Deceptively Yours (Wanton Weston Women, Book Two) (7 page)

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Authors: Wynter Daniels

Tags: #Erotica

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“Ape?” he supplied as he slipped his keycard into the reader.

“No, of course not. Please…forget I said it.” She followed him inside. The room bore his woodsy scent. She inhaled and held her breath, hoping to memorize it.

He quickly snatched up some discarded clothes from the floor and loaded them into a plastic laundry bag in the corner. “Sorry. I wasn’t expecting a guest.”

She supposed that was a good sign. He had no illusions that she planned to sleep with him. “Please don’t go to any trouble on my account.”

He disappeared into the bathroom then emerged holding a small red-and-white box and a bag of half-melted ice. “Have a seat and I’ll take a look at your ankle.”

She grabbed the only chair in the room—way safer than sitting on the bed.

Guy perched on the edge of the mattress opposite her, lifted her foot and rested it on his knee.

He cupped her heel, his touch gentle yet firm. Pressing on the swollen area above her ankle bone, he glanced at her as she winced. “Hurts there, huh?”

She nodded although she had to admit—if only to herself—that his touch really did make it better.

He felt around her foot, caressed her shin and ankle, less like a doctor or nurse and more as a lover would. She licked her suddenly dry lips.

Torrid heat stole through her. She gripped the arms of the chair tightly to keep her hands from trembling.

Guy carefully held the bag of ice to the most swollen area for a minute then moved it to the other side of her leg. He manipulated her foot around the joint. “Any better?”

“Yeah, a little.”

“Are you cold? I can turn down the air conditioner.” Concern edged his tone.

“No, it’s fine.” She clasped her hands on her lap to keep them still.

He set the ice aside and rubbed her toes and the front of her foot. She closed her eyes for a few seconds and drank in the sensuality. “Did you know the feet are covered in pressure points that tie to various parts of the rest of the body? You can actually control pain by working those spots.”


“Mm hmm. I read a book about reflexology a long time ago.”

He massaged an inch or so below her big toe, rubbed slow, suggestive circles. “What part does this affect?”

She swallowed hard when she realized the answer. “The heart,” she said quietly.

His lips curled in a sexy grin. “It’s all part of my plan.”

How was she supposed to resist his charm?

She shifted uncomfortably in her seat and pulled her leg away. “I’m sure it’ll be okay, thanks.”

He leaned toward her and slipped his hand around her calf. Lingering in the spot, he leveled a chastising stare at her. “I’m not through with you yet. Wrapping it will help. Trust me.” He lifted her foot and returned it to his knee, never releasing his hold.

She gripped the arms of the chair tightly and held her breath as Guy dug in his first-aid kit for a cloth bandage roll.

“This’ll give it some stability.” He gently wound the fabric around her heel and ankle then fastened it with a clawed metal pin. “There.” He set her foot on the floor, his stare locked on hers.

No man had ever done anything as sweet and caring for her. She drew a ragged breath and gave him a wary smile. “I-I’m famished. I should put my shoes back on.” Slipping her feet into the sandals—one of which was now a bit tighter thanks to the bandage and the swelling—she stood and nearly crashed into Guy, who got up at the exact same moment.

He towered above her, a wall of muscle, and his eyes turned dark like a stormy sea. Was it her imagination that their hearts beat in unison?

“You’re so pretty, Laura.”

Their bodies touched at all the right places—her breasts to his broad chest, the hardness of his erection to the softness of her abdomen—and suddenly she was swamped in desire. She wondered how they didn’t incinerate on the spot. Panic drummed through her at the thought of kissing him yet her legs refused to move.

Guy cradled her cheek and she couldn’t resist leaning into his palm. Her eyelids slipped lazily shut. A heavy, demanding pulse settled between her legs.

He brushed his lips over hers, so softly she barely felt it. Yet inside her, a million firecrackers exploded all at once, flooding her system with passion and lust.

He firmly grasped her upper arms and the hard length of him pressed against her belly. She shouldn’t let this go any further but she was powerless to resist. He closed his mouth over hers and she opened to him, invited him inside.

She silenced the alarms in her head so she could enjoy the minty taste of him, the velvet-smooth feel of his tongue as it tangled with hers. Nothing existed but that moment and the two of them.

Her sigh disappeared between them, somewhere in the depths of the best kiss ever.

But the quiet perfection they shared shattered at the shrill laughter of a woman in the hallway. Then a man shouted something Laura couldn’t make out and a door slammed shut.

Guy broke the kiss. His eyes held an apology. “The walls are paper thin, sorry. It’s been nothing but parties here.”

She backed away, thankful for the interruption that stopped her before they did something she’d regret. “That’s what hedonists do, right? Thanks for taking care of me…my foot. We should go to dinner.” Without waiting for his reply, she started toward the door.

She kept quiet in the elevator as they descended to the lobby. With her arms wrapped tightly around her body, she hoped it was clear she had no intention of allowing him to touch her again.

When the elevator doors slid open, she rushed out ahead of him and strode across the lobby, her heels clacking on the marble floor. The pain in her ankle had eased a lot thanks to the TLC Guy gave her.

That kiss had been just as wonderful as she’d imagined but it would have to hold her for a long time. She had no business indulging in a fling, especially here, where she was pretending to be her sister. This was way too important to Suzanne for her to mess up because of some silly crush.

Guy caught up to her in time to hold the door for her as she entered the restaurant.

“Thank you.” She kept her tone polite but clipped. She couldn’t let on how off balance his kiss had left her. For heaven’s sake, her panties were wet.

The maître d’ escorted them to a table next to a window. A burgundy cloth draped the round tabletop and a single candle in the middle flickered from inside a glass jar. The quiet corner spot by the fireplace provided a view of the mountain on one side and the Caribbean Sea on the other.

“This is lovely,” she said as Guy brushed past the maître d’ to seat her.

He sat opposite her as their waiter arrived and handed them menus.

“The chef’s special is lobster-stuffed ravioli finished with a Romano cream sauce,” the man informed them.

Guy ordered a bottle of wine then glanced across the small table at Laura as she studied the menu. “See anything you like? The special sounds great.”

She bit on her lower lip and huffed. Everything sounded so fattening. “I think I’ll have a salad.”

He covered her hand with his, searing the spot where they touched. “Let loose, just for tonight.”

Was he referring to more than just dinner? The heat in his smoky stare answered her question. She swallowed hard as a hot thread of longing curled around her senses.

After the waiter came and poured their wine, Guy lifted his glass to hers. “To the prettiest lady in the room.”

Her mouth went dry at his seductive toast, but it was only flattery designed to get her into bed. She sipped the wine, savored the subtle fruity flavor. “Mm. That’s delicious.”

“One of my favorites. I enjoy good wine…and good company.” His gaze wandered to her chest but he quickly looked up at her face. “What do you like to do?”

She shrugged and fiddled with one of her earrings. “There’s not much to tell.”

He furrowed his brow. “There’s
something to tell.”

“I’m a homebody. After work I usually get on the computer and check email and Facebook. Then I read. Boring, huh?” When the tiny muscles around his jaw twitched self-consciously, she wished she could take the words back.

“I didn’t realize you held a regular job besides being a writer. What do you do and when do you write your columns?”

Uh oh. Why couldn’t she remember she was supposed to be Suzanne…or Dear Annie? God, it was confusing to keep up the ruse. “I…well, I work at a bookstore. And I write at night…after I read and stuff.” She kept her eyes down, afraid she’d give herself away if she looked at him.

Either she was lying or she was embarrassed about something. He settled on the latter. Maybe her columns didn’t pay enough to live on. “So tell me about this book you’ve written. I don’t think I’ve ever met a real author before.”

She smiled. “I’m proud of…myself. The book is just, you know, sort of a compilation of my columns.”

“I’m looking forward to your speech.”

She downed most of her wine in one gulp. “Me too.” She shook her head. “No, that’s not true. I’m actually terrified. What if I’m awful? What if I fall on my ass in front of all those people?”

He refilled her glass. “You’ll do fine.”

“Will you come? It would help to see a friendly face in the audience.”

His chest tightened at her sweet, plaintive tone. “I was planning on it.” What if Harry arrived tomorrow? Being there for her keynote address might not be an option but he hated to let her down.

“Thank you.” Her features softened with relief. Reflected candlelight sparkled in her eyes. As she drank her wine he couldn’t help but study her lean arms and long, graceful fingers. Her throat bulged slightly with a swallow. He wanted to kiss that lovely neck and everything above and below it.

But he couldn’t dwell on what it would be like to make love to her. If he did, he’d never be able to stand up when they finished dinner. His phone vibrated in his pocket. He covertly took it out and checked the display. Frowning, he glanced at Laura. “Sorry, I have to take this call.”

She nodded and he was relieved not to find a trace of irritation in her expression. He stepped away to answer his phone.

“Bad news,” Rick said.

Guy glanced at Laura then headed to the lobby so he didn’t disturb any of the patrons. “What is it?”

“Miller Bail Bonds called. They got a tip that Harry might actually be on a different island, or headed there.”

“Shit.” Not only had they wasted time and resources but the notion of leaving Pleasure Cove Island before he got better acquainted with Laura depressed the hell out of him. “How reliable is the tip?”

“That’s the million-dollar question. Monkey Tail Island is just a short plane ride away. One of us can grab an island hopper tonight.”

“One of us?” For a big player like Harry who was likely to have his own security with him, they usually worked as a team for their safety.

“He could still show up here. You want to go or should I?”

He craned his neck to catch a glimpse of Laura in the restaurant. She tucked a stray hair behind her ear. His gut twisted when he thought about never seeing her again. “I’d owe you big time if you’d go.”

Rick laughed. “I think you’re down with the fever, my friend.”

“What are you talking about?”

“The woman. You’ve got it bad. Don’t deny it.”

He waited until a couple passed him on their way into the restaurant before he spoke. “She’s staying next door to the only empty villa. I’m working my way into a strategic position.”

“You’re working your way into a position all right, but I wouldn’t call it strategic.”

He grinned. “Listen, stay in touch. And be careful.”

“You too, buddy. I’ll give you a shout tomorrow.”

He hung up and headed back to his table. “I’m so sorry about that. Where were we?”

Laura shrugged. “I forget.”

He sat down and took a sip of wine. “Where did you say you were from?”

She blinked rapidly and twisted her black cloth napkin between her hands. What was she so nervous about? “Um, Virginia.”

He couldn’t resist a smile. “Really? What part? I live in Baltimore. Maybe I know the bookstore where you work.”

She quickly shook her head. “I’m nowhere near there.” She opened her menu again and lifted it close to her face, creating a less-than-subtle barrier between them.

What had he said now? Something clicked in his mind. Harry was from Richmond. He’d learned long ago that there were few coincidences in life. Could he have let his attraction for Laura cloud his judgment? No, she was a magazine columnist. Why would she associate with a criminal? “Where do you live in Virginia?”

She lowered her menu an inch or two and glanced over the top at him. “Maybe I’ll splurge and have the pasta too.”

Her not-so-stealthy subject change piqued his curiosity but the waiter appeared before he could question her further. He was sure she wasn’t involved with Harry but she was definitely hiding something. Of course, so was he, but his reasons were purely professional.

After he ordered for them he offered another toast. “To getting to know each other.” He tapped his glass to hers, glad that she no longer had a menu to hide behind.

She drank but lowered her gaze.

He wanted to set her at ease. The only way he was going to get to know her was if she’d stop erecting that force field around her. “You said you read a lot, right?”

Her expression brightened. “All the time.”

“What do you think of those e-book readers? Are they just as good as holding a paper book in your hand?”

“We sell them at my bookstore, more all the time. So I’ve gotten to try a bunch out before I bought mine.” All the tightly drawn muscles on her face smoothed out as she told him which brand did this, which did that. It was the most relaxed he’d seen her all day.

Keeping the conversation in her comfort zone was working. “But you still read paper books?”

She nodded. “For some things. I’ll let you in on a secret.” She leaned toward him and he followed suit. “I buy some of my paperbacks at a used book store. As many as I go through in a month, I’d spend my whole paycheck on books if I bought only new ones. Plus, e-books are generally less expensive than paper ones.”

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