Demon Dark (3 page)

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Authors: penelope fletcher

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Tomas death was not your fault. He brought it down on his own head when he chose to take you.

She jabbed a finger at me.

It was your own damn fault when you didn t send him away when you had the chance to. It was your fault when you kissed him and encouraged him to fall in love with you knowing that you could never feel the same. But Rae?

Pressing my lips together, I looked up.

It was his fault when he incurred the wrath of Breandan. That was something primal you couldn t have controlled, even though you tried.

She sighed.

And failed so spectacularly.


I pressed my eyes closed, once again seeing Breandan grip Tomas head and heave. I bit my lip to numb the pain, forced the hurt of Tomas betrayal to help me accept how he died.

Breandan didn t have to


Rae, you re not a child. You know how that fool fairy feels for you. You are his mate. What self respecting warrior would turn a blind eye not once, but twice, to bold faced insults thrown in his face?

Daphne shook her head.

I loved Tomas like a brother, but he took it too far. He messed with forces he had no business provoking.


Her outlook confused me and I had no bones about telling her so.

Why are you defending him?


Because I understand what Breandan is, and what Tomas was. If Tomas had gained the upper hand, he would ve destroyed Breandan. You would be running from Gwen s fangs and grieving your fairy if Tomas won. Honestly, maybe worse.

Another deep sigh made her braids slink over her shoulder.

Females like to put rose tinted glasses on love, but it s just as ugly as other emotions, perhaps uglier. How much pain and suffering has been caused for love? It just turns out Breandan s love was stronger than Tomas . That doesn t surprise me, Tomas heart was spilt in two.

She looked down at her nails, picked at blood encrusted on the tips. Glancing up at me, she smiled.

What? You think he didn t love her every bit as much as she loved him?


I glowered.

Gwendolyn is crazy.


Yeah, but she wasn t always. She loved Tomas deeply, and unlike me, she ll never forgive what happened, that you can be sure of.


I laughed hysterically, not able to express myself any other way.

Everything is so screwed up.


I stifled a sob, and swiped at an errant tear. I cursed when more slid down my cheeks. My composure crumbled, and I buried my head in my hands. My shoulders shook with both relief and sorrow.


After being reunited with Breandan at Temple, for once, my world had felt perfect. Breandan had held me close, my friends were safe, and I d been happy. Since I d found out who I was, my life had been a disaster. I d been suffocating. The walls closing in on me. Then Breandan and I mated, and the solidarity of that connection freed me of fear. I could breathe easy. My responsibility as Priestess had felt manageable. I d been relaxed, things finally coming under my control. The demons had listened to me as I explained my plan to unite the demon races in preparation to fight the he-witch. Most importantly, I d been ready to face Lochlann and the fairy people with Breandan at my side as my bonded mate. Then in the blink of an eye, Tomas had destroyed everything. His skillful compulsion had made me use my magic to take us right under the he-witche s nose. In this one act, he d shown what a foolish girl I was.


How could I face any of them after what had happened? Embarrassed seemed too kind a word. They would all learn of how weak and easily led I had been. They would find out about the blood tie and mock me. They wouldn t follow me or give me any respect because deep in my heart I knew I didn t deserve loyalty. I had made so many mistakes and dug myself a hole so deep it had taken Breandan to pull me out.


Chilled fingers flitted over my temples. The cold touch cooled my heated face. Daphne rubbed my back and made soothing noises.


Hiccupping, my head pounded from the intense outpouring of emotion. I scrubbed a hand over my face hoping that my swollen eyes, and itchy nose would subside before Breandan returned.

Thanks for trying to make me feel better, but I m not that great a person,

I admitted.

I don t know what I m doing half the time. You ve probably made the wrong choice defending me.

I rubbed my nose, the urge to sneeze distracting.


Daphne prodded me with her elbow.

You re a good person, Rae. Nobody is a saint, and no one is asking you to be.

She paused.

Well, no one apart from your entire species, of course.


My eyes squinted, and I sucked in a breath, my nostrils flaring and tingling. I sneezed so loud the back of my throat burned, and my stomach muscles clenched.


Nocturnal birds squawked in the trees, wolves bayed in the distance.


I sighed and wiggled my toes, rubbing the fleshy button of my nose to quell the urge to sneeze again. I needed answers. I wouldn t be able to move past these hurtful memories if I didn t get them.

Do you know why it was so important for Tomas to bring me to the Nest?


I do.


I lowered my gaze to the floor. A frog leaped past and vanished under a cluster of mushrooms sprouting from a dark mound of earth.


Would you tell me?

I asked, sniffing pitifully.




Biting my lip, I slowly looked up, expecting scorn. Her gaze was compassionate not mocking.

Okay. I m ready.


Queen Gwendolyn saw bringing you to the Nest would save us,

she began.

Tomas was convinced that it was only a matter of time before he died, before we all died. Cael isn t exactly mindful of the fact the majority of us are insane and starving. Tomas had told me before Gwen turned vampire that she was a Seer. Her Sight works differently from Cael s offspring


Already she d thrown in something alarming that needed further clarification.

Sorry, offspring? As in there s more like him?


Daphne held up a petite hand to signal me to slow down.

Cael has had many sons and daughters, but they all died. All of them tried to kill him and usurp his place as Coven Father.

Her face twisted in disgust.

And people call vampires ruthless. The only one left alive is the most recently born, Ana. She left over a month ago, and we haven t seen her since.

Daphne frowned.

Off the topic. As I was saying, Gwen s visions are sporadic and occur in a trancelike state. They re fractured images she spends weeks deciphering into something intelligible. She never tells us what she sees exactly, just what she s deduced. It s clear that you re in someway connected to Cael. I d wager that talisman round your neck is what opens the grimoire the witches are so eager to get their hands on. That s why Cael questioned the High Lord before he was drained. He was seeking the key s whereabouts. When the fairy revealed it was in the rightful hands of the fairy Priestess, Cael fell silent then simply left the High Lord to Gwen s & well you know what happened to him.

She peered into my face.

It wasn t fair. Had I been allowed I d have given the High Lord a warrior s death, I swear.


Devlin was chained with iron?

I asked.

Poisoned, after you defeated him?


Daphne shook her head.

No. He was hard to take down, and he would have escaped if he could use his magics. But Cael has an enchantment that stops any magic wielders of a certain power being able to conjure in the inner city. It s an added layer of protection for his Coven. The further out we go the easier it will be for you to use your magics. I was worried when you stopped before that you wouldn t be able to pull off what you did.


That explained why it had been so hard for me to control the magic. My tiredness hadn t been entirely at fault.


Something still was not right about Devlin s death.

Even if you overpowered him Devlin was strong. I just don t understand why he didn t escape.


Daphne gripped my shoulder.

Rae. Cael is powerful, very powerful. And I m not exactly a weakling either.


So, you didn t kill him?


She shook her head.

I captured him, but no, the killing blow was not mine.


I dropped the subject and relaxed. Gwendolyn was not the only deranged demon that would be seeking the revenge of a lost mate, and I knew Breandan would be taking us straight back to the Wyld. I didn t want the added worry of protecting Daphne from Wasp when the fairy discovered her mate was dead.


How did Devlin s death affect Lochlann s move for control of the Tribe? Was he now High Lord of the fairy people? Was Lochlann already in power back at the Wylds?


So much time and energy wasted defeating Devlin, and he wasn t the real problem, Cael was. Lochlann had to be told of this threat.


Unless he already knew.


The thought made my blood go cold.


Did Lochlann know about Cael? Is that why he was so hell bent on getting rid of Devlin, so he would be able to deal with the he-witch? It was clear Devlin was trying to draw power to him whilst dealing with Lochlann s uprising, and seeking darker magics as defense from Cael made complete sense. Did Lochlann know? When he came back, and found Breandan injured, where had he been that whole time? I assumed he d been on some wild goose chase for an amulet, and so had Breandan, but what if his long absence from the Wylds served another purpose? I remember being so mad at him for just leaving his Tribe for so long and telling no one where he went.


I turned to Daphne, suspicious.

Why are you here?


She looked out into the direction I could feel Breandan.

He will do anything to make you happy and keep you with him. I will do anything to keep you safe.


Breandan is safety.


Daphne shook her head, as she seemed to do to nearly everything I said. It was getting old fast.

No, Rae. I saw how Tomas feelings towards you sent him into a frenzy. When it comes to you, his judgment is impaired. One day it will get you both killed, and you have an important destiny, one too important to waste.


We stared each other down.


You don t know him,

I argued, my tone and body posture defensive.


She arched an eyebrow at my intensity.

Would he die for you?


I sucked in a breath and struggled with the pain that pressed on my heart at the thought of Breandan no longer by my side to miss his proud jaw clenching in frustration, and his eyes sparking with anger. How would I cope without the fervor with which he kissed me?


I ll not live without him.

Frowning, I tried to explain it, knowing there would come a time when I would have to explain these feelings to people who needed to hear them. Like Lochlann, and the fairy people.

He will not die for me, because he knows I need him to live. If he dies, I die. Then he would have failed.


Yeah, but he won t tolerate any threat towards you. That is dangerous. I see it in him Rae, his need to protect you. There is no reasoning it and it s fine until it causes a problem. You re going to need to face Cael at some point, and how do you think he ll react when you do? Breandan will keep you safe, for a time, but you shouldn t put all your trust in one person. You re setting them up for a fall if you do and it ll be as much your fault as theirs.


Okay, what are your suggestions? I m told not to do this or not to do that, but nobody has any actual suggestions when I ask for an alternative. Well?

She was quiet.

Exactly. Breandan and I are bonded, that is done. Whatever plans we have just need to be worked around it. I m tried of people pointing the finger my way and laying blame. It s not all down to me, other people make crappy decisions too, but it seems I m the one that takes the fall for it.


You have other options.




Me, for one. I can protect you too.


Why? Why do you want to protect me?


This is where I should be. I m sure of it. I have skills superior to others of my kind, and I use them to satisfy the whims of a lunatic, and a witch who has no interest in my survival.

She shrugged.

Tomas asked me to protect you, so that s what I ll do. This gives me some purpose. Let me stay close to you, don t shut me out because you re tempted to confuse my intentions with my mentor s failings.


Seriously? I trusted Tomas. I promised I d help him, and he kept the truth about his Nest s entanglement with Cael. When he learnt who I was, he had to know that handing me over to Gwendolyn would put me in danger. Now you expect me to forget all that and trust you with my life?


She cracked her knuckles, my suspicion is that she imagined each crack was a place on my spine, and glared at me.

I ve already told you that I mean you no harm. I m not saying we have to braid hair and cuddle at night, but I am saying you should keep me close to you, and not run away from me.



I shrugged, knowing it would take more trust to do that than I had to give, but I would try.

The last vampire who told me that he wanted to keep me safe was a liar. Excuse me if I m not falling over to make the same mistake.


My ears picked up a faint crunching of leaves underfoot, and my head turned towards the sound.


Breandan walked from the gloom into the firelight. With a clear mind, the sight of him hit me like a fist to the gut. My tail snaked through the air over my shoulder to thump it repeatedly in excitement and my wings rustled. Horrified my body was giving me away so blatantly I tucked my tail around my legs and paid particular attention to keeping myself still. I mean, I couldn t just jump him and rub myself all over him. I wasn t sure if he would return my affection, or drop me on my ass. I was fully recovered, and he didn t have to take care with me anymore.

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