Danger in Paradise (12 page)

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Authors: Katie Reus

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Danger in Paradise
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Hope let the shower jets massage her shoulders. Somehow she had to ease her tension. That monster was still missing and even though his father was in jail, she wasn’t so sure she was safe.

Luke had said he’d protect her, but he didn’t know what she was running from, and she certainly wasn’t offering up that information. Not yet, anyway. She needed to get Mac’s opinion on things first. If she was honest with herself, what she really needed was to wrap her head around her growing feelings for Luke. On a certain level she knew she could trust him, but saying the words aloud, admitting what she’d been through was something she’d rather ignore and put off for as long as she could. Part of her wanted to return home tonight. She and Mac could take care of themselves. Still, she felt she should at least meet the woman who had hired her. She wasn’t worried about getting out of the contract. After everything that had happened, she doubted they cared about her finishing the job. Luke certainly didn’t seem to care, and he hadn’t mentioned it. The only thing he seemed to care about was her safety. That definitely earned him some points.

After drying off and changing into a comfortable yellow and white striped shorts pajama set, she went in search of Luke. The floor from her bedroom down the hallway chilled her bare feet all the way to her core. It wasn’t just the tile though, his whole place had a sterile feel to it. Very unlived in. The hallway opened up into a huge open room, connecting the living room and kitchen. Almost like a loft.

Modular style couches surrounded a similarly styled coffee table. There were no books or magazines and no family pictures. A couple Renoir prints hung on the white walls, but that was it. The only decent thing was the view. And man, what a view it was. High, open windows looked out onto the glistening ocean.

A loud buzz sounded from somewhere and Luke appeared from the hallway entrance. His hair was damp and he wore jeans and a T-shirt. “I’ll be right back. That’s the food.”

While he was gone she found a bottle of red wine and opened it. She poured herself a glass, but didn’t for him. He had beer and little else in the state-of-the-art stainless steel refrigerator, so she wasn’t sure what he’d prefer.

After a few minutes passed she gave up waiting and retreated to the balcony. The crash of the waves immediately calmed her. She took a seat on one of the cushioned chairs, leaned back, and closed her eyes.

She turned at the sound of the sliding glass door. “I thought I might find you out here.” Luke balanced one paper bag, two plates, utensils, and a beer.

Just the sight of him and her heart rate increased considerably. It didn’t seem to matter that she was confused, her body sure as hell wasn’t. It knew exactly what it wanted. Luke in her bed. And possibly in her life. Those were the kind of thoughts that could only lead to trouble so she brushed them aside and stood to help him. “Do you mind eating out here?”

He shook his head and started arranging the food on the circular glass table.

When they finally sat down, she had to ask, “Did you just move in?”

He shook his head and placed an egg roll on his plate. “No. I know my condo is bare. I basically went to IKEA and bought already set up rooms.”

“Seriously?” She couldn’t imagine that. Her home was her safe haven, where she relaxed after weeks on the road.

Luke shrugged. “I’m never here.”

She scooped sweet and sour chicken and a couple of egg rolls onto her plate and dug in. She hadn’t been able to keep much down the past couple days, but she was going to make up for it now.

Caribbean music drifted up from somewhere down the beach, and the steady crash of the ocean pounded against the sand. Other than that, they ate in relative silence for the next twenty minutes.

When they were both done, she started to clear the table but he stopped her with a strong hand on her forearm. When it slid to clasp her hand, tingles shot down to her toes at the touch so she sat back down. She hated that he affected her so much, but she also didn’t pull away from him. Doing that would be almost impossible. It seemed all he had to do was lightly touch her and she melted. Something she definitely didn’t plan to tell him. He’d use it to his full advantage.

“I don’t know what changed, but I want to clear the air.” There was a slight edge to his voice. One she’d never heard before and she didn’t know what to make of it.

Her throat clenched and she just nodded instead of responding. If he said something along the lines of what they’d had was fun, but it wasn’t going to happen again or worse, he thought it was a mistake, she might die of embarrassment. Her original intention might have been to have something casual, but that didn’t mean she wanted him voicing the same thing.

“I know things happened really fast between us and there’s still a lot we don’t know about each other, but that doesn’t mean we can’t get to know each other. For the record, I’m not interested in a one night stand.” He linked his fingers with hers and it didn’t feel like he planned to let go.

“Oh.” Not the most appropriate response, but she was at a total loss for words.

Thankfully, he continued. “I don’t expect anything from you now. I know there’s still a lot going on that we’re trying to figure out, but I’m not interested in anything casual…I guess I just thought you should know.”

Though her hand was still linked with his, she got up and walked around the table, sat in his lap, and kissed him. It was meant to be light, reassuring, but the simple action got her blood pumping. Heat immediately pooled between her legs as his hands slid over her hips and came to rest at her waist. His hands flexed once in such a possessive manner it made her inner walls clench with a need she couldn’t deny. Being so close to him—kissing him—made the most primal part of her once again wake up and take notice of Luke in a way that scared her.

After a few seconds, he pulled back. “There’s one more thing—”

She placed a finger over his lips and shivered as memories of his talented mouth played in her mind. “Are you married?”

He shook his head.

“A convicted felon?”

He chuckled and shook his head again. “No, but—”

“Then it can wait until tomorrow.”

Luke actually seemed relieved at her statement. Which was perfect. She didn’t want to talk right now. It was overrated as far as she was concerned anyway. What she wanted was to feel Luke’s very talented mouth all over her body and his thick, hard cock rock into her until they were both completely spent. If they were making love she wouldn’t have to worry about the future or her growing feelings for the man currently running his hand up underneath her dress.


Chapter 10


Hope stretched and kicked the sheets off herself. Luke’s bathroom door was ajar and she could hear the sound of running water. She slid out of bed and slipped on one of his button up shirts. She could have put her pajamas back on, but she loved the way he smelled. Spicy and masculine and so very sexy it made her ache in the best possible way.

She knocked on the door once before poking her head in. “Do you want me to make a pot of coffee?”

The shower curtain flew back and his grin was pure masculine hunger as he raked a gaze over her. “Sure…do you want to join me in here after?”

She glanced at his half aroused cock and flushed as it began to lengthen. It was so tempting, but… “No. You said you wanted to talk this morning and I need you to take me to the Santiagos’ house. I’ve got to get my gear, and—”

“All right, all right. You’re bad for my ego,” he grumbled, but she didn’t miss the teasing note in his voice.

“You’re so full of it. After we get everything out of the way this morning, maybe we’ll take a little trip back

His eyes lit up before he pulled the curtain back into place.

She would have loved to join him in the shower, but now that it was morning she realized how much they needed to do. She wanted to look over her gear and make sure nothing was damaged, she needed to talk to Mac, and she figured it was time to come clean about who was after her. How she was going to tell Luke without giving away Mac’s secrets, she still hadn’t decided, but things had shifted between them and she needed to be honest.

It took a few minutes, but she found what she needed to make coffee. The coffee maker was the only machine in his kitchen that looked used. Everything else might as well have had price tags still attached to them.

As she pulled down two mugs from one of the cabinets, she heard the sound of rattling keys from the front of the condo. Then the unmistakable sound of the door opening and closing.

Panic seized her throat. She grabbed a knife from the knife block, but her grip loosened when a female voice starting shouting. It got louder and closer, but Hope wasn’t sure what to do. She couldn’t get back to Luke’s room without being seen. “Luke! I saw your truck in the garage so you better get out here right now. If you think you can ignore my calls then you shouldn’t have given me your security code. You won’t believe what mom’s gotten into. She’s got some man at the house—”

The voice stopped abruptly and so did Hope’s heart. A woman stood in the entrance of the kitchen. A woman who was her mirror image. Well maybe not exactly, but damn close.

Hope stared into a pair of pale blue eyes identical to her own. Her heart pounded unevenly against her ribcage and she dropped the knife. She was aware of the clatter against the tile, but couldn’t drag her eyes away from the woman in front of her.

The woman’s eyes had also widened and she dropped her purse, scattering the contents everywhere. Something hit Hope’s foot, but she didn’t look down. The woman took a few steps across the tile, but paused and wrapped her arms around herself.

Hope finally found her voice. “Who are you?”

The woman’s mouth opened and shut once before she answered. “Maria…who are you?”

“Hope.” She felt behind herself and clutched the counter as she spoke. Her legs shook violently so she locked her knees. She wasn’t sure how much longer she could stand.

“Something smells good.” Luke’s voice carried down the hall.

Her throat wouldn’t work. Apparently neither could Maria’s.

Her eyes automatically shifted to Luke when he entered the room.

“Oh shit,” he muttered as he glanced between the two of them.

A sense of rage overtook any of her shock. His reaction wasn’t one of alarm. He’d known about this! “Why didn’t you tell me about this?” Her voice raised a few octaves but she couldn’t stop herself.

He spread his hands out in a placating manner and there was no doubt as to the apologetic tone of his voice. “I told you I wanted to talk to you about something today—”

Maria interrupted with a shout. “Oh my God! Mom is right, then.” She pointed a shaky finger at Hope. It wasn’t an accusing gesture, but Hope pressed back against the counter. “You’re…you’re…”

“Will everyone please calm down for just a second?” Luke said.

Calm down? Was he serious? Something inside Hope snapped. She had no clue what was going on, a blinding headache was spreading across her skull, and her skin felt too tight. “What the hell is going on?”

Luke started to answer, but in a few steps, Maria was across the room, embracing her like they were long lost sisters. Hope tensed and tried to shift away, but the other woman wouldn’t let go. She looked to Luke for help, but his eyes had a watery sheen. What the hell was wrong with him?

“Okay, if someone would please tell me what’s going on here—”

Maria finally let Hope out of the death embrace and stepped back, but not enough to give her some much needed personal space. She wiped away a few stray tears. “I think you’re my missing sister, Anna.”

Hope looked over Maria’s shoulder at Luke, expecting a scoff or smartass retort, but he stood there. Completely mute. Staring at them.

She made eye contact with the woman and smiled apologetically. “I uh, I think you’re mistaken. I know we look similar, but if I was missing, I think I’d—”

“Tell her, Luke. I thought mom was crazy, but she must be…” Maria shifted her gaze from him back to Hope. “Do you know Mac Jennings?”

“How do you know my dad?” The words were out before Hope could think. She didn’t want him in any trouble.

Instead of answering, Maria turned to Luke again. “Isn’t there some way we can find out if she’s who we think?”

Hope hated being talked about like she wasn’t in the room, but she didn’t comment. Her head—and her heart—hurt too much. Luke had been lying to her this whole time? But why?

“She is Anna.” The words were said with absoluteness.

As if there was no room for discussion. Like he
it was true. Which was impossible. Hope stared at him, trying to read him and desperately trying to fight the confusing feelings battling inside her. His dark eyes didn’t tell her anything and his face was completely unreadable.

“What?” Maria exclaimed, her voice bordering on shrill.

Hope kept her eyes on Luke.

He rubbed a hand over his face. “This is what I wanted to talk to you about, Hope. I didn’t want to do it like this, but…I sent some of your belongings to be tested.”

“Tested? I don’t understand. You’re not making any sense. My name is Hope and before that, well, before that…” The room started to spin, but she held onto the counter for support. This was a surreal nightmare.

“Listen Hope, you are the Santiagos missing daughter. I got a call late last night while you were sleeping and…” He sighed and at least had the decency to look guilty. “You and Maria have the same DNA.”

“What? You’re sure?” This time Maria spoke.

Hope stared at Luke, watching him closely. His expression was completely masked. She wanted to cross the distance between them and shake him. “You lied to me? You stole my DNA? I don’t understand…” Her lungs shrank and she started hyperventilating.

This couldn’t be happening. None of it. She bent over and clutched her knees, trying to steady her breathing, but nothing worked. How did they know her dad? Why did this woman look exactly like her? And who the hell was Anna? Her lungs wouldn’t work.

She tried to suck in a breath but her throat closed up as pure panic like she’d never experience washed over her.
, she commanded herself, but with each gasp, her throat tightened even more.

“Hope? Hope!”

She heard Luke’s voice, but couldn’t keep her eyes open. Her chest and arms tingled.

Then blackness swallowed her.

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