Dark Lord of Kismera: Knights of Kismera (13 page)

BOOK: Dark Lord of Kismera: Knights of Kismera
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“What is the third option?” Drace asked, reviewing the first two in his mind.

“Bond with her and stay here forever,” Cearan said simply, “I do not know what all that would entail. You would have to ask Vashti or Nimbus. I try to steer clear of matters of the heart, myself.”

Drace ran a hand through his hair, “God, this is so intense.”

“Maybe you have been too long without a female,” Cearan offered with a shrug of his broad shoulders.

“So you’re saying I’m horny and confusing love with lust?”

Cearan did not understand the word, but he caught the concept quickly enough. He pointed his mug at Drace, “Exactly.”

“If it were only so easy,” Drace murmured, “It would be simpler if it were just myself.” He downed the last of his ale and soon a third appeared for both of them.

“What is the complication?” Cearan asked. He looked very relaxed as he went to work on his third ale.

“I have a relative, my father’s sister actually. Cerise is only a couple of years older than me. She was a surprise baby. You know, whoops!” he emphasized then realized he had better slow down on the beer. “I own a big piece of land in Virginia. I even have a cat. If it weren’t for all that, the decision would be much easier. No matter what I decide, someone will get hurt.”

“I cannot tell you what the right choice is, my friend, but know this: I have never seen my sister like this and it pleases me. If you wish to bond with her, even if it is a temporary one, as male of the family, you have my blessings to become Ki’s mate,” Cearan said and downed the rest of his ale quickly.

“That means a lot, Cearan. Thanks.” He downed his own ale, feeling somewhat relieved after talking to Cearan.

Cearan stood, set his empty glass on the table, and put a few silver pieces beside it. “Come, my brother, we should not keep Ki waiting any longer or we will both not live to bed another woman.”

Drace burst out laughing, turning a few heads. They left the tavern in comradeship and headed for Vashti and Ka’Rils home.

Chapter Thirteen



THE NEXT AFTERNOON, Drace was glad Cearan had talked him into the new clothing. Vashti and Ka’Ril were invited, along with their guests, to dinner at the home of the Liege-Lord of Ferndale, Len Ra. Ki was with Vashti in the sorceress’ room, doing whatever it was women do before a party. Meanwhile, the three men dressed in their finery, stood in the drawing room and waited for them.

Ka’Ril was splendid in a forest green tunic and buff breeches. Cearan looked regal in a rich brown tunic with a silver lion crest embroidered on the collars, his breeches a lighter shade of brown. He wore his hair unbound except for a long braid down each side of his face. Drace’s was braided similar to Cearan. His long sleeve tunic was black with gold embroidery trim, his breeches black and tucked into his tall boots.

The three men stood in casual conversation when Drace became still. Hunters and warriors caught his body language and turned around to see what held his attention

Vashti stood in the doorway in a gown of rich purple, which intensified her violet eyes. Her hair was in a complicated mass of braids and curls. Ka’Ril went to her and gave her a light kiss on the lips; his eyes were not so sedate. Vashti smiled warmly up at him.

Drace’s attention, however, was riveted on the other woman standing in the doorway. There was no flip-flopping of his heart this time. It was more of an explosion. He couldn’t seem to catch his breath. Ki wore a bronze colored dress that was fitted to her waist, the skirts flaring over her hips to the floor. There were slits in the skirt that showed an underskirt of darker bronze. Her hair was done up in a twist in the back, the length not caught up was draped over her shoulder and down her breast, which was framed nicely in the low bodice. Drace thought she looked like a one hundred percent soft woman tonight. His mouth went dry.

“Breathe, brother, breathe,” Cearan whispered in Drace’s ear as he went past to open the front door. Drace and Ka’Ril both managed to gather themselves enough to help the women with their wraps.

Catching a whiff of the scent Ki had applied, Drace knew it was going to be a long night. He tucked the heavy shawl around her arms and whispered in her ear, “My Lady, no queen could compare to you tonight, you are stunning.” He turned her around to face him, bowed over her hand, and kissed it. He then placed her hand on his arm and escorted her out the door to the waiting carriage.

Drace had hitched Pride to a carriage, and the black stallion stood waiting, mane and tail brushed long and flowing. The men helped the ladies into the carriage, Drace took the reins while Cearan and Ka’ Ril rode their own horses along side.

They traveled to a large, well-lit house in the oldest part of the city. Drace helped Ki down from the carriage, catching a glimpse of stocking clad ankle, and felt his blood pressure raise another notch. They followed Ka’Ril and Vashti into the house, Cearan bringing up the rear.

A servant greeted them at the door and escorted them to a central hall. There were several skylights and plants lined the walls. There was a long table at one end and several chairs and couches situated around to make a comfortable visiting area.

An older, dignified looking elf dressed all in gray, greeted them. “Lady Ki, you are looking exceptionally beautiful this evening,” he took her hand in his and brushed a light kiss over it.

Ki nodded elegantly in reply, “My Lord, thank you.” She turned to Drace. “Drace, this is Liege-lord Len Ra.”

“And this must be Lord MacKinnon,” Len Ra spoke as he took Drace’s forearm in greeting. Drace returned it in kind.

“My Lord, I’m pleased to meet you. Ka’Ril and Vashti speak highly of you.” Drace said with a small bow of his head.

The older man gave a wide smiled. “They should. Ka’Ril is my son,” he said, leaving Drace to absorb that information while he turned to Cearan.

“Lord Cearan, it is so good to see you again. How are the horses?”

“Father,” Ka’Ril interrupted, “You can discuss horses later. Cearan and Drace shall show you Drace’s stallion that is on his way to the stable as we speak. But yes, Drace, this is my father, Lord Len Ra, liege of Ferndale.”

Drace nodded his head in respect once more. “Again, it is a pleasure, sir.”

A servant came from a side door and spoke quietly with Lord Len Ra. “Ah, Ka’Ril, your mother will be down in a moment and then dinner will be served. Shall we be seated in the meantime?”

The group was soon all seated among the chairs and sofas. Drace sat with Ki on a comfortable sofa, taking care not to sit on her skirt.

“Lady Ki, what brings you to Ferndale this time of year?” Lord Len Ra asked.

“Father,” Ka’Ril reproached gently.

“Ka’Ril,” Ki said, “I understand his asking. It is the beginning of harvest and I would not normally leave Oralia this time of year,” she explained for Drace’s benefit. “We have been asked by Nimbus to have armor and weapons made for Lord Drace and his stallion. Any later in the year travel may become hard. If we waited until spring it might be too late and run into what Nimbus has foreseen.”

Ka’Ril had already briefed the elven Lord, so he nodded in unders- tanding.

At that moment, all the men stood as an elegant lady entered the room. Ka’Ril was no doubt her son. She was tall for an elven woman with long dark blond hair and eyes the color of rich chocolate. There was no gray in her hair, unlike Len Ra’s salt and pepper locks.

She approached the group, stopping to kiss her husband’s cheek in

“Marion, you are lovely this evening. Please, greet our guests.”

Introductions went round again and she ended with Drace. She looked up at him. My Lord, you certainly are a big fellow,” she observed with a smile.

“Ma’am,” Drace replied with a smile of his own, taking her hand and kissing it, “My height gives me greater advantage to see your beauty.”

“You are a charmer I see. Please, shall we retire to dinner?” She turned and took Lord Len Ra’s arm.

“Well said, my Lord,” Ki whispered as she took Drace’s arm with pride. A thrill ran through her at the intense look he gave her before they followed the others to dinner.



ell,” Ki began as she and Drace retired to their room later that night, “I had fun tonight. I normally find social engagements boring and tedious.” She went to Drace and slid her arms around his waist. “I have you to thank for an interesting evening.”

“Me?” he returned, amused, “I didn’t do anything spectacular. I can think of one thing that might have made it a better night.”

“What would that be?” she asked, looking up at him.

He smiled, “To have danced with you. People do dance here, don’t they?”

“Of course, and before you ask, I can dance, I just do not have many opportunities.”

“Wait a moment then,” Drace instructed. He lit a few more candle and moved a chair and small table out of the way.

Drace came to back to stand in front of her, gathering her into his arms. He thought for a few seconds then with a satisfied nod he began to hum a waltz. It took Ki a moment to get the rhythm, but she only stepped on his foot once. Drace tossed his head back with a laugh as he spun her around. He picked another waltz and continued to whirl her around the room. When he stopped, they were both out of breath.

“That was wonderful. I never would have guessed you knew how to dance like that,” Ki commented, resting her forehead against his wide chest.

Reluctant to let her go, Drace wrapped his arms around her. “I have my mother to thank for that. She felt that I should be well rounded,” he pulled her closer. “Now this I learned in high school.” He remembered a slow song, singing in a pleasant baritone, humming the parts when he couldn’t remember the words. Ki swayed with the motion of his hips as Drace held her tightly.

“You’ve got it,” he complimented, and continued to rock slowly with her. Finally he stopped and just held her for a moment. Ki felt him take a deep breath.

“What is wrong?”

“Nothing, darlin’—at this moment everything is wonderful.”

She felt his hands searching on her back. “If I can figure out how this dress fastens, it will get even better.”

Ki laughed and turned away from him, showing him her back. “If you do not figure it out, I may be in trouble as I cannot do it myself.” Drace had found the hidden hooks by then and was making rapid work of them.

“You look very handsome tonight, my Lord,” she told him, taking in the sight of him in his finery. He could have been in rags and still looked handsome to her. He constantly took her breath away.

“Thank you,” he said, “But no one compared to you. You were captivating.”

Drace moved away from her as he went to blow out all but the candle on the bedside table. He closed the drapes and returned to her, removing his belt as he walked. “You know, the current Lord MacKinnon, if there is one, may take offense to you giving away his title,” he commented, laying the belt in the chair he had moved. His shirt followed. Drace then sat and removed his boots and stockings.

When he stood, Ki was still standing as he had left her, clutching her dress to her bosom. Drace removed her hands from the dress and let it slide to the floor. He helped her step out of it and then dropped soft kisses along her shoulders.

Her ankle length white shift was made of a silky material and the front closed with a tiny ribbon. Drace pulled the ribbon loose, keeping his eyes on hers.

“That was a beautiful dress, Ki, but it made me want to see what was underneath so badly,” His thumb traced a line along her throat while his other hand moved the thin strap of her shift from her shoulder. He did the same with the other strap as he replaced his thumb with his mouth on her neck.

Ki tilted her head back as he used his tongue and lips on her sensitive skin. She was so immersed in sensation she did not feel when her shift followed her dress until she felt Drace’s hands cupping her bare breasts. Ki moaned with pleasure and put her hands on his chest, spreading her fingers to enjoy the sheer strength of him.

Drace’s hands moved to cup her bottom and lift her. She could feel his arousal as he carried her to the bed. Laying her down, he removed her slipper then the garter that held her stocking. When he rolled the stocking down he let his fingers trail over her flesh, enjoying the feel of the hard muscle of her leg and the softness of the skin covering it. He watched her face as he repeated the gesture with the other slipper and stocking.

Drace followed the path his hands had taken with his mouth and tongue, causing Ki to move restlessly. She could feel her pulse throbbing at the center of her and he came within a breath of that center each time. She reached for him to go higher.

“Oh no, my love, not yet,” he denied her.

His hands moved to her stomach, lightly touching and she gasped; not realizing such a simple thing could be so exquisite. “Please Drace,” she begged, the light drag of his hair on the skin of her belly sent fingers of sensation to flood her senses.

Again he said, “Not yet,” and stroked his tongue along her hipbone.

Ki arched up with a gasp, calling his name, her eyes closing with pleasure that was almost painful. Drace continued his task, kissing and touching along her sides and ribs. When he cupped her breasts and rolled her nipple between his thumb and index finger, she pleaded for more.

Drace moved to take her mouth in a deep kiss, stroking the inside with his tongue, as it mated with hers. He moved his head back to whisper, “You have awesome breasts, absolutely awesome.”

He began the trek downward again, intent on her pleasure, wanting to truly make love to her this time. He took his time as he stopped along the way to taste and tease.

Ki was on fire and when he dipped his tongue into her navel, she begged him to fill her, but still he refused. He traced his thumbs along her concave belly.

Finally, he moved one hand down and barely touched her center. She gasped with the shock of it. Drace moved her legs more apart and knelt between them on the floor. She looked so erotic sprawled on the bed, eyes dazed as she lay on the brink.

At last he leaned in to taste her over and over until her hips bucked in his hands as she cried out, his name a moaned sigh as she climaxed. Drace felt her tremble with the force of her release.

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