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Authors: Abby McCarthy

Current (9 page)

BOOK: Current
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Jake brought the boat in and tied it to the dock. The two were eerily silent on the walk back to June's place. Jake hated that she was leaving, but even more than that he hated what she witnessed. A part of him broke when he watched his father grab her and then even more of him broke as he said goodbye. He vowed to be with her again. He wouldn't let anything get in his way.

Jake returned home, a place he wasn't even sure if he belonged anymore with determination to be with June again. Jake’s hope diminished when he smelled the cigarette smoke on his porch and then he saw the man standing in the shadows. “Who’s there?” he called out thinking that it was probably his old man, he wouldn’t believe he was gone until he saw a body.

“Who I am isn’t as important as why I’m here.” A man almost twice the size of Jake, wearing a black cotton t-shirt, black dress pants and black shoes, stepped out of the shadows. A dragon tattoo snaked up his neck and danced around a scar that went over his face across his eye and disappeared into his dark hairline.

“Why are you here?” Jake asked trying to be brave even though he was spent from his emotional day.

The man smiled sinisterly, “I’m here to collect a debt. Your father owed me a sizable one and seeing as I watched you and your girlfriend knock him overboard, that debt falls on you.”

“But it was an accident,” Jake pleaded with the man.

“An accident, huh? That’s why you can swim after a rig, but not after your old man? Way I saw it was you let the water take him. You didn't have the balls to kill him yourself, though. You let that sweet little girlfriend of yours do the work.”

“Leave June out of it!” Jake squared his shoulders and tried to look bigger than he was.

The man laughed, “I could use her as repayment. Take care of her parents in their sleep before they go and make it look like it was you. I bet she can repay the debt real nice.”

Jake felt sick. He did this. He knew he was no good for June and now all of darkness was threatening to hurt her. “What do you want?” Jake asked feeling defeated. In the last several hours, he was beaten, watched the girl he loved being attacked by his Dad, watched the current take his Dad and then had to say goodbye to June. He felt like he was shattering. Everything that mattered was suddenly gone and now this man was going to harm June, his June.

“What do you want?” he asked again clearing his head from his thoughts and willing to do anything.

“Simple. You’re going to work for me. When I tell you to do something, you do it. No questions asked. If you don’t, I’ll turn you and your pretty little girlfriend in for murder, or worse I’ll make good on my threat for June. And don't worry, I have the police in my pocket around here so if they need any convincing it was the two of you, I’ll be sure to get them all the evidence they need.” Jake could see it in the evil glint in the man’s eyes that he was serious fueling Jake's feeling of hopelessness.

“Just leave her alone. I’ll do anything, if you just leave June out of this.” He would do anything to keep June safe. He knew the moment he saw June that she would be the only thing to shine in his gray world and he would be damned if he let this incident color her world dark. He would sign on with the devil himself if it meant protecting her. That, certainly was what this felt like.

The man smiled and threw his cigarette down on the ground stomping it out, “I’ll be in touch, Jake.”

Jake sat on the porch stairs staring after the man for hours thinking how the old adage went, better the devil you know, and that he would do anything the man made him do, to keep June safe. He wouldn't risk her. She was the best thing to ever happen to him.


Chapter Seven


They say there are moments in life when time freezes. Moments when your reality is suspended because the event itself holds so much power that it freezes time. Maybe actual time doesn't stop and it’s your heart that stops? Right now, at this moment, my heart has stopped. The air has left my body and I’m suspended, stuck in this moment. It’s too much. One second was everything I wanted and the next took it all away.

My stomach roiled as the police officers began their search. I wanted to fall to my knees and scream, but I promised Jake I wouldn’t. “Ma’am. I’d like your name and contact information in case we have any questions for you,” an officer who didn't look much older than myself asked. On auto pilot, I give him my information.

“We need you to vacate the premises. We’ll contact you if we need to.”

Just like that I’m being dismissed. “Wait, I’m so confused. I want to talk to him. How long until he’s able to have visitors?”

“It will at least be forty-eight hours. A piece of advice for you. This guy is bad news. If you’re smart, you’ll stay as far away from Jake Daniels as possible.”

I leave Jake’s apartment and walk home since he picked me up. It’s like I jinxed us yesterday because it’s freezing outside. The cold helps keep me from completely spiraling. I make it home even though I feel completely lost and I probably shouldn't even be walking home considering it’s the middle of the night. I should’ve called a cab and by the time I walk into my apartment, the sun is starting to rise.

When I walk into my room I have a mission. I open my drawer and I take out the picture that Jake took of me. I clutch it in my hands and hold it against my heart. After all this time, the only man I have ever loved was in my grasp and now he is gone. I’m left with so many questions. Why are they arresting him for his father’s disappearance? Why did he tell me his name was Lucas and not tell me the truth? I would’ve run with him if that’s what he needed. I would’ve done anything for him. I promised him I wouldn’t tell the police, but why? None of it makes sense. I feel sick about it. I had him. I wanted it so badly to be him and I had him all along. I love the boy I fell in love with and I just fell in love with the man he became, even if I didn’t know for sure, I knew. Deep down, I knew. I was just so confused by his lie, I couldn’t see it.

I close my eyes and weep silently, the guilt for what I did to his dad feels raw and fresh again. It took me a long time to get past it. I became reckless and wild. I hated myself for killing someone and felt so low about myself that I gave up my virginity to the wrong kind of man as soon as an opportunity presented itself. Even now, I haven’t been in a serious relationship. This is all my fault. If I had told my parents the truth then and not let them take me away maybe none of this would be happening, but Jake promised he’d find me one day and that it would all be okay. Nothing about him being arrested seven years later is okay. I hate how I feel. I’m so stinking sad. It’s like the world was given to me for the briefest of seconds and then that same current that took Mr. Daniels away came in and stole Jake from me all over again.

If it comes to my freedom or his, I need to confess. I need to make it right. I can’t let him take the fall for something I did.

I hear Liz wake up and I don't make a sound. I don't want to see her right now. I know my eyes are puffy and I need to sort my head out before I tell her anything. She has an early class and she probably thinks I’m still at Jake’s at least I'm hoping she does. Before long, I hear the front door open and close and I’m glad that she’s gone. She would ask questions, questions I don't have answers for.

I call the police station only to confirm what the officer said, that I can’t visit yet. I’m a wreck. I get in my car and I drive to the band’s house. No one answers the door. I call Bernie and leave a message asking her to have Dietz call me. Until I talk to Jake, I don’t know what I should say, but I need to see if Dietz knows anything.

Five restless hours later, I finally get a return call from Dietz. My pulse is racing rapidly as I answer the phone.

“Dietz, thank God. I’ve been trying to get a hold of someone, anyone.”

“What’s up, buttercup? You sound panicked. Everything alright?” his easy demeanor irritates me.

“No, everything isn’t alright. I was with Lucas and he was arrested.”

“Shit! What the hell for?” he questions, “I told him the cops were asking about him. He said he had it covered. Let me see what I can find out.”

“I don't really know what’s going on. They said he’s wanted for the disappearance of someone. I know that’s a lie. I know him. He wouldn't do that! What did the cops ask you?” I’m frantic, but can’t help it. Everything feels like it’s spiraling out of control.

“They showed me a picture of Lucas and they asked me if I knew Jake Daniels. They said they thought he could be going by a different name. I told them I didn’t know shit. I even told Lucas and he said it was some kind of misunderstanding and that he had it covered. Fuck.”

“There were at least half a dozen cops. It was insane. I’m scared,” I admit trying to stop my body from trembling.

“Shit. Let me see what I can find out. I’ll call you. And June?”


“Hang tight. Lucas is a good guy. You’re right, I’m sure he didn’t do this. It’s gotta be like he said and one big misunderstanding. It'll be okay, you’ll see.” Dietz does his best to reassure me, but the slight shake in his voice tells me he’s scared too.

We hang up and I feel no more settled. Dietz doesn't know anything. He thinks his name is Lucas just like I did and until I talk to Jake, that’s what he’ll continue to believe.

Over the next day, I am frantic. There is nothing I can do. I get a call from Dietz that says basically what the cops said, forty-eight hours, and really is Jake Daniels wanted in the disappearance with Mike Daniels. Dietz is stunned. I promise to call him, even though the band is the least of my concerns.

I skip my classes. I can’t concentrate on anything. I call in sick to the bookstore. Liz can tell something is wrong, but I tell her I’m sick and that everything is fine. She looks at me skeptically, but I can’t tell her.

On the second day, I’m at the police station as soon as the sun is up. I ask to speak to Jake Daniels and an officer tells me that he is in with the prosecutor and it will be a few hours. I wait in a chair. On my right are two large, black men, one sporting gold teeth and an airbrushed jacket with a picture of him and his dog, and the other is dressed in black from head-to-toe and gives an evil stare to anyone who looks his way. I keep my eyes averted, because he makes me nervous. On my left is a dirty, white man with skin so dirty you’d think he had been buried alive. His stench is the most grotesque thing I’ve ever smelled. The man with the gold teeth eventually gets up yelling for someone to hose the man down.

After what feels like hours, a petite police officer with blonde hair pulled back into a tight bun, finally calls my name. She checks me for contraband in one room, then I follow her down a long hallway. She opens the door to a small room with blank white walls and a single table where Jake is sitting with his head down; his hands are handcuffed to a small metal loop in the table. He looks up and his eyes connect with me as I take a seat in front of him.

“Stay seated at all times. No touching the prisoner. You have five minutes,” the police officer recites as if she has said it dozens of times and walks out of the room.

“Jake,” a strangled plea leaves my lips, “Why didn't you tell me it was you? What’s happening? Are you okay?” I long to stroke his tired face. His blue-green eyes that I love so much look sad and broken. He nods to a sign behind him that reads, “You are being monitored and may be video recorded.”

“I’m so sorry, June. I never meant for you to find out. It’s just when I saw you I couldn’t help myself. I had to get to know the woman you’ve become. You’ve turned into such a strong beautiful woman. The kind of woman I knew you would always be.”

“You’re not answering any of my questions, Jake Daniels,” I say his name with a sneer angry at him for not telling me the truth. “Did you mean for me not to find out like that or were you not going to tell me?” I’m angry and confused.

“I wasn’t going to tell you. There is so much more going on here than you could possibly know. I’ve kept things from you, June, but I did it to protect you. Please believe me. You need to let me go. This has to be goodbye. Promise me you’ll live a happy life; be happy my Juniper,” his eyes plead with me to give in and let go. They gut me. He is gutting me.

“No, I’m not letting them arrest you for something we both know you didn’t do.”

“It’s done June. I just met with the prosecutor. They have strong evidence against me, so I took a deal for involuntary manslaughter. If I’m lucky, I’ll be out in four years. I need you to forget about me and do whatever you have to do to pretend you never met me.”

“Forget you? I fell in love with you when I was fifteen and I just fell in love all over again at twenty-two. You think I can forget you? You think I can move on? I didn’t move on then and I sure as hell can’t now. You need to tell me what is really going on or I will go out there and tell them it was me.” I spit out desperate for him to listen to me. I can’t lose him again. He is all I have and means everything to me.

“June, I swear to Christ. You will not go out there. Listen to me, and listen to me very carefully. You’re not responsible for this. It wasn't you and if you start opening your mouth to people about how you know me, you are going to be in danger and then everything I’ve done to make sure you are safe will all be for nothing, do you understand me?” he’s angry. His voice is raised and slightly manic.

“What the hell do you mean, I didn’t do this? We both know that’s not the truth.”

“It wasn't you, June,” he says with so much conviction it makes me doubt everything that happened.

I glare at him. “Why go by Lucas?” I ask wanting an answer to why he told me his name was Lucas.

“I know it isn't fair, but I had to get to know you.”

The door opens and the police officer says, “Time’s up.”

I’m frantic. This can't be it. This can't be happening.

“Goodbye, my sweet Juniper. I love you.”

“No, this can't be it. I need more answers. I love you, Jake.” I’m frantic and reaching for him as the police officer begins guiding me out of the room.

“This isn't goodbye, Jake,” I promise as the door closes shutting him out.

“I love you!” I shout again, but the door is closed. I feel like I’m drowning and this tiny room is swallowing me whole.

I’m angry and devastated. Broken, yet wanting to attack. How can the world be so cruel to me? It gave me love twice and took it away. Each time I thought I had it, it was ripped brutally away from me. The first time it was taken was by Mike Daniels, and this time it’s by Jake.


BOOK: Current
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