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Authors: Abby McCarthy

Current (4 page)

BOOK: Current
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Lucas pinches my clit bringing me out of my panic and suddenly all I can think about is what he's doing to me. It’s abrupt, when it hits me. I’m surprised at how quickly he is working me there.

“Oh my,” I scream out and throw my head back. My body is still spasming
I feel like the most incredible spark has been lit inside of me.

“Wow,” I say as Lucas looks up at me with a cheeky grin. His blue-green eyes sparkle in the light and I realize he pulled the drapes open. “That’s quite the wake-up.”

“That last good morning wasn't half bad either,” he says and pulls me up to his arms. “I could stay in bed with you all day, but I’m starving and have no food in this place. There’s a diner practically across the street, let’s get up and grab something to eat.”

My stomach does a rumble at the mention of food, “I could eat. I only have last night's clothes, though.”

“You can borrow a t-shirt, but I’m sure it will be huge on you.”

“I think I’ll pass, I’d swim in it. Besides, what a better way to say punk's not dead than by wearing the same outfit two days in a row? Seriously though, my place isn’t far. After breakfast can we stop there?”

“So you’re really going to spend the day with me?” he asks hopefully.

“You really want me too? I mean we hooked up, but it doesn't have to be anything serious,” I say hoping that he actually isn't only looking for a one night thing. I know he said he wanted to spend the day with me, but maybe he was just trying to be nice. Then again, men who are only looking for a one night stand don't usually wake you up by going down south.

“June,” he says my name sternly, “I don't have a ton of one-night stands. Do you? Is that what you think this is?”

“Well honestly, I’m kind of hoping it’s not.”

“It’s not,” he says quickly and adds, in an it’s not up for discussion kind of way, “Well, do you?”

“Do I what?”

“Have a lot of one-night stands,” he seems irritated by the thought of this, but it doesn't really make sense. We did, after all, meet in a bar, have drinks, and stay up most of the night screwing each other’s brains out.

“Not a lot, but I’m in college. Has it happened? Sure, But it’s not the norm for me, if that’s what you’re asking. Frankly, I don't feel like I should have to defend myself to you considering we were both in this together,” I finish by getting out of bed in a huff and walking to the living room to retrieve my clothes. I’m pulling my skirt up when Lucas walks in wearing black boxer briefs.

Damn him and his sculpted chest. It’s a freaking beacon waiting to be touched. Seriously, I’m annoyed with him. I need to stop drooling. “Have you seen my shirt?” I ask.

“Come here,” he walks towards me with open arms, “Don’t be mad at me. I didn’t mean to offend you. It’s just that I like you and I feel like we could have something. I know we got together fast last night, but it felt right. It feels right.”

With his words, I curl into him. I can't stay mad at him. After a few minutes, I look up at him, “Let’s get something to eat.”

He grins at me. I grin back. We separate, get dressed and make our way to the diner.


The diner is a grease pit. It doesn't seem like the cleanest place, but the food must be good because the entire dining room is full. We put our name on an list and stand shoulder to shoulder with people in the waiting area . It’s a complete clusterfuck. After ten minutes or so, a waitress who is also acting as a hostess calls our name. There is a small booth that’s opened up.

Lucas sits down and I sit across from him. Plastic menus are set in front of us and a waitress with bags under her eyes says in a rushed voice, “What can I get you to drink?”

“Coffee and a water for me,” I say.

“I’ll have the same,” Lucas adds.

The waitress nods then walks away as I look over the menu. “What’s good here?” I ask.

“Pancakes, waffles, omelets, eggs benedict. Their hollandaise sauce is amazing,” he tells me.

“Sold,” I set down the menu, not needing to look at it any longer. “What are you going to get?”

“Bacon pancakes.” He places his menu down on top of mine and sets them on the edge of the table.

“Bacon pancakes, seriously?”


“That can't be good for you,” I shake my head and smile at him.

“Everything's better with bacon,” he deadpans.

The waitress returns, sets our drinks down and takes our order.

“Ever have a bacon milkshake?” he asks after she walks away.

“No, that sounds disgusting.”

“It’s not. It’s amazing.

“Only you would like bacon on everything.” Those words slip past my lips and I freeze.

“What did you pack?” Jake asks me as he pulls his foil wrapped sandwich from his backpack.

“Mom made me a BLT,” I say sitting down on the bank by the water.

“Let me see your sandwich.”

“Why?” I ask.

“Just let me see it.” He sits next to me and reaches out his hand waiting for me to hand it over. I am amused with what Jake will do next so I pretend to hand him the sandwich. As soon as he reaches for it, I pull it back and giggle.

“June, sandwich,” he says again a smile dances all over his face.

I hand him the sandwich and watch as he opens it, snags off two pieces of bacon, opens his peanut butter and jelly sandwich and places the bacon right in the middle of his sandwich.

“Jake, that’s just gross!”

“It’s so good. You should try it.”

“There is no way I will try that!”

“Your loss,” he says with a mouthful of bacon and PB&J.

“Only you would like bacon on everything.”

He grins at me. There is a smudge of peanut butter at the corner of his mouth. I want to wipe it away with my thumb, but I’m still too nervous.

“June?” Lucas asks. Oh shit. I must’ve gotten lost in the memory. My heart beats rapidly and I feel the beat behind my eyes all the way to my fingertips. I blink once, then twice. I need to get a grip. It’s not him. He’s not Jake.

“Are you okay?”

I realize I still haven't answered him. He grabs my hand. I wonder if he can feel how rapidly my heart is beating.
“I’m, I’m okay.” I inhale deeply steadying my nerves, then take a sip of my hot coffee.

“What was that?” concern lacing his voice.

“I’m not really sure,” I lie. I don't want to admit him how much he reminds me of Jake. I like Lucas. I like Lucas and don't want him thinking that the reason I'm with him right now is because of the similarities. Yes, that’s probably part of it, but Lucas is sweet, funny and there is this unbelievable connection.

Lucas squints his eyes at me. He is trying to read my face to see if he can decipher my lie.

“So, what’s on the agenda today?” I want to change the subject.

“We can go back to my place and I can take advantage of every beautiful inch of you,” Lucas says low and seductively.

I blush thinking about how much he has already taken
of me.

“That’s very enticing. I do have a request, though.”

“I take requests.”

“After we stop by my place and I shower, change and make sure everything is good with Liz. I also need to stop by the drugstore.”

“Everything okay?”

“Yes, I need to pick something up, that’s all. No big deal.”

He looks at me concerned for a moment, then brushes it off when I smile brightly at him.

When we walk into my dark apartment Liz is on a purple yoga mat, watching a DVD, and mimicking the slender woman’s pigeon pose.

“You’re up early,” I flip on the light switch.

“You’re not alone?” she says accusatory.

“Hey, Liz,” Lucas says with a short wave, his eyes roaming over our small eclectic apartment. Liz switches poses in sync with the instructor on the television. Lucas doesn't pay her much mind, which is a feat in itself since she is gorgeous and decked out in yoga gear.

Our apartment has a nice flat screen TV, courtesy of Liz. The sofa has a bold flower print and on each side of the sofa there is a small armchair that tends to act more like a catch-all for me. The small coffee table has since been pushed against the wall to make room for Liz’s yoga. Incense sticking out of the house plant in the windowsill above the sink, mixed with Liz’s freshly shampooed hair makes the apartment smell like clean hippies, if that’s even a thing.

“Where’s Matt?” I question, surprised he isn't still with her.

“Ugh, Matt had too much to drink and had some issues.” She scrunches up her face as she shifts into downward dog.

“That bad, huh?” I ask.

“So bad, I needed to relieve some pent up energy.”

Lucas is still taking in the apartment, when he asks, “Which room is yours?”

“Last door on the left,” I explain to which he replies, “Mind if I check it out?” This might seem strange to some, I mean how often does your one night stand come home with you and check out your room? I can tell by the way Liz is looking at me that she finds it peculiar, but for some reason it seems natural to me.

“Go right ahead. Just don’t mind the mess.” Lucas kisses me tenderly on the shoulder and then walks into my room.

“Wow, so you had a better night than me, I take it?” Liz asks switching positions again. She’s talking to me with her head between her legs and I can't help but laugh.

“I had an amazing night. We’re going to hang out today. Mind if I borrow your laptop, so I can get my article done today?”

“Not at all. Have fun.” She stretches her arms up over her blonde head.

“I intend to.” I flash a huge grin as I walk away and into my room with Lucas.

My room is a mess. Being neat and tidy has never been my thing. Clothes from last nights ‘what do I want to wear’ are in huge piles on my twin bed. On the floor is a pile of laundry I need to wash and sitting right next to that is a basket filled with clothes I need to put away. When I walk in, Lucas is standing in front of the tall dresser. He’s looking at something that I can’t quite see. The look on his face is tender. I get closer to see what he is looking at and my breath hitches. Of all the things he singles out in my cluttered room, he’s looking at the one thing that means the most to me.

It was the last morning I’d ever spent with Jake. Of course, I didn't know it at the time. I thought we would have more time together.

I slip on my flip flops and have one foot out the door to head to the river when Mom yells, “Don't forget your camera, June.” She knows me so well. I keep telling her how I want more pictures to capture this summer. She thinks Jake and I are cute. Whenever she says it I laugh at her and tell her cute is for babies, but what I really want to say is that what we have is so much more than cute. What we have is once in a lifetime and I’m just lucky enough to find it when I’m fifteen. I thank her for reminding me, grab the camera dangling from the short black rope on her hand and make a mad dash to meet Jake. He’s in a bad mood, kicking dirt when I sneak up on him. I hate to see this side of him. It truly breaks my heart. I hate his dad. He can destroy the best days for Jake in minutes.

“Jake!” I call out and take a picture of him as soon as he looks up to meet my stare. He hates getting his picture taken. His face breaks out in a silly grin when he sees me. “You know I hate that. I’m going to get you for it,” he says and chases after me.

I’m laughing hard as I dart in and out of trees trying to evade him, but it’s useless. He's quick. In seconds, he grabs a hold of me and begins tickling me. Before I know it, we are both on the ground and he has my hands pinned over my head. He grabs the camera from me and begins snapping shot after shot. I turn my head away from him laughing, “Stop Jake! I want pictures of you, not me.” I squirm and buck under him. For the first time, I feel him grow hard against my body. It shocks me, and the air instantly changes. He’s embarrassed. I can tell by the way he quickly gets off of me and lets go of my wrists. I’m not embarrassed, though. I’m curious.

“Don’t do that, Jake. Don’t you dare shy away from me.” I don’t like when he hides any feeling from me.

“Sorry, June. I didn’t mean for you to feel that,” he puts space between us.

“Why? It’s part of who you are.” I’m still on the ground. Jake is on his knees. I crawl to him and get close again.

He moans, “Don’t do that, June.”

“Do what?” I ask flirtatiously.

“Crawl to me.”

I can't take it. I’ve been curious about him and what he looks like, what he’d feel like. “Can I touch you?” I ask.

With my question, it’s like everything has changed. The air is thicker, or maybe I am just more aware of everything. My heart is beating hard in my chest and I’m so close to Jake now that I can smell his Ivory soap.

“Oh my, Juniper,” he groans, “I’ve been trying so hard to go slow with you. You’re so young. I don't want you to do anything you’re not ready for.”

“How about we stop if it’s too much?” I ask seeing the war rage in his eyes. I decide for us as I reach my hand to his zipper, unzip it and slip my hand inside feeling his hard length against his boxers. His eyes widen in shock, but I know he won’t pull away. He grabs my chin with his thumb and forefinger and lifts my eyes to his.

BOOK: Current
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