Club X-Dare (Siren Publishing Allure)

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Authors: Kat Barrett

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Club X-Dare (Siren Publishing Allure)
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Club X-Dare

Sam Bell is a manager in an insurance firm by day, but spends her nights as a lead at Club X-Dare. She is a woman who likes to be in control, and most men who submit themselves to her skilled hands end up crawling at her feet.

Brian Kylie, aka Condor, owns another Club X-Dare in Orlando, Florida, and he offers Sam a job as a guide at his club. It is a promising position where Sam can combine work with pleasure.

Condor has an ulterior motive. He is enamored with Sam after reading her files and hopes that they can have a more personal relationship. He shows her his club and they spend a week together as tourists, but childhood ghosts of her parents’ shattered love haunt Sam. She runs from her emotions, going home to a life of emptiness.

Condor goes after her and convinces her to take a chance on their love. It is a rocky relationship that is tested by life, as they fight the odds to have it survive.

Note: This book depicts a rape fantasy.

BDSM, Contemporary

54,129 words








Kat Barrett










Siren Publishing, Inc.

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IMPRINT: Erotic Romance




Copyright © 2013 by Kat Barrett

E-book ISBN: 978-1-62242-665-2


First E-book Publication: March 2013


Cover design by Christine Kirchoff

All cover art and logo copyright © 2013 by Siren Publishing, Inc.


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All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.




Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Club X-Dare
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Amanda Hilton, Publisher




I wish to thank my good friends Sandra and Dawn, who support, and encourage me to continue writing.

I have to admit though, that I love to write and see what happens as the story progresses. No, I never know in advance and usually when I think I know, it takes a turn and goes elsewhere.

Thanks also have to go out to my husband who finds other things to do as I sit at the computer typing.

To you, my fans, I enjoy your feedback and without you, I would be writing for only my own amusement. Thank you.




Copyright © 2013






Chapter 1


“Sir, you can’t go in there.”

The voice caused Sam to look up at her office door as it opened. “I’m sorry, Miss Bell, but he just walked past me. Do you want me to call security?”

Sam immediately recognized the man from a photo on the wall of the leads lounge. His name was Brian Kylie, and he owned the Florida chapter of club X-Dare. He was a dramatic figure and Sam took a moment to look him over. His tan was absolutely stunning, and it went well with his thick amber hair which was highlighted with steaks of blond. Sam could honestly see herself in bed with him, but she instantly put her initial attraction aside. “It’s okay, Linda. Can you please shut the door?”

“Mr. Grestan is going to be here any moment. What should I tell him?”

“Tell him to have a seat and wait,” she replied as if the answer was obvious. “Brian, what are you doing at my office? Personal information is confidential and I don’t mix the club with my life.”

He pulled a chair over, sitting across from her and leaning slightly over her desk. “My call name is Condor, and you, Dragon Fire, are just as stunning in person. I have a proposition for you. My third-shift guide is leaving in two months, and I want someone special to replace her. I’m looking for a new face and a woman with a good, strong attitude. There are some wild ones who wander in during the late night, and I need a pretty face who can keep them in line. There isn’t much to do in a state where everything is geared toward the young, the tourists, and the elderly. X-Dare is a popular amusement for those lost in the shuffle of middle age, and my clientele list is growing. From what I have been told, you are a very intelligent and versatile woman. You run this insurance agency with an iron fist, yet everyone likes and respects you. I’m offering to start you at sixty-thousand-a-year salary. We pay all moving expenses. Full medical and dental. You will get a half advance when you sign a one-year contract. If you back out, then so be it. If we fire you, we will pay you out for the year. Take a week off and come see what I have created. My treat, just say when.”

“Seventy thousand a year, and I already have a vacation scheduled for next week. I was planning on working in my garden and spending some time in the dungeon with Seal or Gargon. Is a romp at your place part of the deal, or do I get to stay in some hotel that has bed mites and cum on the bedspread?” she asked with a cute, cheeky smile that reflected almost no amusement.

“I’m not a big fan of hotels either. You can stay at my condo, but I don’t know about the romp. There are two quaint ranch houses in my complex for sale that might interest you. It’s a nice place, set around a central gazebo, private gym, pool, spa, and hall that can be reserved for gatherings. Each unit has its own small backyard with a six-foot privacy fence.”

“Sounds interesting. I will give it some thought. Now, if you don’t mind, I have a client trying to get us to pay for his house, which I firmly believed he burned down himself. Is there somewhere we can talk later about this?”

“I will call you.” Condor stood, pushing back the chair.

“I will be looking forward to it.”

With a nod of acknowledgement, he strutted out the door. Caroline stopped just outside Sam’s office, her eyes following Condor as he strolled toward the exit. She stuck her head inside. “Wow. Please tell me that you just hired him. What a hunk.”

“I guess,” Sam replied noncommittally. “Do you have information for me on the fire?”

“Oh no, you aren’t getting anything until you spill the info on that guy. Who was that? If I wasn’t getting married, I’d beg you to get me a date with him. His blond-and-amber hair is amazing, and what a tan he has. Really hot.”

Sam rolled her eyes. “He lives in Florida and obviously spends a lot of time in the sun and at the gym.” She motioned Caroline inside. The woman was not only a first-rate examiner, she was also Sam’s best friend. “Shut the door.”

Caroline pulled up the chair Condor had just vacated. “Well, talk!”

“His name is Brian, and he just offered me a job. I would have to pack up and move to Florida.”

“Is he part of the package?”

“I doubt it. He is a big-time player.”

Caroline looked at her suspiciously. “What job?”

“I would be a guide in a club like the one I go to when I want some kinky fun.”

“You are still going to that place, Sam? I thought you only went once or twice to check it out and then never went back. Freaks go there who like sex with whips and pain.”

“I hate to shock you, Caroline, but I am one of them. My call name is Dragon Fire. I go two or three times a week, and I have my choice of whoever is there. I am a lead. Brian is the owner of a club in Orlando, Florida, and also fills in as a guide. He watches the club, keeping peace and giving advice when it is asked for. Guides are there to settle disputes, teach, and to help protect newlings who are approached outside their charms.”

“Back up!” Caroline sputtered. “What is a lead or a newling? I feel like you are talking sci-fi.”

“A newling is someone who is inexperienced, and has been a member for less than a year. Sub is a title for a submissive. I’m a lead. I’ve been there over a year and a half and have been trained in dominance.”

Caroline stared at her, her forehead creased with surprise. “Oh my god, Sam. Are you serious? When you say dominance, I picture you in black leather with a whip in your hand. Is that what you do before you have sex with them? They are strangers.”

“I actually wear spandex and a long, lace cape with dragons on it. I do, however, use a whip and various other things. I don’t normally engage in sex afterwards. My thing is to have the man kneel at my feet and masturbate.”

“So what do you get out of it?”

“Pleasure. Stress release. I can’t explain it, and you are looking at me as if I suddenly grew a second head. I’m only telling you because I’m going to Florida for a week with Brian, and I may quit when I get back. I’m tired of my life here and to start over might be a good thing. Being a guide could prove to be a challenging and exciting job.”

“Sam, those kinds of people are dangerous. What about AIDS?”

“I am dangerous, Caroline. Everything is done by mutual consent. Everyone wears condoms and/or gloves. These people are not serial killers and everyone is submitted to a full background check.”

“I can’t believe this. I’ve been worried that you go home and spend your nights alone going over case files. Now you tell me that you might give up everything to go to work in a pornhouse.”

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