Dark Menace MC: Stone (3 page)

Read Dark Menace MC: Stone Online

Authors: Tory Richards

Tags: #erotic, #motorcycles, #erotic romance, #tattoo, #bad boys, #menace, #biker romance, #collateral, #dark menace mc

BOOK: Dark Menace MC: Stone
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I thought about the sexy woman inside the
house. Some men liked their women skinny, but I'd never been one of
them. I liked a woman who was soft and had the kind of curves that
told me that she wouldn't fuckin' break if I got a little rough
with her, and I liked it rough. Hell, I liked everything fucking

"Hey, Prez, that leaves her mouth for you,"
Pit Bull said, getting a laugh from Bulldog and Reggie.

The thought of her mouth wrapped around my
cock made my dick jerk. I knew the twins didn't mind sharing their
women. I'd caught them double teaming Rita more than once and she
didn't seem to mind it either. But I wasn't into sharing. When I
took a woman I wanted all of her to myself. I had no trouble
fucking all three holes.

"I hear you, brothers. You'll get some pussy
soon." I pulled out my cell and checked the time. Seemed Rachel had
been gone a hell of a lot longer than ten fucking minutes. Sighing,
I brought my leg over the seat of my bike. "Be right back."

I figured I got halfway to the door when the
sound of loud voices reached me, a man and a woman arguing. I
picked up my pace and yanked the door open, entering a huge room.
No one was there but the sound of a loud slap told me which
direction to go. As I moved down a hallway I peeked into every room
I passed until I found what I was looking for.

Fucking hell! Rachel was pinned against a
wall, anger on her flushed face and blood at the corner of her
mouth. The man holding her there had his back to me. He had one had
at her throat, and the other was squeezing her tit. I saw fucking
red, walking directly to him without announcing my presence.
Rachel's gaze met mine before I wrapped my arm around the man's
neck and jerked him away from her.

"What the fuck—"

“Don’t hurt him!”

I ignored her and forced the guy face-first
up against a nearby wall. "Next time pick on someone your own
fuckin’ size." I grated the words into his ear and then grabbed a
handful of hair, yanked his head back, and slammed his face into
the wall with enough force that he groaned and sank to the

I swung back to Rachel, assessing the damage.
She was still against the wall, her gaze on the man at my feet.
There wasn't a fucking ounce of emotion on her face for the guy.
Her gaze darted up to mine.

"I thought you said he wouldn't be trouble."
I grated my teeth, taking in the bruise already evident on her
cheek. Fucking bastard! I had zero tolerance for a man who hit a
woman. "You okay?" Her pretty mouth was trembling and I went to
her, examining the damage to her lip. It was a small split. "You
might want to take care of your mouth before we leave."

Her tongue came out to run over the corner of
her mouth. "You probably shouldn't have done that," she said,
nodding toward the unconscious man. “That was out of character for
him, but he’d been drink—”

"Not the response I usually get after saving
someone’s ass," I scowled.

"Jimmy comes from a wealthy family," she went
on. “He has friends.”

Probably the same kind I had. "Worried about
me, babe?" Christ, what was it about this woman that was affecting
me so strongly? It wasn’t as if I didn’t get pussy whenever I
wanted it, but she was making me feel like a fuckin’ teenager. When
she didn't answer me I began to look around, spotting a duffle bag
on the bed.

"I tried to pack while Jimmy was ranting, but
I didn't get very far." She moved away from the wall and went to a

"Why didn't you fuckin' call for help?" I
watched her pull out a couple pairs of jeans and more tanks like
the one she had on.

She shrugged, opening another drawer. "I
thought I could handle him. He's never been physical with me
before." She pulled out some intimate looking shit and stuffed it
in the bag. "I just need a few things from the bathroom and I'll be

"Yo! What the fuck is the hold-up? You tryin'
out the new piece?" Before I could answer Reggie appeared in the
doorway. His eyes immediately fell on Rachel's ex before swinging
back up to me, a question in them.

Rachel walked back into the room, squeezing
past Reggie. He glanced down at her face and back up at me.

"Her ex," I said simply. I heard Rachel zip
up her bag. I grabbed it and turned to leave. "Let's get on the
road." As we neared the door I felt her hesitation. "What?"

"I live with two other people. I probably
should leave them a note or something."

"You can call them later. I'm anxious to get
back to the clubhouse." I kicked the screen door open and headed to
my bike. Once Rachel's bag was secured in a saddlebag on the side
of my bike I turned to her. “You ever been on a bike?” She shook
her head no. “Fuck, baby. You’re in for a treat.” I took her hand
and pulled her over to my Harley. I mounted and turned to look at
her. “Get on.”

When she spread her legs I closed my eyes for
a second, imagining her riding my cock. Christ, I was going to have
a constant hard-on with her riding behind me, knowing her fucking
cunt was against me. I exchanged a look with my crew, who until
then had been silently watching with fucking smirks on their faces.
I knew they’d jump at a chance to have her curves up against them
for the ride home. But they also knew that as their president, I
got first dibs on her pussy.

Chapter 3






What the hell had I gotten myself into? At
that moment I didn’t think that I could hate Ronald any more than I
did. I loved my sister, Maddie, she was all the family I had left,
but honestly, sometimes her lack of judgment had me wondering if we
were truly related by blood. She’d married the scumbag two years
before and not one promise he’d made had happened for her yet. No
new car, no new house in a better neighborhood, no baby. When was
she going to wake up?

I knew that he made good money as a tattoo
artist, but as a compulsive gambler he bet it all away. They were
practically living on Maddie’s pitiful weekly checks that she got
from working at the same bar that I did. Every time I asked her
when she was going to admit that Ronald was a loser and would
always be a loser, she insisted that she loved him. I guess what
they said about love being blind was really true.

Well, it hadn’t worked for me. I thought
about Jimmy, and how we’d left him back at the house. It hadn’t
taken me long to realize that trying to turn our friendship into
something more hadn’t been a good idea. The intimacy had been
awkward and not satisfying, and my feelings for Jimmy hadn’t
morphed into the same love he said he felt for me. The only problem
was that he wanted to keep trying, giving me the “in time” speech,
but I knew that no amount of time was going to make my feelings

I wanted to go back to being just

If Prez (I still didn’t know his name) hadn’t
come in when he had, there was no telling how far Jimmy would have
gone in his drunken state. He’d been trying to convince me to go
back to him, finally losing it when I hadn’t stopped tossing things
into my bag. The truth was that I’d barely been listening to him,
too preoccupied with thoughts of the sexy biker that was waiting
outside, and what going with him really meant. I could only wonder
at what kind of work he was going to have me do. I knew how to tend
bar, and that was about it.

I had no idea how long we’d been riding. A
good portion of it had been with me clinging tightly to Prez with
my face buried against his leathered back. There was no windshield,
and at the speed we were going it felt like my clothes were going
to fly right off me. My long, unbound hair was flying out behind me
in spite of the helmet I was wearing. I’d never ridden on a
motorcycle before, but I had to admit it was exhilarating.

Finally we pulled into the parking lot of a
biker bar. I knew the cobblestone building was ancient and used to
be a gas station. Not much had been done to the outside other than
the removal of the gas pumps. There was no sign identifying the
bar, but this was a small town and everyone knew where the Dark
Menace MC called home. Some land had been cleared to the side and
rear of the building and made into a parking lot. Next to the bar
was a garage, which was still being used as one. The double garage
doors were closed, and two vehicles were parked in front of them. A
twelve foot chain link fence surrounded the grounds.

Other than a dozen or
so motorcycles that were backed up at the front of the bar, all
seemed quiet for an early Friday afternoon. Prez pulled in at an
angle, and also backed into a spot close to the entrance. He cut
the engine and held his hand back, to help me off, I assumed. Once
I was standing I reached up to undo my helmet. He dismounted and
swung my way, watching me. I tried not to let his silent scrutiny
bother me, but that was difficult to do when I was pretty sure that
what I saw in his dark eyes was arousal. I finally got the strap
undone and offered him the helmet, staring right back at him and
ignoring the heat that was crawling up my neck to my cheeks.

He took the helmet, set it on his seat, and
then opened the saddle bag for my bag. As he did this the three men
who’d been traveling with us walked up. I wasn’t afraid to meet
their eyes, I dealt with assholes like them every day, and I wasn’t
about to let them intimidate me. They simply smirked at me, and one
of them reached for the door.

“Pit Bull.” He halted and turned back to us.
Stone held my bag out to him. “Put this in my room.”

Pit Bull’s smirk turned into a full-fledged
grin, and he winked at me, taking the bag from Stone. The bastard!
I knew what he was thinking. I waited until he’d disappeared inside
before returning my gaze to Stone. Like Pit Bull’s, I knew that the
sexy smile on his face was at my expense. He knew what was going
through my mind, and I could tell that he was waiting for me to

I slammed my hands on my hips.
room? And just where will you be sleeping?” I wanted to make it
clear from the start that it wouldn’t be with me. 

He leaned against his bike and crossed his
arms. “I barely have enough rooms for my men, so we’ll be sharing,

“Like hell we will! I’ll sleep on a couch
somewhere.” There was no way that I was sharing a bed with him.
Something told me that if I did, we wouldn’t be getting much sleep.
I wasn’t stupid. When he’d kissed me back at Maddie’s it may have
started in anger, but it had ended in full-blown passion, and
there’d been no denying that he’d had a serious hard-on.

I could tell that Stone didn’t like me
arguing with him. Well, that was just too damned bad! He could lean
against his big-ass Harley with his bulging arms crossed over his
massive chest and that smoldering look in his eyes till it snowed.
I may want him, because he was hot as hell, but he didn’t have to
know that. I wasn’t here to provide
kind of

Eyes the color of black coffee took a slow
ride over my body, and I got the impression that Stone was sizing
me up, not for a fight, but for something entirely different. It
was sexual. I kept my hands on my hips in a silent challenge, even
as my nipples peaked beneath his hard look. The traitors were
actually tingling, and that sharp feeling of need zeroed right down
to my sex, which was still buzzing from the bike ride there.

Holy shit, I should have never glanced down
at the front of his pants, because now I was on fire. “No way are
we sharing a bed,” I repeated, in a tone that was clearly a little
weaker than before.

“Then you can share a room with one of my
brothers, but you won’t be sleeping on any couch out in the open
where any man can claim you.” 

“What kind of choice is that?”

“The only one you’ll get here,” he snapped
back. “Pit Bull and Bulldog like double teaming, so you can expect
a dick in any two of your holes at the same time. Reggie is an ass
man, and word is that he can go all night. BJ, well, he only likes
blow jobs, Shooter likes coming all over his women, Animal likes
eating food out of pussy, and Ripper likes golden showers with his
sex. You know what that is?”

“Yes, I know what that is!” I think the
eating food out of pussy actually grossed me out more.

“Well, those are your choices, sweetheart,
and if you think choosing one of their beds will be sex-free you’ll
be in for a shock your first night. Nothing is free around here,
and everyone is expected to contribute in some way. The rest of my
crew has women in their beds.”

My choices sucked. “What kind of freak are
you?” I threw at him.

He flung his head back and laughed out loud.
I watched the muscles working in his thick throat, fighting the
urge to put my mouth there. When he was done he faced me again, but
the humor was still dancing in his eyes.

“Darlin’, you’ll just have to pick me and
find out.”

“What if I don’t want to have sex with you or
any of your men?”

In the blink of an eye his expression turned
serious. “We don’t hurt women and we don’t rape them.” He stepped
away from his bike and grabbed my upper arm. “Let’s go.”

I wondered why he was so angry all of a
sudden. Was it what I’d said, or something else? He opened the door
to the bar and I found myself being dragged inside a semi-dark
interior. Before the door closed behind me I was able to take in
several bikers sitting at some of the tables, getting it on with
women who appeared to be naked. The further we walked into the bar,
the stronger the smell of cigarettes, booze, and stale sex. Holy
shit, we walked right past a woman getting fucked in the ass on a
pool table!

“Hey, baby.” I pulled my gaze away from the
sex scene to the woman with the slightly raspy voice who was
walking up to us. Prez stopped when she stepped in front of him. “I
missed you the last couple of nights.”

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