Dark Lord of Kismera: Knights of Kismera (11 page)

BOOK: Dark Lord of Kismera: Knights of Kismera
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“I didn’t think at all, actually; I just acted on gut instinct.” Drace kissed the top of her head and wrapped his arms around her. “Feeling any better?”

“Yes, somewhat; especially now that you are holding me,” Ki admitted, then shivered slightly.

“It’s getting cold. Let’s get back to camp and get warmed up. Drace took her hand as they made their way back to camp. When they arrived Ki said she had a nasty taste in her mouth and that she was tired. She went to their tent to clean her teeth and to lie down.

Drace gave her a few moments gather to herself. He stood by the fire to warm his hands. All but Cearan had gone to their tents, or were on sentry duty. “Stay with her all night. We are fairly safe here and can spare you from keeping watch tonight,” he said.

Drace stood there for a moment, pondering something. “I know that Ki was with your father when he was attacked and killed by dogues. I think today’s attack reminded her of that one.”

Cearan was surprised. “She spoke of that to you?” He crossed his arms over his chest, and shook his head. “I do not think she has ever spoken of that to any one since it happened.”

Cearan stepped closer to Drace in an attempt not be overhead by anyone still awake. “It was hard for her. Ki would not say, but I think she felt a sense of guilt for some time. She has worked very hard since then to be a leader as our father had been, and she has sacrificed much.” He gave Drace a pointed look. “I would not have her hurt.” There was a note of warning in his words, “Be easy of Ki’s heart if you can.”

Drace stood next to Cearan while he spoken, looking at the fire. He turned his head to Cearan. “Ki is an incredible woman; I would never do anything intentionally to hurt her. I hope you believe that,” Drace said sincerely.

“I do. I think you a man of your word.” Cearan replied. He kicked the butt of a log into the fire with the toe of his boot. “Now go get some rest. You have had a stressful day yourself.” He slapped Drace on the back in friendship then disappeared into the trees.

Drace made a final check on Pride, who was grazing peacefully at the end of his tether. Drace stopped to urinate on a tree, yawning widely, feeling suddenly very tired. Finished, he retied the laces on his breeches, went down to the stream to wash his hands and face, and then went to the tent he shared with Ki.

Ki was curled on her side, her hair loose and all around her. She was fast asleep with one hand fisted by her face.

Drace stripped down to his pants and crawled under the blankets. After moving her hair so he wouldn’t pull it, he spooned up against her.

“Mmmm,” she murmured. “I tried to wait up for you.”

“Shhh,” he soothed her, putting one arm around her waist, “Go back to sleep.”

She sighed and drifted back to sleep. Drace lay awake for a while, thinking about the day’s events and his growing feelings for the woman next to him. He yawned hard until his jaw popped. God,
I’m worn out.
He snuggled closer to Ki, enjoying the warmth of her body. With a deep sigh, he closed his eyes.

Chapter Eleven



IT WAS THE TIME of morning, just before dawn, when it was the darkest and coldest. Drace woke from a sound sleep when chilly air drifted in over his bare chest. He listened intently, instantly alert. He heard light footsteps going away from the tent and realized that Ki had stepped out. He relaxed and was half asleep when she returned.

Ki lay back down facing Drace. Since he seemed to be asleep she decided to study him. He took up a lot of room in the small tent. With her lion’s gift of night vision, she saw chill bumps on his chest. All men she had seen bare-chested, who were as dark haired as he, had quite a lot of chest hair. Drace was almost completely smooth, except for the thin line of hair that started below his navel, merging into the short hairs that surrounded his manhood, now hidden by his breeches. His chest muscles were well toned, as were his arms. His stomach was flat and strong. She traced a couple of fingers lightly over his belly. Her breath quickened a little as she thought of the strength in his thighs and how they had felt rippling over her whenever he moved within her.

“Want to see more?” a deep voice rumbled sleepily beside her, making her jump. She looked up into eyes that she knew, even though she could not see, had darkened to deep blue with arousal. “I am sorry to wake you,” she apologized, although her fingers continued to lightly touch him. She felt him suck in a deep breath.

Drace reached for her. “It’s okay. Come here. Someone stole the covers earlier in the night and I’m freezing.”

He pulled her up onto his chest and her hair flowed over them. “Oh, that’s better,” he sighed as they warmed each other.

He rolled her over then, carrying his weight on his elbows, and nestled his pelvis against the vee of her legs, his arousal obvious. He could feel her breasts through her shirt, nipples stiff with cold and desire. He took time to kiss her thoroughly, his tongue mating with hers hungrily. He let go and took a deep breath.

She lay panting beneath him. “Drace, please…,” Ki gasped and ran her hands from his wide shoulders to the small of his back.

“Mmm, please what?” he asked, and tucked a loose lock of hair that had escaped its tie behind his ear and then nipped her earlobe. Ki arched her head back, giving him access to her throat. He took the offer, nibbling and kissing until he felt her nails lightly scoring his back. “What do you want, Ki? Tell me,” he whispered.

“I want to mate with you,” she whispered, pulling at his hair to bring his mouth back down to hers. She felt his smile on her throat and the rasp of his morning beard.

Amused at her choice of words, he nuzzled her neck again. “Do you like it when I touch you here?” he asked, knowing the answer, as he grazed her breast with the back of his hand through her shirt. She answered with a small whimper.

Drace loosened the laces of her shirt and slipped a hand inside, cupping her firm, full breast and flicking the nipple with his thumb.

“Oh yes,” she breathed and involuntarily pulled at him for more.

“Greedy I see,” Drace commented assuredly, removing his hand. She protested the loss of his touch and protested more with a low growl when he rolled off her to lie on his back. He unlaced his pants and slid them down past his hips.

Ki sat up and touched the length of him lightly with the tips of her fingers then grasped him, “You are as magnificent as a stallion,” she murmured, rubbing him gently.

“I’m flattered, but I wouldn’t go that far.” His voice was strained and he took her hand and stilled it. “If you keep that up, I may be done before I even get started,” he groaned through gritted teeth.

“Oh you like that?” Ki teased and stroked him again.

Ki found herself flat on her back with Drace shoving her shirt up, freeing her breasts. He tasted each one until she squirmed under him.

He slid his hand along the smooth skin of her leg, lifting it to fit himself between them again. “Ki, you’ve got me on fire,” he whispered, his breath caressed her skin.

She felt the evidence of it, pressing hotly against her and she moved under him.

Back in control of their game, he asked in more of a statement than a question, “Is this what you wanted?” He teased her by touching her opening but not entering her.

Ki grasped his buttocks and felt him tremble. “Oh yes. Please, Drace. Please.”

He pulled her hips up with one arm and sank into her moist heat. He held still for a moment, letting her liquid heat consume him, his breath in her ear, hot and fast, with a hint of a tremor.

Ki wrapped her legs around his hips and held onto his shoulders with both hands. When she raised her hips to meet his she took him completely, the pleasure intense for the both of them.

“God, Ki,” he groaned. His hips flexed and pulled under the grip of her legs, his mouth hungry on hers. Drace moved within her slowly, pleasuring them both. He could feel her building against the length of him and he sped his motion slightly. Ki raised her hips, meeting his thrusts.

He released her mouth and buried his face into the curve of her neck, gritting his teeth, trying to pace himself. He circled his hips slightly to change the pressure for her, moving more against the upper part of her mound; his lips moving lower to her breast, to gently catch a hard peak between his teeth

Drace’s movement drove Ki to her completion in a rush of intense sensations and she buried her cry against his sweat-dampened throat. When she convulsed around him he didn’t wait any longer and spilled into her, growling his pleasure through clenched teeth. As aftershocks rolled through them both, he gave her a lingering kiss.

He pulled his arm out from under her hips and hung his head next to hers. “Jesus, Ki. You are so wonderful,” he whispered in her ear.

He was still somewhat hard inside her and she moved her hips. He chuckled against her neck and nuzzled her. “You are insatiable, my fierce lioness.”

She made a protesting sound as he rolled off her and pulled the blanket over them.

Drace rubbed her cheek lightly. “I’m a lucky man,” he murmured and Ki made a questioning noise. “I can’t believe some lucky bastard hasn’t snatched you up already.”

“Males are afraid to mate with me, I think,” Ki remarked factually.

“Where I come from, men prefer the term ‘making love’ or ‘being with’ someone, or ‘hooking up’ for a looser meaning.” Drace rolled over on his side to study her face, his pulse starting to slow to a more relaxed pace. He wiped at a bead of sweat that had found its way down his nose. “Why would a guy be afraid to be with you? On the practice field, maybe; you can kick some serious butt. Here, like this, you show so much passion.” He secretly was glad men shied away from her. The idea of some other guy touching her made him feel a strong surge of jealousy, and then a stronger pull of violence. He was surprised at the intensity of it.

“There was no one before you,” Ki informed him quietly. “I did not know it could be like this. I think Tren was afraid of me when I asked. He refused me, politely, which. I did not understand. He did not come to the practice field for several days afterward.”

Drace started to laugh and flopped down his back, “That explains one thing.”

Ki rolled up on her elbow to stare down at him, “What? Why are you laughing?”

Drace explained, “Every time I come close to Tren, he practically falls over himself to put distance between us. I didn’t realize what it was all about until now.”

“What do you mean?” Ki said, settling her head on his shoulder.

“He knows we are now lovers; he’s worried I might hit him for just looking at you.”

Ki gave a snort of laughter, “I do not believe it,” she said and smoothed damp hair gently off his face.

“You watch today. I’ll prove it.” He gave a sigh of contentment. “Come on. I’ll do something with your hair. I’ve made a birds nest out of it.”

“What do you know of a proper braid?” she asked. She traced one of his eyebrows with an index finger. He had rather fine brows for a man and they, along with other parts of him, fascinated her.

Drace sat up and wiggled around until he got his pants up past his knees. Ki became interested in a certain part of his anatomy. He brushed her hand away, rolled up on his knees and got his pants up the rest of the way. It took him three tries to get them tied with all the help she was giving him.

“I can’t do my own hair very well yet, in what you consider
But,” he said, pulling her up into a sitting position, “I can do one hell of a hunter braid. Where is your brush and ties?”

Ki looked in her pack, pulled her brush out, and handed it to him. He brushed for a while, working gently on tangles he had helped her create.

“That feels so good,” she sighed in pleasure. Drace pulled her hair off her neck and kissed her in the curve of her throat and shoulder. “Please don’t ever cut this beautiful hair. It is incredibly sexy.”

“And sexy is…?”

“Sexy is provocative or seductive,” he informed. “Sometimes when I see you with your hair down it makes me so hot for you, and
means excited.”

Ki reached behind her to check as he went back to his brushing. “Ah. I believe I understand.”

He gave her hair a playful tug. “As much as I like what you’re doing, people are starting to stir out there so it’s time to get moving.”

Ki acquiesced reluctantly and Drace finished with a tight French braid over each ear and one long heavy braid down her back. He took the tie from her, knotting the end.

He borrowed her brush and got his own hair in acceptable order, but left it unbound. After getting dressed he gave her a quick kiss and left the tent.

When he left, Ki sat there for a while, running her hands tentatively over her hair.
How could a man, looking every inch a warrior, be the same man who gently did my hair?
Unexpectedly, tears burned the back of her eyes. There seemed to be more to this mating…, something more than just the physical; she just did not know what it was.

To face an enemy, to train a warrior, to handle the affairs of the Clan; these she knew how to do; had been born to do. She knew about pride, courage and compassion. But with Drace, she was in unfamiliar territory and one thing she felt now was uncertainty, perhaps a touch of fear, and there was something else.

She tapped a finger against her lower lip, uncertain. The only thing she did understand was that she must continue as Nimbus and Vashti had asked her and enjoy the time she had with Drace while he was here with her. The female part of her was pleased that it was Drace who had been brought to Oralia…for now. She felt melancholy at the thought of Drace leaving. She pushed that thought to the back of her mind and hurried to dress.



The party of seven from Oralia rode for a couple of hours to the northwest, following the river. They came to a natural land bridge over the river and crossed there. The trees had become thick and the group followed a track into the forest.

Ki let Vashti, Ka’Ril, and Cearan lead the way with the warriors Zol and Tren following. She and Drace followed behind. She let the other five members of their party get some distance between them as they traveled deeper into the forest.

Ki rode close enough to Drace their legs brushed. “There is magic in this forest. It is a very old and sacred place. The elves were here long before humans or Lion-kin came to these lands.”

She pulled Valor to a halt and leaned over to Drace, who had halted also. She kissed him softly. “Nimbus chose wisely and I am grateful he chose you.” She straightened in her saddle and moved on. Drace held back and stared at her form as she rode away, his heart flip-flopping in his chest. Realization flowed over him. He loved Ki. He felt it to the depth of his bones. Drace had known he cared for and respected her, but he had never entered into an affair without those two feelings for a woman. This new emotion was so much more intense.

Ki disappeared from his view, but Drace held Pride back as he sat in wonder. He heard a soft noise to his left and turned his head to look. Sunlight filtered through the trees and shone on something incredible. He turned in the saddle for a better look, causing Pride to toss his head. Standing there in a shaft of light stood a pair of unicorns, white coats shimmering like pearls.

Drace gasped and the pair turned to look back at him. He had no idea how long he sat there staring. Pride grew restless and stomped a foreleg in displeasure. That seemed to shatter whatever spell was holding them there and they turned as one, long tails flowing, and disappeared into the forest.

BOOK: Dark Lord of Kismera: Knights of Kismera
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