Club X-Dare (Siren Publishing Allure) (9 page)

Read Club X-Dare (Siren Publishing Allure) Online

Authors: Kat Barrett

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Club X-Dare (Siren Publishing Allure)
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Aino collapsed on top of him. Her entire body flinched with tiny ripples of feeling. Condor wrapped his arms around her, holding her tightly as he licked her face, encouraging her into a kiss. She was ravenous, her mouth sealing against his in the crush of famished desire. He slid his hands up into her scalp, reveling in the feel of her softness, the scent of her flowery hair.

She moved slightly to the side, lying down against his chest. “I love you so much, Condor.”

“Was that love or lust?”

“It was both. I can’t do that.”

“Do what?”

“Go so long. My flesh was ready to climax the moment you touched me. Damn that hurt.”

“Hurt?” he asked in a voice filled with sudden concern.

“No, not bad hurt. It was good, just a little too intense. My muscles kind of stopped in the middle of the orgasm as if they were too overwhelmed to allow me to climax. My whole lower body cramped up, and I felt like I was going to explode, and when it did, oh shit.”

Condor pushed back her hair, not finding amusement in her humor. “When was the last time you got checked?”

“Checked for what? You said the tests were both negative.”

“I don’t mean an STD test. I mean a gynecologist?”

“I don’t know. Uhm, a couple of years ago. My doctor moved, and I never found another one. I haven’t had time to go look for one here. Everything is normal.”

“Go find one.”

“What’s wrong?”

“I would just feel better if you got checked. One of the women at the club was just diagnosed with cervical cancer. It sent a chill through me when you said it hurt.”

“If it will make you feel better than I will check the yellow pages tomorrow. It was not a case of something wrong. It was just a release of too much tension.”

“Okay. I worry about you.”

“That is nice to know. Can we get a little sleep and then try again?”

“Sounds good. I love this room. It is really special.”

“Me, too. It is better now that you are in it.” She snuggled up against him, and he wrapped his arm tightly around her. Her use of the word hurt really bothered him, and he kissed her head, trying to relax and enjoy being with her.

Chapter 9


Aino shivered at the feeling of being in bed alone and rolled over. Condor was not beside her, and she glanced toward the bathroom. The door was open, and the light was off. She slipped out of bed, heading out into the living room. She was surprised to see that the sun was shining in through the window. “Why didn’t you wake me up?”

“You looked really peaceful.”

“I feel really aroused. I thought we were gonna have sex again?” She walked up behind him, putting her arms around his neck and giving him a kiss. “Something wrong?”

“I have been checking the yellow pages. There is a gynecologist right around the corner from the club. Please call and make an appointment, today.”

“Sure thing, but I don’t think they will be open at six a.m. Can we go back to bed?”

Condor got up, dragging her into his arms. “I suppose, but should we be having sex if you get an appointment today?”

“That is pretty unlikely, and I don’t give a shit if I do. I want you. I am neglected and deprived.”

He spun her around, walking her into the bedroom as he nibbled on her neck. Once they were in bed, he became cautious as if she would break during the act. Aino used her legs to move him, encouraging him to be a little more energetic. He kissed her softly and then slid down her throat, nibbling at her skin. Aino had the impression that he was trying to distract her from the gentleness of his dick and it was partially working. His lips were warm and soft, feeling wonderful against her skin and when she tried to push him with her calves around his back, he pulled back further. Condor refused her in the most infuriating way possible. He kept the tip of his dick at the very outer ring of her cunt, his thrusts miniscule. The motion stroked her G-spot, but left the inner muscles pulsing with expectation. She wanted him. All of him. “Condor!”

“Aino. Am I torturing you?”

“Yes,” she replied with a sassy smile.

“I have been told that this particular motion feels wonderful. Do you disagree?”

“No. It feels great, but it is also getting on my nerves. Specifically the nerve endings in my cunt that are screaming for attention.”

Condor chuckled and filled her taut flesh with the full girth of his cock. Aino arched her back, slamming against him as her mouth opened in silent, overwhelmed reaction. He moved slowly, waiting as the pulse of her muscles quickened around him and then picked up the pace slightly, allowing her to fully climax.

When he pulled out at the last moment to release onto her stomach instead of inside her, she glared at him. “Will you stop? You are making me nuts. I have waited a week and a half to be with you, and you are treating me like glass. There is nothing wrong with me. That didn’t hurt. It felt great. My periods are all normal, and I was lucky enough to get it while you weren’t here. I have no pain, itching, swelling, or abnormal odor. Do I feel abnormal inside?”

“No, you feel soggy, slippery, and warm. I just keep hearing you say that it hurt last night.”

“I told you, that was a dramatic overstatement for the impact of that climax. It was not actual pain. I just need you more often.”

He reached into her bedside table and dropped three different dildos on her stomach. “Use them in the middle of the week. It will still leave you needy by Friday, and you won’t be so wound up.”

“How did you know those were there?”

“I was looking for a tissue.”

Aino giggled and leaned up to kiss him. “What a shocker that must have been.”

He lifted one of them and shook it, laughing. “This is interesting. It looks like a spine packed in gel. Feel good?”

“Yes, as a matter of fact, it does. Not as good as you, but fine for a quick sexual fix.”

“You are an addict.”

“Is that bad?” she asked, raising her eyebrows as part of the question.

“No, it is not,” he replied, rubbing the liquid release of his climax over her stomach with his palms and then slapping them to either side of her face as he dropped onto her to kiss her.

Aino groaned and then began to laugh as his slimy hands massaged her face. Condor leaned up on his elbows, chuckling. “It is supposed to be good for your skin.”

She flexed her jaws and grimaced. “It’s sticky. Come take a shower with me.”

“Okay, when do you usually go to the club?”

“I wander over there between eight and nine. I will take the number with me and call from the cell, okay? I need a cup of coffee.”

“I put together a pot earlier. Go find me a towel, and I will go flip it on,” he said, walking out of the room. A few moments later, he came into the bathroom laughing.

“What?” Aino asked.

“I didn’t know there was a walk right outside your back porch.”

“That's where the old ladies always take a walk first thing in the morning before it gets hot. I gather it got hot quick this morning.”

“I think so. One of them almost fell because she missed a step staring in the window. You need to get a curtain.”

Aino stepped into the shower, waiting for Condor and shutting the door. “I don’t usually walk around naked. Oh, I didn’t tell you. Two women popped over the other day with cupcakes. One of them immediately locked her eyes on the charm. She kept staring at it the whole time we were out on the back porch talking. Her friend got up to use the bathroom, and she immediately asked, ‘What is that charm on your neck?’ I told her it was a present from my boyfriend. She leered at me really suspiciously and asked, ‘Does he live around here?’ I said that you lived up near Orlando. I could see the gears clicking in her head as she tried to figure out her next question, and then she said, ‘Oh, I belong to a club up in that area. Have you ever gone clubbing up there?’ I had had enough of the secrecy, and I said in a real nonchalant tone, ‘What’s your call name? Mine is Aino, my boyfriend’s is Condor.’ I thought she was going to fall off the chair.

‘You are dating the owner of club X-Dare? He has claimed you as his sole property? How romantic.’ Her voice was bordering on verbal drool. I was very sweet as I replied, ‘Why yes, I am. Are you a member?’ Her face lit up like the Fourth of July. ‘Yes, I can’t wait until the new club is built. I just can’t get upstate all that often. I love going there. I am an out, what are you?’ At this point her friend shows back up and sits down. I very casually replied, ‘Lead, guide, bands black and red, charms yellow and brown, and you?’ The poor woman had no idea what to say. She was obviously not going to continue the conversation with her friend present. Does the name of Lenora Shied ring a bell?”

Condor considered the name for a moment and then laughed. “Yes, she is a very mousy woman. She was a horrible newling, unsure about trying anything. She never did figure out what she wants. I can’t remember her colors. I think she had a real assortment of charms. She hasn’t been in for a while. That means you already have a member.”

“Goodie. Are you coming into the office with me?”


“I figured that you were nervous about me going to the gyno, so you might want to come with me. Most doctors will let you come into the room if I want it.”

“Really? Yeah, if I can come in. Can I watch?”


“Cool. We are wasting all this glorious hot water,” he said as he poured bath gel into his palm and began to rub her down with it.

Chapter 10


It was nine thirty when the wandered onto the jobsite. The foreman immediately came over to them. “Aino, didn’t you say that you wanted those two big palm fronds on either side of the front door entrance?”

“Yes, I did, why?”

“Because, Luis says that you want them to accent the driveway entrance.”

“No, I want the two decorative pines at the driveway. Everyone on this street has palm fronds to accent their driveway, and I want ours to be different. Where the hell is he?”

Mark pointed, and Aino walked directly in the line of his finger. Condor stood with Mark. “You ain’t kidding, she is a fireball.”

“Excuse me?” Mark asked.

“We have only spoken on the phone. I am Condor.”

Mark gave him a closer look. “Oh, sorry. From our conversations I was thinking you were older and bigger. You sound about six foot five and three hundred pounds on the phone.”

“I am five nine and two hundred pounds. Sorry.”

“Is she yours? I saw the charm on her neck.”

“Yeah, all one hundred and twenty five pounds of flames. I would hate to be Luis right now.”

“Yeah, me, too,” replied Mark as the two men watched her. “She is a real special woman, isn’t she?”

“You could say that. That’s why I call for a progress report every few days. She is your boss now.”

“What do you mean?”

“I gave her fifty-five percent of the club last night. She has controlling interest.”

“Nice present, want to adopt a grown man?”

“No thanks. I have my hands full already. Keep an eye on her for me. I know she can take care of herself, but I still worry.”

“I knew someone was worried about her. I’ve already informed my crew that she is off limits. I can’t stop them from looking, so don’t take it personally.”

“I won’t. She was a guide up north for me, and everybody looked, drooled, begged. That is why she is down here. I can’t be in the same club with her.”

“I belong, but I don’t know if I could handle my wife being a member. She came once and didn’t like it. We have a strange marriage, and we get along great, as long as we don’t sleep together too often.”

Condor was accustomed to people telling him about their sex lives. It seemed to be part of the territory that everyone who was a member felt the need to confess to him, as if to confirm that their life was okay. “Sometimes life is like that, and you either handle things the way they are or you get out. If the two of you have an arrangement worked out, then great.”

“Yeah, I have club X on the weekends, and she has the gardening done while I am not home.”

Aino walked back over, shaking her head. “The man is impossible. I think that I finally got it though his head that I don’t want to blend in with the neighbors. How are things inside going, Mark?”

“Actually I think they were waiting on you for some weird electrical box you asked for. Maybe you should go inside and look.” She smiled at Condor, and he put his arm around her as they walked inside. Everything seemed to stop with her entrance, as all the men stopped to stare at her. “Good morning, everyone. This is the owner of this lovely fabrication, Condor. Everyone say good morning and then snap your mouths shut, please,” she said in a tone so sappy sweet and pleasant that everyone called out, “Good morning,” and then immediately went back to work without feeling as if they had been reprimanded for openly ogling her..

“I swear you hypnotize people. You are a little devil.”

“Maybe, let’s go check on that electrician. I know exactly what the problem is.” She led him through the building and stepped into one of the rooms. A man was working on wiring an outlet on the wall, and she looked upward. “Frank, why is it so hard to put up an outlet in the ceiling?”

“It is not hard. I just wanted to know why you wanted it there. If a light is going there, it should be direct wired.”

“But a light is not going there. A spinning swing is going there. If you look at the blueprints, there is a connection bar going in with extra heavy supports rated for up to four hundred pounds. The swing is interchangeable with a rotating cage that also needs to be plugged in. The plugs are wired through the top so the best place for the outlet is in the ceiling. There is also an option for a third toy, which I haven’t ordered yet. They are all X-Dare approved. I also need that larger sink installed to be able to wash the swing or the cage easily. There are supposed to be direct-wired flicker lights set into four places in the ceiling. I don’t see any cutouts or wiring.”

“Uhm, they will be there when I am done. I just wanted to do a final check with you.”

“Thank you. The blueprints follow pretty much what I want. Additions have been sketched in with pencil. If you have anything else, feel free to ask,” she said, rubbing her temple. “Do you want to see the rest, Condor?”

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