Dark Desires: Dark Erotic Tales (17 page)

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"Let me give you a massage," she softly demanded.

I allowed myself to be lowered face down onto the floor. She slid my jeans the rest of the way off leaving me fully naked and trembling in the low light of the dancing candle flames. Delilah slowly removed her own clothing and then spread my legs so she could perch between them on her knees. She bent to lovingly stroke and knead my neck and shoulders. She worked her way slowly down my spine working all my muscles and eliciting small sighs and moans from me.

Delilah massaged the cheeks of my ass, causing me to reflexively spread my legs further with my wanting. After an eternity of touching and caresses, Delilah finally slipped her fingers inside me. In contrast to the gentle massage, she banged me relentlessly. I writhed on the floor in gorgeous torture, crying out. Delilah manipulated my clit skillfully with a thumb while thrusting her fingers in and out. Then she pulled her fingers out suddenly, leaving me desperate on the brink of orgasm. She took hold of my hips and pulled me up onto my knees with my ass perched beautifully in the air. She returned her hand once more to fondle my clit and she emerged her face in my pussy, feverishly licking, sucking and tonging me. With a scream and a jolt, I came violently and collapsed, falling on my back to the floor where I whimpered in helplessness.

Delilah rested on her knees, smiling victoriously down at me, delighting in my obvious pleasure. But it only took me a moment to recover and I pulled her down onto the floor with me. Without prelude or prolonging, I bolted up over Delilah, tearing her legs apart, spreading them as far as they would go. The smug smile disappeared from her face and was replaced by an expression of urgent need as I lowered my face to the hot center of her. I established an immediate perfect rhythm on her, fucking her brainless with just my tongue.

"Oh fuck," Delilah moaned. "Yes baby, yes yeeesssss…"

Delilah strained against my hands, but I forced her legs to stay open, spread into the splits. Her legs trembled all the way to her toes as I took complete control of her naked openness. I would not stop, and it did not take long before Delilah's back arched and she experienced a howling release.


Early the next morning, my eyes fluttered open and I found myself nestled in the covers of
Delila's comfortable bed. I turned my head to find her already awake and watching me.

Jace," Delilah said worriedly. "Please don't freak out."

I smiled shyly. "I'm not going to freak. I promise." I delivered a demure kiss to the tip of Delilah's nose. "I still don't know what I think or how I feel exactly about… All this… All I know is, right now, I'd like to go pick up the kids and take them out to breakfast."

Delilah grinned, overwhelmed with relief, and bounced happily out of the bed.


Life slipped easily back into our usual routine. We spent each evening together after work, as we always had… Taking the kids to the park, working on homework, and fixing suppers at my house. The following Friday found us sitting on the couch with the kids lying on their bellies on the floor watching a movie. Emily turned her head back to look at me.

"Mommy, can Delilah and Dakota stay over?"

I blushed and Delilah gave me a heady look. "Um, yeah sure, that's fine with me," I agreed.

Once the kids were tired out and tucked into their beds, I returned to the couch. Delilah however, picked up her bag and started walking down the hallway. She turned toward me, gave me a sultry look, and wiggled her finger to beckon me to follow.

I felt embarrassed by the way I began to throb and heat up immediately. But I got up and followed Delilah to the bedroom.

Once inside, with the door shut and locked, Delilah placed her bag on the bed and pulled something out. My eyes widened. "What the hell is that?" I exclaimed.

Delilah giggled. "You've never seen a vibrator before? Come on!"

I blushed furiously again. "Well, not one like THAT!"

"It's a vibrator for TWO," Delilah revealed mischievously.

"Where on Earth did you get it?"

"I ordered it from the incredibly wonderful Internet… And had it overnighted!"

I rolled my eyes and laughed, wondering just what I was getting myself into. Delilah tugged on my belt loop and pulled me close for a rather steamy kiss. "Don't worry," Delilah whispered when she pulled away. "I'm going to show you just what it can do."

She made short work of undressing me this time. She also tore away her own clothes and discarded them in a heap on the floor on top of mine. She pushed me down on my back on the bed. "Let me just get you ready real quick…" Delilah said wickedly.

She stood by the bed as I lay prone and accepting of anything she might deliver. She fingered me slowly and gently, staring down at me hungrily. I forced myself to meet Delilah's eyes and not look away. I wanted her to know for certain that I wanted this…
Wanted her.

When I was wet and panting, she repositioned me on the bed, putting me up on all fours. I heard the vibrator begin to buzz and looked behind myself where Delilah had climbed onto the bed.

"You're gonna love this," Delilah said in a throaty tone.

Gently, she inserted one end of the long pink thing into me. Reflexively, my back arched and I tipped my head back at the instant hot sensation produced by the vibration deep inside me. Delilah began to move the thing slowly in and out. Its ribbed sides caressed me, and its curved tip manipulated my g-spot bringing me almost instantly to the brink.

"Feel good?" Delilah purred.

Yeeessss…" I moaned, ready for absolutely anything Delilah might ask of me.

"Are you ready to come?" Delilah whispered.

"Oh fuck yes…"

Without removing the vibrator, Delilah carefully spun herself around and got on all fours as well. With one hand, Delilah guided the other end of the vibrator inside her own wet pussy bringing herself ass to ass with me.

"Oh God," I cried.

Delilah took total control. She began to rock on her knees, causing the vibrator to thrust deliciously in and out of us both simultaneously. I quickly got into the erotic rhythm and rocked as well. With each thrust, our asses slammed together causing a jolt of vibration against both our g-spots. Delilah flung her head back and forth, tossing her hair mindlessly.

"Rub your clit," she demanded me.

We each used one hand to stay perched on all fours, and one hand to rub our clits as we brutally fucked the vibrator and each other. We both did our best to refrain from coming, to let the sensations mount, not wanting it to end. Finally, with soft asses pressed together and our warmness fully enveloping the vibrating instrument of ecstasy, we both came. We both pulled away from the vibrator and it fell between us as we collapsed on the bed in the spastic throes of uncontrollable orgasms.

"Oh my fucking God," Delilah whispered breathlessly. I moved to lick her nipple and reached to feel her wetness, only causing her to tremble and convulse more. "That was the most incredible thing that's ever happened to me," she murmured.

"No shit," I agreed. We laughed shakily, still tremendously affected by the intense orgasms.

Now I was overcome with the sexiness of the situation, and I felt in control. I picked up the vibrator and moved between Delilah's legs. "We're going to do that again," I said devilishly.

my gosh, already?" Delilah gasped.

I nodded giving Delilah a purely wicked look. I didn't give her any time to protest before easing the vibrator back into her soaking wet pussy. Delilah was propped on her elbows and threw her head back with a cry of pure wanting. I positioned myself on my back and propped on my elbows as well between Delilah's legs. I threw my legs spread over Delilah, and I inserted the other end of the vibrator into myself. Using my elbows for support, I began to rock my hips to move the vibrator in and out of us both again and to grind myself into Delilah. Both of us reflexively clenched around the magical thing inside us, panting breathlessly as the powerful feelings built again. We both sat up, careful not to let the vibrator leave us, and we were able to simultaneously grope each other's shaking breasts while moving back and forth on the vibrator. We kissed ravenously and finally came to a stop, pressed together with the vibrator lost fully inside us both.

Delilah and I clung to each other, lapping each other's mouths with demanding tongues but did not move any other parts of our bodies. We simply waited feverishly for the vibrator to do its job.

Soon, I was nearly insane with my building orgasm, and my juices sprayed out. Delilah backed away just enough to watch it happen.

"Oh my fucking God," Delilah moaned. "Oh my FUCKING GOD!" She couldn't help but scream out as her own orgasm overcame her and we fell backwards once again to let our orgasms rule us.


Delilah and Dakota started spending the night at my house much more frequently. Little by little, Delilah brought their things over and left them there. There was quiet talk between us of a permanent move, and Delilah giving up her apartment. But I was terrified of the effect on the kids, and a million other possible problems. Delilah admitted that she worried about it too. The world had come a long way in accepting varying kinds of love, but a long way was certainly yet to come. Plus, we lived in a very small town and our children had led sheltered lives. Neither of us had any idea how to proceed, or how or even if we should inform the kids. So, we continued on with our lives as always with an unspoken agreement to see if things happened naturally. If the situation would somehow take care of itself.

One Saturday evening in June, we found ourselves cuddled on the couch with Dakota and Emily. The four of us were a mound of tangled limbs as we watched a movie and pigged out on popcorn and
Hershey's Kisses.
Delilah's head was tilted right next to mine and we glanced at each other and smiled whenever the kids said something funny.

"I love you, Jacinda," said Dakota suddenly.

"Aw, thank you, baby, I love you too." I responded.

"Delilah, I love you," Emily said.

Delilah grinned. "I love you too, sweetie pie."

We were touched by the expressions of the children. We knew right then, more than ever, how much each child considered us both to be their mothers. Overwhelmed by the poignant moment, Delilah leaned closer to me and kissed me warmly on the lips. I too lost myself in the happy moment and kissed her back before pulling away.

Emily's eyes grew round and big as saucers. Dakota leapt off the couch, but he was giggling shyly.

Eeeeew our mommies are
" he exclaimed, his silly face full of laughter.

My cheeks reddened, instantly afraid we'd made a terrible mistake.

Emily kept looking back and forth, between Delilah and me. Emily looked a little pale. "Yeah, I know," she murmured. "They were like, boyfriend and girlfriend kissing!"

"Except they're both girlfriends!"
Dakota yelled. He slapped his knee and dropped to the floor in hysterical laughter.

Delilah sighed and used the remote to turn off the TV. I wrapped my arms around Emily. "Son," Delilah said sternly. "Get ahold of yourself, please."

Dakota thrashed about on the living room rug laughing wildly, as six year olds will sometimes do when they witness any form of passionate affection.

"Baby, are you OK?" I softly asked my daughter.

After a hesitation, Emily nodded. "I guess," she admitted.

Delilah stroked Emily's hair. "OK, that maybe wasn't the right way to tell you guys something we've been
wanting to tell you…" Delilah said. Emily continued to stare back and forth between us.

"What that you LOVE each other?" Dakota screeched, erupting again into laughter.

"Shut up, Dakota," Emily said. "It's not funny, stupid."

"Emily," I said seriously to my daughter. "Now, that's not nice."

Delilah scooted off the couch and onto the floor with her giggling son. She pulled him onto her lap and he finally calmed.

"Listen," Delilah began. "You guys already knew that
me and Jace loved each other, didn't you?"

Both kids nodded enthusiastically.

"And you both already knew that we both love both of you just like you're both our kids, right?" Delilah said. Again, both kids nodded. "Well, here's the thing. Barely anything is different. The only thing is that Jace and I want to love each other in a way that you guys are used to seeing moms and dads love. But neither of you have ever even known a dad anyway. And you've always had us, loving you together, and that's not going to change. We just want to love each other a little more. And be a for real family. And live together and be together always!"

I stared admiringly at this woman I loved so much. Delilah had a magical way with the kids, and a way of making things seem easy, even if they weren't…

"We get to live together? Every day?" Emily asked.

Delilah and I nodded. "Uh huh, if you guys are OK with it…" I said.

Dakota bounced up out of his mother's lap. "Heck yeah! I'm going to break all YOUR toys," he said, playfully poking Emily's nose.

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