back to me.” Tears blurred his royal eyes. “She’s my only daughter. No matter how brief our time, I love her as my own flesh and blood. Please. I didn’t even get to say farewell to my precious wee moon.”




“She looks like an Angel.”

Daichi rolled his eyes. “Holy hell, Tenshi. You can say the most absurd things.”

“What?” He turned back to his sleeping mother. “Just look how the moon makes her new skin glow. She takes my breath away.”

Daichi stared at the ethereal creature his soul was irrecoverably chained to. She looked like a helpless child. Sound asleep in Munenori’s arms, Yui curled up in the chair by her bed. It brought an unwilling smile to his handsome face.

“I thought I told you never to touch her, Angel,” Daichi said quietly. “I leave you two alone but for a moment and you claim a place beside her. And in her bed, no less. One day… I shall make you pay an awesome price for this honored pleasure.”

Munenori didn’t open his eyes, but he smiled slightly and pulled her closer. She squirmed in protest, mumbled incomprehensively, and rested quietly back against his chest.

Daichi sighed loudly as he joined Tenshi on the balcony. The cool wind blew his lovely sapphire hair. His chest expanded as he audibly inhaled the rich, calming scent of Jinn.

“She did that for
, ya know,” Tenshi said. “She knows how much you love that moon. Mama left all of herself in the heavens, just for you.”

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