Danger in Paradise (10 page)

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Authors: Katie Reus

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Danger in Paradise
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Chapter 8


Luke started a pot of coffee, hoping the aroma or obnoxious noise he was making banging around coffee cups would wake Hope. It was only eight, but he’d been awake for two hours and his mind was going into overdrive. He still had a hard time believing what had happened between them yesterday. Even more startling, how normal things had been between them the rest of the day. The intensity with which he wanted to see her rattled him to his core.

Normally he liked his space in the mornings, even when he was seeing someone. Okay, especially when he was dating someone. This morning was different.

Today would be the real test. Now that she’d had time to think about it, he wondered if she might be regretting their kiss and…after. He still couldn’t believe how quickly she’d responded to his caresses. She’d seemed to think he’d wanted more after that kiss—which he had—but not yet. The timing wasn’t right. Kissing and stroking her like that had short-circuited his brain.  He needed to get a handle on that before moving any further.

If he fucked things up he’d never forgive himself.

As he pulled down two mugs from one of the cabinets, he sensed her enter the room.

“Hey.” She hung back in the doorway, shifting from one foot to the other, her voice as tentative as her body language. Her hands clasped tightly in front of her, she looked as if she was ready to bolt back to her room.

“Hey yourself. Want some?” He lifted his mug.

She nodded and her shoulders slightly relaxed.

He poured her a mug and when he handed it to her, he leaned in and dropped a kiss on her lips somewhere between chaste and sensual. Someone had to break the ice and he needed to taste her like he needed his next breath. “Minty,” he murmured against her mouth

A real smile tugged at her lips and she leaned into him. “Have you eaten breakfast, yet?”

“No. Are you hungry?”

She shook her head and took a sip of her coffee. “How late did you stay up researching Richard Taylor?” Her voice was wary.

“Until about midnight.”

“Did you find out anything interesting?” She leaned against the counter, a few feet from him, and the yoga style pants she wore shifted a couple inches lower, revealing more of her taut stomach.

He forced himself to think about her question and not what was underneath her clothes. And definitely not what he wanted to do to her once he got them off her. “Nothing interesting.” That wasn’t entirely true. His partner had called again upon discovering Richard Taylor had nearly tripled his fortune in the past decade, and that in addition to being involved in biotechnology, he was also associated with a few social deviants. Who the man associated with might mean nothing, but somehow Luke doubted it.

He paused as he weighed his options. “Did you call anyone yesterday?”

She answered without pause. “I called Mac.”

“I figured. What did he say?” He understood why she’d called him, he just didn’t like it. He’d called his partner too, but Luke didn’t know anything about her father and he didn’t like dealing with unknown variables.

The clock was ticking and after tomorrow they’d be heading to Miami—unless something new came up—and he still had no clue how to tell her she looked exactly like his missing childhood friend.

“Just to stay put and that he’d figure something out.” She took another sip of her coffee and averted her gaze.

. She was lying. He was finding it easier and easier to read her expressions.

“He sure took everything in stride.” He couldn’t hide his sarcasm.

Instantly she bristled at his words and her voice had an unmistakable edge. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

He shrugged. “I expected more of a reaction from a father for his daughter in danger.” He knew he was playing with fire trying to figure out more about her past. The second the words were out of his mouth, he knew he’d made a mistake.

A big one.

“Don’t you talk about my relationship with him.
” She placed the coffee cup in the sink, threw him a disparaging look, and disappeared into her room. She didn’t slam the door, though he’d anticipated it.

He’d have felt better if she’d yelled at him or shown some sort of outward response. Quiet anger wasn’t something he was equipped to deal with. Maria Santiago, her look-alike, acted like a spoiled child most of the time. She wasn’t a brat, she’d just been incredibly sheltered.

Minutes later, he still stood in the middle of the kitchen trying to figure out an apology when Hope walked out wearing a skimpy bikini and carrying a towel and a book. Without a word or even a glance in his direction, she exited out the back door. For a long moment all he could focus on was the soft sway of her barely covered ass. The bright red bikini bottom bared the bottom of her cheeks and made his cock flare to life.
He could easily imagine running his palms over that smooth skin.

He inwardly cursed his own stupidity. Instead of gaining her confidence, he’d alienated her and now it looked as if she was teasing him. He watched through the window as she stretched out on one of the lounge chairs and began rubbing sunscreen on her lean legs. If she’d worn the revealing bathing suit to affect him, it had worked. She might as well have been naked. The two bright red triangle strips barely covered her nipples.

He rubbed a hand over his face and turned away from the window.
They would be leaving soon and he still hadn’t made progress in discovering who she was. If he wasted time staring at her practically naked body he’d only torture himself.

While she was preoccupied, he decided to take advantage. He might regret it later, but it also might clear up the question of who Hope really was. This might be his only chance. He grabbed two plastic sandwich-size bags from one of the kitchen drawers, then after another glance outside, he rushed to her bathroom. After replacing her toothbrush with an exact spare from the cabinet, he pulled a few strands of hair from her hairbrush, but not enough that she would notice anything. Then he put both items in separate baggies.

Heart pounding, he retrieved his wallet and keys before scrawling a note that he’d be gone for an hour. He considered asking if she needed anything from town, but he didn’t want to risk that she’d want to come with him. For a few long moments he sat in the vehicle and stared down at what he’d taken. What he was doing was wrong. He knew that on every level.

But Sonja needed to know for her own sanity. How could he let her down after all these years? After he’d played a part in her daughter’s disappearance?

Shaking off the guilt—or at least burying it for the moment—he started the engine and steered out of the driveway. The consequences might kill him, but he had to do this. He owed it to the Santiagos.

* * * * *


After reading the same page thirteen times, Hope threw her book down and flipped onto her stomach. Luke certainly had some nerve. They might have shared something yesterday, but he had no right to talk about her father. Maybe she’d overreacted, but his condescending attitude rankled her. She couldn’t believe she’d been contemplating sleeping with him.

Okay, that wasn’t true. She was still thinking about it, but only as a test. She hadn’t ever had truly enjoyable sex. It had been tolerable, if a little awkward, and the single reason she’d even attempted it was because her therapist had thought it would be a good idea.

Part of her was glad she knew that she was capable of having sex, but another part of her wondered what she’d been missing. Her friends and dive buddies always talked about it. Hell, everyone always seemed to be talking about it, so she knew it had to be better than what she’d experienced.

Luke was the perfect candidate to prove her right. After this job was done she wouldn’t have to see him again. They could get hot and heavy and she could completely indulge herself with him with no strings attached. The thought sounded almost cold to her, but she couldn’t help herself. She wanted to experience—and enjoy—what almost everyone on the planet did.

Everything that had happened in the past few days had jolted her out of her sense of security. She knew firsthand the world was full of monsters, but living in The Keys, she’d almost convinced herself that she was now safe from the world.

Whatever the future held, she decided she wasn’t going to die never having experienced great—no, mind blowing—sex. Luke had already given her a preview of what he could do, so she knew she wouldn’t be disappointed. With that thought, she closed her eyes and let the sound of the ocean lull her to sleep.

Hope wasn’t sure how much time passed, but woke up to the feel of a warm, strong hand gently shaking her shoulder. Considering what she and Luke had just run from maybe she should have been afraid but before she even turned over, she knew it was Luke.

That callused hand on her shoulder was just so damn gentle.

She rolled over onto her back to find him staring down at her. Perched on the side of her lounge chair, his expression was dark and almost predatory. Something in that charcoal gaze of his made every primal part of her tingle in awareness. Sudden heat flooded between her legs. Trying to be discrete she clenched her legs together.

“What’s wrong?” She raised her hand to block out the sun streaming through the palm tree leaves and to better gauge his expression.

His jaw clenched and he shook his head. She guessed that meant nothing was wrong.

But his silence worried her. “Are you okay?” She propped herself up on one elbow.

He still didn’t answer.

A burst of panic popped inside her. She sat straight up, ready to run if he gave the word. Her heart pounded an erratic tattoo against her chest. “Have we been—”

Whatever she’d been about to say was silenced when his mouth slanted over hers. If his kisses had been soft and gentle before, they weren’t now. Now, his lips were hard and demanding. Sensual and searching with each stroke. Instinctively, her hands flew to his chest. Instead of pushing him away, her fingers dug in, needing to feel him in a way she didn’t understand. Had never experienced before. All that muscle under her touch made her entire body hum with anticipation.

When he pulled away she started to protest, but he simply dipped his head to her jaw and began feathering kisses along her skin. “Did you wear this sexy suit to drive me insane?” he murmured against her ear as he nipped the sensitive lobe.

She swallowed and tried to comprehend his words. How could she think right now? And what had brought on the sudden onslaught of his attention? It seemed all he had to do was touch her and she was on fire.

“Did you?” he growled again.

How was the man even talking?
“Yes,” she managed to gasp out as he raked his teeth over her pulse point. The thought that she was supposed to be angry with him briefly entered her thoughts, but she quickly dismissed it. Being angry was boring and what they were doing was so much more fun.

“I thought so.” He kissed her deeply again before wrenching away. “Shit,” he muttered, then stood and turned his back to her. His neck muscles were corded so tightly, he looked ready to snap.


He sat back down. His breathing was erratic, but he eventually spoke. “This probably isn’t the best idea. Until we figure out what’s going on, maybe we should—”

She placed a finger on his mouth. If that’s all he was worried about, then he could forget it. She’d tell him later that she knew who was after her, but not now. She didn’t want to ruin the moment. Now, she simply wanted to be selfish for once. “I want you. Now.”

His gaze went so dark, so
, it made her shiver. Without a word, he took her hand, and they walked inside. Well, she more or less floated. Once they reached his bedroom, she couldn’t remember actually moving through the house. Her head was fuzzy, as if she were dreaming. Hope knew what was going to happen, and feelings of giddy anticipation and fear waged war inside her body. Maybe this was how she was supposed to feel.

They stood at the foot of the bed, silent, staring at each other. The lust in his eyes was obvious and potent and it scared the hell out of her. She could handle the sweet and gentle Luke, but she didn’t know if she could handle this side of him.

“Are you sure this is what you want?” His voice had dropped a few octaves. It was low, sensual, and drugging to her senses.

She nodded before she found her voice. “Yes.”

Slowly, methodically, he reached around and pulled the flimsy ties loose from around her neck and back. The scrap of material silently fell to the floor and she shivered. Whether from the cool draft or his intense gaze, she didn’t know. Her nipples peaked almost painfully she was so aroused. And the heat between her legs grew more with each second that passed.

She looped her arms around his neck as he kissed her again. At the same time, he wrapped his arms around her waist and started to lay her onto the bed. Automatically, she hooked both legs around him, pulling him with her onto the bed. She groaned at the feel of his erection rubbing against her. Arching her back, she savored the feel of her breasts rubbing against his shirt—and wished he was naked. It was hard not to feel like an animal in heat as she rubbed against him, but it was also hard to care. The man made her absolutely crazy. She wanted him to completely cover her with his body. To surround and devour her. She needed him so bad her entire body ached for it.

Suddenly he stilled. His entire body covered hers, but he was immobile. Her breath hitched, wondering what was wrong. He couldn’t stop now. She’d die of frustration. And embarrassment. Maybe he’d changed his mind about her.

Their faces were now inches apart and she could feel hers start to heat up. If he had changed his mind she would will the floor to open up and swallow her whole.

“You’re perfect,” he said the words solemnly, reverently, and her heart twisted.

He’d said the same thing the day before, and she hadn’t known how to respond then either. Her scars were hideous, both the outward and internal ones, and he didn’t care. How could she not melt when he touched her? When he looked at her as if she were the most precious thing in the world.

Unable to find words, she tugged his shirt over his head and he pushed off his cargo shorts in a few quick moves. The need to feel his naked body against hers was a living breathing thing inside her. Before she had a chance to completely enjoy his naked body, he leaned over and pulled a condom from the nightstand. Never before had she found the act interesting, but she couldn’t tear her eyes away from his hands. With strong, lean fingers he rolled the condom over his cock. At the sight, her lower abdomen clenched almost painfully tight.  The only thing left between them now was her bathing suit bottom.

Her insides felt as if they were actually trembling and she was thankful she was lying down. If she’d been standing, she wasn’t sure she could have trusted her knees to hold her up. She was about to have sex with the hottest man she’d ever met, and her senses were going into overload.

He settled in between her legs, his cock brushing the covered opening of her wet sheath. All it would take was a few moves and she’d be completely bared for him. Since he was hardly moving, she propped up on her elbows, pushing her breasts up farther and feeling more exposed than ever. But, she didn’t care. “What are you waiting for?”

The corners of his mouth curled up slightly. Surprisingly, his hands shook as he untied the side bows of her bathing suit bottom. That meant he was just as anxious as her.

Thank goodness.

She inhaled his pure male scent as he trailed kisses along her neck and jaw. The licking and teasing of his tongue stoked her desire even hotter. Instead of penetrating, he rubbed against her open folds. The feel of all that hardness lightly stroking her most intimate area only made her inner walls clench with unfilled need.

She knew he was trying to give her more foreplay, but she didn’t want to wait. Not this time. Her body knew what it wanted. Before she could question herself, she adjusted her hips and impaled herself on him. She gasped as she adjusted to his size.

“Oh god,” he murmured against her ear as he found his rhythm.

My sentiments exactly
, she thought. Sleeping with him might be the biggest mistake of her life. Or the most amazing experience of her life. Hell, it might be a bit of both.

Their bodies meshed together in a frenetic dance. She’d always wanted sex soft and slow, but this time she needed it hard and fast. Luke wasn’t going to hurt her. Her head knew it and now so did her body.

She was finally free to enjoy herself. And her body screamed for release.

He somehow understood every nuance of her body. With expert hands, he gently tweaked and pulled her nipples, sending erotic pulses straight to her core. At the same time, his mouth never left hers. As if he understood her need for a certain kind of closeness now.

The faster his thrusts, the closer she came to release. When he reached between their bodies and brushed his thumb over her clit, it was the final stimulation she needed. Her orgasm hit hard and fast. In an almost violent release, her entire body shook and pulsed with flowing pleasure. She tightened her legs around him and just as quickly as she’d come, so did he.

His climax was wild and raw and pure male. He shouted her name as he came, the sound shocking her. After he rode through his orgasm, he gently pulled out of her and rolled onto his back, but kept one hand touching her side, as if he needed that connection.

Hope kicked the tangle of sheets away as she laid there. In more ways than one, she was too hot to breathe or move. A light sheen of sweat had formed across her forehead but she was too lethargic to wipe it away. She just wanted to bask in the afterglow of her bliss.

After a few minutes had passed, Luke propped up on one elbow and grinned down at her, the smile totally masculine.

“What?” She wasn’t sure if she liked that look on his face.

“I hope you’re not tired because that was round one.” He bent down and nipped her earlobe.

“I like the sound of that,” she murmured.

As he moved back on top of her, delivering kisses along her jaw and neck, she wrapped her arms around him. She traced her fingers down his back until she gripped his backside. “Tell me about the tattoo on your butt.”

He stopped mid-kiss and looked up to meet her gaze and an almost comical expression crossed his face.  Like a kid caught stealing candy from his mother’s purse. “You saw that?”

She tried to suppress a laugh as he cringed. “Kinda hard to miss it.”

He dropped his head onto her chest and groaned. “I got it when I was in the Marines.”

She bit her bottom lip. “Why the Road Runner?”

He lifted his head, his expression almost mournful. “Because I was young and stupid. One drunk night, five of us decided to get inked. I’m just glad I didn’t end up with Tweety Bird.”

She dug her hands into his flesh and allowed herself to laugh. “Because that would have been so much worse?”

“Hey now.” He leaned down and nipped her bottom lip playfully.

Instinctively she wrapped her legs around him, pulling him closer. There was still a lot she didn’t know about Luke, but the more she learned, the more she realized she could actually fall for him. Something that scared the hell out of her.

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