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Authors: penelope fletcher

Demon Dark (10 page)

BOOK: Demon Dark
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he barked and she tossed her head at him.


Don t yell at me,

she shot back, voice sharp and high.


We do not have time for this,

an annoyed voice interjected. My gaze snapped to the grizzly man who already stared at me.


His body was lean, packed with muscle, and the hair on his head shaggy. His eyes were a bizarre yellowish-brown, and his teeth too sharp to be human. Scarred torso longer than the norm his feet were large for a man his height. Though many surrounding him were taller or bulkier his dominant pose and fierce expression screamed Alpha.


Shifter he may be, he wasn t a cat, nor part of Byron s Pride. His face was not leonine like the were-cats. From the way Amelia and Nimah were staring at him, almost bristling, I guessed were-wolf.


Kalcifer &.

the larger man behind him said in a measured tone of warning. I tried not to let my gaze linger on this stranger, but it was difficult. He was captivating. Alluring. Beast-like. He tugged at my fairy nature, a kindred sprit.


It must be asked, Baako. We must know before we trust them.

Politely ignoring the words of his friend, Kalicfer jerked his head in my direction.

She s powerful,

he said to Lochlann.



Lochlann, in a moment of madness, moved away from Daphne to hold out his hand to me. It wasn t a spoken lie, but a deception nonetheless, a pretend claiming of me. And I was supposed to totter over and take it? Like I would ever fall for that again.


As I said,

he began in a low timbre,

before the Priestess and her & rebellious, troublesome, and rude retinue arrived, my powers and influence on my people grows stronger. I can bring peace using the old ways. With Rae s and my power combined we will destroy the witches. We will cast aside the vampires that protect them, and bring the humans to heel. We can do this alone but the loss of life would be less if we had greater numbers to speed the victory.


All eyes were on me, waiting for me to show acceptance of Lochlann s claim.


I stood still, thinking on what would be best.


Our victory was not that assured nor was the situation as cut and dry as that. For sure, this speech confirmed Lochlann was fully aware the witches were our real enemy not the humans but his consistent condemnation of humankind an vampirekind alike concerned me.


In particular, the humans were scattered right now, vulnerable, and they needed protection, not violence from the demons they feared.


I had yet to explain to him what had happened since the last time we d spoken. At the time I was not myself. I had believed I had lost Lex, and things were still unresolved between Breandan and I. Lochlann had tried to coax me to do the right thing but I had frozen him out. Shut him down when he tried to make me see reason. His insistence we should mate to stabilise the future of fairykind had nauseated me, and I hadn t exactly been gentle in my rejection. The highhandedness he decided to use when it came to me did nothing but rile me up. He made me want to defy him. Since the moment I d met Lochlann he d pegged me as a nuisance and a complication to his master plans. I knew it was foolish to breed resentment towards him, especially since his younger brother and sister were so wonderful, but just like he couldn t help but look down on me, I couldn t help baiting him.


Lochlann knew the bond was sealed, that was obvious to all magic users who knew what they were looking for when they studied my mate and I. However, did he know that I knew about Cael? Did he know I fought the he-witch, and that he had spoken to me, and given me a message? Had Maeve and the others told him exactly how Breandan and I had reduced the human Temple to pitted rubble? Did he suspect that I had met the vampire Queen, and that his brother had killed her consort, the vampire I had sought to protect, Tomas? Did he know of the Vodoun who had aided me? Where was Ana? Was he aware she was Cael s daughter? Would he use her to draw the he-witch out?


So many questions and I had no answers. How was I supposed to make the right decision with so many powerful strangers staring at me, without a chance to think?


Why does she not go to you?

Kalcifer asked. His suspicion and tension grew.

If she is yours and your power is united why does her energy flow towards that one there.

Kalcifer jabbed his finger at Breandan who stiffened at my back.

They reek of each other.


I smell it too,

agreed the large man whose wildness called to me, Baako, they said his name was.


Once again my eyes lingered. The musky smell of animal suggested he was a shapeshifter of some kind. Not a wolf like the Alpha Kalcifer. Not a feline either. I knew what they smelt like, and from the way the group instinctively arranged themselves the shifters stood separate according to species and strength. Baako was strong. Powerful. Bands of sinewy muscle stretched over his wide chest, bulky arms, and thick thighs. Around his hips was slung a sheath of tan cloth. The rest of him was bare skin. All the shifters wore hastily thrown on scraps of earth coloured material. Baako s hair was shorn close to his head, and his skin was a warm chocolate his eyes a darker shade. There was something bestial and dangerous about this man that overshadowed the others of his kind. The other shifters were drawn to and repelled by him.


Sensing him return my appraisal, I averted my gaze lest he get the wrong idea why I stared so intensely.


Amelia and Nimah prowled small circles in their were-cat form. It was the first time I had seen both of them Changed at once and Amelia was bulkier than her sleek sister. Both cougars were the colour of ochre. Almond eyes slitted in concentration, they took everything in, stopping occasionally to rub their faces into their father s calves, or scratch up the earth with their claws.


Amelia paused her pacing to anxiously angle her head towards the centre of the Wyld, the place of power I had called upon the Loa.


Nimah finally stretched, her elongated body angled down as her ass and tail went high up in the air and her head and front legs ducked down. She opened her maw wide and yawned, pink tongue curling before lazily flopping down at her Alpha s feet. He scratched behind her ears and she purred.


Byron looked uncomfortable away from his Pride. He remained human, probably to see to the protection of his daughters, or possibly all the shifter Alphas had remained human out of respect to the other demons in attendance. He seemed much less volatile then when I had first met him, now he had his daughters safe and close to him. His one eyeball rolled oddly as his gaze roamed and occasionally settled apprehensively on Alec, who stood with Maeve.


The two young demons were separate from the fairies and the shifters. They stood together alone, outcast, but they did not look unhappy. Alec stood with his hands settled possessively on her waist and Maeve wore a happy smile.


They are mated,

a petite woman with startlingly large eyes and windswept hair added in a reedy voice.


For a moment, I thought she spoke about Alex and Maeve. I was about to correct her and explain it was a Claiming, but my words died when I recognised she was of the two natured as well. Ah. Though my mind had wandered attention was still on Breandan and me.


This shifter s face was pinched and her top lip puckered. Her neck impossibly long, and her skin the colour of conkers. She twitched.

How is that possible?

Her eyes darted from Breandan, to me, to Lochlann then finally rested on Daphne. Suspicion.

The Priestess is the consort of the High Lord. I remember this from teachings passed down through my line. Hatchling to hatchling.


Kalcifer stepped forward.

It is the same with us, Gita. From cub to cub legends of the fae ones is passed down. Speak plainly fairy. What happens here? We were told the Priestess had been found, and that it was time to cleanse our world of the human and vampire,

he flicked his gaze contemptuously over Daphne,



This is ridiculous,

Daphne interjected before Lochlann could speak. He looked stunned and his fists clenched showing his frustration, but he did not speak to her.

No wonder you demons struggle to control any vampire who crosses your path. You let hate of the past blind you to what must be done for the future good of all kinds. We need to remain focused on the threat of the Coven Father and the Nest he controls. Not on whom Rae is bonded with.

Daphne slapped a hand over her mouth, and her blonde braids shook as a tremor passed through her body.


Terrified cries came from behind us. The small crowd of demon leaders and their guards swelled back.


Breandan sighed heavily.


I felt his aggravation. This Meet was not going as planned and it had barely begun.



Gita shrieked scuttling back. Bits of twig dislodged from the puffy body of her hair.


Lochlann grabbed Daphne s upper arm in an iron-like grip, as if this alone would counter act her loose tongue.



The vampire s eyes were wide with regret. Her lips pressed together, and I knew she was cursing herself for opening her mouth. We hadn t told her to keep our bond secret, but it was pretty much implied. She peeked a look at Lochlann before her lashes shuttered down and she paled. Her rose lips were stark against her ashy skin.


Kalcifer held up a hand to settle down those around him who had started to vibrate with heat and nervous energy halting their Change.


He slowly shook his head holding Lochlann s gaze.

No, my Lord, we cannot be silent. We know you cannot lie, but you have omitted much truth. Why should my wolf brothers and I follow you if you cannot control the one who should be yours? Why should any demon follow you when you cannot control your own?


And not just any followers,

Wasp interjected gleefully. I ground my back teeth together. I knew she d be around here somewhere, though I had hoped I d be able to go a while longer without her charming presence.

His younger brother and former Wyld Guardian.

Striding forward she stood hand on jutted hip.

Breandan stole Rae from under Lochlann s nose, and was allowed to break his oath to this Wyld. He formed a treacherous bond with the one supposed to save us, and encouraged her to use this tie to the Source to strengthen her weak magics.

She turned scarlet eyes to me and grinned maliciously.

How many people have you nearly gotten killed Rae? Remind me, I forget.


Flushing, I swayed back as if to hide from her, but remembered that her poison tongue was nothing compared to what I would have to face. I let her comments wash over me and simply shrugged, looking away to dismiss her and her accusations.


My checks burned.


My gaze snagged Daphne s and I looked a question at her; was she alright?


She winked. The High Lord frightened her, anyone would be a fool not to be scared of Lochlann when he was mad, but she did not let him see her fear.


I worked on reflecting her weary distain for the entire event at hand.


Lochlann s attention had left the vampire he held so tightly. He glared at Wasp, furious she had revealed so much that made him look inept at leadership. I was used to it, for him, it had to sting.


You will hold your tongue,

he seethed, the cords in his neck bulging.


Wasp drew herself up to her fearsome height, dreadlocks bristling, and eyes blazing with fury.

Why should I simper and hide the truth? I always knew you were weak, but I have no fear. Devlin will return for what is rightfully his.

I made a choked sound and her head snapped to point at me.

Have you no words, Priestess? I m glad the very name of my consort invokes fear in you. He will tear this delusion down around your head and make you all suffer. I thought you d run away with your vampire, but I see my hopes were in vain. No matter. I will free Devlin myself. Only the gods know why I bothered to reason with a bunch of dim witted, deserting



Breandan said quietly and it echoed through the copse.


Stunned, Wasp stopped speaking and touched her chin to her chest momentarily.


Breandan calmly took my hand. He moved us to where Wasp stood and dipped his head for the briefest of moments.


I hadn t wanted to be there when he told her about Devlin. I didn t want to see her pain. It reminded me too much of my own pain, my own loss.


It brings me sadness and deepest regret,

Breandan began, but Wasp held up her hand and pushed the air. High-pitched noises broke from her chest. She cut them off, dropping her head to focus on breathing normally. Breandan continued regardless.

High Lord Devlin is no longer of this world. He has moved beyond the veil to meet his forebears. May the gods comfort you in this time of grief.


Sharp intakes of breath were heard throughout the Wyld and the air crackled with unclaimed magics. The trees and undergrowth dimmed, lamenting the loss of their master. Energy hummed from the soles of my feet up into my calves, thighs, and lower stomach. I wiggled my fingertips as power poured through me and closed my eyes to sink deeper into this connection with the earth. I dropped my head back and soaked in the feeling of life at its most elemental zinging through the air.


I was not the only one. Those with a connection to magics felt it, so all the demons stood in a heightened state, drinking in the rapture.


The power reverted and rushed away from me, from everyone to be absorbed into a bright aura in the middle of the Meet.

BOOK: Demon Dark
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